TABLE OF CONTENTS dos.library/AAA-Compatibility-Notice dos.library/AddBuffers dos.library/AddCmdPathNode dos.library/AddDates dos.library/AddDosEntry dos.library/AddPart dos.library/AddSegListTail dos.library/AddSegment dos.library/AddSegmentTagList dos.library/AllocateCmdPathList dos.library/AllocDosObject dos.library/AllocSegList dos.library/AssignAdd dos.library/AssignAddToList dos.library/AssignLate dos.library/AssignLock dos.library/AssignPath dos.library/AttemptLockDosList dos.library/CalculateSegmentChecksum dos.library/CapturePattern dos.library/ChangeFilePosition dos.library/ChangeFileSize dos.library/ChangeMode dos.library/CheckSignal dos.library/Cli dos.library/CliInitNewcli dos.library/CliInitRun dos.library/Close dos.library/CompareDates dos.library/CopyStringBSTRToC dos.library/CopyStringCToBSTR dos.library/CreateDir dos.library/CreateDirTree dos.library/CreateNewProc dos.library/DateStamp dos.library/DateStampToSeconds dos.library/DateToStr dos.library/Delay dos.library/Delete dos.library/DeleteVar dos.library/DevNameFromFH dos.library/DevNameFromLock dos.library/DevNameFromPort dos.library/DismountDevice dos.library/DoPkt dos.library/DosControl dos.library/DupFileHandle dos.library/DupLock dos.library/DupLockFromFH dos.library/EndNotify dos.library/ErrorOutput dos.library/ErrorReport dos.library/ExamineDir dos.library/ExamineObject dos.library/Fault dos.library/FClose dos.library/FFlush dos.library/FGetC dos.library/FGets dos.library/FileHandleScan dos.library/FilePart dos.library/FileSystemAttr dos.library/FindArg dos.library/FindCliProc dos.library/FindDosEntry dos.library/FindSegment dos.library/FindSegmentStackSize dos.library/FindTrackedAddress dos.library/FindVar dos.library/FixDateStamp dos.library/FlushVolume dos.library/FlushVolumePort dos.library/FOpen dos.library/FOpenFromLock dos.library/Format dos.library/FormatPort dos.library/FPrintf dos.library/FPutC dos.library/FPuts dos.library/FRead dos.library/FReadLine dos.library/FreeArgs dos.library/FreeCmdPathList dos.library/FreeDeviceProc dos.library/FreeDiskFileSystemData dos.library/FreeDosEntry dos.library/FreeDosObject dos.library/FWrite dos.library/GetArgStr dos.library/GetCliCurrentDirName dos.library/GetCliProgramName dos.library/GetCliPrompt dos.library/GetConsolePort dos.library/GetCurrentDir dos.library/GetDeviceProc dos.library/GetDeviceProcFlags dos.library/GetDiskFileSystemData dos.library/GetDiskInfo dos.library/GetEntryData dos.library/GetExitData dos.library/GetFilePosition dos.library/GetFileSize dos.library/GetFileSysPort dos.library/GetFileSystemVectorPort dos.library/GetOwnerInfo dos.library/GetPID dos.library/GetProcMsgPort dos.library/GetProcSegList dos.library/GetProgramDir dos.library/GetSegListInfo dos.library/GetVar dos.library/HexToLong dos.library/Info dos.library/Inhibit dos.library/InhibitPort dos.library/Input dos.library/IoErr dos.library/IsFileSystem dos.library/IsFileSystemPort dos.library/IsInteractive dos.library/LoadSeg dos.library/Lock dos.library/LockDosList dos.library/LockRecord dos.library/LockRecords dos.library/LockTagList dos.library/MakeDosEntry dos.library/MakeLink dos.library/MatchEnd dos.library/MatchFirst dos.library/MatchNext dos.library/MatchPattern dos.library/MatchPatternNoCase dos.library/MaxCli dos.library/MountDevice dos.library/NameFromFH dos.library/NameFromLock dos.library/NameFromPort dos.library/NextDosEntry dos.library/NonBlockingModifyDosEntry dos.library/NotifyDosListChange dos.library/NotifyProcListChange dos.library/NotifyVar dos.library/ObtainConsoleData dos.library/ObtainDirContext dos.library/Open dos.library/OpenFromLock dos.library/Output dos.library/ParentDir dos.library/ParentOfFH dos.library/ParseCapturePattern dos.library/ParsePattern dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase dos.library/PathPart dos.library/Printf dos.library/PrintFault dos.library/ProcessScan dos.library/PutErrStr dos.library/PutStr dos.library/Read dos.library/ReadArgs dos.library/ReadItem dos.library/ReadLineItem dos.library/ReadSoftLink dos.library/Relabel dos.library/ReleaseCapturedExpressions dos.library/ReleaseConsoleData dos.library/ReleaseDirContext dos.library/RemAssignList dos.library/RemDosEntry dos.library/RemoveCmdPathNode dos.library/RemSegment dos.library/Rename dos.library/RenameDosEntry dos.library/ReplyPkt dos.library/ResolvePath dos.library/RunCommand dos.library/SameDevice dos.library/SameFH dos.library/SameLock dos.library/ScanVars dos.library/SearchCmdPathList dos.library/SecondsToDateStamp dos.library/SelectErrorOutput dos.library/SelectInput dos.library/SelectOutput dos.library/SendPkt dos.library/Serialize dos.library/SerializePort dos.library/SetArgStr dos.library/SetBlockingMode dos.library/SetCliCurrentDirName dos.library/SetCliProgramName dos.library/SetCliPrompt dos.library/SetComment dos.library/SetConsolePort dos.library/SetCurrentCmdPathList dos.library/SetCurrentDir dos.library/SetDate dos.library/SetFileHandleAttr dos.library/SetFileSysPort dos.library/SetIoErr dos.library/SetMode dos.library/SetOwnerInfo dos.library/SetProcWindow dos.library/SetProgramDir dos.library/SetProtection dos.library/SetVar dos.library/SplitName dos.library/StartNotify dos.library/StrToDate dos.library/StrToLong dos.library/SubtractDates dos.library/SystemTagList dos.library/TimedDosRequester dos.library/TrackAddressList dos.library/TrackSegmentList dos.library/UnGetC dos.library/UnLoadSeg dos.library/UnLock dos.library/UnLockDosList dos.library/UnLockRecord dos.library/UnLockRecords dos.library/UnTrackAddress dos.library/UnTrackSegmentList dos.library/VFPrintf dos.library/VPrintf dos.library/WaitForChar dos.library/WaitForData dos.library/WaitPkt dos.library/Write dos.library/WriteChars dos.library/WriteProtectVolume dos.library/WriteProtectVolumePort dos.library/AAA-Compatibility-Notice dos.library/AAA-Compatibility-Notice ============================================================================ NAME DOS LIBRARY COMPATIBILITY NOTICE (V50) RETURN CODES Most AmigaDOS functions and some return codes have undergone major changes and rewrites over the last decade or so. This brings about issues with determining a consistent method of evaluating return codes from various DOS functions, with a considerable need for backward compatibility still being required. From V50, (OS4.0) all BOOLEAN style function return codes MUST NEVER be evaluated against any arbitrary non-zero value, but preferably as a complete BOOLEAN TRUTH statement, or alternatively, the one and only consistent value that a function return code can be evaluated against is 0, this value also being defined as FALSE or DOSFALSE. One reason for this is that many DOS functions were created years ago, most of these when the BCPL environment was still present, the conventions of the time dictated some rather strange return codes that a lot of programs became dependant upon, many of which are not entirely consistent. Some functions can actually return any arbitrary non-zero value for TRUTH, be it a non-zero memory address, a DOSTRUE value (-1) or even a TRUE (1) value, depending on the function and the level of backward application compatibility employed. You should note that all DOS function autodocs now explicitly avoid mentioning the actual value for a boolean TRUTH evaluation. DO NOT attempt to resolve an undocumented TRUTH return value yourself, they have changed, and will continue to change in the future. Evaluation of the result of a BOOLEAN DOS function should always be structured in any of the following methods, for full compatibility. EXAMPLE if( IDOS->Function(...) ) /* Boolean test for TRUTH */ IDOS->PutStr("Function returned TRUTH\n"); if( ! IDOS->Function(...) ) /* Boolean test for FALSE */ IDOS->PutStr("Function returned FALSE\n"); if( FALSE != IDOS->Function(...) ) /* Evaluation for TRUTH */ IDOS->PutStr("Function returned TRUTH\n"); if( FALSE == IDOS->Function(...) ) /* Evaluation for FALSE */ IDOS->PutStr("Function returned FALSE\n"); STRING BUFFERS SIZES Another area to watch that has changed over the years are the internal string buffers for DOS paths, device names, volume names, assignment names, comment strings and filesystem object names. With the new filesystem interface and long path handling features that are now available, all DOS path buffers must be allocated with an absolute minimum space of 1000 bytes and a suggested upper limit of 4000 bytes. Buffers that hold device names, volume names, assignment names, comment strings and filesystem object names (no paths), must have an allocated minimum buffer size of 256 bytes. (255 bytes + 0 terminator). From V50+ it is no longer permissable to allocate shorter arbitrarily chosen buffer sizes, regardless of obsolete structure member space limitations or any ancient filesystem limitations or any previous pseudo conventions from a bygone era. WARNING Failure to heed the above requirements can and probably will render your software completely or partially non-functional in future releases. ============================================================================ dos.library/AddBuffers dos.library/AddBuffers NAME AddBuffers -- Manually changes the number of filesystem buffers. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 total_number = AddBuffers(CONST_STRPTR handler, int32 number); FUNCTION Adds buffers to a handler. Note that 'number' may be negative. The amount of memory used per buffer, and any limits on the number of buffers, are dependant on the handler in question. INPUTS handler - STRPTR; Pointer to a nul-terminated string. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) number - Number of buffers to add. May be negative or zero. RESULT total_number - Total number of buffers used by the handler, or 0 for failure. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. Supplying a 'number' argument of zero allows this function to report the current number of buffers without changing them. BUGS The V36 ROM filesystem (FFS/OFS) doesn't return the right number of buffers unless preceded by an AddBuffers(fs,-1) (in-use buffers aren't counted). This is fixed in V37. Practically no handler implements this feature as documented in the older dos.library documentation, which required that the return code would indicate success and the total number of buffers should be returned via IoErr(). The canonical behaviour is now to return the total number of buffers, and 0 for failure. No newer filesystems support this function, the optimal buffer size is now determined automatically and/or dynamically by the respective filesystem. Stream handlers may still use this for buffer control, but don't depend on it. SEE ALSO IoErr(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/AddCmdPathNode dos.library/AddCmdPathNode NAME AddCmdPathNode -- Add another entry to a shell search path. (V50) SYNOPSIS struct PathNode *new_path = AddCmdPathNode(struct PathNode *old_path, BPTR lock, int32 where); FUNCTION This function will modify a shell search path list by creating a new entry and adding it either to the beginning or the end of the list. INPUTS old_path -- Pointer to the first node in a shell search path list, as created by AllocateCmdPathList(). lock -- Pointer to a lock on a directory, as returned by Lock() or DupLock(). Note that this must be a lock on a directory object or this function will fail. The lock will be duplicated before it is used. If this parameter is NULL, "SYS:" will be used. where -- Indicates where the new node should be placed. This can be ADDCMDPATHNODE_HEAD (insert at the beginning of the list) or ADDCMDPATHNODE_TAIL (append to the end of the list). RESULT new_path -- Pointer to the new first node of the new path list or NULL if the new node could not be added. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function uses internal Semaphore locking to arbitrate access to the shell search path list. SEE ALSO SetCurrentCmdPathList, AllocateCmdPathList, FreeCmdPathList, RemoveCmdPathNode, SearchCmdPathList dos.library/AddDates dos.library/AddDates NAME AddDates -- Add a DateStamp to another one, yielding a sum of two time values. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AddDates(struct DateStamp * to, CONST struct DateStamp * from); FUNCTION Equivalent to the related AddTime() function in timer.device, the AddDates() function will add two time values, yielding a sum of both. INPUTS to -- The DateStamp the 'from' parameter is to be added to. from -- The DateStamp to add to the 'to' parameter. RESULT success -- FALSE if any of the DateStamps are invalid, that is, any of their structure members are negative, or if the sum of both DateStamps produced a numeric overflow. If FALSE is returned, the 'to' parameter will remain unmodified. Non-zero is returned for success. NOTES This function is callable from a task. SEE ALSO DateStamp(), SubtractDates(), timer.device/AddTime() dos.library/AddDosEntry dos.library/AddDosEntry NAME AddDosEntry -- Add a Dos List entry to the lists. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AddDosEntry(struct DosList *dlist); FUNCTION Adds a device, volume or assign to the Dos device list. This function will fail if it conflicts with any existing entry. The canonical case-insensitive name conflict rules for adding nodes are; Non VOLUMES conflict with everything. VOLUMES will conflict with VOLUMES if datestamps are also identical. WARNING: The dos list does NOT have to be locked by you to call this, it is exclusively locked internally when 'dlist' is added, however, do not access 'dlist' after it is added unless you have locked the Dos device list yourself. An additional note concerning calling this from within a handler: in order to avoid deadlocks, your handler must either be multi- threaded, or it must attempt to lock the list before calling this function. The code should look like this: if( IDOS->AttemptLockDosList(LDF_ALL|LDF_WRITE) ) { rc = IDOS->AddDosEntry(...); IDOS->UnLockDosList(LDF_ALL|LDF_WRITE); } See the LockDosList() documentation for information on this subject. If AttemptLockDosList() fails (i.e. it's locked already), check for messages at your filesystem port (don't wait!) and try the AttemptLockDosList() again. Better still, to avoid all of the above pitfalls, just use the new V51 function; NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). INPUTS dlist - Device list entry to be added. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES From V50, supplying a NULL 'dlist' will result in failure, also, IoErr() will be set to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING. SEE ALSO RemDosEntry(), FindDosEntry(), NextDosEntry(), LockDosList(), MakeDosEntry(), FreeDosEntry(), AttemptLockDosList(), NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/AddPart dos.library/AddPart NAME AddPart -- Appends a file/dir to the end of a path (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AddPart( STRPTR dest_dirname, CONST_STRPTR filename, uint32 size ); FUNCTION This function adds a file, directory, or subpath name to a directory path name taking into account any required separator characters. If filename is a fully-qualified path it will totally replace the current value of dirname. INPUTS dest_dirname - the path to add a file/directory name to. (destination) filename - the filename or directory name to add. May be a relative pathname from the current directory (example: foo/bar). Can deal with leading '/'(s), indicating one directory up per '/', or with a ':', indicating it's relative to the root of the appropriate volume. size - size in bytes of the space allocated for dirname. Must be greater than 0. RESULT success - non-zero for success, FALSE if buffer would have overflown. If an overflow would have occured, dest_dirname will not be changed. BUGS Does not check if a subpath is legal (i.e. does not check for ':'s) and does not handle leading '/'s in 2.0 through 2.02 (V36). V37 fixes this, allowing filename to be any path, including absolute. NOTES From V50 this is task callable. SEE ALSO Filepart(), PathPart() dos.library/AddSegListTail dos.library/AddSegListTail NAME AddSegListTail - Low level routine to link up a seglist. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 segcount = AddSegListTail( BPTR seglist_head, BPTR seg_to_link ); FUNCTION Appends a segment to a seglist using BCPL linkage methods. This function can also be used for counting segments in a seglist. The primary usage for this function is to link a number of segments allocated by AllocSegList(), as a properly constructed seglist. This is used internally by LoadSeg(), for native loadables. The secondary usage is for just counting the number of segments already in an existing seglist, do this by supplying 0 for the second parameter, 'seg_to_link'. INPUTS seglist_head - BPTR to the first segment of the seglist. seg_to_link - BPTR to the segment to append to the list. (or 0). RESULT segcount - Number of segments now in the seglist, or 0 on failure. NOTES This function is callable from a task. Failure of this function can only occur due to seglist_head==0. IoErr() will not be affected by this function. The next-segment BPTR of the 'seg_to_link' will not be touched here and therefore must be pre-initialised. SEE ALSO AllocSegList(), LoadSeg(), UnLoadSeg(), RunCommand(), CreateNewProc(), GetSegListInfo(). dos.library/AddSegment dos.library/AddSegment NAME AddSegment - Adds a DosResidentSeg to the resident list (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AddSegment(CONST_STRPTR name, BPTR seglist, int32 type); FUNCTION Adds an entry to the Dos resident list, with the specified Seglist and type (stored in seg_UC - normally should start at 0). Do NOT build DosResidentSeg structures yourself! V51 LOCKING From V51+ this function automatically WRITE locks the list by calling ObtainSemaphore() / ReleaseSemaphore() with the public list Semaphore. Do NOT attempt to employ a READ (shared) semaphore lock on the list at the same time as you call this function, otherwise it will deadlock. Obtain the semaphore from the public semaphore list by calling; drsem = IExec->FindSemaphore("DosResident"); The semaphore pointer may be cached for the duration of the task. For all WRITE operations, call; ObtainSemaphore(drsem); The above call must be matched with a ReleaseSemaphore(); (Also see; FindSegment() documentation) INPUTS name - name for the segment. seglist - BPTR to the seglist to add. type - initial usecount, normally 0. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), 0 for failure. NOTES From V51, this is just a stub that calls AddSegmentTagList(). SEE ALSO FindSegment(), RemSegment(), LoadSeg(), AddSegmentTagList() dos.library/AddSegmentTagList dos.library/AddSegmentTagList NAME AddSegmentTagList - Adds a resident segment to the Dos resident list (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AddSegmentTagList(CONST_STRPTR name, int32 type, const struct TagItem *taglist); FUNCTION Adds a segment or entry to the Dos resident list, with the specified tags defined in and type (stored in seg_UC - normally starts at 0). Do NOT build DosResidentSeg structures yourself! V51 LOCKING From V51+ this function automatically WRITE locks the list by calling ObtainSemaphore() / ReleaseSemaphore() with the public list semaphore. Do NOT attempt to employ a READ (shared) semaphore lock on the list at the same time as you call this function, otherwise it will deadlock. Obtain the semaphore from the public semaphore list by calling; drsem = IExec->FindSemaphore("DosResident"); The semaphore pointer may be cached for the duration of the task. For all WRITE operations, call; ObtainSemaphore(drsem); The above call must be matched with a ReleaseSemaphore(); (Also see; FindSegment() documentation for more info) INPUTS name - name for the segment, such as the name of a resident shell command. (max 255 chars) type - initial usage count, no users=0, one user=1, ...n. taglist - list of TagItems; (see below) TAGS AS_SegmentList (BPTR) -- DOS segment list of code such as that returned by LoadSeg(). AS_Entry (int32 (*)(...)) -- Pointer to a function which implements the functionality this segment has to offer. For example, it could be a built-in shell command. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), 0 for failure. The failure code can be retrieved via IoErr(). NOTES You need to specify exactly one of the AS_SegmentList or AS_Entry tags. The two are mutually exclusive. There is currently no VarArgs version of this function. SEE ALSO FindSegment(), RemSegment(), LoadSeg(), AddSegment() dos.library/AllocateCmdPathList dos.library/AllocateCmdPathList NAME AllocateCmdPathList -- Allocate a new shell search path (V50) SYNOPSIS struct PathNode *path = AllocateCmdPathList(BPTR first_lock); FUNCTION This function will create a new path list, consisting of a single path node, suitable for use with the SetCurrentCmdPathList() function. Use AddCmdPathNode() to add more nodes to this path. INPUTS first_lock -- Pointer to a lock on a directory, as returned by Lock() or DupLock(). Note that this must be a lock on a directory object or this function will fail. The lock will be duplicated before it is used. If this parameter is NULL, "SYS:" will be used instead. RESULT path -- Pointer to the first node of the new path list. This can be NULL if an error occured. NOTES This function uses internal Semaphore locking to arbitrate access to the shell search path list. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO SetCurrentCmdPathList, FreeCmdPathList, RemoveCmdPathNode, AddCmdPathNode, SearchCmdPathList, Lock, DupLock dos.library/AllocDosObject dos.library/AllocDosObject NAME AllocDosObject -- Creates a dos object (V36) SYNOPSIS APTR ptr = AllocDosObject(uint32 obj, const struct TagItem *tags); APTR ptr = AllocDosObjectTagList(uint32 obj,const struct TagItem *tags); APTR ptr = AllocDosObjectTags(uint32 obj, uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION Create one of several dos objects in shared memory, initialises it and returns it to you. This function may be called by a task for all object types and tags defined in the dostags.h include. Any future object types or tags that cannot be used from a task will be documented below. INPUTS obj - the type of object requested; this must be one of: DOS_FILEHANDLE /* struct FileHandle * */ DOS_EXALLCONTROL /* struct ExAllControl * */ DOS_FIB /* struct FileInfoBlock * */ DOS_STDPKT /* struct DosPacket64 * [Note 1]*/ DOS_CLI /* struct CommandLineInterface * [Note 2]*/ DOS_RDARGS /* struct RDArgs * */ Added V50: DOS_INFODATA /* struct InfoData * */ DOS_ANCHORPATH /* struct AnchorPath * */ Added V51: DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST /* struct NotifyRequest * */ DOS_LOCK /* struct Lock * */ DOS_FREADLINEDATA /* struct FReadLineData * */ DOS_EXAMINEDATA /* struct ExamineData * */ Added V52.16: DOS_DOSLIST /* struct DosList * */ Added V53.52: DOS_VOLUMELIST /* struct List * (with nodes attatched) */ Added V53.77: DOS_FSVECTORPORT /* struct FileSystemVectorPort * */ All object types are safe to be allocated by a Task, but not all can be used safely by a Task (e.g. NotifyRequest). Note also that any secondary error codes will not be available if this function is called from a task. tags - pointer to taglist with additional information (see below) TAGS GLOBAL TAGS - The following two GLOBAL tags will directly affect the amount of memory allocated for all types of DOS_xxxx data structures. These may be used in conjunction with other tags specified below. ADO_Size (uint32) -- This tag is used to specify the absolute size of any larger 'custom' style structure definition the caller may be using, specifying a size less than that of the public structure definition will be ignored, therefore you are guaranteed that the minimum size that can be obtained here, will be the sizeof() the structure type specified. (V51) ADO_AddedSize (uint32) -- This tag is used to specify any additional size you need for the structure specified, this value is always added to the normal amount allocated for the standard DOS struct definition specified.