TABLE OF CONTENTS window.class/--datasheet-- window.class/WINDOW_GetClass window.class/WM_ACTIVATEGADGET window.class/WM_CLOSE window.class/WM_HANDLEINPUT window.class/WM_ICONIFY window.class/WM_NEWPREFS window.class/WM_OPEN window.class/WM_RESTORE window.class/WM_RETHINK window.class/WM_SNAPSHOT window.class/WM_UNSNAPSHOT window.class/--datasheet-- window.class/--datasheet-- NAME window.class -- Create Intuition window objects SUPERCLASS rootclass REQUIRES buttongclass, drawlist.image, label.image, propgclass, sysiclass DESCRIPTION This class creates standard Intuition windows and intelligently handles some housekeeping for keyboard control, deferred layout, refresh processing, etc. The window class properly handles processing messages using shared window message ports as well as safely closing Intuition windows. The window class will also initialize your window's parent layout group properly. All window.class methods and the callback hooks you provide it are executed in the context of the task you call window.class from. Thus if your application is a process, DOS is safe to use. However, remember the Intuition rules about DOS and IDCMP VERIFY messages. WINDOW REFRESH Usually, when all the graphics in your window are handled by Intuition, you should not explicitly set the window refresh method to either smart or simple refresh. This is a user preference setting and window.class will automatically use it. However, if your program, for some reason, requires one or the other refresh method and cannot use the other, set the refresh type in your window object creation taglist. Note that deferred refreshing requires smart refresh. BACKFILL PATTERNS The window class will install the default backfill pattern on any window for which you do not pass a pointer to a custom backfill hook. The pattern bitmaps are cached, minimizing memory usage. If your windows have elements that look bad or do not work with a backfill pattern, install the default NULL backfill to the layout group(s) containing them. The backfill installed by window.class is NOT a standard, global window layer backfill hook. It is in fact passed to each of the layout groups of the window, which will install it during refreshes. This approach was chosen because datatypes fail to render correctly if their background has been backfilled. This method has the side effect that a gadget that is not aware of window.class' method to install a backfill will only have a backfill during window refresh (GM_RENDER coming through from the parent layout), not during GM_HANDLEINPUT. To make the class use the backfill during input handling, it should have GA_BackFill as a settable attribute and install that backfill hook before erasing its imagery. GADGET HELPHINTS Prior to version 53.32, window.class required an array of HintInfo to be supplied, and from this was determined which text to show for which gadget. Apart from requiring extra code to localise these strings, it was also very limiting by expecting a fixed array. In order to better fit in with dynamic interfaces, the gadget help strings can now be added by the actual gadget. This makes for a much more flexible system, in that as gadgets are added or removed, the help hints are also added and removed. Also, you can change the help text by simply changing the GA_HintInfo attribute in any of the gadget classes. GA_HintInfo is a new attribute added to all BOOPSI classes, and the contents of which are collected each time a help text needs to be displayed. This means that by changing the attribute changes the text immediately. Most interface creators will want to specify this attribute at the gadgets OM_NEW time, but can be equally changed via an OM_SET too. No extra work is involved in supplying localised strings with this method as you simply pass the result from the catalog lookup straight to the gadget. This functionality is still controlled by the WINDOW_GadgetHelp attribute, and allows a simple way to turn on and off the help texts. As of version 53.37 of window.class, the static hintinfo string array is no longer required at all. You can supply all of the hints via the GA_HintInfo attribute of each gadget, and set the WINDOW_GadgetHelp attribute. WINDOW_HintInfo is now considered obsolete, and is for compatibility only. SCROLLWHEEL EVENTS From 52.3, window.class can now pass mouse scrollwheel events on to all gadgets part of the window. Due to the previous way of implementing these events, window.class now looks to see if an IDCMP Hook has been installed via tags, as this is the most common way to implement scrollwheel events. If a hook is not installed, then the built-in event handling is switched on. In order to support this functionality, omit the IDCMP hook and specify the IDCMP_EXTENDEDMOUSE flag in WA_IDCMP, everything will be automatic from there on. If you are using a hook for other purposes, the scrollwheel event handling can be explicitly enabled by setting the WINDOW_BuiltInScroll tag to TRUE at window creation time. IDCMP VERIFY EVENTS The RKRM Libraries "Intuition Menus" chapter goes into quite some depth regarding this topic, but we shall cover it very quickly here as a basic reminder. Application programmers will usually open a main window, then potentially open further windows as custom dialogs. In this case, there is a caveat that says if the main window has specified a WINDOW_HintInfo array, there may be possible system repercussions when opening