Copyright (c) Hyperion Entertainment and contributors.
SDK Release Notes
Version 53.30 (AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition)
Deprecated and Obsolete Functions
With the introduction of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition, developers may have noticed additional compiler warnings when rebuilding their projects against the new SDK. While as much of the API has been maintained as is possible, some functions, structures, attributes, and tags have changed over time requiring the attention of application developers. To make life easier, we have included a handy guide to items that have been deprecated or made obsolete with this most recent release: please see the article on Deprecated Functions.
AutoDoc Changes
In addition to the above section on deprecated items, the following summary lists any section of the AmigaOS API as described in the Autodocs that have changed since the last public release, including new additions. This should aid developers in helping narrow their reading a little as they review what has changed with AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.
New Files
- btree.doc (btree.library)
- diffview_gc.doc (diffview.gadget)
- diskio.doc (diskio.library)
- filesysbox.doc (filesysbox.library)
- menu_cl.doc (menuclass)
- z.doc (z.library)
Changed Files
- amigaguide.doc (amigaguide.library)
- Changed
- AddAmigaGuideA()
- arexx_cl.doc (arexx.class)
- Changed
- --datasheet--
- chooser_gc.doc (chooser.gadget)
- Changed
- --datasheet--
- clicktab_gc.doc (clicktab.gadget)
- Changed
- --datasheet--
- AllocClickTabNodeA
- FreeClickTabNode
- console.doc (console.device)
- Added
- Changed
- CDInputHandler
- OpenDevice
- diskfont.doc (diskfont.library)
- Changed
- AvailFonts
- dos.doc (dos.library)
- Removed
- CurrentDir
- GetConsoleTask
- GetFileSysTask
- SetConsoleTask
- SetFileSysTask
- Added
- GetConsolePort
- GetFileSysPort
- SetConsolePort
- SetCurrentDir
- SetFileSysPort
- WriteProtectVolumePort
- Changed
- AAA-Compatibility-Notice
- AddBuffers
- AddCmdPathNode
- AddDosEntry
- AddSegListTrail
- AddSegmentTaskList
- AllocDosObject
- AllocSegList
- AssignAddToList
- ChangeFilePosition
- ChangeFileSize
- CopyStringBSTRToC
- CreateDir
- CreateDirTree
- CreateNewProc
- DateStamp
- Delete
- DevNameFromFH
- DevNameFromLock
- DismountDevice
- DoPkt
- DosControls
- EndNotify
- ExamineDir
- ExamineObject
- FilePart
- FindDosEntry
- FreeDosObject
- GetCurrentDir
- GetDiskFileSystemData
- GetDiskInfo
- GetPID
- GetSegListInfoTags
- GetVar
- HexToLong
- Info
- IoErr
- IsFileSystem
- LockTagList
- MakeLink
- MatchFirst
- MountDevice
- NameFromFH
- NameFromLock
- NameFromPort
- NotifyVar
- ObtainDirContext
- Open
- ParsePattern
- PathPart
- ReadLineItemTags
- ReadSoftLink
- RemAssignList
- Rename
- RenameDosEntry
- ResolvePath
- RunCommand
- SetComment
- SetDate
- SetIoErr
- SetMode
- SetOwnerInfo
- SetProgramDir
- SetProtection
- StartNotify
- TrackAddressList
- WaitForChar
- WaitForData
- Write
- exec.doc (exec.library)
- Added
- debug/IsIn68kEmulator
- Changed
- AllocEntry
- AllocTaskMemEntry
- CreateTask
- expansion.doc (expansion.library)
- Changed
- MakeDosNode
- gadget_gc.doc (gadgetclass)
- Changed
- --datasheet--
- graphics.doc (graphics.library)
- Added
- AllocBitMapTagList
- GetBoardBytesPerRow
- GetBoardDataTagList
- GetMonitorDataTagList
- GraphicsControlTagList
- LockBitMapTagList
- LockBitMapToBoardTagList
- ReadPixelArray
- ReadPixelColor
- RectFillColor
- UnlockBitMap
- UnlockBitMapFromBoard
- WritePixelArray
- WritePixelColor
- Changed
- AllocBitMap
- AllocRaster
- BestModeIDA
- BltBitMapTagList
- CalcIVG
- ChangeVPBitMap
- ClearScreen
- CompositeTagList
- FindColor
- Flood
- FreeBitMap
- GetBitMapAttr
- GetDisplayInfoData
- GetRPAttrsA
- InitTmpRas
- LoadRGB32
- LoadRGB4
- MakeVPort
- ModeNotAvailable
- ReadPixel
- ReadPixelArray8
- ReadPixelLine8
- RectFill
- SetRPAttrsA
- VideoControl
- WritePixelLine8
- icon.doc (icon.library)
- Changed
- AddFreeList
- FreeAlloc
- FreeFree
- FreeFreeList
- input.doc (input.device)
- Changed
- intuition.doc (intuition.library)
- Changed
- --boopsi--
- GetScreenAttr
- GetWindowAttr
- OpenScreen
- OpenWindow
- SetWindowAttr
- listbrowser_gc.doc (listbrowser.gadget)
- Changed
- SetLBColumnInfoAttrsA
- page_gc.doc (page.gadget)
- Changed
- --datasheet--
- partition_gc.doc (partition.gadget)
- Changed
- all references to 'partitiongclass' corrected to 'partition.gadget'
- Picasso96API.doc (Picasso96API.library)
- Removed
- --bitmaps--
- --colors--
- p96AllocBitMap*
- p96FreeBitMap*
- p96LockBitMap*
- p96LockBitMapToBoard*
- p96ReadPixel*
- p96ReadPixelArray*
- p96RectFill*
- p96UnlockBitMap*
- p96UnlockBitMapFromBoard*
- p96WritePixel*
- p96WritePixelArray*
- (* = deprecated)
- serial_dev.doc (serial.device)
- Removed
- CloseDevice
- OpenDevice
- Added
- AAA_Notice
- Changed
- timer.doc (timer.device)
- Changed
- MicroDelay
- usbsys.doc (usbsys.device)
- Changed
- USBEPGetDescriptorA
- utility.doc (utility.library)
- Added
- ASPrintf
- SNPrintf
- UCS4Count
- UCS4ToLower
- UCS4ToUpper
- UCS4toUTF8
- UCS4Valid
- UTF8Count
- UTF8Decode
- UTF8Encode
- UTF8Stricmp
- UTF8Strnicmp
- UTF8toUCS4
- Changed
- CallHookPkt
- window_cl.doc (window.class)
- Changed
- --datasheet--
Tool Changes
New tools include:
- FSTest - for testing a file system
- FSVPTool - for generating file system skeleton code
- ListDynDep - for listing shared object dependencies
- localize - original CATS tool for localizing an application
- MakeAudioMode - for creating audio mode files for AHI
- USBSnoop - for debugging USB problems