(V50) (This is also called ADO_Strlen) ---- DOS_FREADLINEDATA - These tags are for the FReadLineData structure. ADO_TermChar (int32) -- This is the ascii value (0-255) used to specify a different line terminator character than the default character '\n' which will be employed if no other value is supplied. You may also specify a -1L to cause read termination to occur only when EOF (end of file) is reached. ADO_TermCharStr (STRPTR) -- This is an optional NUL-terminated ascii string used to specify any additional termination character/s to terminate on, when more than one is needed. For example, this can sometimes be required when reading from a source that uses both '\n' and '\r' to terminate lines. For this, you would supply the string; "\n\r" to this tag. (Default NULL) ADO_Mask (uint32) -- This tag is used to specify the signal mask to break on, See: for the flags: SIGBREAKF_xxxxx (V51) ---- DOS_ANCHORPATH : The following tags are for the AnchorPath structure. ADO_Strlen (uint32) -- This is required to specify the size of, and initialise the AnchorPath->ap_Buffer area. The size of the additional buffer space is stored in the field AnchorPath->ap_Strlen. The AnchorPath allocated in this manner is ready to be used with with MatchFirst()/MatchNext(). You may want to initialize the AnchorPath->ap_Flags and also AnchorPath->ap_BreakBits fields first, though. Please use the following two tags: ADO_Flags and ADO_Mask. (V50) ADO_Flags (uint32) -- This is used to specify the value to place in the an->ap_Flags field before calling MatchFirst. See: for the flags: APF_xxxxx (V50) ADO_Mask (uint32) -- This tag is used to specify the value to place in the an->ap_BreakBits field before calling MatchFirst. See: for the flags: SIGBREAKF_xxxxx (V50) ---- DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST - The following are for notify requests. NB: From V50+, DO NOT use this for ENV/ENVARC: global variables, it may cease to function in the near future. The environmental variables have their own dedicated notification function; IDOS->NotifyVar(), please use it. ADO_NotifyName (STRPTR) -- Name of the volume, directory or file to receive notifications for. This is a mandatory parameter for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST. NB: The name buffer MUST remain persistent for the life of the notify request. (it is not copied.) (V51) ADO_NotifyMethod (int32) -- The notification method to be used, which must be one of NRF_SEND_MESSAGE, NRF_SEND_SIGNAL or NRF_CALL_HOOK. This is a mandatory parameter for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST (V51). ADO_DOSMethodOnly (BOOL) -- Force the notify request to be serviced by the DOS notification routines instead of the filesystem. Defaults to FALSE. (Only works with dos.library 52.33+) ADO_NotifyUserData (APTR) -- The user data value to be associated with the NotifyRequest. This parameter is optional for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST and defaults to NULL (V51). ADO_NotifyPort (struct MsgPort *) -- The MsgPort to send notification messages to. This parameter is mandatory for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST if the notification method NRF_SEND_MESSAGE was selected (V51). ADO_NotifyTask (struct Task *) -- The Task to send notification signals to. This parameter is mandatory for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST if the notification method NRF_SEND_SIGNAL was selected (V51). ADO_NotifySignalNumber (uint8) -- The signal bit number used when sending notifications signals. This parameter is mandatory for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST if the notification method NRF_SEND_SIGNAL was selected (V51). ADO_NotifyHook (struct Hook *) -- The Hook to invoke when sending notifications. This parameter is mandatory for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST if the notification method NRF_CALL_HOOK was selected. NB: The hook structure MUST remain persistent for the life of the notify request. (it is not copied.) (V51) ADO_NotifyWaitReply (BOOL) -- Selects whether or not new notification messages should be sent unless the last NotifyMessage has been replied. This parameter is optional for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST and the notification method NRF_SEND_MESSAGE. Default=FALSE (V51). ADO_NotifyInitial (BOOL) -- Selects whether or not a notification should be sent immediately after it was requested. This parameter is optional for DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST and defaults to FALSE (V51). ---- DOS_LOCK - The following are for Lock structures currently for use by filesystems, application programmers should not use these unless used with a filesystem, these allocations use a memory pool for the allocations and hence also employ automatic semaphore locking for the memory pool. (V51.30) ADO_DOSType (uint32) - The filesystems DOSType to be placed in the new Locks field; lock->fl_DOSType. (V51) ADO_Size (uint32) -- The full size of any larger 'custom' style struct Lock definition the caller may be using, specifying a size less than the size of the public structure definition will be ignored, therefore you are guaranteed that the minimum size that can be obtained here, will be sizeof(struct Lock). AllocDosObject() will initialise the lock->fl_StructSize field with the actual size of the allocation. ---- DOS_EXAMINEDATA - The following are for ExamineData structures, these tags are currently implemented for calling by filesystems and DOS handlers only, application programmers should not ever need to call this, although the use of FreeDosObject() is how the applications dispose of these structures for ExamineObject() use. Allocation of the structures is for use by the DOS handlers and filesystems, or system components requiring an initialised ExamineData structure for emulation purposes. Allocations for use with ExamineDir() use the context memory pool supplied by the tag; ADO_ExamineDir_Context. Allocations for use with ExamineObject() do not use a context. (V51.104) The following structure fields will be initialised as shown, make no assumptions about the contents of the remaining fields. edat->StructSize = the full size of the structure allocation. edat->FileSize = -1LL; edat->NameSize = MAX(1,ADO_ExamineData_NameSize) edat->CommentSize = MAX(1,ADO_ExamineData_CommentSize) edat->LinkSize = MAX(1,ADO_ExamineData_LinkSize) edat->Type = FSO_TYPE_INVALID; (added V53) ADO_ExamineData_NameSize (uint32) -- The full buffer size for the examinedata structures "Name" field, the size supplied here will also be placed in the "NameSize" field only if it is >1 otherwise DOS will default to a value of 1 instead. (V51.104) ADO_ExamineData_CommentSize (uint32) -- The full buffer size for the examinedata structures "Comment" field, the size supplied here will also be placed in the "CommentSize" field only if it is >1 otherwise DOS will default to a value of 1 instead. (V51.104) ADO_ExamineData_LinkSize (uint32) -- The full buffer size for the examinedata structures "Link" field, the size supplied here will also be placed in the "LinkSize" field only if it is >1 otherwise DOS will default to a value of 1 instead. (V51.104) ADO_ExamineDir_Context (APTR) -- A pointer to the private 'context' (PRIVATE_ExamineDirContext *) that the memory pool allocations and internal locks should be bound to. Specify this tag for ExamineDir() only, ExamineObject() must not use this tag. (V51.104) ---- DOS_DOSLIST - The following are for struct DosList structures, these structures will also have the new V52 fields initialised for you. This type exists only from dos.library version V52.16+ ADO_Size (uint32) -- The full size of any larger 'custom' style struct DosList definition the caller may be using, specifying a size less than the size of the public structure definition will be ignored, therefore you are guaranteed that the minimum size that can be obtained here, will be sizeof(struct DosList) The entire size of the allocation will be placed by DOS in the new dol_StructSize field to handle future planned features. ADO_Type (uint32) -- This is used to specify the type value to place in the doslist->dol_Type field. Eg: DLT_xxxxxx See; dos/dosextens.h for available type definitions. ADO_Name (STRPTR) -- This is used to specify the name to copy into the doslist->dol_Name field. This function will allocate the required space, copy the name and convert it to a BSTR, the name is limited to 255 bytes. From 53.109 this string will be automatically truncated at the first colon character if present. From 53.121 it is no longer possible to create nodes with names that conflict with the built-in DOS pseudo devices. From 54.17 any slash characters will be changed to backslashes. ---- DOS_VOLUMELIST - This tag is for a struct list with attached nodes for the names of the current VOLUMES, DEVICES or ASSIGNS. This function will scan the doslist and return a snapshot of the names of the items specified in the ADO_Type tag, (see below). The nodes within this list will have the ln_Name pointing to the (read only) nul-terminated name string, the ln_Type field will be initialised with the node type, this being a DLT_xxx value which is the same as in the dol_Type field of a struct DosList. The ln_Pri field is always set to zero when allocated, this field can be used for list sorting and is compatible with the IExec->Enqueue() and other exec list handling functions. If a handler message port is required for your application usage, call the IDOS->GetDeviceProc() function with the supplied name and don't forget to call IDOS->FreeDeviceProc() after use. NB: This requires the ADO_AddColon,TRUE tag option set. This list (including all nodes) is freed with FreeDosObject(). The ADO_Size & ADO_AddedSize tags only apply to the nodes. ADO_Type (uint32) -- This bitmask is used to specify what nodes should be allocated and attached to the list, any of these flags can be ORed together to specify the items required; LDF_VOLUMES (Defaults to LDF_VOLUMES if none specified) LDF_DEVICES LDF_ASSIGNS ADO_AddColon (BOOL) - This tag causes the name to have a colon character appended to the end of the name buffer. Defaults to FALSE. EXAMPLE struct Node *nd; struct List *list = IDOS->AllocDosObjectTags( DOS_VOLUMELIST, ADO_Type,(LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_ASSIGNS), ADO_AddColon,TRUE, TAG_END); if( list ) { for( nd = IExec->GetHead(list); nd; nd = IExec->GetSucc(nd)) { IDOS->Printf("%s\n",nd->ln_Name); // dp = IDOS->GetDeviceProc(nd->ln_Name,NULL); // ... // IDOS->FreeDeviceProc(dp); } IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_VOLUMELIST,list); } ---- DOS_FSVECTORPORT - This tag is for a struct FileSystemVectorPort that new style filesystems use for dos.library function vector calling method instead of using the old dospacket method. The struct FileSystemVectorPort message port signal task will be set to the process calling this function, therefore it must be called within the contect of the filesystem handler process. ADO_Vectors (struct FileSystemVectors *) -- This is the mandatory pointer to a pre-initialised struct FileSystemVectors that will be copied into the struct FileSystemVectorPort, details on how to initialise the FileSystemVector table can be found in the include file; dos/filehandler.h ADO_Name (STRPTR) -- This is used to specify the name for the message port of the vector-port, this string will be copied into a private buffer allocated by this function, the buffer will be pointed to via; FSVP->MP.mp_Node.ln_Name. This should be the exact same string as the device node name. The name length is limited to 255 characters. (Default "\0") ---- RESULT ptr - pointer to the object or NULL on failure. NOTES [1] DOS_STDPKT does not return a pointer to the StandardPacket[64], it does allocate an entire StandardPacket[64] structure, but it returns a pointer to the struct DosPacket[64] part (in sp_Pkt) which is always automatically initialised upon allocation. To access the sp_Msg part of the StandardPacket, use the pointer in the dp_Link field. From DOS 51.62+ the size of the memory allocation is actually the sizeof(struct StandardPacket64) to cater for both types of DosPackets currently in use. [2] From V50, DOS_CLI now allocates all BSTR buffers with a length of 258 bytes, the cli_FailLevel is set to 10, the cli_RunBackground will be set to DOSTRUE. BUGS Before V39, DOS_CLI should be used with care since FreeDosObject() can't free it. Before 53.139 DOS_VOLUMELIST did not see the ADO_Size or ADO_AddedSize tags which resulted in the node sizes unable to be larger. SEE ALSO FreeDosObject(), , dos.library/AllocSegList dos.library/AllocSegList NAME AllocSegList - Low level routine to allocate a pseudo seglist. (V50) SYNOPSIS BPTR segment = AllocSegList( CONST_APTR entry, CONST_APTR data, uint32 datalen, uint32 ikey ); FUNCTION Allocates (MEMF_SHARED|MEMF_CLEAR) memory and builds a single pseudo segment that is compatible with, (and freed with), UnLoadSeg(). For future compatibility, avoid building pseudo seglists yourself ! The current public part of the struct PseudoSegList is as follows: struct PseudoSegList /* see: dos/dosextens.h */ { BPTR ps_Next; /* BPTR to next segment or 0. */ uint32 ps_Jump; /* 68K code field. == PSJUMP_MAGIC */ APTR ps_Entry; /* Function entry ptr (or NULL). */ uint32 ps_Ikey; /* Identification key value. */ uint32 ps_DosPrivate; /* DOS private use - reserved. */ uint32 ps_Reserved1; /* Reserved 32 byte alignment area */ uint32 ps_Reserved2; /* Reserved 32 byte alignment area */ uint8 ps_Data[4]; /* First 4 bytes of data area. */ }; EXECUTABLE CODE: For wrapping executable code, 'Entry' must point to the function. The 'ps_Entry' field will be initialised with this argument, otherwise, if NULL is supplied, a dummy() safety function stub will be inserted here automatically. For Native executables, the 'entry' argument must points to code in a memory type MEMF_EXECUTABLE, [internal]RunCommand() will automatically detect this when the seglist code is being run. Native elf executables loaded by LoadSeg() use the first segments ps_Data area to hold the custom elfhandle and the remaining segments are used to hold the loaded code and data. Other than these types, the ps_Data area is free for your own use. To handle 68K executables, the 'ps_Jump' will always be set to PSJUMP_MAGIC, this being the 68K opcodes for (NOP,JMP), this will cater for legacy compatibility for 68K seglists which normally begin execution at this point, this will cause it to immediately jump to your specified functions entrypoint address in ps_Entry. For PPC executables, the 'ps_Jump' field is required for validation purposes only, but not actually executed by [internal]RunCommand(). NON-EXECUTABLE DATA: For wrapping NON executable data, set 'entry' arg to NULL. The 'ps_Entry' field will be initialised with a dummy() function pointer automatically, for safety purposes. The seglist's ps_Data area is available for your general usage. INPUTS entry - (int32 (*)(...)) - ptr to a function. (or NULL) data - Optional data to be copied into seglist. (or NULL) datalen - Length in bytes for your data area allocation. (or 0) ikey - Identification key, (see notes below). RESULT segment - BPTR to the newly allocated segment, or NULL on failure. NOTES When initialising the ps_Data area, set the argument 'datalen' to the required size (in bytes) for your data memory allocation. The argument 'data' should point to the data you want copied into the seglists 'ps_Data' area. ( calls IExec->CopyMem() internally ) You may specify a 'data' arg of NULL to inhibit the CopyMem() call, but 'datalen' extra bytes will still be allocated for the segment. The ps_Data area is currently aligned to a 32 byte address. AllocSegList() will always round the total pseudo seglist size up to the next multiple of 4, ie: a longword. The 'ikey' field is currently set by LoadSeg() and some other internal system components, to assist UnloadSeg() and other functions with identifying the currently supported and future seglist types. For compatibility, you MUST initialise this field with one of the following values:- (see dos/dosextens.h) PSIKEY_INIT ; Allows UnLoadSeg() to free the seglist memory normally. PSIKEY_NOFREE ; Prevent UnloadSeg() from ever freeing the memory. (or performing any cleanup or possible file closing) ALL OTHER VALUES ARE RESERVED FOR INTERNAL AND FUTURE EXPANSION USE. Such as; PSIKEY_ELF32, which is currently used by LoadSeg() for identifying native ELF format seglists. and; PSIKEY_NFSYS, which is used for hand made segments, (see include/dos/dosextens.h for more information.) For filesystems that use this function to create an entry function seglist that will be added to the DosList, it is recommended to use the ps_Data area to hold a version string so that it can be located by the c:version command and tools searching for a version string via the dn_SegList field. Format a normal version string as; "$VER: name ver.rev (\r\n\0", pass the string in as 'data' with 'datalen' being 1+strlen(string), as CopyMem() is used to move the string into the segments data area. NOTE: If you ever need to prevent UnLoadSeg() from freeing any PseudoSegList that was previously allocated. This can be accomplished by OR-ing the PSIKEY_NOFREE value with the existing ps_Ikey value. (This sets the upper bit.) This function is callable from a task. The returned seglist MUST be freed with the function UnLoadSeg(). Failure of this function can only occur due to insufficient memory. WARNING Never assume what a BPTR to a given seglist actually represents, always queery it with the; IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags() function. DO NOT create PseudoSegLists yourself if you can call AllocSegList() to do so, there are some internal fields omitted, as well as some initialisation and validation data is not shown in the above structure. Most important; alignment padding may change in future for segment alignments greater than 32 bytes, so, you MUST avoid accessing the ps_Data field yourself (or anything past the ps_IKey field) using this structure definition, instead call; GetSegListInfo(GSLI_Data,...) to obtain a pointer to where the data area begins. For further details see include/dos/dosextens.h SEE ALSO LoadSeg(), UnLoadSeg(), RunCommand(), CreateNewProc(), GetSegListInfo(), AddSegListTail(). dos.library/AssignAdd dos.library/AssignAdd NAME AssignAdd -- Adds a lock to an assign for multi-directory assigns. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AssignAdd(CONST_STRPTR name, BPTR lock); FUNCTION Adds a lock to an assign, making or appending to a multi-directory assign. Note that this only will succeed on an assign created with AssignLock(), or an assign created with AssignLate() which has been resolved (converted into a AssignLock()-assign). NOTE: you should not use the lock in any way after making this call successfully. It becomes the part of the assign, and will be unlocked by the system when the assign is removed. If you need to keep the lock, pass a lock from DupLock() to AssignLock(). INPUTS name - Name of device to assign lock to (without trailing ':') lock - Lock associated with the assigned name RESULT success - Success/failure indicator. NOTES From V51, this is now only a backward compatibility stub that simply calls; IDOS->AssignAddToList(name, lock, -1); BUGS In the V40 documentation, it was stated that the doslist lock is not unlocked upon failure, however this was not actually the case. The doslist write lock is always unlocked and continues to be so. SEE ALSO Lock(), AssignLock(), AssignPath(), AssignLate(), DupLock(), RemAssignList(), AssignAddToList(). dos.library/AssignAddToList dos.library/AssignAddToList NAME AssignAddToList -- Adds a multi-assignment entry to an existing assignment, at a specific point in the list. (V51.43) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AssignAddToList(CONST_STRPTR name, BPTR lock, int32 position); FUNCTION Adds a multi-assign entry to an assign at a specific position. Before V54 this would only succeed on an assign created with the AssignLock() function or an assign created with AssignLate() which has been resolved and converted into a normal DLT_LOCK (AssignLock) type. From V54 onwards, if the 'name' assignment is of type DLT_NONBINDING, created by the AssignPath() function, then the lock will be used to add a multi-directory entry of the same type. Before V54 this would simply fail with IoErr() returning ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE. You cannot use the lock in any way after making this call successfully, as it becomes part of the assign, and will be released when required by the operating system. If you need to keep the lock, duplicate it with DupLock() and use the result for this function. If this function fails, the lock is still valid and must be unlocked. This function is an extended version of AssignAdd() which always adds the assignment to the end of the list. This new V51 function allows you to specify where in the list you wish to add the new lock. INPUTS name - Name of assignment to add the lock to (without trailing ':') lock - New lock to add to the existing assignment name. position - (0 ... n) place the lock in the assignment at the position specified by this argument. 0 will position it as the assignments primary lock. The old lock will be moved as the first multi-assignment. Existing multi-assignment will move along one position. 1 will position it as the first multi-assignment lock. Existing multi-assignment will move along one position. 2 will position it as the second multi-assignment lock. Existing multi-assignment will move along one position. 3 ... n A position greater than the number of entries, or any negative value will append the lock to the end of the list. RESULT success - Success/failure indicator. FALSE on failure. SEE ALSO Lock(), AssignLock(), AssignPath(), AssignLate(), DupLock(), RemAssignList(), AssignAdd(). dos.library/AssignLate dos.library/AssignLate NAME AssignLate -- Creates a DLT_LATE type deferred assignment later. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AssignLate(CONST_STRPTR name, CONST_STRPTR path); FUNCTION Sets up a assignment that is expanded upon the FIRST reference to the name. The path (a string) would be attached to the node. When the name is referenced (Open("FOO:xyzzy",...)), the string will be used to determine where to set the assign to, and if the directory can be locked, the assign will act from that point on as if it had been created by AssignLock(). A major advantage is assigning things to unmounted volumes, which will be requested upon access (useful in startup sequences). This functions creates or deletes assignments of type; DLT_LATE. INPUTS name - Name of device to be assigned (without trailing ':') path - Name of late assignment to be resolved on the first reference. Values of NULL or "" will remove the existing DLT_LATE assign. RESULT success - Success/failure indicator of the operation NOTES From V50, 'name' is tested for NULL and now causes IoErr() to return ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING if this occurs. BUGS Before 53.24 a NULL or nul-string 'path' failed to remove and deallocate the doslist DLT_LATE assignment for 'name'. SEE ALSO Lock(), AssignAdd(), AssignPath(), AssignLock(), dos.library/AssignLock dos.library/AssignLock NAME AssignLock -- Creates a DLT_LOCK assignment to a locked object (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AssignLock(CONST_STRPTR name, BPTR lock); FUNCTION Sets up an assign of a name to a given lock. Passing ZERO for a lock cancels any outstanding assign to that name. If an assign entry of that name is already on the list, this routine replaces that entry. If an entry is on the list that conflicts with the new assign, then a failure code is returned. NOTE: you should not use the lock in any way after making this call successfully. It becomes the assign lock, and will be unlocked by the system when the assign is removed. If you need to keep the lock, pass a lock from DupLock() to AssignLock(). INPUTS name - Name of device to assign lock to (without trailing ':') lock - Lock associated with the object name for the assign. RESULT success - Success/failure indicator. On failure, the lock is not unlocked. NOTES From V50, 'name' is tested for NULL and now causes IoErr() to return ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING if this occurs. SEE ALSO Lock(), AssignAdd(), AssignPath(), AssignLate(), DupLock(), RemAssignList() dos.library/AssignPath dos.library/AssignPath NAME AssignPath -- Creates a DLT_NONBINDING assignment to a path. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = AssignPath(CONST_STRPTR name, CONST_STRPTR path); FUNCTION Sets up an assignment that is expanded upon EACH reference to the name. This is implemented through a private device list type. The path (a string) would be attached to the node. When the name is referenced (Open("FOO:xyzzy"...), the string will be used to determine where to do the open. No permanent lock will be part of it. For example, you could AssignPath() "c2:" to "df2:c", and references to "c2:" would go to "df2:c", even if you change disks. The other major advantage is assigning things to unmounted volumes, which will be requested upon access (useful in startup sequences). This function creates or deletes assignments of type; DLT_NONBINDING INPUTS name - Name of device to be assigned (without trailing ':') path - Path of the late assignment to be resolved at each reference. Values of NULL or "" will remove the DLT_NONBINDING assign. RESULT success - Success/failure indicator of the operation NOTES From V50, 'name' is tested for NULL and now causes IoErr() to return ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING if this occurs. BUGS Before 53.24 a NULL or nul-string 'path' failed to remove and deallocate the doslist DLT_NONBINDING assignment for 'name'. SEE ALSO AssignAdd(), AssignLock(), AssignLate(), Open() dos.library/AttemptLockDosList dos.library/AttemptLockDosList NAME AttemptLockDosList -- Attempt to lock the Dos Lists for use (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DosList *dlist = AttemptLockDosList(uint32 flags); FUNCTION Locks the dos device list in preparation to walk the list. If the list is 'busy' then this routine will return NULL. See LockDosList() for more information. INPUTS flags - Flags stating which types of nodes you want to lock. This must be a combination of the following: LDF_DEVICES -- File system devices, such as "DF0:". LDF_VOLUMES -- The names storage media bears, such as "Workbench:". LDF_ASSIGNS -- Names bound to directories and volumes, such as "LIBS:". Additionally, you must specify the manner in which you want to access the DosList. This must be one of the following: LDF_READ -- You will be looking at the DosList contents, but will not be modifying it. This implies shared access to the DosList. LDF_WRITE -- You will be removing, modifying or adding new entries to the DosList. This implies exclusive access. Note that you cannot combine the LDF_READ and LDF_WRITE flags with one another. RESULT dlist - NULL or a special pointer to the beginning of the list. That pointer is NOT a valid node and can be used only with NextDosEntry() and FindDosEntry()! NOTES See the LockDosList() documentation for more information. This function IS callable from exec tasks. BUGS In V36 through V39.23 dos, this would return NULL or 0x00000001 for failure. Fixed in V39.24 dos (after Kickstart 39.106), which means that the bug is present in all Kickstart versions 2.0 through 3.0 (inclusively). SEE ALSO LockDosList(), UnLockDosList(), NextDosEntry(), NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/CalculateSegmentChecksum dos.library/CalculateSegmentChecksum NAME CalculateSegmentChecksum -- Calculate a 32 bit checksum over a complete segment list (V50). SYNOPSIS uint32 checksum = CalculateSegmentChecksum(BPTR segment_list); FUNCTION This function provides the means to detect changes in program code which has been loaded into memory. Typically, a checksum is calculated right after the program code has been loaded and the checksum is verified after the program was executed. Any changes made will reflect on the new checksum calculated. This functionality is typically used by the shell to detect impure resident programs. INPUTS segment_list -- Pointer to a segment list, as returned by the LoadSeg() function. This can be NULL in which case this function will do nothing. RESULT checksum -- 32 bit checksum calculated over the entire segment list. NOTES This function is typically not used in application software, but in the shell handler. WARNING This function is dependant on the segsize being correct. Failure will occur if segment size is greater than 2gig or is less than 8 bytes or not a size which is a longword multiple. No other checks are performed on the validity of the seglist construct. Be aware that reloading the same data, but at a different location, will yield a different checksum, due to relocs. SEE ALSO LoadSeg(), AllocSegList(). dos.library/CapturePattern dos.library/CapturePattern NAME CapturePattern -- Checks for a pattern match with a string and remember which sections would match (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 match = CapturePattern(CONST_STRPTR pattern, CONST_STRPTR string, int32 case_sensitive, struct CapturedExpression **capture); FUNCTION Checks for a pattern match with a string. The pattern must be a tokenized string output by ParseCapturePattern(). Note that if the pattern prepared by ParseCapturePattern() was to be case sensitive, then you must invoke CapturePattern() with the option to perform a case sensitive match, too. NOTE: this routine is highly recursive. You must have at least 1500 free bytes of stack to call this (it will cut off it's recursion before going any deeper than that and return failure). That's _currently_ enough for about 100 levels deep of #, (, ~, etc. This routine can keep track of where patterns were matched. Enclose the patterns you are interested in in { } brackets, and if the patterns are found to match, you will find an entry for each stored in the linked list pointed to by the 'capture' parameter. The CapturedExpression, as pointed to by the 'capture' parameter, looks like this: see struct CapturedExpression { struct CapturedExpression * cape_Next; STRPTR cape_Match; STRPTR cape_Start; STRPTR cape_End; }; The structure members are used as follows: cape_Next Points to the next captured expression in the list; this is in fact a singly-linked list which is terminated by a NULL pointer. cape_Match Points to the resolved expression which would match the respective pattern. This is a NUL-terminated string. cape_Start Points to the beginning of the matching expression. cape_End Points to the end of the matching expression (exclusively) INPUTS pattern - Special pattern string to match as returned by ParseCapturePattern() string - String to match against given pattern case_sensitive - TRUE if the pattern matching should be performed with regard to the case of the letters, FALSE if the case should not matter capture - Pointer to a 'struct CapturedExpression *' which will be filled in with the address of the first captured expression. Note that this may be NULL if no match could be performed. This will be a linked list which needs to be released with ReleaseCapturedExpressions() when you no longer need it. RESULT match - boolean; (zero or non-zero), result of pattern match. On failure, IoErr() will return 0, ERROR_TOO_MANY_LEVELS or ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE. capture - This may be filled in if a match could be made and you specified that certain patterns should be captured. Make sure that you release the memory allocated for this list when you no longer need it. SEE ALSO ParsePattern(), MatchPatternNoCase(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext(), ParseCapturePattern(), ReleaseCapturedExpressions() dos.library/ChangeFilePosition dos.library/ChangeFilePosition NAME ChangeFilePosition -- Change the current cursor position for reading and writing. (V51.64) SYNOPSIS int32 success = ChangeFilePosition(BPTR file,int64 position,int32 mode); FUNCTION ChangeFilePosition() sets the read/write cursor for the file 'file' to the position 'position'. This position is used by both Read() and Write() as a place to start reading or writing. 'mode' can be OFFSET_BEGINNING, OFFSET_CURRENT or OFFSET_END. It is used to specify the relative start position. For example, 20 from current is a position 20 bytes forward from current, -20 is 20 bytes back from current. To find out the current position, use GetFilePosition(). ChangeFilePosition() beyond the limits of the file will cause failure and return a seek error. INPUTS file - (BPTR) BCPL pointer to a file handle position - (int64) 64 bit position. mode - (int32) OFFSET_BEGINNING,OFFSET_CURRENT or OFFSET_END RESULTS success - boolean; non zero for success, zero on failure. NOTES This function is NOT callable via the legacy 68K jumptable. Legacy 68K callers will only be able to call the old Seek() function. ChangeFilePosition() will provide a working fallback to Seek() if the new packet is unsupported by the filesystem, providing the 'position' parameter falls within signed 32 bit limits, (2 gig) otherwise an error code will be returned; ERROR_OBJECT_TOO_LARGE. Fallback function semantics may apply for unsupporting filesystems. This function works for both buffered and unbuffered streams. SEE ALSO GetFilePosition(), ChangeFileSize(), GetFileSize(). dos.library/ChangeFileSize dos.library/ChangeFileSize NAME ChangeFileSize -- Change the size of a file. (V51.64) SYNOPSIS int32 success = ChangeFileSize(BPTR fh, int64 size, int32 mode); FUNCTION Changes the file size, truncating or extending as needed. If the file is extended, no values should be assumed for the new bytes. If the new size would be before the filehandle's current position in the file, the filehandle's position will be adjusted to point at the new end-of-file. This function will return a fail code if the required new size cannot be achieved, the old SetFileSize() function could return any random size if your request could not be satisfied rather than an error code, this function does not do that. If the file in question could not be changed successfully, the file will be left as it was before. Upon any failure, check the secondary error code with IoErr() to determine exactly what went wrong. The file cursor position shall not be changed unless the file is made smaller than the current cursor position. Do NOT count on any specific values to be in any extended area. INPUTS fh - BCPL pointer to a filehandle to be truncated/extended. size - 64 bit integer size from position determined by mode. mode - 32 bit integer OFFSET_BEGINNING,OFFSET_CURRENT,or OFFSET_END RESULT success - boolean; non zero for success, zero on failure. NOTES This function is NOT callable via the legacy 68K jumptable. Legacy 68K callers will only be able to use the old SetFileSize(). This function provides a working fallback using SetFileSize() if the new function is unsupported by the filesystem, providing the 'size' falls within signed 32 bit limits, (2 gig) otherwise an error code will be returned; ERROR_OBJECT_TOO_LARGE. Fallback function semantics will apply for unsupporting filesystems. WARNING Filesystems shall not allow the size of a file to be changed if there is more than one filehandle open on the same file and the size change would result in any of the other file position pointers being left pointing past the new end-of-file. Always check the failure error code with IoErr(). This function works for both buffered and unbuffered streams. SEE ALSO ChangeFilePosition(), GetFilePosition(), GetFileSize(). dos.library/ChangeMode dos.library/ChangeMode NAME ChangeMode - Change the current mode of a lock or filehandle (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success= ChangeMode(uint32 obj_type, BPTR object, uint32 newmode); FUNCTION This allows you to attempt to change the mode in use by a lock or filehandle. For example, you could attempt to turn a shared lock into an exclusive lock. The handler may well reject this request if there are already multiple users of the object. Attempting to change a directory lock to an exclusive lock will cause failure from V53 onwards. Attempting to change an existing objects mode to the same mode, is effectively a no-op, but will not cause failure from this function. Warning: If 'object' does not correspond with 'obj_type, you are very likely to crash the machine. INPUTS obj_type - Either CHANGE_FH or CHANGE_LOCK object - A BCPL pointer to a lock or a filehandle. (ZERO is safe) newmode - The new mode you want the object to become. This must be either SHARED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), zero for failure. On failure, call IoErr() for more information. NOTES The 'newmode' parameter is independent of the 'obj_type' parameter. That is, even for CHANGE_FH you still have to use either SHARED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, regardless of the fact that you want the access mode of a file handle to be changed rather than the access mode of a file lock. Passing a ZERO 'object' pointer is safe, just returns a failure code. BUGS Did not work in 2.02 or before (V36). Works in V37. In the earlier versions, it can crash the machine. Prior to V50, it was unsafe to use ChangeMode() on a "NIL": file handle. Some file systems, notably the ram-handler prior to version 50, incorrectly assumed that for CHANGE_FH you had to use MODE_OLDFILE, MODE_NEWFILE or MODE_READWRITE rather than SHARED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK. Their responses to ChangeMode() are largely undefined. SEE ALSO Lock(), Open(), DupFileHandle(), DupLock() dos.library/CheckSignal dos.library/CheckSignal NAME CheckSignal -- Checks for break signals. (V36) SYNOPSIS uint32 signals = CheckSignal(uint32 mask); FUNCTION This function checks to see if any signals specified in the mask have been set and if so, returns them. Otherwise it returns FALSE. All signals specified in mask will be cleared. INPUTS mask - Signals to check for. The following are defined in : SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F RESULT signals - Signals specified in mask that were set, or FALSE. EXAMPLE if( IDOS->CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) ) { goto cleanup; } while( ! IDOS->CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) ) { do_something(); } NOTES This function is directly equivalent to; signals = mask & IExec->SetSignal(0,mask); This function is also callable from a task. SEE ALSO dos.library/Cli dos.library/Cli NAME Cli -- Returns a pointer to the CLI structure of the process (V36) SYNOPSIS struct CommandLineInterface *cli_ptr = Cli(void); FUNCTION Returns a pointer to the CLI structure of the current process, or NULL if the process has no CLI structure. RESULT cli_ptr - pointer to the CLI structure, or NULL. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. dos.library/CliInitNewcli dos.library/CliInitNewcli NAME CliInitNewcli -- Set up a process to be a shell from initial packet SYNOPSIS int32 flags = CliInitNewcli( struct DosPacket *packet ); FUNCTION This function initializes a process and CLI structure for a new shell, from parameters in an initial packet passed by the system (NewShell or NewCLI, etc). The format of the data in the packet is purposely not defined. The setup includes all the normal fields in the structures that are required for proper operation (current directory, paths, input streams, etc). It returns a set of flags containing information about what type of shell invocation this is. Definitions for the values of 'flags': Bit 31 Set to indicate flags are valid Bit 3 Set to indicate asynch system call Bit 2 Set if this is a System() call Bit 1 Set if user provided input stream Bit 0 Set if RUN provided output stream If Bit 31 is 0, then you must check IoErr() to determine if an error occurred. If IoErr() returns a pointer to your process, there has been an error, and you should clean up and exit. The packet will have already been returned by CliInitNewcli(). If it isn't a pointer to your process and Bit 31 is 0, reply the packet immediately. (Note: this is different from what you do for CliInitRun().) This function is very similar to CliInitRun(). INPUTS packet - the initial packet sent to your process MsgPort RESULT fn - flags. On failure, a pointer to thistask in IoErr(). SEE ALSO CliInitRun(), ReplyPkt(), WaitPkt(), IoErr() dos.library/CliInitRun dos.library/CliInitRun NAME CliInitRun -- Set up a process to be a shell from initial packet SYNOPSIS int32 flags = CliInitRun( struct DosPacket *packet ); FUNCTION This function initializes a process and CLI structure for a new shell, from parameters in an initial packet passed by the system (Run, System(), Execute()). The format of the data in the packet is purposely not defined. The setup includes all the normal fields in the structures that are required for proper operation (current directory, paths, input streams, etc). It returns a set of flags containing information about what type of shell invocation this is. Definitions for the values of 'flags': Bit 31 Set to indicate flags are valid Bit 3 Set to indicate asynch system call Bit 2 Set if this is a System() call Bit 1 Set if user provided input stream Bit 0 Set if RUN provided output stream If Bit 31 is 0, then you must check IoErr() to determine if an error occurred. If IoErr() returns a pointer to your process, there has been an error, and you should clean up and exit. The packet will have already been returned by CliInitNewcli(). If it isn't a pointer to your process and Bit 31 is 0, you should wait before replying the packet until after you've loaded the first command (or when you exit). This helps avoid disk "gronking" with the Run command. (Note: this is different from what you do for CliInitNewcli().) If Bit 31 is set, then if Bit 3 is one, ReplyPkt() the packet immediately (Asynch System()), otherwise wait until your shell exits (Sync System(), Execute()). (Note: this is different from what you do for CliInitNewcli().) This function is very similar to CliInitNewcli(). INPUTS packet - the initial packet sent to your process MsgPort RESULT fn - flags. On failure, a pointer to thistask in IoErr(). SEE ALSO CliInitNewcli(), ReplyPkt(), WaitPkt(), System(), Execute(), IoErr() dos.library/Close dos.library/Close NAME Close -- Close an open file. (unbuffered) SYNOPSIS int32 success = Close( BPTR file ); FUNCTION The file specified by the file handle is closed. You must close all files you explicitly opened, but you must not close inherited file handles that are passed to you (each filehandle must be closed once and ONLY once). If Close() fails, the file handle is still deallocated and should not be used. For closing buffered file handles from FOpen(), FOpenFromLock(),... you should use FClose() instead of Close(), even though the basic functionality is the same, future features may cause implementation difficulties or unnecessary system overhead by using the wrong function. INPUTS file - BCPL pointer to a file handle. ( NULL is safe, does nothing.) RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) Returns zero if Close() failed. Note that it might fail depending on buffering and whatever IO must be done to close a file being written to. NOTE: this return value did not exist before V36! NOTES Re: LockRecord(), LockRecords(), FreeRecord(), FreeRecords() Please be advised that due to dependancies and idiosyncrasies of the various filesystems that are available, the behaviour of Close() with regard to freeing record locking is currently indeterminant. You are therefore advised to FreeRecord/s() of any records that may have been locked by the application, BEFORE calling Close(). From V53+ the built-in dos.library record locking (only) will always release all locked records for a given filehandle before closing. SEE ALSO FClose(), FOpen(), Open(), OpenFromLock(), FOpenFromLock() dos.library/CompareDates dos.library/CompareDates NAME CompareDates -- Compares two datestamps. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 result = CompareDates(const struct DateStamp *date1, const struct DateStamp *date2); FUNCTION Compares two datestamps for relative magnitide. <0 is returned if 'date1' is later than 'date2', 0 if they are equal, or >0 if 'date2' is later than 'date1'. NOTE: this is NOT the same ordering as strcmp! INPUTS date1, date2 - DateStamps to compare RESULT result - <0, 0, or >0 based on comparison of two date stamps. NOTES This function is callable from tasks. From 51.98 this function will return 0x80000000 if either the 'date1' or 'date2' parameter is NULL, previously this situation was undefined but would have caused an illegal memory access exception. EXAMPLE /* This shows which results the comparison of different dates will produce. This program will produce the following output: CompareDates(older,newer): result > 0 CompareDates(newer,older): result < 0 This is exactly the opposite return value of comparison routines such as memcmp() or strcmp(). */ struct DateStamp older; struct DateStamp newer; int32 result; /* Get the current time, then make a newer date from it. */ IDOS->DateStamp(&older); newer = older; newer.ds_Days++; /* Now show the results */ result = IDOS->CompareDates(&older,&newer); if(result < 0) IDOS->PutStr("CompareDates(older,newer): result < 0\n"); else if (result > 0) IDOS->PutStr("CompareDates(older,newer): result > 0\n"); else IDOS->PutStr("CompareDates(older,newer): result = 0\n"); result = IDOS->CompareDates(&newer,&older); if(result < 0) IDOS->PutStr("CompareDates(newer,older): result < 0\n"); else if (result > 0) IDOS->PutStr("CompareDates(newer,older): result > 0\n"); else IDOS->PutStr("CompareDates(newer,older): result = 0\n"); SEE ALSO DateStamp(), DateToStr(), StrToDate() dos.library/CopyStringBSTRToC dos.library/CopyStringBSTRToC NAME CopyStringBSTRToC -- Copy BCPL format string to 'C' format string (V51.61) SYNOPSIS int32 size = CopyStringBSTRToC(BSTR source, STRPTR destination, uint32 destination_size); FUNCTION CopyStringBSTRToC() converts the contents of a BCPL format string, which begins with a byte containing the length of the string, into a 'C' format string, which consists of a number of bytes terminated by a NUL. The resulting string is always properly NUL-terminated and no more than 'destination_size' bytes will be stored in the 'destination' string. This size limit covers all the number of bytes to be copied, including the final NUL terminator. INPUTS source -- BPTR to a BCPL formatted string which should be copied to the 'destination' string buffer. This can be ZERO in which case an empty string is copied. destination -- Pointer to a string which the contents of the 'source' string are to be copied to. The destination pointer can be NULL in which case no data will be written; the number of bytes that would have been stored is still calculated, though. destination_size -- Size of the 'destination' buffer. RESULT size -- Total length of the string that would have been created by copying the 'source' to the 'destination' buffer, not including the terminating NUL byte. This can be larger than the 'destination_size' parameter, which means that the copied string was truncated. NOTES The use of BCPL format strings is strongly discouraged. This function is supplied solely to ease interoperability with legacy dos.library data structures. This function can be called from a task. SEE ALSO CopyStringCToBSTR(), utility.library/Strlcpy(), utility.library/VSNPrintf() dos.library/CopyStringCToBSTR dos.library/CopyStringCToBSTR NAME CopyStringCToBSTR -- Copy 'C' format string to NUL terminated BCPL format string (V51.61) SYNOPSIS int32 size = CopyStringCToBSTR(CONST_STRPTR source, BSTR destination, uint32 destination_size); FUNCTION CopyStringCToBSTR() converts a 'C' format string, which consists of a number of bytes terminated by a NUL, into a NUL-terminated BCPL string, which begins with a byte containing the length of the string, followed by the string and terminated by a NUL. Such a NUL-terminated BCPL string can be up to 257 bytes in size, which counts the size byte as well as the NUL terminator byte. INPUTS source -- STRPTR to a 'C' format string which should be copied to the 'destination' string buffer. This can be NULL in which case an empty string is copied. destination -- BCPL Pointer to a buffer which the contents of the 'source' string are to be copied to in BCPL format. The destination pointer can be ZERO in which case no data will be written; the number of bytes that would have been stored is still calculated though. Note that no more than 255 bytess will be stored in addition to the initial length byte and the final NUL byte which terminates the string for easier interoperability with C strings. destination_size -- Size of the 'destination' buffer. This must be greater or equal to 2, which accounts for the initial length byte and the final termination byte. If the buffer size is shorter, nothing will be copied. RESULT size -- Total length of the string that would have been created by copying the 'source' to the 'destination' buffer, this does not including the terminating NUL byte. This can be larger than the 'destination_size' parameter, which means that the copied string was truncated. NOTES The resulting string is not a simple BCPL formated string, which would consist of the initial length byte followed by a number of bytes. The result is also NUL terminated, which is the preferred form for BCPL strings in AmigaDOS, because they can be used more easily with 'C' language constructs. The use of BCPL format strings is strongly discouraged. This function is supplied solely to ease interoperability with legacy dos.library data structures. This function can be called from a task. SEE ALSO CopyStringBSTRToC(), utility.library/Strlcpy(), utility.library/VSNPrintf() dos.library/CreateDir dos.library/CreateDir NAME CreateDir -- Create a new directory. SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = CreateDir( CONST_STRPTR name ); FUNCTION CreateDir creates a new directory with the specified name. An error is returned if it fails. Directories can only be created on devices which support them, e.g. disks. Before V53, CreateDir() returned an exclusive lock on the new directory if it succeeded, it is now required that this be a a shared lock. Exclusive directory locks have been deprecated. Only files may actually have exclusive locks. It is your responsibility to UnLock() this directory lock. INPUTS name - (CONST_STRPTR) Pointer to a null-terminated string for the directory name. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) RESULT lock - (BPTR) BCPL pointer to a shared lock or zero for failure. NOTES Attempting to create a directory with a trailing '/' in 'name' will cause failure. This is because (for example) the path "foo:bar/baz" refers to the object "baz", but "foo/bar/baz/" refers to an object called "" in directory "baz", which will actually work for IDOS->Lock() because it sees "" as a synonym for CURRDIR: but please don't pass trailing slashes to other AmigaDOS functions, some functions like CreateDir() will quite unsurprisingly completely fail to create a directory called "". Pre-V53 packet based filesystems may try and return an exclusive lock instead of a shared lock, however, dos.library 53.78+ now changes the lock mode to a SHARED_LOCK regardless of the mode the older filesystems returned. If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. SEE ALSO CreateDirTree(), GetDeviceProcFlags() dos.library/CreateDirTree dos.library/CreateDirTree NAME CreateDirTree -- Create a multiple directory tree. (V50) SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = CreateDirTree( CONST_STRPTR tree ); FUNCTION CreateDirTree creates a new directory at each level specified in 'tree' path specification. The tree may be an absolute or currentdir relative path, it does not need to have more than one directory level to work, such as you would normally use with CreateDir(). Unlike CreateDir() which will only create the final directory, CreateDirTree() will create all required directories to get to the lowest level of the path specified by the argument 'tree'. Directories can only be created on devices which support them, e.g. disks. If a directory already exists in the path, this will simply be skipped and the next level directory will attempt to be created, an error will not occur when skipping existing dirs. If a directory in the tree cannot be created for some reason, such as having a file already existing with the same name, this function will fail. CreateDirTree() shall return a shared lock to the lowest directory created, or ZERO on failure. It is your responsibility to UnLock() this directory lock. INPUTS tree - STRPTR; pointer to a null-terminated pathname string. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) RESULT lock - BCPL pointer to a shared lock, or ZERO for failure. NOTES Attempting to create a directory with a trailing '/' in 'tree' will cause failure. This is because (for example) the path "foo:bar/baz" refers to the object "baz", but "foo/bar/baz/" refers to an object called "" in directory "baz", which will actually work for IDOS->Lock() because it sees "" as a synonym for CURRDIR: but please don't pass trailing slashes to other AmigaDOS functions, some functions like CreateDir() will quite unsurprisingly completely fail to create a directory called "". On failure, any successfully created directories in the specified path, up to the point where the error occured, shall remain. On failure, call IoErr() to obtain the secondary error code. Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the path parameters in various functions that required a string pathname specification. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K bytes minimum recommended) This function was used internally in dos.library prior to V50 but was unavailable from the public API. From V50 it is now available for general use by applications. This function is NOT callable from tasks. SEE ALSO CreateDir() dos.library/CreateNewProc dos.library/CreateNewProc NAME CreateNewProc -- Create a new DOS process. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct Process *proc = CreateNewProc(const struct TagItem *tags); struct Process *proc = CreateNewProcTagList(const struct TagItem *tags); struct Process *proc = CreateNewProcTags(uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION This creates a new process according to the tags passed in. See dos/dostags.h for the tags. NB: Before proceeding any further, it is important to first understand that DOS processes are NOT exec tasks, they are a superset. You MUST NOT call the exec task termination functions when dealing with DOS processes in applications. EG: DeleteTask() / RemTask(). Attempts to do so will probably leave various resources allocated, like filesystem locks and file streams open and orphaned forever. So DON'T DO IT in any applications code. To exit a DOS process, just return() from your start function with a suitable return code, (RETURN_xxx) these are listed in dos/dos.h and should always be used regardless of how a process starts up. Simply treat your start function like a normal C subroutine. For this function to be able to work, you must specify one of either the 'NP_Seglist' or 'NP_Entry' tags, (or both). 'NP_Seglist' takes a seglist (as returned by LoadSeg or AllocSegList). 'NP_Entry' takes a function pointer to the routine to call. There are many options, as you can see by examining . The defaults are for a non-CLI process, with copies of your task priority, pr_CurrentDir (used for "CURRDIR:"), pr_ProgramDir (used for "PROGDIR:"), pr_ConsolePort (used for "CONSOLE:"), pr_WindowPtr, and local variables. The input and output filehandles default to opens of "NIL:" if no tags are supplied to indicate differently. Minimum stack of 8K or whatever you have specified in DOS prefs, and others as shown in . This is a fairly reasonable default setting for creating threads, though you may wish to modify it (for example, to give a descriptive name to the process.) CreateNewProc() is callable from a task, though any actions that require doing Dos I/O (DupLock() of pr_CurrentDir, for example) will not work and will simply not be called from a task context. When the new process starts, an initial minimum stack frame is created (ATM it is 8K) for it to begin execution, at which time it builds data structures or performs other internal function calls, also, if any of the following tags are used, NP_EntryCode, NP_FinalCode, or NP_ExitCode, these will always run under this initial stack frame so be conservative with any stack usage while inside these vectors. Once the new process is ready, the user stack specified by NP_StackSize is allocated by passing control to internalRunCommand() where the application code specified by NP_SegList or NP_Entry is executed. WARNING If you call CreateNewProc() with 'NP_Arguments', you should not specify an 'NP_Input' of NULL. When 'NP_Arguments' is specified, it needs to modify the Input() filehandle to make ReadArgs(), etc... work properly. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array; see below. TAGS NP_Seglist (BPTR) -- Pointer to a segment list, as like that returned by LoadSeg() or AllocSegList(). The segment list will not be freed when the process exits unless you specifically request it via the use of 'NP_FreeSeglist, TRUE'. Your code may be invoked with certain parameters; see the NP_Entry documentation below for a description. NP_FreeSeglist (int32; boolean) -- Indicate whether the segment list supplied via 'NP_Seglist' should be freed when the process exits. Defaults to FALSE. NP_Entry (int32 (*)()) -- Address of a function at which the child process should start execution. This entry() function has the same prototype as the _start() function, it also expects a proper DOS returncode. See; dos/RunCommand() and include/dos/startup.h for further details of starting up a new DOS process. Prior to V50 the tags NP_Entry and NP_Seglist were mutually exclusive. Starting with V50 you can combine both and use the 'NP_FreeSeglist, TRUE' tag with them; the process will start executing at the function entry you specified with NP_Entry and the segment list specified by NP_Seglist will be freed on exit. Emulated 68K programs and PPC Native code will have their entry function called as; int32 rc = _start(STRPTR args, int32 length, APTR execbase); The parameters are: args -- Pointer to a NUL-terminated string or NULL if no arguments are provided. [ 68K register A0 ] length -- Length of the argument string, or 0 if no arguments are provided. [ 68K register D0 ] execbase -- Pointer to struct ExecBase. [ 68K register A6 ] NP_Child (int32; boolean) (V50) -- Identify this newly created process as a resource dependant child of the creating process. Default: FALSE Commencing with V51.71 of dos.library, the semantics of the DOS process cleanup function have been adjusted when using this tag. When a process is about to be deleted, and that process still has active dependant children, the process is not deleted immediately, instead, it is suspended, (possibly indefinately), until all its child processes have finally ended, the parent process then resumes to finish parent process termination. This guarantees that no process that was created as a child process is orphaned, *especially* when running in shared code space. NEWLIB NOTES: For programs using 'newlib.library', you must specify this tag as TRUE, if your child process is to share the parent process' newlib context information. Failing to specify this true tag for child processes that do not open their own newlib, will cause the child process to use a default global fallback context for children entering at main(). Nevertheless, you should still add this true tag in any case, because without it, the child process will not use the parents stream descriptors for; stdin/stdout/stderr, and for memory allocated with malloc(), calloc(), etc... can't be freed automatically on exit. Only with this tag set true, will the C library cleanup code execute when the parent returns from main(), frees all unfreed C library memory allocations and closes all still open streams. There are still some functions which can't work at all, or without some limits, and you never should rely on any C library functions, except for the simple ones like memcpy(), strlcpy(), strlen(), strcmp(), etc. From V53.9 this tag also causes "baserel" CPU registers to be copied to the child process by exec via the internal AddTask() call. Use this tag from V50 onwards, where the child process is dependant upon the parent process, especially when using shared code space. Use this tag carefully, always remembering that a parent process CAN NEVER END until all children have done so first. If your child process is designed to persist after the parent exits, then DO NOT create persistent child processes that use this tag. NP_UserData (int32) (V50) -- A value that is placed in the new process' task structure, in the field: process->pr_Task.tc_UserData. This may be any arbitrary user value. Defaults to 0. NP_Input (BPTR) -- Default input stream for the child process. Defaults to; Open("NIL:",MODE_OLDFILE) if you do not specify a tag. DO NOT specify 0 for this tag unless you really intend your new process to have an Input() stream that returns 0. Note that a zero Input() stops ReadArgs() etc.. working. DO NOT use this tag for anything but a FileHandle BPTR. NP_CloseInput (int32; boolean) -- Whether the default input stream should be closed upon exit. Defaults to TRUE. NP_Output (BPTR) -- Default output stream for the child process. Defaults to; Open("NIL:",MODE_OLDFILE) if you do not specify a tag. DO NOT use this tag for anything but a FileHandle BPTR. NP_CloseOutput (int32; boolean) -- Whether the default output stream should be closed upon exit. Defaults to TRUE. NP_Error (BPTR) -- Default error output stream for the child process. Defaults to a ZERO stream for compatibility reasons. DO NOT use this tag for anything but a FileHandle BPTR. NP_CloseError (int32; boolean) -- Whether the default error output stream should be closed upon exit. Defaults to FALSE. (Note: Default is FALSE as DOS does not open this stream. ) NP_CurrentDir (BPTR) -- Current directory of the child process. (This is where "CURRDIR:" will point to). Do not pass in a tag value of zero, unless you really intend any access to "CURRDIR:" to fail for this new process. Defaults to a copy [ DupLock() ] of the parents current dir only if you DO NOT specify this tag, and only if parent is a process. DOS will always UnLock() this when the process exits, if the pr_Flags; PRF_FREECURRDIR is still set. (Default) DO NOT use this tag for anything but a Lock BPTR. NP_ProgramDir (BPTR) -- Identifies the 'home program directory' of the child process. (This is where "PROGDIR:" will point to). Defaults to a copy [ DupLock() ] of the parents home dir only if you DO NOT specify this tag, and only if the parent is a process. DOS will always UnLock() this when the process exits. Do not pass in a tag value of zero, unless you really intend any access relative to "PROGDIR:" to fail for this new process. DO NOT use this tag for anything but a Lock BPTR. NP_StackSize (int32) -- The stack size the child process should use. Minimum values less that what DOS Prefs specifies are ignored (V50). Default; Inherit size from parent task when tag is not specified. Note; Please also refer to RunCommand() documentation relating to the use of "$STACK;" cookies in the program code seglist to specify a custom default minimum stack size. NP_LockStack (int32; boolean) -- Locks the stack for the new process. Setting this tag to TRUE will cause exec to prevent the stack being swapped out by the pager. Defaults to FALSE. (V52.10) NB: Currently, all legacy 68K code that is being run will force stack locking on, regardless of this tag specification. NP_Name (STRPTR) -- Name of the child process. Defaults to "New Process" if no tag is specified, or a NULL tag is supplied. There is no maximum length limit imposed on this string. The child process' task structure; task->tc_Node.ln_Name will point to the buffer to where this string is copied. The exec function FindTask() searches on this string. From V50, the internal copy of your NP_Name string is added to the task memory list and will therefore be freed automatically when the process eventually exits. NP_Priority (int8; -128 .. 127) -- Task priority of the child process. Defaults to the same as the parent, if this tag is not supplied. NP_ConsolePort (struct MsgPort *) -- Address of the console handler message port the child process should use. Defaults to the same as the parent if the parent is a process, otherwise it will be 0. This tag will set the handler for actions with "CONSOLE:". NP_WindowPtr (APTR) -- Indicate where dos.library requesters should be displayed for the child process (on the Workbench screen, a custom screen or not at all). Defaults to the same value as the parent process only if it is a value of 0 or -1, and if the parent is a process, otherwise 0. EG; A value of 0, indicates requesters should be displayed on the default public screen. (Usually WorkBench) A value of -1 indicates that no requesters shall be shown. Otherwise, a pointer to an open intuition window that all requesters should be opened on. NP_CopyVars (int32; boolean) -- Indicate whether the local environmental variable list associated with the parent should be copied for the child process. Defaults to TRUE. NP_LocalVars (STRPTR *) -- An array of string pointers, to represent the content of the local environmental variable list. (V51.70) The array shall be arranged in pairs, to contain the name of the local variable to add, followed by that variables value. The variable name and the value are both nul-terminated strings. The pairing continues until you have specified all your required variables. The array MUST then have at least one NULL entry at the end for termination. Copies of these LV_VAR variables will be added to the variable list for the new process until the mandatory NULL pointer is encountered, which is used to indicate the end of your array pairs. EG; STRPTR vars[7]; vars[0]="Varname1", vars[1]="value1", vars[2]="Varname2", vars[3]="value2", vars[4]="Varname3", vars[5]="value3", vars[6]=NULL; /* <- mandatory array terminator. */ IDOS->CreateNewProcTags(NP_LocalVars, vars, ...); Variables specified with this tag are copied to the tail of the existing list, which may also be empty if (NP_CopyVars,FALSE) was specified, (or the parent was a task) otherwise the list will contain a copy of the parent process' variables, with these new entries copied to the end of the local variable list. Defaults to NULL. NP_LocalAlias (STRPTR *) -- An array of string pointers, to represent the content of the local alias list. (added V52.5) The array shall be arranged in pairs, to contain the name of the local alias to add, followed by that alias' value. The alias name and the value are both nul-terminated strings. The pairing continues until you have specified all your required aliases. The array MUST then have at least one NULL entry at the end for termination. Copies of these LV_ALIAS entries will be added to the local list for the new process until the mandatory NULL pointer is encountered, which is used to indicate the end of your array pairs. EG; STRPTR alias[7]; alias[0]="Aliasname1", alias[1]="value1", alias[2]="Aliasname2", alias[3]="value2", alias[4]="Aliasname3", alias[5]="value3", alias[6]=NULL; /* <- mandatory array terminator. */ IDOS->CreateNewProcTags(NP_LocalAlias, alias, ...); Aliases specified with this tag are copied to the tail of the existing list, which may also be empty if (NP_CopyVars,FALSE) was specified, (or the parent was a task) otherwise the list will contain a copy of the parent process' aliases & variables, with these new entries copied to the end of the local list. (after vars) Defaults to NULL. NP_Cli (int32; boolean) -- Indicate whether a CLI data structure should be allocated and attached to the child process structure. Defaults to FALSE. A new cli structure will have the following initialisations; 1) The cli_FailLevel will inherited the parent cli value, else 10. 2) The cli_RunBackground will be set to FALSE. 3) The cli_Prompt will inherit a copy of the parents prompt if it has one, otherwise it will install the default; "\4%N> " 4) The cli_CurrentDirName will be initialised with the name of the directory specified by the tag; NP_CurrentDir, otherwise the name of the parents current directory will be used, else "\0". 5) The cli_PathList will be initialised from the tag; NP_Path if specified, otherwise a copy of the parents pathlist will be used if the parent has a cli, else zero if the parent was a task or a process without a cli attached. Remember, a process with a CLI is not necessarily a "CLI process". A CLI is sometimes added to a process to prevent programs started from it [ See; RunCommand() ] believing they are being run from Workbench, the startup code of external programs check for a Cli() to determine whether they should WaitPort() for a Workbench startup message, or not. See include/dos/startup.h for example code. NP_CommandName (STRPTR) -- This will be set as the CLI command name for the child process if the 'NP_Cli, TRUE' tag has been used. NP_Path (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a 'struct PathNode' which should be attached to the child process' CLI structure->cli_PathList. NB: This works only if the 'NP_Cli, TRUE' tag is set. Note: The supplied pathlist is used as is and not duplicated, it will be freed automatically when the process exits, but must be freed manually if the process could not be created for some reason. If you do NOT specify this tag, and, if the parent process has a CLI structure attached to it, then the new process' CLI struct will receive a duplicate of the parents pathlist, which will also be freed automatically on exit. (and if process creation fails.) NP_Arguments (STRPTR) -- Argument string to be copied for the child process (string pointer in 68000 CPU register A0, string length in 68000 register D0). Defaults to string pointer == NULL and string length == 0. Note: do not use with NP_Input == NULL! The tag did not work prior to dos.library V37. The argument string copy can also be accessed from within the child process, by calling the GetArgStr() function or via the argument supplied to the _start() function of the executable. See; include/dos/startup.h for more info. NP_EntryCode (VOID (*)(int32)) -- (V51.72) Pointer to a function called when the child process starts up. The function will be called once by the new process, just before the actual program code execution begins, this also implies that the child process cannot affect the invocation of this vector. The function is called with the following parameter; VOID EntryCode(int32 entry_data); D0 The 'entry_data' comes from the value supplied with the 'NP_EntryData,..' tag. This function pointer can point to native PPC code or 68K code. Defaults to NULL. NP_EntryData (int32) -- A user value to pass to the function which is invoked when the child process begins. (via 'NP_EntryCode' tag. You are not actually required to have an NP_EntryCode tag to use this field for any purpose you choose, it is just passed to the NP_EntryCode function as an argument, if you specified one. This value can also be obtained from within the child process by calling the V51 function GetEntryData(). (V51.73) Defaults to 0. NP_FinalCode (VOID (*)(int32,int32)) -- Pointer to a function called when the child process is about to terminate, after exiting the user program code, but before any process unloading occurs or file and lock closing is performed by the DOS cleanup() function. This vector is very similar in functionality to NP_ExitCode(), but this field is for the *EXCLUSIVE* use of the spawning process to initialise, it cannot be permanently altered by the child process. The function is called with the following parameters; VOID FinalCode(int32 return_code, int32 final_data); D0 D1 The 'return_code' is the primary return code of the child process. The 'final_data' is from the value supplied by the NP_FinalData tag. Any secondary error code may also be retrieved with IoErr(). This function pointer can point to native PPC code or 68K code. This vector gets called after NP_ExitCode if both are initialised. Defaults to NULL. (V51.77) NOTE; This vector is for the exclusive use of the spawning process. If the child process attempts to change this vector when the program is executing through the normal DOS program launching method (ie; internalRunCommand()) then the value will always be restored to the tag value when the child program code finally exits. (See also; NP_FinalData) NP_FinalData (int32) -- A value to pass to the function which is invoked when the child process exits. (via 'NP_FinalCode' tag). This is very similar to NP_ExitData use, but this field is for the *EXCLUSIVE* use of the spawning process to initialise, it cannot be permanently altered by the child process. Defaults to 0. (V51.77) You are not actually required to use the NP_FinalCode tag to use this field for any purpose you require, it is simply passed to any NP_FinalCode function as an argument, if you have specified one. NOTE; This field is for the exclusive use of the spawning process. If the child process attempts to change this value when the program is executing through the normal DOS program launching method (ie; internalRunCommand()) then the value will always be restored to the tag value when the child program code finally exits. (See also; NP_FinalCode) NP_ExitCode (VOID (*)(int32,int32)) -- Pointer to a function called when the child process is about to terminate after exiting from the user program code, but before any process unloading occurs or file and lock closing is performed by the DOS cleanup() function. The function is called with the following parameters; VOID ExitCode(int32 return_code, int32 exit_data); D0 D1 The 'return_code' is the primary return code of the child process. The 'exit_data' comes from the value supplied by NP_ExitData tag. Any secondary error code may be retrieved with IoErr(). This function pointer can point to native PPC code or 68K code. This vector gets called before NP_FinalCode if both are initialised. Defaults to NULL. WARNING; There is no guarantee that the child process will leave this vector alone, unless it is YOUR code being run. You cannot depend on whether this tags value will persist up to the time the pr_ExitCode vector is invoked. There is known code in existance that uses this field for its own purposes, so make no assumptions whether this value will remain constant in conjunction with unknown code. (See NP_FinalCode for protected function vectoring) NP_ExitData (int32) -- A user value to pass to the function which is invoked when the child process exits. (via 'NP_ExitCode' tag). You are not actually required to have an NP_ExitCode tag to use this field for any purpose you choose, it is just passed to the NP_ExitCode function as an argument, if you specified one. This value can also be obtained from within the child process by calling the V50 function GetExitData(). For pre-V50 callers, you can access it via; proc->pr_ExitData Defaults to 0. WARNING; There is no guarantee that the child process will leave this value alone, unless it is YOUR code being run. You cannot depend on whether this tags value will persist up to the time the pr_ExitCode vector is actually invoked. There is known code in existance that uses this field for its own purposes, so make no assumptions whether this value will remain constant. (See NP_FinalData for protected function data) NP_NotifyOnDeathMessage (struct DeathMessage *) -- (V51.55) Supply an initialised DeathMessage structure (as shown in example), for DOS to ReplyMsg() to, upon