child windows or requesters. By default, when hintinfos are supplied, window.class sets the IDCMP_MENUVERIFY flag to stop any possible rendering clashes between the application and intuition when it tries to render the menus. In order to handle this situation correctly, it is important to make sure that WA_BusyPointer is set to TRUE for the duration that the child window is open. You set this by calling SetAttrs on the window object. Failure to do so may result in a delay or slowdown in menus appearing when multiple windows are opened from the same application. This also applies to IDCMP_REQVERIFY, and if the application is using it, it should call ModifyIDCMP directly to clear the IDCMP_REQVERIFY flag while the child window is open. Internaly, WA_BusyPointer, TRUE, clears the MENUVERIFY IDCMP flag for the duration. KEYBOARD CONTROL There are basically two frameworks available to control gadgets via the keyboard when using window.class. The first is by using the usual GM_GOACTIVE, GM_HANDLEINPUT and GM_GOINACTIVE methods. This sequence of methods is initiated by calling ActivateGadget() (or the equivalent) after receiving some keyboard input. Once initiated, the gadget's GM_GOACTIVE method is invoked followed by the GM_HANDLEINPUT method. Within the GM_HANDLEINPUT method, the gadget is responsible for processing the IECLASS_RAWKEY events along with all the other other event classes. The gadget is eventually deactivated and GM_GOINACTIVE is invoked. This method allows the most precise control for the gadget but may be some work for the programmer. This method is not dependent on window.class and may be used for any BOOPSI gadget. The second way to control gadgets via the keyboard involves window.class and the GM_KEYTEST, GM_KEYGOACTIVE and GM_KEYGOINACTIVE methods. The keys which initiate this sequence are stored using GA_ActivateKey and are used by gadgetclass to determine if GM_KEYTEST succeeds. When hit, a GM_KEYGOACTIVE method is generated by window.class for each IECLASS_RAWKEY event including key down, key up and repeat. When input is terminated (usually via key up) the GM_KEYGOINACTIVE method is used to inform the gadget that no more events are coming. The Escape (ESC) key will always terminate keyboard control and invokes GM_KEYGOINACTIVE with gpki_Abort set to 1. This framework may be simpler to use but provides less control than the usual GM_HANDLEINPUT method. This framework is available using window.class 53.12 or higher. It is possible to support both of these keyboard control frameworks simultaneously which is already done by many of the standard gadgets. Note that the default behaviour for the GM_KEYGOACTIVE method is to return GMR_KEYACTIVATE. In this case, window.class calls ActivateGadget() after GM_KEYTEST returns GMR_GADGETHIT. RESERVED ID NUMBERS The window.class currently reserves the following ID numbers for its own internal use. Do not use these numbers for any of your gadgets: 0xFFFE - Used for iconify gadget 0xFFFD - Used for vertical prop gadget 0xFFFC - Used for horizonal prop gadget 0xFFFB - Used for the popup gadget METHODS OM_NEW -- Passed to superclass first, defaults set, then OM_SET. OM_SET -- Passed to superclass first, then custom tags set. OM_GET -- Returns requested setting or passed to superclass. OM_DISPOSE -- Child object disposed then passed to superclass. OM_NOTIFY -- Notify target of attribute value changes. OM_UPDATE -- Passed to superclass first, then custom tags set. OM_ADDMEMBER -- Private method. OM_REMMEMBER -- Private method. WM_OPEN -- Locks default public screen if needed, domains child layout group min/max size, opens window and attaches layout to window. WM_CLOSE -- Closes the Intuition window but does not dispose the child object/layout group. WM_ICONIFY -- Puts icon on Workbench and calls WM_CLOSE. WM_HANDLEINPUT -- Handles IDCMP input processing, deferred layout, deferred refresh and returns the item ID and Code of a selected gadget or menu attached to the window. Transparently handles keyboard control. WM_NEWPREFS -- Handles update and visual refresh upon a preferences change. WM_RETHINK -- Re-evaluates layout requirements and adjusts window size if needed in support of dynamically changing layout groups (e.g. adding, replacing and removing objects). WM_ACTIVATEGADGET -- Activates a gadget within the layout. WM_SNAPSHOT -- This method will save the intuition size and position to a file. This same data is then used when the same window is opened again. To identify the window, the WINDOW_UniqueID attribute must be set with a valid unique name. This only needs to be unique within your application, so each window should have a diffent name unless you want a window to use the same size and position as another. WM_UNSNAPSHOT -- If the above snapshot data has already been saved, this method will remove the data for this window. Again, as above, this window must be identified with WINDOW_UniqueID in order to suceed. WM_RESTORE -- If this identified window has been moved or resized, it can be restored to it's default size and position as specified by the saved snapshot data. Requires a valid ID just like the other methods above. All other methods are passed to the superclass. ATTRIBUTES The following standard Intuition window tags are supported. You may set these while the window is NOT open, at NewObject() time or SetAttrs() - between WM_CLOSE and WM_OPEN for example: WA_Flags WA_NoCareRefresh WA_SimpleRefresh