death of this new process. The ReplyMsg() back to the mn_ReplyPort will occur at the last possible moment, just before the process is actually deleted and while the machine is single threading. Defaults to NULL. A struct DeathMessage is defined in dos/dos.h as; struct DeathMessage { struct Message dm_Msg; /* Embedded exec message structure. */ int32 dm_ReturnCode; /* Primary return code, set by DOS. */ int32 dm_Result2; /* IoErr() value, set by DOS. */ }; You are required to initialise at least the following members of the structure; struct DeathMessage *dmsg; dmsg = IExec->AllocVec(sizeof(*dmsg),MEMF_SHARED); dmsg->dm_Msg.mn_ReplyPort = messageport_to_reply_message_to; dmsg->dm_Msg.mn_Length = (uint16)sizeof(*dmsg); IDOS->CreateNewProcTags(NP_NotifyOnDeathMessage, dmsg, ...); The dos.library will install the process' primary returncode in the; dmsg->dm_ReturnCode field, with the IoErr() value placed in; dmsg->dm_Result2, when the process is about to end. This will only occur if the message dmsg->dm_Msg.mn_Length field has been initialised to at least sizeof(struct DeathMessage), if this is not so, dos.library will ONLY ReplyMsg() the message (providing it is at least sizeof(struct Message)), without adding the return code and secondary result information. Note; The task receiving the reply is responsible for GetMsg()'ing the death message from the replyport and FreeVec()ing the structure. DOS does not touch any fields of the Message structure itself, so it is possible to use fields like; dmsg->dm_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name to hold private data that needs to be returned to the parent process, or can be used to differentiate multiple deathmessages arriving at the same port from multiple children. This tag can easily be used to make a syncronous CreateNewProcTags() function with access to the primary and secondary result codes. The child process holds the pointer to the struct DeathMessage in the process structure field; pr_DeathMessage. The DeathMessage is replied to at the second last possible moment, before the process is actually deleted, a NP_NotifyOnDeathSigTask signalling is the only thing that can occur after this. Defaults to NULL. NP_NotifyOnDeathSigTask (struct Task *) -- (V51.55) Specify the task (or process) to signal upon death of this process. Defaults to OFF, when this tag is not specified. You may specify this tag with a NULL value, to indicate that you wish to signal the parent of this new child process. ie; The task/process calling the CreateNewProc() function. The Signal() to the task specified here will occur at the last possible moment, just before the process is actually deleted. NP_NotifyOnDeathSignalBit (uint32) -- (V51.55) A value 0-31 being the signal bit number (SIGB_xxx or SIGBREAKB_xxx) (See also; exec/AllocSignal()) to send to the task/process that was specified by NP_NotifyOnDeathSigTask, upon death of this new process. Defaults to SIGB_CHILD if not specified. (See; exec/tasks.h) NP_OwnerUID (uint32) -- (V52.18) Specify the pr_UID owner [user] value for the new process. Default; Inherit parent process value. (zero if parent is a task.) NP_OwnerGID (uint32) -- (V52.18) Specify the pr_GID owner [group] value for the new process. Default; Inherit parent process value. (zero if parent is a task.) RESULT proc - The pointer to the created process, or NULL on failure. Note that if it returns NULL, you must free any items that were passed in via tags, such as if you supplied your own current directory with NP_CurrentDir, or path with NP_Path. On failure, consult IoErr() to obtain more information. On success, and only from DOS V51.94+, IoErr() will return the process identifier (PID) for the new process, this value is obtained from; newprocess->pr_ProcessID while the single threading lock is still in force. The PID is guaranteed to be non-zero for valid processes and the numbers are issued incrementally. Even if the 32 bit PID counter ever manages to roll around, you are guaranteed that no two running processes can ever have the same PID number. NOTES For V50 a new process launching feature has been added. If you specify both NP_Seglist and NP_Entry, the new process will be created and treated as if only an NP_Seglist was supplied, however, when the new process starts execution, it will begin at the function where NP_Entry points to, instead of at the NP_Seglist. For native execution, seglists must be created with LoadSeg() or the V50 AllocSegList() function. ( See AllocSegList() docs for more details on native seglists. ) WARNING It is remotely possible for this function to return a non-zero success value, but not actually get to the point where the user code runs. This can occur if there is insufficient memory for the user stackframe which is allocated in the internal_RunCommand() function. However, the NP_EntryCode, NP_FinalCode and NP_ExitCode vectors are still always executed if this situation actually manages to occur. For 68K legacy executables, user program code can also be denied execution by being listed appropriately in DEVS:applications.dos. EXAMPLE These examples demonstrate several methods to arbitrate termination of multiple sub-processes created by a parent process, so that the parent does not exit until all the child processes have done so first, especially important when a child is sharing resources of the parent process, such as code space, streams, locks or interfaces, etc... While the NP_Child tag will always protect against child code running in freed memory (when the parent unloads), it does NOT provide any protection from DOS (or any CLIB startup code) closing shared streams or unlocking locks that are under the control of the parent process, the only way to prevent that happening is to defer leaving main() until the shared resource usage has completely finished. The following examples intensionally share resources allocated by the parent process and would crash instantly if the parent exits before all the child processes have done so first. Most importantly, if a child process happens to crash, these examples will still allow the main process to exit after the crashed child has been terminated by the system crash handler, therefore you are not going to finish up with a hung parent process, as would occur if the child had to execute any handshaking code as part of its function, which may never get executed if the child were to crash. ===== /* * This example uses the NP_DeathSignal feature in conjunction with * the DOS vectors used to execute code on start or end of a process, * these vectors are used here to control a child tracking counter * (that only executes while inside the DOS library code), * this is used to determine when all child processes have finished * executing, to know when the parent process can exit, * the child also shares the parents DOS interface in this example. */ #define __NOLIBBASE__ #define __NOGLOBALIFACE__ #include #include #include /* A child process that waits for 10 seconds then exits. */ STATIC int32 childproc(STRPTR *args UNUSED, int32 arglen UNUSED, struct ExecBase *sysbase) { struct ExecIFace *iexec =(APTR)sysbase->MainInterface; struct Process *me =(APTR)iexec->FindTask(0); struct DOSIFace *idos =(APTR)me->pr_ExitData; /* via parent */ idos->Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND * 10); return(RETURN_OK); } /* local tracking data structure */ struct Func_Tracking_Data { struct ExecIFace *Iexec; struct SignalSemaphore Sem; int32 ChildCount; }; /* This is called when a child process ends. */ STATIC VOID finalfunc(int32 rc UNUSED, struct Func_Tracking_Data *fd) { fd->Iexec->ObtainSemaphore(&fd->Sem); fd->ChildCount --; fd->Iexec->ReleaseSemaphore(&fd->Sem); } /* This is called when a child process begins. */ STATIC VOID entryfunc(struct Func_Tracking_Data *fd) { fd->Iexec->ObtainSemaphore(&fd->Sem); fd->ChildCount ++; fd->Iexec->ReleaseSemaphore(&fd->Sem); } /* -- AmigaDOS program entry point -- */ int32 _start(STRPTR args UNUSED, int32 arglen UNUSED, struct ExecBase *sysbase) { struct ExecIFace *iexec = (APTR)sysbase->MainInterface; struct Library *dosbase; struct DOSIFace *idos; struct Process *me; struct WBStartup *wbmsg = NULL; struct Func_Tracking_Data *fd; uint32 x; int32 result = RETURN_ERROR; iexec->Obtain(); me = (struct Process *) iexec->FindTask(NULL); if( ! me->pr_CLI ) /* Check for workbench startup message */ { iexec->WaitPort(&me->pr_MsgPort); wbmsg = (struct WBStartup *) iexec->GetMsg(&me->pr_MsgPort); } if(( fd = iexec->AllocVec(sizeof(*fd),MEMF_SHARED) )) { iexec->InitSemaphore(&fd->Sem); /* initialised tracking sem */ fd->ChildCount = 0; fd->Iexec = iexec; if(( dosbase = iexec->OpenLibrary("dos.library", 50) )) { if(( idos =(APTR)iexec->GetInterface(dosbase,"main",1,0))) { result = RETURN_OK; for(x=1; x <= 10; x++) { if(( idos->CreateNewProcTags( NP_Entry, childproc, NP_NotifyOnDeathSigTask, me, /* SIGB_CHILD signal */ NP_FinalCode, finalfunc, /* executes this ending */ NP_FinalData, fd, /* tracking data for above */ NP_EntryCode, entryfunc, /* executes this starting */ NP_EntryData, fd, /* tracking data for above */ NP_Child, TRUE, NP_ExitData, idos, /* share idos with children. */ TAG_DONE) )) { idos->Printf("Started child number %lu\n", x); } idos->Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND/4); } idos->Printf("\nWaiting for the %lu children to end.\n\n", fd->ChildCount); while( fd->ChildCount >0 ) { iexec->Wait(SIGF_CHILD); idos->PutStr("Child death signal received.\n"); } idos->PutStr("\nAll children gone, now exiting.\n\n"); iexec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)idos); } iexec->CloseLibrary(dosbase); } iexec->FreeVec(fd); } if( wbmsg ) { /* iexec->Forbid(); <- not needed with workbench.library V52+ */ iexec->ReplyMsg((APTR)wbmsg ); } iexec->Release(); return(result); } ===== /* * This example uses the NP_DeathMessage feature to determine when * all child processes have finished executing, before the parent * process can exit, the child also shares the parents DOS interface. */ #define __NOLIBBASE__ #define __NOGLOBALIFACE__ #include #include #include /* This is the child process that waits for 10 seconds then exits. */ STATIC int32 childproc(STRPTR *args UNUSED, int32 arglen UNUSED, struct ExecBase *sysbase) { struct ExecIFace *iexec = (APTR)sysbase->MainInterface; struct Process *me = (APTR)iexec->FindTask(0); struct DOSIFace *idos = (APTR)me->pr_EntryData; /* via parent */ idos->Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND * 10); idos->SetIoErr((int32)me->pr_ProcessID); /* To make IoErr() return the childs PID number for Printf(). */ return(RETURN_OK); } /* -- AmigaDOS program entry point -- */ int32 _start(STRPTR args UNUSED, int32 arglen UNUSED, struct ExecBase *sysbase) { struct ExecIFace *iexec = (APTR)sysbase->MainInterface; struct Library *dosbase; struct DOSIFace *idos; struct Process *process; struct WBStartup *wbmsg = NULL; struct MsgPort *DMreplyport; struct DeathMessage *dmsg; uint32 x, childcount; int32 result = RETURN_ERROR; iexec->Obtain(); process = (struct Process *) iexec->FindTask(0); if( ! process->pr_CLI ) /* Check for workbench startup message */ { iexec->WaitPort(&process->pr_MsgPort); wbmsg = (struct WBStartup *) iexec->GetMsg(&process->pr_MsgPort); } if(( dosbase = iexec->OpenLibrary("dos.library", 50) )) { if(( idos = (APTR) iexec->GetInterface(dosbase,"main",1,0) )) { if(( DMreplyport = iexec->CreateMsgPort() )) { result = RETURN_OK; for(childcount=0, x=0; x < 10; x++) { if((dmsg =iexec->AllocVec(sizeof(*dmsg),MEMF_SHARED))) { dmsg->dm_Msg.mn_ReplyPort = DMreplyport; dmsg->dm_Msg.mn_Length = (uint16)sizeof(*dmsg); if(( idos->CreateNewProcTags(NP_Entry,childproc, NP_Child, TRUE, NP_EntryData, idos, /* passed to child */ NP_NotifyOnDeathMessage,dmsg, TAG_DONE) )) { idos->Printf("Started child process %lu\n", idos->IoErr()); childcount ++; } else { iexec->FreeVec(dmsg); } idos->Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND/4); } } idos->Printf("\nNow waiting for the %lu children to end.\n\n", childcount); while( childcount >0 ) { iexec->WaitPort(DMreplyport); if(( dmsg = (APTR)iexec->GetMsg(DMreplyport) )) { idos->Printf("Death message received for child %lu\n", dmsg->dm_Result2); iexec->FreeVec(dmsg); childcount --; } } idos->PutStr("\nAll children gone, parent now exiting.\n\n"); iexec->DeleteMsgPort(DMreplyport); } iexec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)idos); } iexec->CloseLibrary(dosbase); } if( wbmsg ) { /* iexec->Forbid(); <- not needed with workbench.library V52+ */ iexec->ReplyMsg((APTR)wbmsg ); } iexec->Release(); return(result); } ===== /* * This example uses a process change signal notification in * conjunction with the ProcessScan() function to determine if any * child processes are still running, it also shares idos. */ #define __NOLIBBASE__ #define __NOGLOBALIFACE__ #include #include #include /* This is the child process that waits for 10 seconds then exits. */ STATIC int32 childproc(STRPTR *args UNUSED, int32 arglen UNUSED, struct ExecBase *sysbase) { struct ExecIFace *iexec = (APTR)sysbase->MainInterface; struct Process *me = (APTR)iexec->FindTask(0); struct DOSIFace *idos = (APTR)me->pr_EntryData; /* via parent */ idos->Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND * 10); return(RETURN_OK); } /* Hook function for the ProcessScan() call below. */ STATIC uint32 ASM find_child( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook) UNUSED, REG(a2, struct Process *parentproc ), REG(a1, struct Process *proc) ) { if(proc->pr_ParentID == parentproc->pr_ProcessID) /* my child ? */ { if(proc->pr_ExitData == (int32)parentproc) /* second tier */ { return(TRUE); /* return TRUE */ } } return(FALSE); /* FALSE = not found - continue to scan list */ } /* Find any child processes still running. */ STATIC uint32 Found_any_child_process(struct DOSIFace *idos, struct Process *parentproc) { struct Hook H; H.h_Entry = (APTR) find_child; return (uint32) idos->ProcessScan( &H, parentproc, 0); } /* -- AmigaDOS program entry point -- */ int32 _start(STRPTR args UNUSED, int32 arglen UNUSED, struct ExecBase *sysbase) { struct ExecIFace *iexec = (APTR)sysbase->MainInterface; struct Library *dosbase; struct DOSIFace *idos; struct Process *process; struct WBStartup *wbmsg = NULL; uint32 x; int32 result = RETURN_ERROR; iexec->Obtain(); process = (struct Process *) iexec->FindTask(NULL); if( ! process->pr_CLI ) /* Check for workbench startup message */ { iexec->WaitPort(&process->pr_MsgPort); wbmsg = (APTR) iexec->GetMsg(&process->pr_MsgPort); } if((dosbase = iexec->OpenLibrary("dos.library", 50) )) { if((idos = (APTR)iexec->GetInterface(dosbase,"main",1,0))) { if(idos->NotifyProcListChange(process,SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E,0)) { result = RETURN_OK; for( x=0; x < 10; x++ ) { idos->PutStr("Starting a child process\n"); idos->CreateNewProcTags( NP_Entry, childproc, NP_Child, TRUE, NP_ExitData, process, /* pr_ExitData used as the 2nd tier child ident */ NP_EntryData, idos, /* pr_EntryData used to share idos for children */ TAG_DONE); idos->Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND/3); } idos->PutStr("\nWaiting for children to exit...\n\n"); while( Found_any_child_process(idos,process) ) { iexec->Wait( SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E ); idos->PutStr("Process list change signal !\n"); } idos->NotifyProcListChange(NULL, NPLC_END, 0); /* Turn signal notification off */ idos->PutStr("\nAll children have ended,"); idos->PutStr(" main program now exiting.\n\n"); } iexec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)idos); } iexec->CloseLibrary(dosbase); } if( wbmsg ) { /* iexec->Forbid(); <- not needed with workbench.library V52+ */ iexec->ReplyMsg((APTR)wbmsg ); } iexec->Release(); return(result); } ===== BUGS In V36, NP_Arguments was broken in a number of ways, and probably should be avoided (instead you should start a small piece of your own code, which calls RunCommand() to run the actual code you wish to run). In V37, NP_Arguments works, though see the note above. SEE ALSO LoadSeg(), CreateProc(), ReadArgs(), RunCommand(), ProcessScan(), NotifyProcListChange(). dos.library/DateStamp dos.library/DateStamp NAME DateStamp -- Obtain the date and time values. SYNOPSIS struct DateStamp *ds = DateStamp( struct DateStamp *ds ); FUNCTION Time on the Amiga is measured by the timer.device in "AmigaTime" which is the number of seconds since 1-January-1978. DateStamp() takes a pointer to a DateStamp structure and fills it (if not NULL) with the values converted from the current "AmigaTime". struct DateStamp { int32 ds_Days; /* Number of days since Jan. 1, 1978 */ int32 ds_Minute; /* Number of minutes past midnight */ int32 ds_Tick; /* Number of ticks past the minute */ }; The first field in the structure is a count of the number of days. The second field is the number of minutes elapsed past midnight. The third is the number of ticks elapsed in the current minute. A tick happens 50 times a second. (20mS) DateStamp() ensures that the day and minute are consistent. All three fields are zero if the date is unset. INPUTS ds - pointer to a struct DateStamp to fill, (or NULL). RESULT The structure is filled as described and the same argument pointer supplied is always returned for pre-V36 compatability. From V53.32 IoErr() will also return the "AmigaTime" seconds value, this works even when a NULL 'ds' parameter is supplied, however, this feature is only available when called from a DOS process. NOTES From V50, this function is also safely callable from an exec task, however IoErr() will always return 0. DateStamp structures do NOT require longword alignment. SEE ALSO DateToStr(), StrToDate(), SetDate(), CompareDates(), SecondsToDateStamp(), DateStampToSeconds() dos.library/DateStampToSeconds dos.library/DateStampToSeconds NAME DateStampToSeconds -- Convert a DateStamp into "Amiga Time". (V50) SYNOPSIS uint32 seconds = DateStampToSeconds( const struct DateStamp *dstamp ); FUNCTION DateStampToSeconds() takes a valid DateStamp and returns the result as Amiga time, (the number of seconds elapsed since 01-01-1978). No checking is performed on the contents of the supplied DateStamp, you may choose to call FixDateStamp() to check its integrity first. INPUTS dstamp - Pointer to an initialised struct DateStamp that you wish to extrapolate the "Amiga time" from. RESULT seconds - The number of seconds elapsed since 1-January-1978. NOTES This function is callable from a task. The granularity of seconds determines that the return value will only be accurate to within 50 Ticks. (one second) A NULL 'dstamp' pointer is safe but simply returns 0. SEE ALSO DateStamp(), FixDateStamp(), AddDates, SubtractDates(), SecondsToDateStamp() dos.library/DateToStr dos.library/DateToStr NAME DateToStr -- Converts a DateStamp to a string. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DateToStr( struct DateTime *datetime ); FUNCTION DatetoStr() converts an AmigaDOS DateStamp to a human readable ASCII string as requested by your settings in the DateTime structure. INPUTS datetime - a pointer to an initialized DateTime structure. The DateTime structure should be initialized as follows: dat_Stamp - a copy of the datestamp you wish to convert to a nul-terminated text string. dat_Format - a format byte which specifies the format of the dat_StrDate. This can be any of the following; FORMAT_DOS: AmigaDOS format (dd-mmm-yy). FORMAT_INT: International format (yy-mmm-dd). FORMAT_USA: American format (mm-dd-yy). FORMAT_CDN: Canadian format (dd-mm-yy). FORMAT_DEF: Default format for locale. FORMAT_ISO: ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Requires locale.library V48+ or dos V50.36+ if locale not available. If the value used is something other than those above, default FORMAT_DOS is used. dat_Flags - a flags byte. The only flags which affect this function are: DTF_SUBST: If set, a string such as "Today", "Monday", etc., will be used instead of the dat_Format specification if possible. DTF_FUTURE: Ignored by this function. dat_StrDay - pointer to a buffer to receive the the nul-terminated day of the week string. ("Monday", "Tuesday", etc.). If NULL, this string will not be generated. dat_StrDate- pointer to a buffer to receive the nul-terminated date string, in the format requested by dat_Format, subject to possible modifications by DTF_SUBST. If NULL, this string will not be generated. dat_StrTime- pointer to a buffer to receive the nul-terminated time of day string. If NULL, this string will not be generated. RESULT success - (Boolean) a zero return indicates that the DateStamp was invalid, and could not be converted. Non-zero indicates that the call succeeded. NOTES If not NULL, dat_StrDay, dat_StrDate and dat_StrTime must point to at least LEN_DATSTRING bytes to fill in. Strings may be truncated after LEN_DATSTRING-1 bytes have been written to ensure that the result is nul-terminated. Please note that this function is always redirected to locale.library after it has been initially opened by at least one caller. Prior to the availablility of locale.library, the DOS version of this function is not Locale aware and only understands the English formats. FORMAT_DEF callers will be interpreted as the FORMAT_DOS layout and the dat_Flags will also be ignored at this time. BUGS dos.library and locale.library interact when filling in the dat_StrDay, dat_StrDate and dat_StrTime buffers. Earlier versions did not check if the strings to be written would overflow these buffers. SEE ALSO DateStamp(), StrtoDate(), dos.library/Delay dos.library/Delay NAME Delay -- Delay a task or process for a specified time. SYNOPSIS VOID Delay( uint32 ticks ); FUNCTION The argument 'ticks' specifies how many ticks (50 ticks per second) to wait before returning control. The definition; TICKS_PER_SECOND can be found in dos/dos.h. One 'tick' has a period of 20 milliseconds. INPUTS ticks - (uint32) Number of 50ths of a second, ( 20mS periods ). NOTES From V50, this function is safely callable from a task, however, doing so will require the temporarily allocation of a message port. BUGS Due to a bug in the timer.device in V1.2/V1.3, specifying a timeout of zero for Delay() would cause unreliable timer & floppy disk operation. This was fixed in V36 and later and just returns without waiting now. dos.library/Delete dos.library/Delete NAME Delete -- Delete a file, directory or symbolic link. SYNOPSIS int32 success = Delete( CONST_STRPTR name ); FUNCTION This attempts to delete the object specified by 'name'. If the object cannot be deleted for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling the IoErr() function. Note that all the objects within a directory must be deleted before the directory itself can be deleted. Besides MakeLink(), and conditionally Rename(), this is the only other function that can directly affect symbolic links, all other operations are performed on the links target object instead. INPUTS name - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated string. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) NOTES Attempting to delete a directory with a trailing '/' in 'name' will cause failure. Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) It is safe to pass a NULL 'name' parameter, it just returns FALSE. This function is NOT callable from tasks. This function used to be called DeleteFile() even though it worked on directories and symbolic links as well, it was renamed for consistency. SEE ALSO GetDeviceProcFlags() dos.library/DeleteVar dos.library/DeleteVar NAME DeleteVar -- Deletes a local or global environment variable. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DeleteVar( CONST_STRPTR name, uint32 control ); FUNCTION Deletes a local or global environment variable. Variable names follow filesystem syntax and semantics. All variable names are always relative to the root of the device. The current directory has no effect on this function. If any "DEVICE:" part is specified in the variable name, only the portion after the colon ':' will actually be used. INPUTS name - Pointer to a variable name/path descriptor string. control - Combination of type of var to delete (low 8 bits), ie; LV_VAR or LV_ALIAS, plus optional flags ORed with it to control the behavior of this routine. Currently defined optional flags include: GVF_LOCAL_ONLY - delete only a local (your process) variable. GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY - delete a global variable in ENV: GVF_SAVE_VAR - also delete the global variable in ENVARC: The default (control=LV_VAR) is to delete a local variable first, if one is found, otherwise delete a global variable. (only for LV_VAR, LV_ALIAS will only delete a local alias). RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), If non-zero, if the variable was sucessfully deleted, FALSE indicates failure. BUGS LV_VAR is the only type that can be global. SEE ALSO GetVar(), SetVar(), FindVar(), dos.library/DevNameFromFH dos.library/DevNameFromFH NAME DevNameFromFH -- Returns the device with or without path, associated with a filehandle. (V51.32) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DevNameFromFH( BPTR filehandle, STRPTR buffer, int32 buflen, int32 mode ); FUNCTION This function is similar to NameFromFH() with the difference being that the unique device name is returned instead of the volume name, this function also has the added feature of being able to return only the device name associated with a file or the full object path. The 'mode' parameter controls the behaviour of this function. If 'mode' is DN_FULLPATH then the entire path and object is returned, supplying DN_DEVICEONLY for the 'mode' parameter will cause this function to quickly scan the DosList to find only the device name associated with the filehandles task, it will return only the matching device name component plus a ':' when used in this mode. From V54+ DN_ROOTPATH, returns the same as DN_FULLPATH except that the first character will be a colon ':' rather than have a device name, this will make the path relative to the root of the current device. This is intended as a complementary function to obtain the unique device name from a given filehandle, whereas NameFromFH() will always try to return the full path beginning with the Volume name associated with a filehandle, but it is possibe to have duplicate doslist names at various times and in some cases this may be quite undesirable. This routine is guaranteed not to write more than 'buflen' bytes into the buffer. The buffer will also always be null-terminated. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire path, this function will fail and IoErr() will return ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. If this occurs, use a larger buffer and try again. Recommended minimum buffer size is 1024 bytes. If the filehandle is zero, this function will fail. The buffer is guaranteed to be cleared on entry, providing a non-NULL 'buffer' is supplied and the 'buflen' is >0 NOTE This function will also work with filehandles to non-filesystem devices and DOS handlers such as; NIL: PAR: SER: etc.... INPUTS filehandle - Filehandle. buffer - Buffer for device name (and/or complete path). buflen - Length of buffer. mode - DN_FULLPATH or DN_DEVICEONLY or DN_ROOTPATH (added for V54) RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO NameFromFH(), NameFromLock(), DevNameFromLock(), Lock(), IoErr(), SetProcWindow() dos.library/DevNameFromLock dos.library/DevNameFromLock NAME DevNameFromLock -- Returns the device with or without path, associated with a lock (V51) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DevNameFromLock(BPTR lock, STRPTR buffer, int32 buflen, int32 mode); FUNCTION This function is similar to NamefromLock() with the difference being that the unique device name is returned instead of the volume name, this function also has the added feature of being able to return only the device name associated with a lock or the full object path. The 'mode' parameter controls the behaviour of this function. If mode is DN_FULLPATH then the entire device, path and object name is returned, supplying DN_DEVICEONLY for the 'mode' parameter will cause this function to quickly scan the DosList to find only the device name associated with the locks filesystem task, it will return only the matching device name plus a ':' when used in this mode. From V54+ DN_ROOTPATH, returns the same as DN_FULLPATH except that the first character will be a colon ':' rather than have a device name, this will make the path relative to the root of the current device. This is intended as a complementary function to obtain the unique device name from a given lock, whereas NameFromLock() will always try to return the full path beginning with the Volume name associated with a lock, but this can have duplicate entries mounted at various times and in some cases this may be quite undesirable. This routine is guaranteed not to write more than 'buflen' bytes into the buffer. The buffer will always be null-terminated. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire path, this function will fail and IoErr() will return ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. If this occurs, use a larger buffer and try again. Recommended minimum buffer size is 1024 bytes. If the lock is zero, the buffer will be filled with the device name for the assignment "SYS:". The buffer is guaranteed to be cleared on entry, providing a non-NULL 'buffer' is supplied and the 'buflen' is >0 INPUTS lock - Lock to the object. (or zero) buffer - Buffer for device name (and/or complete path). buflen - Length of buffer. mode - DN_FULLPATH or DN_DEVICEONLY or DN_ROOTPATH (added for V54) RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO NameFromFH(), NameFromLock(), Lock(), IoErr(), SetProcWindow() dos.library/DevNameFromPort dos.library/DevNameFromPort NAME DevNameFromPort -- Get the device name of a handler by its MsgPort. (V53.60) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DevNameFromPort(struct MsgPort *port, STRPTR buffer, int32 buflen, int32 add_colon); FUNCTION This function is similar to other (Dev)NameFromXXX() with the difference being that the filesystem/handlers device name will be returned in the buffer, with or without a colon character appended. This is a complementary function to NameFromPort() which returns the volume name associated with the port. This routine is guaranteed not to write more than 'buflen' bytes into the buffer. The returned buffer will always be null-terminated. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire string, this function will fail and IoErr() will return ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. If this occurs, use a larger buffer and try again. Recommended minimum buffer size is 258 bytes. The buffer is guaranteed to be cleared on entry, providing a non-NULL 'buffer' is supplied and the 'buflen' is >0 Supplying a NULL port pointer returns "NIL" or "NIL:". INPUTS port - Message port for the handler or filesystem. buffer - Buffer for device name. buflen - Length of buffer. add_colon - TRUE= colon character appended to name, FALSE= no colon. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. This function performs a temporary read-lock on the DosList. SEE ALSO NameFromPort(), NameFromFH(), DevNameFromFH(), NameFromLock(), DevNameFromLock(), Lock(), IoErr(), SetProcWindow() dos.library/DismountDevice dos.library/DismountDevice NAME DismountDevice -- Dismounts a file system or handler (V51.30) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DismountDevice(CONST_STRPTR devname, uint32 mode, APTR reserved); FUNCTION Dismounts a file system or handler, this performs a function opposite to what the MountDevice() or the "Mount" shell command does. INPUTS devname -- Device name (ONLY) of the file system or handler. This name must end with a colon character, e.g. "DF0:". mode -- DMDF_REMOVEDEVICE or DMDF_KEEPDEVICE (mutually exclusive) This indicates whether you want to dismount a file system or handler permanently, by removing the DosList device node entry too, or just dismount the current handler instance. DMDF_KEEPDEVICE Keeping the device node will allow it to be restarted upon the next access to the DOS device, with exactly the same media geometry it had initialised previously. DMDF_REMOVEDEVICE Removing the device entry will remove it permanently, this mode MUST be used if the media geometry is able to change, this allows for completely different media to be inserted with the same DOS device name, such as can occur with a variety of USB plug-in devices. Removing the device node of course implies that your new DOS device must be freshly "MountDevice()'ed" by the driver or appropriate subsystem, when needed again. optional mode flag -- DMDF_FORCE_DISMOUNT This option is a LAST RESORT KLUDGE to force a dismount when the filesystem or handler does NOT support the new dospacket, this flag will only have an effect if the proper supported method is NOT available, which is determined by the response of the handler with error code ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN when the dismount was attempted. If the handler does not support the ACTION_SHUTDOWN dospacket, the dos.library itself will permanently inhibit the handler process and manually disconnect all the volumes and assigns refering to the 'devname', from the DosList, as well as the device node if the DMDF_REMOVEDEVICE mode was specified. NOTE; It does not free up resources; it only removes the name from the list and casts all nodes adrift permanently. There is no way to cancel this operation without rebooting. This option is primarily for use during software development or as a last resort when it is not otherwise possible to dismount a device via a filesystem action. Careless use of this option may cause a software failure. It will definately cause a loss of system resources. The functionality of this flag may be discontinued at some point in the future. reserved-- Always set to NULL, this is reserved for future expansion. This function will fail if this parameter is not zero. RESULT success -- boolean; (zero or non-zero value) Non-zero for success. Zero if the filesystem or handler could not be found or some other sort of error occured. Call IoErr() to find out more about any specific error. SEE ALSO MountDevice(), FileHandleScan(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), ACTION_SHUTDOWN dos.library/DoPkt dos.library/DoPkt NAME DoPkt -- Low level function to send a dos packet to a handler and wait for a reply. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 result1 = DoPkt(struct MsgPort *port, int32 action, int32 arg1, int32 arg2, int32 arg3, int32 arg4, int32 arg5); FUNCTION Builds and sends a dospacket to a handler and waits for it to return. Any secondary return will be available from IoErr() providing the caller is a process. DoPkt() will work even if the caller is an exec task and not a process; however it will be slower, due to the fact that from a task, it will need to call CreateMsgPort() and DeleteMsgPort() for the replyport each time it's called, it may also fail for some additional reasons, such as being unable to allocate a signal. If called from a process, DoPkt() uses your processes pr_MsgPort for the reply and will call pr_PktWait (only processes), if initialised. This function only allows 5 arguments to be specified and only works with 32 bit DosPackets, for more arguments and for 64 bit DosPackets, allocate a dospacket with AllocDosObject(DOS_STDPKT), fill it out and then call SendPkt(),WaitPkt(),FreeDosObject(). INPUTS port - pr_MsgPort of the handler process to send to. (NULL safe) action - the action requested of the handler arg1-arg5 - arguments, depend on the particular action, some/several may not be required, use 0 for those. RESULT result1 - The value returned in dp_Res1, or FALSE if there was some problem in sending the packet or receiving it. result2 - Only available from IoErr() (when called from a process) BUGS Before V51.99 if called by a task, this function would never be able to work, as it was waiting on the wrong signal bit and may also cause a DSI when extracting the return code from the packet. SEE ALSO AllocDosObject(), FreeDosObject(), SendPkt(), WaitPkt(). dos.library/DosControl dos.library/DosControl NAME DosControl -- Set or obtain global DOS control values. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = DosControl(const struct TagItem *tags); int32 success = DosControlTags(uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function provides a single method for reading or setting various features available in the V50+ dos.library. This is also the primary interface for the DOS PREFS tools, which uses this function to implement the users prefered default settings. It is therefore recommended that applications use this function only to read what the user has chosen and not to flippantly override them. If you must change any values, read the previous setting and restore it after you have finished, you should never permanently change the users prefered settings without expressly having permission to do so. This function works in either read and/or write mode in the same call, each option has separate "read" and "write" tags. You may supply one or both at the same time. "write" tags are always executed after a "read" tag, allowing you to obtain the previous value before a corresponding change is made with a "write" tag, (if supplied), for the same variable. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array; see below. TAGS (Prefs tool) DC_WildStarR (int32 *) -- Obtain the state for the WildStar flag. DC_WildStarW (int32; boolean) -- Write to the flag for the default behaviour for all DOS pattern matching functions to accepts "*" as a synonym for the wildcard pattern "#?". Default is FALSE. DC_FHBufferR (int32 *) -- Obtain the size in bytes for FHBuffer. DC_FHBufferW (int32) -- Writes the size in bytes for all default FileHandle buffers when a stream is opened or allocated. This value only affects the buffered I/O routines such as FGetC(), FGets(), FRead(), FWrite(), PutStr(), etc.. that use an Open() method that implements the default size. Read() and Write() are not buffered by DOS and therefore will not be affected or benefit from the size of this buffer. ( Acceptable values are between 204 bytes -> 512K bytes.) Individual buffers can be changed with SetFileHandleAttr() or simply specify the desired size as a parameter to FOPen(). ( Value supplied will be rounded up to a multiple of 4 ) DC_WarnPostTimeR (int32 *) -- Obtain the value for WarnPostTime. DC_WarnPostTimeW (int32) -- Write the number of seconds to post program error warnings for, in the event that an error is encountered with an application. Default posting time is currently 120 seconds. [0 = post indefinately and never time out] ( Acceptable values are limited between 0 - 600 seconds.) DC_WarnWaitTimeR (int32 *) -- Obtain the value for WarnWaitTime. DC_WarnWaitTimeW (int32) -- Write the number of seconds to wait before re-posting another program error warning. ( Acceptable values are limited between 0 - 600 seconds.) DC_MinProcStackR (int32 *) -- Obtain the value for MinProcStack. DC_MinProcStackW (int32) -- Write the number of bytes that all DOS processes will allocate as a minimum limit. ( Acceptable values are limited between 8K - 512K.) ( Value supplied will be rounded up to a multiple of 4 ) DC_AssignMountR (int32 *) -- Obtain the state of AssignMount flag. DC_AssignMountW (int32; boolean) -- Write to the flag to control whether ErrorReport() will display the AssignMount options when requested to insert a non existant volume. Default state of this flag is TRUE. DC_BootCliFontSizeR (int32 *) -- Obtain the value for BootCliFontSize. DC_BootCliFontSizeW (int32) -- Write the size for the Boot Cli Font. This value should be either; TOPAZ_SIXTY or TOPAZ_EIGHTY (9 or 8) The definition for this is in include/intuition/preferences.h Default is TOPAZ_SIXTY. DC_BootCliCloseGadgetR (int32 *) -- Obtain BootCli close gadget state. DC_BootCliCloseGadgetW (int32; boolean) -- Write the flag that controls if the Boot Cli has a close gadget or not. Default is TRUE. (V52.7) TAGS (Misc controls) DC_Reload68KApplistW (int32) -- DOSTRUE will cause devs:applications.dos configuration file to be reloaded from disk. This is used by prefs tools that edit the data within, that subsequently required the modified file data to be reloaded. (V51.58) NOTE: It would be strongly advised to not depend on this tag to make your program work, it is likely to be deprecated at some point in the future when 68K support ends or the applications.dos catalogue is no longer required. DC_LocaleBaseR (struct LocaleBase **) -- Obtain DOS' LocaleBase value. DC_LocaleBaseW (struct LocaleBase *) -- Write the LocaleBase pointer that DOS will use to localise strings. This is usually set up when locale.library is initialised and from this point onward, DOS will use this pointer to obtain the lb_MainInterface and lb_DOSCatalog for all localisation. Prior to V54, locale library would poke this value into a private doslibrary structure, from V54 onward this tag allows locale.library to do it in a more portable way. NOTE: Applications should never need to use this tag. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), zero is returned if any parameters are out of range or if NULL tag pointers are found in any "read" tags. EXAMPLE /* Set and save wildstar state flag. */ int32 oldstate, success, newstate = TRUE; success = IDOS->DosControlTags(DC_WildStarR, &oldstate, DC_WildStarW, newstate, TAG_DONE); if( success ) { IDOS->Printf("WildStar flag is %ld, before it was %ld\n", newstate, oldstate ); } else { IDOS->Printf("DosControl() returned failure code.\n"); } /* Find out what the default file buffer size is. */ int32 sizeinbytes, success; success = IDOS->DosControlTags(DC_FHBufferR, &sizeinbytes, TAG_DONE); if( success ) { IDOS->Printf("Default Filehandle buffer size is %ld\n", sizeinbytes ); } else { IDOS->Printf("DosControl() returned failure code.\n"); } NOTES This function is callable from a task, although not all tags will work, such as DC_Reload68KApplistW. There would also not be any secondary error code available from IoErr() for task callers. To preserve memory, "NIL:" streams are unaffected by the setting of FHBuffer, these are always set to minimum. SEE ALSO ParsePattern(), SetFileHandleAttr(), dos.library/DupFileHandle dos.library/DupFileHandle NAME DupFileHandle -- Creates a duplicate of an open filehandle. (V51.32) SYNOPSIS BPTR fh = DupFileHandle( BPTR ofh ); FUNCTION Given an open filehandle, this routine attempts to open a new shared stream to the same object that the original filehandle referenced. Whether the duplication succeeds or not, the original filehandle (ofh) still remains valid and must be handled / closed as any normal stream. You are responsible for the new duplicated filehandle closing too, just the same as if you had opened it yourself with Open(). It is not possible to duplicate a filehandle with an EXCLUSIVE lock, this being any stream which was opened with MODE_NEWFILE. If you have a choice, it's better to use MODE_READWRITE or MODE_OLDFILE with the files you may need to duplicate, or you could change the exclusive locking mode by using ChangeMode() on it beforehand. It is also legal to duplicate NIL: streams. It may not be possible to duplicate streams to some DOS device handlers such as PAR: SER: etc.. which opens a specific unit to the underlying i/o device from a dos handler, and since you already have that device unit open with your 'ofh' stream, further open attempts to the same device unit will fail with an 'object in use' error, therefore, make no assumptions whether this function will succeed or not, always test the result to be sure. On failure, consult IoErr() for more information. INPUTS ofh - (BPTR) - Original (open) filehandle to duplicate. RESULT fh - (BPTR) - Newly created filehandle, or ZERO for failure. NOTES This function is NOT callable by tasks. SEE ALSO Open(), Close(), NameFromFH(), DevNameFromFH(), ChangeMode(). dos.library/DupLock dos.library/DupLock NAME DupLock -- Duplicate an existing lock. SYNOPSIS BPTR newlock = DupLock( BPTR lock ); FUNCTION DupLock() is passed an existing shared filing system lock. This function will ask the handler to create a duplicate lock of this lock. This is the ONLY way to obtain a duplicate of a lock. Simply copying an existing lock is not allowed. Another lock to the same object is then returned. It is not possible to create a copy of a exclusive lock. INPUTS lock - BCPL pointer to a lock. RESULT newlock - BCPL pointer to a lock or ZERO for failure. NOTES You are responsible for unlocking the duplicate lock. Passing a lock of ZERO does nothing but return ZERO. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO Lock(), UnLock(), DupLockFromFH(), ParentOfFH(), SetMode() dos.library/DupLockFromFH dos.library/DupLockFromFH NAME DupLockFromFH -- Gets a lock on an open file (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = DupLockFromFH( BPTR fh ); FUNCTION Obtain a lock on the object associated with 'fh'. Only works if the file was opened using a non-exclusive mode, i.e. MODE_OLDFILE or MODE_READWRITE. Other restrictions may be placed on success by the filesystem. The file handle 'fh' is still perfectly usable after this call, (unlike the lock in the OpenFromLock() function), you must still eventually Close() the file handle. The resultant 'lock' remains valid even after the file is closed, you must also make sure this lock is eventually UnLock()'ed. INPUTS fh - BPTR; Opened filehandle for which to obtain a duplicate lock. RESULT lock - BPTR; Duplicated lock or ZERO for failure. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO DupLock(), Lock(), UnLock() dos.library/EndNotify dos.library/EndNotify NAME EndNotify -- Ends a notification request. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = EndNotify(struct NotifyRequest * notifystructure); FUNCTION Removes a notification request from the active queue. For NRF_SEND_MESSAGE requests, it also searches your port for any messages about the object in question and removes and replies to them before returning. The notify request struct is not freed here, you still need to call FreeDosObject(DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST,notifystructure) to release the memory you allocated via the AllocDosObject(). INPUTS notifystructure - pointer to the same structure passed to StartNotify() NULL parameter does nothing. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) NOTES This function is NOT task callable for filesystem notifications. This function did not have a documented return code until V51. BUGS Even though it has been previously documented as being safe to call if StartNotify() failed, it has since been discovered that some filesystems did not behave correctly in this regard. A fix was implemented in dos.library 52.23 to protect for this case. If operating before dos.library 52.23 it would be advisable to only call this function if the StartNotify() actually succeeded. SEE ALSO StartNotify(), dos.library/ErrorOutput dos.library/ErrorOutput NAME ErrorOutput -- Identify the programs error output file handle. (V50) SYNOPSIS BPTR file = ErrorOutput(void) FUNCTION ErrorOutput() is used to access the initial error output stream opened when the program was initiated. This is stored in; Process->pr_CES. Never close the filehandle returned by ErrorOutput(). To change the stream in an application, call SelectErrorOutput() to install a new stream, while saving the return value for restoration before the application terminates. RESULT file - BCPL pointer to a file handle. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. This function will generally return ZERO unless someone specifically opens an error output stream. Convention dictates that if this stream is ZERO, use Output() instead, the function; IDOS->PutErrStr() does this automatically. SEE ALSO Output(), Input(), SelectOutput(), SelectInput(), SelectErrorOutput() dos.library/ErrorReport dos.library/ErrorReport NAME ErrorReport -- Displays a Retry/Cancel requester for an error. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 status = ErrorReport(int32 errorcode, int32 arg1type, uint32 arg1, struct MsgPort *port); FUNCTION Based on the type of arguments supplied, this routine will format and display the appropriate requester to match the error code. If the error code is not one of the supported values listed below, it returns DOSTRUE immediately, it will also return DOSTRUE if the user selects CANCEL or if the attempt to post the requester fails, or if the process pr_WindowPtr is set to -1. Returns FALSE if the user selects Retry. INPUTS errorcode - Error code to put a requester up for. Currently supported error codes are: ERROR_DISK_NOT_VALIDATED ERROR_DISK_WRITE_PROTECTED ERROR_DISK_FULL ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED ERROR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK ERROR_NO_DISK ABORT_DISK_ERROR /* read/write error */ ABORT_BUSY /* you MUST replace... */ arg1type - Argument type supplied, to build the requester: REPORT_LOCK - arg1 must be a Lock (BPTR). REPORT_STREAM - arg1 must be a FileHandle (BPTR). REPORT_VOLUME - arg1 must be a struct DosList * (C ptr). REPORT_INSERT - arg1 is the string for a volumename, (string will be split on a ':'). For error type: ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED it will post a different message based on the 'arg1type' supplied: For REPORT_INSERT the requester will post: "Please insert volume..." Otherwise, the message will be: "Please replace volume..." arg1 - variable parameter type. (see arg1type) port - (Optional) The device handler message port for which report is to be made. This is used only if non-NULL, otherwise a message port will be extrapolated from arg1 if possible. RESULT status - Cancel/Retry indicator (FALSE means Retry) NOTES The routine will automatically retry from IDCMP_DISKINSERTED messages for all error codes, except when using argument type REPORT_VOLUME. From DOS 51.02, the behaviour of REPORT_INSERT with the error code: ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED is dependant on the settings of the 'AssignMount' parameter in DosControl(). The return values are the opposite of what Auto/EasyRequest returns. This function uses PRIVATERequester() internally to post the requester. This routine always sets IoErr() to 'errorcode' before returning, provided that the parameters are of the above recognised types, otherwise IoErr() will not be changed. SEE ALSO Fault(), IoErr() dos.library/ExamineDir dos.library/ExamineDir NAME ExamineDir -- Examine a complete directory of a filesystem. (V51.104) SYNOPSIS struct ExamineData *data = ExamineDir( APTR context ); FUNCTION Initiates and performs the examination of an entire directory level specified by the parameters supplied to ObtainDirContext(). Returns object data in the form of struct ExamineData nodes. To scan an entire directory level, continue calling this function to obtain successive entries until it returns NULL, when it does, this normally indicates the end of the directory scan, be sure by IoErr() returning ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES for a successfull operation, when finished, call ReleaseDirContext() to free the entire memory pool all at once and to also release internal locks and other resources. Linked Objects: When performing a directory scan using this function, the link entries in the listing will appear as hard or soft links, and optionally, the examinedata->Link field will show the target object name/path, if that flag option is enabled. (EXF_LINK) The examinedata->Link string will always by default be "\0" for non link entries, it will never be a NULL pointer. Softlink Type Testing: Always set EX_DoCurrentDir,TRUE tag in the ObtainDirContext() call when testing softlinks, this sets the current directory correctly for the ExamineObject() call to handle link directory relative target specs. Softlink target object type checking may also be required for targets which are on a volume that isn't currently mounted, it is recommended that DOS requesters be disabled during the ExamineObject() call to prevent the standard "Please Insert Volume..." requester appearing. See; SetProcWindow() for details. If you got what you wanted, you might want to report the correct type of link in the directory listing like Workbench, the ASL file requester, the Dir and List commands, etc. do. WARNING Unlike ExamineObject(), it is not desirable nor even necessary to call FreeDosObject() for the individual data blocks returned by ExamineDir(). These data blocks are pooled and stored on an internal list and therefore MUST be Remove()'ed first if this were even to be attempted. See NOTES below for more details on this. Calling ReleaseDirContext() is always mandatory regardless, it is required to release temporary locks and free the memory pool. The returned data structure looks like this; struct ExamineData { struct MinNode EXDnode; /* List node. */ uint32 EXDinfo; /* General purpose user data. */ /* */ /* These are private members exclusively for the FS & DOS. */ uint32 FSPrivate; /* FILESYSTEM ONLY - Private usage. */ uint32 Reserved0; /* RESERVED - Future private usage. */ APTR DOSPrivate; /* DOSLIB ONLY - Private usage. */ /* */ /* The following are public fields. */ uint32 StructSize; /* (RO) Full size of the structure. */ uint32 Type; /* The entry descriptor value. */ int64 FileSize; /* Size if a file or -1LL if not. */ struct DateStamp Date; /* Days, Mins, Ticks. */ uint32 RefCount; /* Object hardlink reference count. */ uint64 ObjectID; /* The unique object identifier. */ STRPTR Name; /* (RO) Nul-terminated object name. */ uint32 NameSize; /* (RO) Allocated name buffer size. */ STRPTR Comment; /* (RO) Nul-terminated comment. */ uint32 CommentSize; /* (RO) Allocated comment buffer size.*/ STRPTR Link; /* (RO) Nul-terminated target name. */ uint32 LinkSize; /* (RO) Allocated target buffer size. */ uint32 Protection; /* Protection status bitmask. */ uint32 OwnerUID; /* Owner info. */ uint32 OwnerGID; /* Group info. */ uint32 Reserved2; /* DOS reserved field. */ uint32 Reserved3; /* DOS reserved field. */ uint32 Reserved4; /* DOS reserved field. */ }; (RO) = Read Only, these fields must not be modified by the application. See structure definition in include/dos/dos.h for detailed information. ===== INPUTS context - APTR; A pointer to the DOS and FILESYSTEM private object context obtained from ObtainDirContext(). A NULL 'context' is guaranteed to be safe, this will only return NULL without affecting IoErr(). RESULT data - struct ExamineData *; A pointer to an ExamineData structure or NULL if there are no more entries remaining in a directory being scanned, or some other error occured, consult IoErr() to find out more. IoErr() returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES at the end of a successfull directory scan, all other values indicate a failure of some sort. DO NOT call FreeDosObject() on the data blocks obtained from this function (unless you Remove() them from the internal list first), ReleaseDirContext() will free the entire data blocks memory pool all at once for you automatically, when you are finished. NOTES You may abort a directory scan at any time, as long as you always eventually call ReleaseDirContext() to free the context data and all the ExamineData blocks as well as releasing internal resources and to restore the old current directory when EX_DoCurrentDir,TRUE, was also specified. You may restart a directory scan at any time with the same context, by calling ObtainDirContext() again, using the EX_ResetContext tag. All STRPTR fields of the ExamineData structure will never be NULL. All string size fields will always be >= 1 to cater for "\0" strings. Some ExamineData structure data is read-only, because the data blocks are continually reused by subsequent calls to ExamineDir() to limit the total amount of memory usage. It is perfectly legal to call IExec->Remove() on an ExamineData block immediately after the ExamineDir() call, to stop DOS or the FileSystem from reusing it if it needs to be kept around for a while, it may even be added to your own private list to store this data so you can avoid slowing things down by making copies, however, the memory pool WILL still be freed regardless of where it is when ReleaseDirContext() is eventually called, so be aware of this situation if you decide to use this feature in an application. If you see an exd->Name string as "?", then you have likely failed to specify the flag EXF_NAME in the ObtainDirContext() call even though you are accessing the Name, AllocDosObject() sets this initial value to assist in code debugging. This function provides an automatic fallback to ExAll() if the respective filesystem does not support this new function. Fallback semantics and limitations will apply. This function is NOT task callable. ===== EXAMPLE (Single Level Directory Scan) APTR context = IDOS->ObtainDirContextTags(EX_StringNameInput,"SYS:", EX_DataFields,(EXF_NAME|EXF_LINK|EXF_TYPE), TAG_END); if( context ) { struct ExamineData *dat; while((dat = IDOS->ExamineDir(context))) /* until no more data.*/ { if( EXD_IS_LINK(dat) ) /* all links - check for these first ! */ { if( EXD_IS_SOFTLINK(dat) ) /* a FFS style softlink */ { IDOS->Printf("softlink=%s points to %s\n", dat->Name, dat->Link); } else /* hard or alt link to */ { /* a file or directory */ IDOS->Printf("hardlink=%s points to %s\n", dat->Name, dat->Link); } } else if( EXD_IS_FILE(dat) ) /* a file */ { IDOS->Printf("filename=%s\n", dat->Name); } else if ( EXD_IS_DIRECTORY(dat) ) /* a directory */ { IDOS->Printf("dirname=%s\n", dat->Name); } .... } if( ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES != IDOS->IoErr() ) { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* failure - why ? */ } } else { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* failure - why ? */ } IDOS->ReleaseDirContext(context); /* NULL safe */ ===== EXAMPLE (Single Level Directory Scan with softlink resolution) APTR context = IDOS->ObtainDirContextTags(EX_StringNameInput,"SYS:", EX_DoCurrentDir,TRUE, /* for ExamineObjectTags() */ EX_DataFields,(EXF_NAME|EXF_LINK|EXF_TYPE), TAG_END); if( context ) { struct ExamineData *dat, *target; while((dat = IDOS->ExamineDir(context))) /* until no more data.*/ { if( EXD_IS_LINK(dat) ) /* all links, must check these first ! */ { if( EXD_IS_SOFTLINK(dat) ) /* a FFS style softlink */ { CONST_STRPTR target_type = "unavailable"; /* default */ APTR oldwin = IDOS->SetProcWindow((APTR)-1); target = IDOS->ExamineObjectTags(EX_StringNameInput, dat->Name,TAG_END); IDOS->SetProcWindow(oldwin); if( target ) { if( EXD_IS_FILE(target) ) { target_type = "file"; } if( EXD_IS_DIRECTORY(target) ) { target_type = "dir"; } IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_EXAMINEDATA,target); /* Free target data when done */ } IDOS->Printf("softlink=%s points to %s and it's a %s\n", dat->Name,dat->Link,target_type); } else if( EXD_IS_FILE(dat) ) /* hardlink file */ { IDOS->Printf("file hardlink=%s points to %s\n", dat->Name, dat->Link); } else if( EXD_IS_DIRECTORY(dat) ) /* hardlink dir */ { IDOS->Printf("dir hardlink=%s points to %s\n", dat->Name, dat->Link); } } else if( EXD_IS_FILE(dat) ) /* a plain file */ { IDOS->Printf("filename=%s\n", dat->Name); } else if ( EXD_IS_DIRECTORY(dat) ) /* a plain directory */ { IDOS->Printf("dirname=%s\n", dat->Name); } } if( ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES != IDOS->IoErr() ) { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* failure - why ? */ } } else { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* failure - why ? */ } IDOS->ReleaseDirContext(context); /* NULL safe */ ===== EXAMPLE (Recursive Directory Scan) int32 recursive_scan( CONST_STRPTR name ) { int32 success = FALSE; APTR context = IDOS->ObtainDirContextTags( EX_StringNameInput,name, EX_DoCurrentDir,TRUE, /* for recursive name cd */ EX_DataFields,(EXF_NAME|EXF_LINK|EXF_TYPE), TAG_END); if( context ) { struct ExamineData *dat; while((dat = IDOS->ExamineDir(context))) { if( EXD_IS_LINK(dat) ) /* all link types - check first ! */ { if( EXD_IS_SOFTLINK(dat) ) { IDOS->Printf("softlink=%s points to %s\n", dat->Name,dat->Link); } else /* a hardlink or alt link */ { IDOS->Printf("hardlink=%s points to %s\n", dat->Name, dat->Link); } } else if( EXD_IS_FILE(dat) ) { IDOS->Printf("filename=%s\n", dat->Name); } else if( EXD_IS_DIRECTORY(dat) ) { IDOS->Printf("dirname=%s\n", dat->Name); if( ! recursive_scan( dat->Name ) ) /* recurse */ { break; } } } if( ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES == IDOS->IoErr() ) { success = TRUE; /* normal exit */ } else { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* failure - why ? */ } } else { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* no context - why ? */ } IDOS->ReleaseDirContext(context); /* NULL safe */ return(success); } ===== SEE ALSO ObtainDirContext(), ReleaseDirContext(), ExamineObject() dos.library/ExamineObject dos.library/ExamineObject NAME ExamineObject -- Examine a single filesystem object. (V51.104) SYNOPSIS struct ExamineData *data = ExamineObject(struct TagList *tags); struct ExamineData *data = ExamineObjectTags(uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION Examines a single filesystem object specified by the tags. Returns data in the form of a struct ExamineData. The ExamineData block will be allocated for you by the filesystem, by calling the AllocDosObject() function internally. The filesystem will fill in the data structure members with current information for the object. If successfull, the returned data is used by the caller as needed, the caller must eventually release the ExamineData block by using the FreeDosObject() function; EG: IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_EXAMINEDATA,data). For an entire directory scan, use the new V51 function ExamineDir(). This function replaces the deprecated Examine() and ExamineFH() functions which did not support 64 bit file sizes or long strings. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array; Mandatory tag item to identify the source to examine. The following three tags are mutually exclusive. EX_LockInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a active Lock. Identify the filesystem object by this associated Lock. This lock is passed directly to the filesystem. The lock mode may be exclusive or shared. EX_FileHandleInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to an open FileHandle. Identify the file by this associated FileHandle stream. This filehandle is passed directly to the filesystem. The file may be an exclusive or shared stream. EX_StringNameInput (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a nul-terminated string, to specify the filesystem object required. This may be relative to the current directory an assignment or an absolute path. DOS will internally perform a Lock() on the string provided, it will also Unlock() it again after the filesystem call. If the string name references a stream to a DOS handler that does not support locks, this option will then attempt to call Open(old) on the name supplied, if that succeeds, the request will be sent to the handler, the internal stream will then be closed. RESULT data -- (struct ExamineData *) on success, NULL on error. On error, consult IoErr() to find out more. On success, the data supplied must be released by the caller with; IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_EXAMINEDATA,data); NOTES This function provides automatic fallback to Examine() or ExamineFH() if the respective filesystem does not support this new function. Fallback semantics and limitations will apply. This function is NOT task callable. The returned data structure looks like this; struct ExamineData { struct MinNode EXDnode; /* MinList node. */ uint32 EXDinfo; /* General purpose user data. */ /* */ /* These are private members exclusively for the FS & DOS. */ uint32 FSPrivate; /* FILESYSTEM ONLY - Private usage. */ uint32 Reserved0; /* DOS RESERVED - Private usage. */ APTR DOSPrivate; /* DOSLIB ONLY - Private usage. */ /* */ /* The following are public fields. */ uint32 StructSize; /* (RO) Full size of the structure. */ uint32 Type; /* The entry descriptor value */ int64 FileSize; /* Size if a file or -1LL if not. */ struct DateStamp Date; /* Days, Mins, Ticks. */ uint32 RefCount; /* Object hardlink reference count. */ uint64 ObjectID; /* The unique object identifier. */ STRPTR Name; /* (RO) Nul-terminated object name. */ uint32 NameSize; /* (RO) Size of the name buffer. */ STRPTR Comment; /* (RO) Nul-terminated comment. */ uint32 CommentSize; /* (RO) Size of the comment buffer. */ STRPTR Link; /* (RO) -- Unused by ExamineObject(). */ uint32 LinkSize; /* (RO) -- Unused by ExamineObject(). */ uint32 Protection; /* Protection status bitmask */ uint32 OwnerUID; /* Owner info. Only low 16 bits used. */ uint32 OwnerGID; /* Group info. Only low 16 bits used. */ uint32 Reserved2; /* DOS reserved field. */ uint32 Reserved3; /* DOS reserved field. */ uint32 Reserved4; /* DOS reserved field. */ }; (RO) = Read Only, these fields must not be modified by the application. See structure definition in include/dos/dos.h for detailed information. ===== EXAMPLE dat = IDOS->ExamineObjectTags(EX_StringNameInput,"SYS:foo/bar",TAG_END); if( dat ) { if( EXD_IS_FILE(dat) ) { IDOS->Printf("filename=%s\n", dat->Name); } else if ( EXD_IS_DIRECTORY(dat) ) { IDOS->Printf("dirname=%s\n", dat->Name); } //...... IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_EXAMINEDATA,dat); /* Free data when done */ } else { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),NULL); /* failure - why ? */ } ===== SEE ALSO ObtainDirContext(), ExamineDir(), FreeDosObject(), SetProcWindow(). dos.library/Fault dos.library/Fault NAME Fault -- Returns the text associated with a DOS error code. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 len = Fault(int32 code, CONST_STRPTR header, STRPTR buffer, int32 buflen); FUNCTION This routine obtains the error text for the given error code, formats it and puts a null-terminated string into the buffer. By convention, error messages should not be longer than 80 characters, and preferably no more than 60. If the error code is not equal to zero and there is no text for that particular error code, the message used will be "Error code ". The value returned by IoErr() will be set to the code passed in. INPUTS code - Error code header - header string to output before error text. (NULL for none) buffer - Buffer to receive the formatted error message. buflen - Length of the buffer. RESULT len - Number of characters put into the buffer, (may be 0) NOTES The number of characters put into the buffer is returned, which will be 0 if the code passed in was 0. BUGS In older documentation, the return was shown as BOOLEAN success. This was incorrect, it has always returned the length. SEE ALSO IoErr(), SetIoErr(), PrintFault() dos.library/FClose dos.library/FClose NAME FClose -- Closes an open buffered file stream. (V51) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FClose( BPTR file ); FUNCTION The file specified by the buffered file handle is closed. You must close all files you explicitly opened, but you must not close inherited file handles that are passed to you (each filehandle must be closed once and ONLY once). If FClose() fails, the file handle is still deallocated and should not be used again. For closing unbuffered file handles from Open(), OpenFromLock(),... you should use Close() instead of FClose(), even though the basic functionality is the same, future features may cause implementation difficulties or unnecessary system overhead by using the wrong function. INPUTS file - BCPL pointer to a file handle. ( 0 is safe, does nothing.) RESULTS success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value). Returns zero if FClose() failed. Note that it might fail depending on whatever buffering IO must be done to close a file being written to. NOTES Re: LockRecord(), LockRecords(), FreeRecord(), FreeRecords() Please be advised that due to dependancies and idiosyncrasies of the various filesystems that are available, the behaviour of FClose() with regard to freeing record locking is currently indeterminant. You are therefore advised to FreeRecord/s() of any records that may have been locked by the application, BEFORE calling FClose(). SEE ALSO FOpen(), FRead(), FWrite(), FOpen(), FOpenFromLock(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/FFlush dos.library/FFlush NAME FFlush -- Flushes buffers for a buffered filehandle. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FFlush(BPTR fh); FUNCTION Flushes any pending buffered writes to the filehandle. All buffered writes will also be flushed on FClose(). If the filehandle was being used for input, it drops the buffer, and tries to change the file pointer back to the last read position (so subsequent reads or writes will occur at the expected position in the file). INPUTS fh - Filehandle to flush. (0 is safe - does nothing.) RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) BUGS Before V37 release, FFlush() returned a random value. As of V37, it always returns success (this will be fixed in some future release). The V36 and V37 releases didn't properly flush filehandles which have never had a buffered IO done on them. This commonly occurs on redirection of input of a command, or when opening a file for input and then calling CreateNewProc() with NP_Arguments, or when using a new filehandle with SelectInput() and then calling RunCommand(). This is fixed in V39. A workaround would be to do FGetC(), then UnGetC(), then FFlush(). NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. Before V51, this function was called Flush(). Renamed for consistency. SEE ALSO FPutC(), FGetC(), FRead(), FWrite(), FClose(), FOpen() CreateNewProc(), SelectInput(), RunCommand(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/FGetC dos.library/FGetC NAME FGetC -- Read a character from the specified input. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 character = FGetC(BPTR fh); FUNCTION Reads the next character from the input stream. An EOF value (-1L) is returned when the EOF or an error occurs. This call is buffered. Use FFlush() between buffered and unbuffered I/O on a filehandle. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O RESULT character - character read (0-255 in lower byte) or -1L for EOF. If 'fh' is NULL, this function immediately returns EOF. NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. If you are NOT sharing this filehandle between separate processes, this function can be sped up substantially by disabling semaphore locking with SetFileHandleAttr(). BUGS In V36, after an EOF was read, EOF would always be returned from FGetC() from then on. Starting in V37, it tries to read from the handler again each time (unless UnGetC(fh,-1) was called). SEE ALSO FPutC(), UnGetC(), FFlush(), SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/FGets dos.library/FGets NAME FGets -- Reads a line from the specified input (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS STRPTR buffer = FGets(BPTR fh, STRPTR buf, uint32 len); FUNCTION This routine reads in a single line from the specified input stopping at a newline, (or carriage return character for V50+), or EOF. In either event, UP TO the number of len specified bytes minus 1 will be copied into the buffer. Hence if a length of 50 is passed and the input line is longer than 49 bytes, it will return 49 characters. It returns the buffer pointer normally, or NULL if EOF is the first thing read. If terminated by a newline character ("\n"), the newline WILL be the last character in the buffer. This is a buffered read routine. The string read in is always null-terminated. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O buf - Area to read bytes into. len - Number of bytes to read, must ALWAYS be > 0. RESULT buffer - Pointer to buffer passed in, or NULL for immediate EOF or for an error. In V50, this function guarantees that 'buf' is initialised with '\0' (providing you have supplied a valid 'len' > 0 and 'buf' != NULL) NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. From dos.library 53.19, for PPC callers, carriage return characters ('\r') are treated as if they were also newline characters ('\n'), Emulated 68K callers will get the V40 legacy ('\n') only behaviour. BUGS In V36 and V37, it copies one more byte than it should if it doesn't hit an EOF or newline. In the example above, it would copy 50 bytes and put a null in the 51st. This is fixed in dos V39. Workaround for V36/V37: pass in buffersize-1. SEE ALSO FRead(), FPuts(), FGetC(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/FileHandleScan dos.library/FileHandleScan NAME FileHandleScan -- Low level routine to scan through the DOS filehandle list. (V53.129) SYNOPSIS int32 result = FileHandleScan( const struct Hook *hook, CONST_APTR userdata, uint32 reserved); FUNCTION This function will scan through the list of open filehandles and invoke the hook function for each one, or until the scanning is discontinued intensionally. It is guaranteed that the DOS filehandle list will NOT be able to change while inside this function, as it uses shared semaphore locking. Opening or Closing files require exclusive locking. These events cannot complete while a shared semaphore lock is in force, any task/process attempting to open or close a filehandle will be put to sleep until the shared semaphore is released, so don't loiter here. INPUTS hook -- (const struct hook *) The hook function will be called for every open filehandle. You MUST initialise the hook struct h_Entry field to the function address to call before invoking this routine. The hook will be called as follows: int32 result = hook_func(struct hook *hook, APTR userdata, struct FileHandle *file) If the hook function returns 0, the scan will continue. If the hook function returns a non-zero value, this indicates that the scan should be aborted (e.g. when the item in question has been found). This non-zero return value will also be passed on and returned as the result of the FileHandleScan() function. userdata -- (CONST_APTR) This parameter is passed to the hook function untouched. It may be used for any purpose. reserved -- (uint32) Reserved for future functional expansion. This parameter MUST always be set to 0 for now. If it is not set to zero, this function will fail. RESULT result -- (int32) - boolean; (zero or non-zero), -- Zero indicates that you never returned a non-zero result from your hook before running out of open filehandles. -- All non-zero values indicate success and will actually be the value that you returned from your hook function. ----- EXAMPLE 1 Count the number of open files, exclude NIL: streams. STATIC int32 ASM hookfunc1( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook) UNUSED, REG(a2, uint32 *counter), /* userdata */ REG(a1, struct FileHandle *afh)) { if( NULL != afh->fh_MsgPort ) /* exclude NIL: streams */ { (*counter) ++; /* increment counter */ } return(0); /* 0 = continue scan */ } /* This function starts the hook calls via FileHandleScan() */ uint32 Count_Open_Files(void) { struct Hook H; uint32 count; /* we pass a pointer to this as 'userdata' */ count =0; /* set initial count to zero */ H.h_Entry = (APTR) hookfunc1; /* initialise the hook struct */ IDOS->FileHandleScan(&H, &count, 0); IDOS->Printf("There were %lu streams open.