WA_SmartRefresh WA_CloseGadget WA_DepthGadget WA_SizeGadget WA_SizeBRight WA_SizeBBottom WA_DragBar WA_GimmeZeroZero WA_Borderless WA_Activate WA_RMBTrap WA_ReportMouse WA_Backdrop WA_SuperBitMap WA_MinWidth WA_MinHeight WA_BackFill WA_HelpGroup WA_MenuHelp WA_Zoom WA_NotifyDepth WA_MenuHook WA_ToolBox WA_AutoAdjust WA_AutoAdjustDClip WA_StayTop You may set these at any time, NewObject() or SetAttrs(): WA_Top WA_Left WA_Width (NOTE: Behaves like WA_InnerWidth) WA_Height (NOTE: Behaves like WA_InnerWidth) WA_InnerWidth WA_InnerHeight WA_Title (NOTE: Calls SetWindowTitles() if window is open) WA_ScreenTitle (NOTE: Calls SetWindowTitles() if window is open) WA_IDCMP (NOTE: Calls ModifyIDCMP() if needed) WA_BusyPointer (NOTE: Disables deferred refresh & blocks input) WA_WindowBox WA_Hidden WA_WindowName WA_PubScreen WA_PubScreenName WA_PubScreenFallBack WA_CustomScreen WA_ContextMenuHook WA_AlphaClips WA_AlphaHook WA_Opaqueness WA_OverrideOpaqueness WA_FadeTime WA_NoHitThreshold WA_DropShadows WA_TabletMessages You may GetAttr() these at any time: WA_Top WA_Left WA_InnerWidth WA_InnerHeight WA_Width WA_Height WA_PubScreen WA_CustomScreen WA_Title WA_ScreenTitle WA_WindowName WA_Zoom WA_IDCMP These are the window class specific attributes. You may set these while the window is NOT open, at NewObject() time or SetAttrs() - between WM_CLOSE and WM_OPEN for example: WINDOW_Position (uint16) Set the initial opening position of the window. WPOS_CENTERSCREEN - Center on screen WPOS_CENTERWINDOW - Center in another window WPOS_CENTERMOUSE - Center under mouse WPOS_TOPLEFT - Open top/left, just below screen bar WPOS_FULLSCREEN - Open top/left and fill visible clip Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_LockWidth (BOOL) If TRUE, locks the width of the window. This inhibits resizing on the horizontal axis. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_LockHeight (BOOL) If TRUE, locks the height of the window. This inhibits resizing on the vertical axis. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_SharedPort (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a custom UserPort this window should share. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET) WINDOW_AppPort (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a MsgPort this window should use for AppMessages. By passing this tag the window can become an AppWindow and you can use the WM_ICONIFY method. Window.class must use the am_ID field of the AppMessages to identify the window to which the message was intended. You can use the am_UserData field. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_AppWindow (BOOL) By providing an AppPort and setting this to TRUE the window will be made a Workbench AppWindow. If you don't set this attribute the AppPort will only be used to support iconification. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_IconifyGadget (BOOL) Set to TRUE to add an iconification gadget to the window titlebar. Please note that currently window.class detects the iconify gadget being pressed by using the gadget ID 0xFFFE. Do not use this ID in your application. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_Iconifiable (BOOL) (V53.30) Set to TRUE if your application implements both WMHI_ICONIFY and WMHI_UNICONIFY but does not have an iconify gadget (i.e. WINDOW_IconifyGadget is FALSE). This tag is most useful to allow "skinnable" windows that won't be using a standard iconify gadget but still want to be able to respond to Workbench screen preferences changes. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_AppWindowPtr (struct AppWindow *) Contains the result of the AddAppWindow() call which is used when iconifying the window. Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_UniqueID (STRPTR) (V53.51) By supplying this attribute and a valid string, you enable certain functions. Firstly, the WM_SNAPSHOT, WM_UNSNAPSHOT and WM_RESTORE methods become available. Some extra items in the windows popup menu are added. This attribute takes a string as its data, and should identify the window with a unique name within your application. If you have also specified WINDOW_PopupGadget, then the user can take advantage of automatically being able to save the window size and position which will be used the next time a window with this unique name is opened. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET) WINDOW_PopupGadget (BOOL) Specify that this window should have a popup gadget added to the window titlebar. The popup menu shown when the user selects this gadget includes some standard options depending on which gadgets the window will have. If the window has a close gadget, a "Close" menu option will be available, and if an iconify gadget has been specified, the menu will have an "Iconify" option. If the WINDOW_JumpScreenMenu attribute is set and there is more than one public screen open, the menu will also have a "Jump to Screen" option. if a unique ID string has been supplied for this window, the menu will also include a Snapshot item, and possibly Unsnapshot and Restore if saved data exists. The application may also add items to the popup menu shown when this gadget is activated. Please see the description of the "WINDOW_PopupHook" for more details. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW) WINDOW_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) The font to use for the window. Defaults to the Screen's font. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_BackFillName (CONST_STRPTR) Name for the custom backfill to use instead of preferences backfill. If you use this tag, make it an user preference. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) It is legal and safe to set any of the following tags at any time, OM_NEW or OM_SET regardless of the window being open or not. If not applicable, the setting will be ignored or acted on as soon as the window opens again: WA_BusyPointer (BOOL) Set the window to a busy state. If the window is currently open or when it does get opened, the busy pointer is set and a NULL requester is opened to block menu, gadget and keyboard input to the parent window. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_Layout (Object *) Pointer to the parent level layout group object which will be added to the window. Note: The tag has 2 aliased definitions which are now obsolete but still supported in the include files. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) WINDOW_HorizProp (int32) WINDOW_VertProp (int32) Add or remove a scroller (with arrows) in the bottom or right window border. This attribute can have three different values that represent the possible states of the scroller: 1 = The scroller exists and is displayed in the window border. Pass 1 to have the window open with the scroller already in place or to make the scroller appear if the window is already open. If the scroller is already there, passing 1 again will do nothing. If the scroller object doesn't even exist yet, passing 1 will cause it to be created first. 0 = The scroller doesn't exist. Pass 0 to dispose an existing scroller whether it's displayed or not. If it's displayed, it will be removed from the window border first. If you never free the object yourself with this tag, window.class will do it for you when the window object is disposed so you don't need to use this unless you want to save memory. Passing 0 when no scroller exists will do nothing. -1 = The scroller exists but it is hidden. Pass -1 to have the window open without the scroller or to make the scroller disappear if the window is already open. This differs from the previous state in that the object (still) exists in memory, ready to be displayed (again). If the scroller is already hidden, passing -1 again will do nothing. If the scroller object doesn't actually exist yet, passing -1 will cause it to be created (but not displayed). (V51) Defaults to 0 (no scroller). Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_HorizObject (Object *) WINDOW_VertObject (Object *) Get a pointer to the horizontal or vertical scroller object (possibly) displayed in the window border, as set with the WINDOW_HorizProp and WINDOW_VertProp tags. If the requested scroller doesn't exist, NULL will be returned. You can use this object as sender and/or target for BOOPSI notification and modify or query some of its attributes. The scroller object understands most of the propgclass and scroller.gadget attributes. Note well: depending on the window.class version, the object is NOT NECESSARILY an instance of either scroller.gadget or propgclass. Also, it might not even be present in the main gadget list of the window. (V51) Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_Zoom (BOOL) Cause the window to be zipped via ZipWindow(). Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_FrontBack (uint8) Change window depth arrangement via WindowToFront() or WindowToBack(). Accepted settings: WT_FRONT - bring window to front. WT_BACK - put window to back Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_UserData (APTR) Pointer to your user data. Take note, this is not the same pointer as the Intuition window's UserData field. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) WINDOW_GadgetUserData (uint16) Determine how a gadget's UserData field (GA_UserData) should be interpreted. If the UserData is non-NULL and this setting is not WGUD_IGNORE then the hook (or simple function) UserData points to will be called when the gadget is selected. Possible values are: WGUD_HOOK - UserData is a hook pointer (struct Hook *). WGUD_FUNC - UserData is a pointer to function. WGUD_IGNORE - Ignore UserData. The Hook function (WGUD_HOOK) will be called as follows: void Func(struct Hook *hook, struct Gadget *gadget, struct IntuiMessage *msg); The plain function (WGUD_FUNC) will be called as follows: void Func(struct Gadget *gadget, struct IntuiMessage *msg); A0 A1 It is recommended that you use the WGUD_HOOK option to maintain maximum portability. Defaults to WGUD_IGNORE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_MenuUserData (uint16) Like the WINDOW_GadgetUserData tag but for menus. Using this implies that WINDOW_MenuStrip has been created with GadTools or otherwise has a 32-bit UserData field after each menu item (i.e. NewMenu.nm_UserData). The window.class uses the GTMENUITEM_USERDATA() macro to extract the data pointer from the menu item. Starting with V54, also BOOPSI menus built with "menuclass" are supported, and their MA_UserData attribute is read to find out the hook or function pointer. The Hook function (WGUD_HOOK) will be called as follows: void Func(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); The plain function (WGUD_FUNC) will be called as follows: void Func(APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); A0 A1 It is recommended that you use the WGUD_HOOK option to maintain maximum portability. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_MenuStrip (struct Menu *) WA_MenuStrip (struct Menu *) Pointer to a menu to add to the window with SetMenuStrip(). Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) WINDOW_NewMenu (struct NewMenu *) Let window.class create and layout the menus for you. This is useful for iconification and screenchanges. Remember that the NewMenu array must be persistent because it will be referenced every time the window opens. The charset of the menu strings can be specified with the WINDOW_CharSet tag. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_MenuAddress (APTR) Address of the menu strip (traditional or BOOPSI) the latest WMHI_MENUPICK/WMHI_MENUHELP event originated from. This can be different from WINDOW_MenuStrip in case the event came from a context menu. If you don't use context menus you never need to check this attribute. (V54) Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_MenuType (uint32) The value of the IMTAG_MenuType tag item from the latest WMHI_MENUPICK/WMHI_MENUHELP event's IntuiMessage. This allows to distinguish between a normal window menu selection and one from a context menu, and in the latter case tells exactly which type of context menu generated the menu event. The possible values can be IMT_DEFAULT, IMT_CONTEXT_WINDOW, IMT_CONTEXT_GADGET_APP or IMT_CONTEXT_GADGET_OBJ (for more information see ). If you don't use context menus you never need to check this attribute. (V54) Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_MenuContext (APTR) The value of the IMTAG_MenuContext tag item from the latest WMHI_MENUPICK/WMHI_MENUHELP event's IntuiMessage. This can be used to quickly identify the actual "context" a context menu event applies to. If WINDOW_MenuType is IMT_CONTEXT_WINDOW, this is whatever value your window's context menu hook passed back in the ContextMenuMsg.Context field. For IMT_CONTEXT_GADGET_APP and IMT_CONTEXT_GADGET_OBJ, this is the address of the gadget the context menu belongs to. Do not read if WINDOW_MenuType is IMT_DEFAULT (i.e. upon a normal window menu event), as the value is undefined in that case (for more information see ). If you don't use context menus you never need to check this attribute. (V54) Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_Window (struct Window *) Pointer to the Intuition window or NULL when the window is closed. Be sure not to use this pointer after closing or iconifying a window and always re-get the pointer whenever the window opens again. Applicability is (OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY) WINDOW_SigMask (uint32) Window signal bit mask. Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_IconTitle (CONST_STRPTR) The title of the icon when the window is iconified. Defaults to the same as the window title. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_Icon (struct DiskObject *) The icon to use when iconifying. The icon will be disposed of along with the window unless the WINDOW_IconNoDispose attribute has been set to TRUE. Defaults to ENV:Sys/ (if available) or the default project icon. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_IconNoDispose (BOOL) Set to TRUE to prevent the DiskObject pointed to by the WINDOW_Icon tag from being automatically disposed of. (V50) Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_GadgetHelp (BOOL) Set to TRUE to enable gadget help processing. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_ShowingHint (BOOL) A boolean value specifying whether a gadgethelp hint is currently being displayed. Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_IDCMPHook (struct Hook *) Pointer to a Hook that should be called for any IDCMP message which matches the bit mask set with WINDOW_IDCMPHookBits. The Hook function will be called as follows: uint32 Func(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); Defaults to NULL. See WINDOW_InterpretIDCMPHook below for more details. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_IDCMPHookBits (uint32) If WINDOW_IDCMPHook is set it will be called for IDCMP messages matching this bit mask. Defaults to 0. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_InterpretIDCMPHook (BOOL) Setting this attribute to TRUE will cause window.class to interpret the return value from the WINDOW_IDCMPHook function. The hook function must return one of the following: WHOOKRSLT_IGNORE - Ignore return value WHOOKRSLT_CLOSEWINDOW - Invoke WM_CLOSE and return WMHI_CLOSEWINDOW WHOOKRSLT_DISPOSEWINDOW - Invoke OM_DISPOSE and return WMHI_DISPOSEDWINDOW Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_IntuiMsgSnoopHook (struct Hook *) Pointer to a Hook that should be called whenever an unknown IntuiMessage arrives at the shared message port. An unknown IntuiMessage is a message which is not destined for this window object. This is checked for internally by comparing the IntuiMessage.IDCMPWindow field. This enables an application to snoop at messages before they are passed on to their ultimate destination and subsequently replied back to Intuition. (V52.6) The Hook function will be called as follows: void Snoop(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct IntuiMessage *msg); Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_NewPrefsHook (struct Hook *) Some applications may require to know when the global preferences change, supplying a hook with this tag will cause window.class to call the hook when it receives a NEWPREFS notification. Your hook function should look like this: VOID NewPrefsHook(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, APTR reserved); Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET) WINDOW_AppMsgHook (struct Hook *) Pointer to a Hook that should be called for AppMessages. The Hook function will be called as follows: void Func(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct AppMessage *msg); Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_BuiltInScroll (BOOL) This tag explicitly turns on scrollwheel event handling, although without an IDCMP Hook installed, this process is automatic. (See notes above) V52. Applicability is (OM_NEW) WINDOW_RefWindow (struct Window *) This causes WINDOW_Position to be relative to the specified window instead of the screen. Note this is a Window pointer and not a window object pointer. After deiconification or any other close/open this tag must be reset before trying to open this window. Each window reference must be to a valid currently open window and must be set before opening this window. (V42) Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_InputEvent (struct IEvent *) Pointer to a "fake" input event which is valid only immediately after receiving WHMI_RAWKEY. This provides all the additional information suitable for you to call MapRawKey(). (V42) Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_Qualifier (uint16) Current qualifiers from the IntuiMessage.Qualifier field. Useful for obtaining the qualifiers after WM_HANDLEINPUT has returned. Applicability is (OM_GET) WINDOW_HintInfo (struct HintInfo *) Pointer to a gadget HintInfo array. This is similar in concept to Apple's bubble help or Microsoft's help tips. By providing this array of HintInfo and setting WINDOW_GadgetHelp to TRUE the window.class object will transparently manage the hint display. The charset of the help strings can be specified with the WINDOW_CharSet tag. (V43) NOTE: As of window.class 53.32, the use of the HintInfo array is now not absolutely required. It has been kept for compatibility. More information is available at the top of this document. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_PreRefreshHook (struct Hook *) Whenever the window needs to refresh, this hook will be invoked BEFORE the gadgets are refreshed. It will be called inside a BeginRefresh() and EndRefresh() pair for simple refresh repair. It may also be invoked when a preferences change occurs. The Hook function will be called as follows: void Func(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct Gadget *gadget); The Gadget pointer will point to the first gadget that is being refreshed which is usually the WINDOW_Layout gadget. Note: Deferred layouts (see layout.gadget autodoc) must be used for this to work. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_PostRefreshHook (struct Hook *) Whenever the window needs to refresh, this hook will be invoked AFTER the gadgets are refreshed. It will be called inside a BeginRefresh() and EndRefresh() pair for simple refresh repair. It may also be invoked when a preferences change occurs. The Hook function will be called as follows: void Func(struct Hook *hook, APTR window, struct Gadget *gadget); The Gadget pointer will point to the first gadget that is being refreshed which is usually the WINDOW_Layout gadget. Note: Deferred layouts (see layout.gadget autodoc) must be used for this to work. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_CharSet (uint32) The charset of the WINDOW_NewMenu menu strings and the WINDOW_HintInfo help strings. Usually specified with the Catalog.cat_CodeSet value of the catalog your application opened. (V51.11) Defaults to 0. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) WINDOW_PopupHook Apart from the standard menu options, you can optionally add some of your own to the popup menu that will be shown when the user clicks on the WINDOW_PopupGadget. Your hook will be called like so: LONG PopupHook( struct Hook *, APTR o, UNUSED APTR reserved ) The hook pointer is a pointer to your hook, and the object pointer is the popupmenu object which you can add items to with PMA_AddItem. This hook is only for adding items to the popup, and the pointers are guaranteed to be valid when the hook is called, but not afterwards. Do NOT cache any of these pointers. When adding user items to the popup, it is advisable to supply a separator as the first item. This gives the user a visual distinction between the standard items, and the custom ones. For reasons of consistancy, only add items that are applicable to the window this menu is called from. It is not designed to replace the entire application menus. The hook should return the amount of items added to the menu. This is used to verify that we are not going to show an empty menu. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET) WINDOW_JumpScreensMenu This attribute switches the "Jump to screen" menu on and off. Applications that can support this functionality should enable this option, although it is only applicable when the WINDOW_PopupGadget attribute is set. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET ). BUGS Versions of window.class prior to 53.12 used GM_KEYTEST but had special private versions of GM_KEYGOACTIVE and GM_KEYGOINACTIVE which are not compatible and no longer supported. window.class/WINDOW_GetClass window.class/WINDOW_GetClass NAME WINDOW_GetClass -- Get the pointer to the window class. SYNOPSIS Class * class = WINDOW_GetClass(); FUNCTION This function is deprecated as of V52. Use the "window.class" public class ID instead. RESULT class - Pointer to the window class. window.class/WM_ACTIVATEGADGET window.class/WM_ACTIVATEGADGET NAME WM_ACTIVATEGADGET -- Activate layout gadget. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, struct wmActivateGadget *msg); FUNCTION This method is used to activate a gadget somewhere within the layout specified by the WINDOW_Layout tag. Use this method to activate gadgets controlled by a window.class object instead of calling ActivateLayoutGadget() or ActivateGadget() directly. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - pointer to fully initialized struct wmActivateGadget (see ) RESULT result - Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE on error. SEE ALSO layout.gadget/ActivateLayoutGadget, intuition.library/ActivateGadget window.class/WM_CLOSE window.class/WM_CLOSE NAME WM_CLOSE -- Close the window. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION Closes the Window of this object. The gadgets are not disposed, only detached from the window. If the window is sharing a message port with another window the port will be cleaned of messages intended for this Window. If the window was iconified the icon will be removed unless WINDOW_IconNoDispose is TRUE. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_CLOSE (see ) RESULT Returns non-zero if successful or 0 on error. window.class/WM_HANDLEINPUT window.class/WM_HANDLEINPUT NAME WM_HANDLEINPUT -- IDCMP input handling method. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, struct wmHandle *msg); FUNCTION This method is used to handle the IDCMP input of a window. Call this method when the signal bit of the window's UserPort is set. This method will return when it encounters a message that requires notifying your application or when the message port no longer contains messages for the window. The return value is two-part. The upper uint16 describes the class of the event the value represents and the lower uint16 is a modifier that describes the event. Defined class return codes are: WMHI_LASTMSG No more messages WMHI_IGNORE Ignore this event WMHI_CLOSEWINDOW Close gadget hit WMHI_GADGETDOWN Gadget activated (V53.52) WMHI_GADGETUP Gadget released WMHI_INACTIVE Window went inactive WMHI_ACTIVE Window was activated WMHI_NEWSIZE Window was resized WMHI_MENUPICK A menu item was selected WMHI_MENUHELP Help was pressed in a menu WMHI_GADGETHELP A gadget sent a help message WMHI_ICONIFY Window should be iconified WMHI_UNICONIFY Window was deiconified WMHI_RAWKEY Raw key code WMHI_VANILLAKEY Vanilla key code WMHI_CHANGEWINDOW Window moved (or depth arranged) WMHI_INTUITICK IDCMP IntuiTick message WMHI_MOUSEMOVE IDCMP MouseMove message WMHI_MOUSEBUTTONS IDCMP MouseButtons message WMHI_DISPOSEDWINDOW IDCMP Hook function triggered OM_DISPOSE WMHI_JUMPSCREEN The User wants the window on another screen WMHI_POPUPMENU A custom popup menu item was selected The value of the lower uint16 is defined for WMHI_GADGETUP and WMHI_GADGETHELP as the ID of the gadget and for WMHI_MENUPICK and WMHI_MENUHELP as the menu code. WMHI_GADGETHELP uses the special values 0 and WMHI_GADGETMASK as messages "pointer not over your window" and "pointer over your window but not over a gadget".This lower uint16 is also used to hold the ID of any custom popup menu item that may have been selected. WMHI_RAWKEY returns the raw key ID of the key being pressed (to get the qualifiers see WINDOW_InputEvent) and WMHI_VANILLAKEY returns the ASCII value of the key. WMHI_VANILLAKEY is only returned when you set IDCMP_VANILLAKEY. Window.class itself does not need vanilla key IDCMP. WMHI_NEWSIZE returns some extra information in the low uint16: if WMF_ZOOMED is set, the window is now in zoomed state. If WMF_ZIPWINDOW is set, this resize was caused by either a click of the zoom gadget or a call to ZipWindow(). WMHI_CHANGEWINDOW is returned when the window is moved. For resizing of the window, listen to WMHI_NEWSIZE. By setting WA_NotifyDepth, this event will also be returned for depth arranging. The lower uint16 contains CWCODE_DEPTH in this case. WMHI_JUMPSCREEN is returned when the "Jump to screen" option is selected from the popup menu and a valid screen was chosen. The application should query the WA_PubScreen attribute after the event is received to get the screen pointer the user wants this window moved to. This window object should then be closed, the public screen pointer updated with SetAttrs() and then reopened. Because there may be other objects disposed when this window object is closed, it is not currently possible to automate this process. WMHI_POPUPMENU is returned if the user has selected one of the custom menu items added with the hook specified by WINDOW_PopupHook. When adding items to the menu, make sure to keep the IDs in the range of 1-65535. This is because the ID of the menu option selected is returned in the lower 16bits of the result, like gadget IDs. This allows the application to use WMHI_GADGETMASK to extract the ID of the custom menu item that was selected and act accordingly. WMHI_ICONIFY and WMHI_UNICONIFY are only functional if you have specified a message port for these events with WINDOW_AppPort. You then need to wait for signals on this port, as well as listening for normal window events. This is usually most used in conjunction with either WINDOW_IconifyGadget or WINDOW_Iconifiable set to TRUE. If you intend to open this window on the Workbench screen, it is good practice to supply an AppPort and listen for iconify/uniconify events. This will allow the window to close if the system is trying to update or change the Workbench screen. The user will be presented with the usual "Please close all drawers and windows..." requester if these events are ignored. WMHI_CLASSMASK masks the lower word of the result code out, while WMHI_GADGETMASK and WMHI_MENUMASK mask out the high word, leaving only the ID part of the result value. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - pointer to fully initialized struct wmHandle (see ) The wmh_Code field will be filled with the value from the struct IntuiMessage.Code field. EXAMPLE A generic application usage of WM_HANDLEINPUT looks like this: GetAttr( WINDOW_SigMask, winobj, &wsig ); mask = Wait(wsig); // maybe other signals if (mask & wsig) while ((result = IDoMethod( winobj, WM_HANDLEINPUT, &code )) != WMHI_LASTMSG) switch (result & WMHI_CLASSMASK) { case WMHI_CLOSEWINDOW: close = TRUE; break; case WMHI_GADGETUP: switch (result & WMHI_GADGETMASK) { // handle the gadgets here } case WMHI_POPUPMENU: switch (result & WMHI_GADGETMASK) { // handle custom popup menu items here } // handle whatever other events you want here } if (close) DisposeObject( winobj ); // destroy the window If you have set up the window to use a shared message port, you can simply call this method on each of the windows: if (mask & wsig) { WmHandleInputWin1(); WmHandleInputWin2(); WmHandleInputWin3(); } RESULT Window.class will automatically respond with an appropriate action to many input events. When it does not know what to do with an event, it will return with a value as described above. window.class/WM_ICONIFY window.class/WM_ICONIFY NAME WM_ICONIFY -- Hide this window to an icon. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION Closes the window and puts an icon on the Workbench for it. The WINDOW_Icon tag may be used to change the image. As of V53.46, it is now not required to keep a lock on the public screen this window should open on. If the screen that this window is to open is is closed while the window is iconified, then it will fallback safely to the Workbench. This follows the documentation that you may unlock the screen once your window is open on it. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_ICONIFY (see ) RESULT Returns non-zero if successful or 0 on error. window.class/WM_NEWPREFS window.class/WM_NEWPREFS NAME WM_NEWPREFS -- Update window prefs and refresh window. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION Re-evaluates preferences settings and relayouts the window. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_NEWPREFS (see ) RESULT Returns non-zero if successful or 0 on error. window.class/WM_OPEN window.class/WM_OPEN NAME WM_OPEN -- Open an Intuition window. SYNOPSIS struct Window *window = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION This function opens the window the object should be handling. If the window is already open it does nothing. If no shared message port is set, a message port will be created for this window. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_OPEN (see ) RESULT window - Pointer to a struct Window or NULL on error. window.class/WM_RESTORE window.class/WM_RESTORE NAME WM_RESTORE -- Restore a windows saved size/position. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION If the window has been previously snapshot, calling this method will revert the windows size and position back to the values of the last snapshot. As with WM_SNAPSHOT, this method is dependant on the WINDOW_UniqueID attribute. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_RESTORE RESULT Returns a TRUE/FALSE value depending whether the data could be read. SEE ALSO WM_SNAPSHOT, WM_UNSNAPSHOT window.class/WM_RETHINK window.class/WM_RETHINK NAME WM_RETHINK -- Rethink an open window layout limits. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION Re-evaluates layout limits and relayouts window. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_RETHINK (see ) RESULT Returns non-zero if successful or 0 on error. window.class/WM_SNAPSHOT window.class/WM_SNAPSHOT NAME WM_SNAPSHOT -- Save snapshot data. SYNOPSIS uint32 err = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION Saves the window size and position to the system environment. This data is automatically loaded when the "same" window opens again. The identity of the window is dependant on the WINDOW_UniquID attribute, and should be unique for your application. The data will be saved, and loaded, by using the name of the application then the UniqueID attribute contents. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_SNAPSHOT (see ) RESULT Returns any dos error code if the saving failed, else ZERO. SEE ALSO WM_UNSNAPSHOT, WM_RESTORE window.class/WM_UNSNAPSHOT window.class/WM_UNSNAPSHOT NAME WM_UNSNAPSHOT -- Removes any saved size/position data. SYNOPSIS IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION If this window has been previously snapshot, calling this method will remove any saved data associated with this window. This, like WM_SNAPSHOT, is dependant on the WINDOW_UniqueID attribute. INPUTS obj - window object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = WM_UNSNAPSHOT RESULT Always returns ZERO. SEE ALSO WM_SNAPSHOT, WM_RESTORE