\n", count); return( count ); } ----- EXAMPLE 2 Count the number of open filesystem files, exclude all others. STATIC int32 ASM hookfunc2( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook) UNUSED, REG(a2, uint32 *counter), /* userdata */ REG(a1, struct FileHandle *afh)) { if( IDOS->IsFileSystemPort(afh->fh_MsgPort) ) { (*counter) ++; /* increment counter */ } return(0); /* 0 = continue scan */ } /* This function starts the hook calls via FileHandleScan() */ uint32 Count_Open_Filesystem_Files(void) { struct Hook H; uint32 count; /* we pass a pointer to this as 'userdata' */ count =0; /* set initial count to zero */ H.h_Entry = (APTR) hookfunc2; /* initialise the hook struct */ IDOS->FileHandleScan(&H, &count, 0); IDOS->Printf("There were %lu filesystem files open.\n", count); return( count ); } ----- EXAMPLE 3 Creates a list of all open filehandles to display name and type data. STATIC int32 ASM hookfunc3( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook) UNUSED, REG(a2, struct List *list), /* userdata */ REG(a1, struct FileHandle *stream)) { struct BNode /* A node plus buffer space in one allocation. */ { struct Node Node; TEXT Buffer[1]; }; struct BNode *bode; int32 namesize; TEXT name[256], buff[356]; #define YESNOSTR(x) ((x) ? "YES" : "NO") BPTR bscb = MKBADDR(stream); /* a BPTR for dos funcs */ int32 inter = IDOS->IsInteractive(bscb); int32 isfs = IDOS->IsFileSystemPort(stream->fh_MsgPort); if( ! IDOS->NameFromFH( bscb, name, sizeof(name) ) ) { IUtility->SNPrintf(name,sizeof(name),"[Stream 0x%08lx]",stream); } namesize = 1 + IUtility->SNPrintf(buff,sizeof(buff), "%s\nOpened by PID=%lu Interactive=%s IsFileSystem=%s\n\n", name, stream->fh_OpenerPID, YESNOSTR(inter), YESNOSTR(isfs)); bode = IExec->AllocVecTags( namesize + sizeof(struct BNode), AVT_Type,MEMF_SHARED, AVT_Lock,FALSE, TAG_END ); if( bode ) { IUtility->Strlcpy(bode->Buffer, buff, namesize); bode->Node.ln_Name = bode->Buffer; /* init node name ptr */ IExec->AddTail(list, &bode->Node); return(0); /* 0 = continue scan */ } return(1); /* !=0 = abort scan */ } /* This function starts the hook calls via FileHandleScan() */ void Print_File_List(void) { struct Hook HOOK; struct List LIST; struct Node *node; IExec->NewList(&LIST); /* init the list */ HOOK.h_Entry = (APTR) hookfunc3; /* init the hook */ IDOS->FileHandleScan(&HOOK, &LIST, 0); /* Print the list and free the memory immediately afterwards */ while(( node = IExec->RemHead(&LIST) )) { IDOS->PutStr(node->ln_Name); IExec->FreeVec(node); } return; } ----- WARNING Performing any action from within the hook function that will cause a call to Open or Close, is very-very unwise, it will most likely end up in a semaphore deadlock and freeze the machine. NOTES A filehandle node is added to the internal list after it is actually opened, and removed just before it is closed, so only open streams will be found by this function. To differentiate filehandles for a particular volume or handler, simply compare the fh_MsgPort against the handlers message port address. Be aware that the fh_MsgPort will be NULL for DOS "NIL:" filehandles. Use IDOS->IsFileSystemPort() to differentiate real files from handler streams. Both 68K and Native callable hook constructs are shown in the example. SEE ALSO Open(), Close(), IsFileSystemPort(), IsInteractive(). dos.library/FilePart dos.library/FilePart NAME FilePart -- Returns the last component of a path (V36) SYNOPSIS CONST_STRPTR fileptr = FilePart( CONST_STRPTR path ); FUNCTION This function returns a pointer to the last component of the string path specification, which will normally be the file name. If there is only one component, it returns a pointer to the beginning of the string. INPUTS path - pointer to a path string. RESULT fileptr - pointer to the last component of the path. EXAMPLE FilePart("xxx:yyy/zzz/qqq") would return a pointer to the first 'q'. FilePart("xxx:yyy") would return a pointer to the first 'y'. FilePart("xxx:") would return a pointer to the end 0 byte. FilePart("xxx:yyy/") would also return a pointer to the 0 byte. FilePart("nopath") would return a pointer to the letter 'n'. NOTES From V50 this function is task callable. This function will not affect IoErr(). If you pass a NULL 'path' argument, this function will return NULL. SEE ALSO PathPart(), AddPart() dos.library/FileSystemAttr dos.library/FileSystemAttr NAME FileSystemAttr -- Get and Set attributes for a filesystem (V51.46) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FileSystemAttr(const struct TagItem *tags); int32 success = FileSystemAttrTags(uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function allows you to access various attributes of a given filesystem that is mounted on top of a disk driver, such as a hard or floppy disk. The FileSystemAttr() function provides a simple method for reading parameters or setting values for filesystems supporting this feature. This function will only succeed if the underlying filesystem expressly supports a particular option, otherwise, it will generally return a failure code, (unless dos.library can supply the required information.) This function works by using a taglist to supply or obtain information, the taglist items are passed through to the underlying filesystem, the options are defined in such a way, as to provide specific tags that are used in either read or write mode. WARNING The filesystem will reject values that are not within tollerance for that particular filesystem, it will simply abort further processing of any remaining tags when any value supplied is not within the allowable range, so always test the result of all calls. If any operation fails, you should consult IoErr() to determine if the error was caused by this feature not being supported by this filesystem, in such cases it would return; ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN. For (R)ead operations, and, if you wish to implement multiple tags in a single function call, and, if one or more options were to fail, you may need to determine which options were actually written and which were not. The easiest way to do this is to pre-initialise your storage area to a value you can differentiate from any normal expected result, before calling this function. (a value of -1 is recommended). Upon any failure, your storage area/s will have been untouched by the filesystem for any failing or remaining unprocessed tag options. For single tag operations, it will be sufficient to simply test the return code from this function. NB: The dos.library may also be able to extrapolate some required data if this function is not supported by the filesystem, in such cases, dos.library will only attempt to do so, where indicated, and only after it has determined that the filesystem cannot supply this information. There is also no guarantee that dos.library will succeed in doing this. INPUTS tags -- Pointer to a tagitem array for the options listed below. SOURCE TAGS ; Mandatory tag item to enable filesystem identification. The following four tags are mutually exclusive and are not passed through to the filesystem itself. FSA_StringNameInput (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a string identifier. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) FSA_FileHandleInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a FileHandle. Identify the filesystem by the stream pointed to by a FileHandle. The opening mode does not affect identification. FSA_LockInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a Lock. Identify the filesystem by this associated Lock. The lock mode does not affect the identification. FSA_MsgPortInput (struct MsgPort *) -- Pointer to a message port. Identify the filesystem by this associated message port. ( NOTE: This tag was added in 51.96 ) === READ TAGS ; The taglist options to Read filesystem information. FSA_MaxFileNameLengthR (uint32 *) -- Pointer to a uint32 storage area. Obtain the maximum filename length permitted. (not including \0) NOTE: The DOS library will attempt to extrapolate this value if the filesystem does not support this option, the volume needs to be write enabled to support length extrapolation. FSA_DOSTypeR (uint32 *) -- Pointer to a uint32 storage area. Obtain the dostype identifier for the filesystem. EG: 0x444F5303 = 'DOS\03' (See NOTES section below.) FSA_VersionNumberR (uint32 *) -- Pointer to a uint32 storage area. Obtain the filesystem version number as; (MAJOR<<16) | MINOR) FSA_VersionStringR (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a string buffer area. Obtain a copy of the version string for the filesystem. The version string will be the full version string in the same format as the 'bumprev' tools VSTRING, this being; "filesystem_name VER.REV (" NOTE: DOS library will attempt to extrapolate this value if the filesystem does not support this option, by searching for a $VER: cookie in the device nodes seglist. Note that the result buffer will have $VER: part removed, if one is found. You are required to specify the size of your string buffer area with the following sub-tag; FSA_VersionStringR_BufSize Failing to supply this tag will cause ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING to be returned by IoErr(). (Dos.library tests for this before calling the filesystem) FSA_VersionStringR_BufSize (uint32) -- Size of the buffer pointed to by the FSA_VersionStringR tag. Recommended minimum; 60 bytes. Note: You are guaranteed that no more than this number of bytes will be written to your buffer area, if the storage area is smaller than the version string, it will fail with the secondary error code; ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. FSA_ActivityFlushTimeoutR (uint32 *) --Pointer to a uint32 storage area. Obtain the time in milliseconds before a flush while active occurs. ( 1000mS = 1 second) FSA_InactivityFlushTimeoutR (uint32 *) --Pointer to uint32 storage area. Obtain the time in milliseconds before a flush when inactive occurs. ( 1000mS = 1 second) FSA_HasRecycledEntriesR (int32 *) -- Pointer to a int32 storage area. Boolean test to see if the filesystem supports recycled entries. Note: This tag exists because the following FSA_MaxRecycledEntriesR tag allows for zero to indicate a valid number. FSA_MaxRecycledEntriesR (uint32 *) -- Pointer to a uint32 storage area. Obtain the number of recycled entries supported by the filesystem. Note: This may be zero, even if recycled entries are supported. === TAGS ; The taglist options to Set features for the filesystem. FSA_MaxFileNameLengthW (uint32) -- New value to set in filesystem. Set the maximum filename length. (not including \0) Note; this option may have limited support, if any. FSA_ActivityFlushTimeoutW (uint32) -- New value to set in filesystem. Set the time in milliseconds before a flush while active occurs. ( 1000mS = 1 second) FSA_InactivityFlushTimeoutW (uint32) -- New value to set in filesystem. Set the time in milliseconds before a flush when inactive occurs. ( 1000mS = 1 second) FSA_MaxRecycledEntriesW (uint32) -- New value to set in filesystem. Set the number of recycled entries supported by the filesystem. RESULT success -- (int32; boolean), returns FALSE for failure of any option. If the filesystem does not support a particular option, it will immediately return FALSE, with ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED in IoErr(). NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. This function will return FALSE if a file system option requested could not be obtained or an option is not relevant for the specified filesystem, or the value specified in a (W)rite operation was illegal. Check the secondary error with IoErr() to find out more. If a displayable ASCII representation of the result from FSA_DOSTypeR is required for an application, we recommend the following standard method be used to convert the dostype value into ASCII text; uint32 dt = ; /* pre initialize this with the dostype value. */ TEXT buf[8]; /* minimum recommended buffer size */ CONST_STRPTR format = ((dt & 0xFF) > 0x20) ? "%lc%lc%lc%lc" : "%lc%lc%lc\\%02lx"; IUtility->SNPrintf(buf,sizeof(buf), format, (dt>>24) & 0xFF, (dt>>16) & 0xFF, (dt>>8) & 0xFF, dt & 0xFF); SEE ALSO GetDiskFileSystemData(), FreeDiskFileSystemData(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/FindArg dos.library/FindArg NAME FindArg - find a keyword in a template (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 index = FindArg(CONST_STRPTR template, CONST_STRPTR keyword); FUNCTION Returns the argument number of the keyword, or -1 if it is not a keyword in the supplied template. Abbreviations are also compared. Template args are delimited by a comma, equals or slash ( , = / ) INPUTS keyword - keyword to search for in template (case insensitive) template - template string to search RESULT index - entry number in template, or -1 if not found. NOTES From V50, this function is callable from tasks. BUGS In earlier published versions of the autodoc, keyword and template argument positions were reversed. SEE ALSO ReadArgs(), ReadLineItem(), FreeArgs() dos.library/FindCliProc dos.library/FindCliProc NAME FindCliProc -- returns a pointer to the requested CLI process. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct Process *proc = FindCliProc(uint32 num); FUNCTION This routine returns a pointer to the CLI process associated with the given CLI number. If the process isn't an active CLI process, NULL is returned. V51 LOCKING Even though this function will always use a READ (shared) Semaphore lock within this function, the returned value may be invalidated at any moment after this function returns, as processes may exit any time, usually immediately after you thought you had found it. From V51+ you MUST use the appropriate Semaphore locking around an entire routine that requires that the cli process list status remains unchanged between function calls and that the result returned here also remains valid. Obtain the semaphore from the public semaphore list by calling; cpsem = IExec->FindSemaphore("DosCliProc"); The semaphore pointer may be cached for the duration of the task. Note also that the name is case sensitive. For all READ operations, call; IExec->ObtainSemaphoreShared(cpsem); this call must be matched with a; IExec->ReleaseSemaphore(cpsem); INPUTS num - (uint32) CLI number of the CLI process. (range 1-n) RESULT proc - (struct Process *) Pointer to given CLI process. ( or NULL ) NOTE While holding a READ semaphore lock on the DOS CLI Process list, it will not be possible for a process to start or finish terminating, as they require that the CLI process list be exclusively WRITE locked to add or remove their node, therefore it is advised you not loiter. SEE ALSO Cli(), MaxCli(), exec/ObtainSemaphoreShared(), exec/ReleaseSemaphore() dos.library/FindDosEntry dos.library/FindDosEntry NAME FindDosEntry -- Finds a specific Dos List entry. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DosList *newdlist = FindDosEntry(const struct DosList *dlist, CONST_STRPTR name, uint32 flags); FUNCTION Locates an entry on the device list. Starts with the entry 'dlist'. NOTE: must be called with the device list locked (via LockDosList() or AttemptLockDosList()), no references may be made to 'dlist' after unlocking. INPUTS dlist - The device entry to start with. (NULL safe) name - Name of device entry (without ':') to locate. (or NULL) flags - Search control flags. Use the flags you passed to LockDosList, or a subset of them. LDF_READ/LDF_WRITE are not required for this call, but harmless if included. RESULT newdlist - The matching device list entry or NULL. EXAMPLE When searching for multiple types, eg: LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_DEVICES, to retrieve multiple entries, you must call NextDosEntry() after finding the first entry to increment 'dl' past the current node, otherwise it will continue to be found again, and again, and again. This will allow you to continue searching the rest of the list beginning again one entry past the current node. flags = LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ; dl = IDOS->LockDosList(flags); while(( dl = IDOS->FindDosEntry(dl,"name",flags) )) { entry_found(); dl = IDOS->NextDosEntry(dl,flags); } IDOS->UnLockDosList(flags); NOTES If you supply a NULL 'name', the name parameter will be ignored and only the flags will be compared to determine a match, this is effectively the same as using a NextDosEntry() loop only. Supplying a NULL 'dlist' will simply cause a NULL return value. For compatibility reasons, IoErr() is not currently affected by this function. This function performs no locking or waiting, therefore is callable from handlers and filesystems. If using both V54+ Utility and DOS libraries, this function works with a UTF-8 encoded strings. SEE ALSO AddDosEntry(), RemDosEntry(), NextDosEntry(), LockDosList(), MakeDosEntry(), FreeDosEntry() dos.library/FindSegment dos.library/FindSegment NAME FindSegment - Finds a DosResidentSeg on the Dos resident list (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DosResidentSeg * drs = FindSegment( CONST_STRPTR name, const struct DosResidentSeg * start, int32 system); FUNCTION Finds a DosResidentSeg on the Dos resident list by name and type, starting at the entry AFTER 'start', or at the beginning if start is 0. If 'system' is FALSE, it will only return entries with a seg_UC of >= 0. This function never alters the seg_UC value. This function does NOT perform any locking of the list itself. V51 LOCKING From V51+ you MUST use the appropriate Semaphore locking before calling this function. Obtain the semaphore from the public semaphore list by calling; drsem = FindSemaphore("DosResident"); The semaphore pointer may be cached for the duration of the task. For all WRITE operations, call; ObtainSemaphore(drsem); For all READ (only) operations, call; ObtainSemaphoreShared(drsem); Either of the above calls must be matched with a ReleaseSemaphore(); To use an entry you have found, you must: if the seg_UC is zero or greater, increment it, and decrement it (if it's >0) when you're done with the list. (all while still WRITE semaphore locked!) The other values for seg_UC are: CMD_SYSTEM = -1, a system module, such as a filesystem or shell. CMD_INTERNAL = -2, a resident shell command. CMD_DISABLED = -999, a disabled internal module/command. Negative values should never be modified. All other negative values between 0 and -32767 are reserved by AmigaDos and should not be used by anyone else. INPUTS name - Name of DosResidentSeg entry to find. (or NULL) start - DosResidentSeg to start the search after. (or NULL) system - DOSTRUE for (negative seg_UC) system entries, FALSE for others. RESULT drs - the DosResidentSeg pointer found, or NULL. If NULL, IoErr() will return ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. V50 NOTES Prior to V50 a NULL 'name' parameter was illegal and would cause an invalid memory access with indeterminant results. From DOS 50.77, this is no longer the case, instead, if the 'name' parameter is set to NULL, the name string comparison will simply be skipped and the first entry that matches the 'system' flag state will be returned from this function as a valid match, this also provides a method for scanning through the whole DosResidentSeg list. NOTES The default filesystem seglist can also be obtained here by using "FileHandler" as the search string with DOSTRUE as 'system' flag. Access to the; "con-handler", "CLI", "Shell", "BootShell" and some other seglists are also available via this function. This backwardly compatible method supercedes the old methods of peeking into the private DosLibrary base rootnode structure. BUGS For backward compatibility reasons, some software may use a Seg_UC value of one to indicate zero usage, rather than zero. This should be fixed in a future release. SEE ALSO AddSegment(), RemSegment(), ObtainSemaphore(), ReleaseSemaphore() FindSemaphore(). dos.library/FindSegmentStackSize dos.library/FindSegmentStackSize NAME FindSegmentStackSize -- Try to find the minimum stack size a program is to be launched with, as encoded in the program's segment list (V50). SYNOPSIS uint32 size = FindSegmentStackSize(BPTR segment_list); FUNCTION If known beforehand, the minimum stack size a program will have to have available in order to work properly can be encoded into a short ASCII string. This string is embedded in the executable code where the shell, Workbench or any other application can find it. The size given can then be compared against the current default stack size and, if need be, increased. The minimum stack size string takes the form of "$STACK:" where is a decimal number for the byte size. The IDOS->StrToLong() function is used internally to read the value after the colon character, so those function semantics will apply. NB: To avoid the compiler removing the stack string, as it will generally be unreferenced in the code, remember to include the 'USED' attribute ie; USED CONST TEXT stk[]="$STACK:64000"; INPUTS segment_list -- Pointer to a properly constructed segment list, such as that returned by the LoadSeg() function. This can be NULL in which case this function will do nothing. RESULT size -- The minimum stack size as stored in the ASCII string found in the segment list, or 0 if no string is found. EXAMPLE /* Try to find the minimum requested stack size for a program. */ BPTR segment_list = IDOS->LoadSeg("program_name"); uint32 minimum_stack_size = IDOS->FindSegmentStackSize(segment_list); IDOS->UnLoadSeg(segment_list); NOTES This function is typically not called by application software, but it is called from inside dos, the shell and Workbench. In DOS, this routine is called by the internal_RunCommand() function, to setup the stack size for any programs run that may be using the stack size cookie, this includes all processes started via the functions; Create[New]Proc(), Execute() and System(). WARNING This function is dependant on the segment size being correct. Failure will occur if segment size is greater than 2gig or is less than 8 bytes or not a size which is exactly a 4 byte multiple. No further checks are performed on the validity of the seglist. SEE ALSO LoadSeg(), AllocSegList(). dos.library/FindTrackedAddress dos.library/FindTrackedAddress NAME FindTrackedAddress -- Look up an address, find out whether it was tracked and provide the information associated with it. (V50) SYNOPSIS VOID FindTrackedAddress(CONST_APTR address, struct Hook *hook); FUNCTION Once an address range has been registered via TrackAddressList() or TrackSegmentList(), you can look up memory addresses and find out whether they are part of any known ranges. The hook provided will be invoked with a read-only copy of the data associated with a tracked address range. INPUTS address -- The memory address to look up. Note: A zero address is safe, but does nothing. hook -- The hook that will be invoked for every tracked memory range which contains the address looked up. You must initialise the hook->h_Entry member to the hook function address to call. The hook function will be invoked as follows: proceed = hook_function(hook,address,ftam) D0 A0 A2 A1 int32 hook_function(struct Hook * hook, APTR address, struct FindTrackedAddressMsg * ftam); The parameters are: hook -- Pointer to the hook you provided as a parameter to the FindTrackedAddress() routine. address -- The address parameter you provided to the FindTrackedAddress() routine. ftam -- Pointer to read-only information on the address range found. You may make copies of the data provided, but you may not store references to it. Subsequent changes to the tracking database will invalidate these references. Your function must return TRUE if the search for matching address ranges should continue; return FALSE if you are satisfied with the first result you receive and wish to end the list scanning. This will also cut down the lookup time as no further entries are likely to match your query. The FindTrackedAddressMsg data structure looks like this: struct FindTrackedAddressMsg { int32 ftam_Size; STRPTR ftam_Name; struct DateStamp ftam_Date; BPTR ftam_SegList; uint32 ftam_SegmentNumber; uint32 ftam_SegmentOffset; APTR ftam_ExtraInfo; int32 ftam_ExtraInfoSize; struct AddressAndSize ftam_AAS; //added 53.118 - Check ftam_Size before access. }; The structure members have the following meanings: ftam_Size Size of this data structure in bytes. At V50, the initial size was 40 bytes. At V53.118, it extended to 48 bytes. This may continue to grow in future releases with new members getting added at the end of the structure. ftam_Name Pointer to the name associated with this address range or segment list. Typically, this is the name of the executable file loaded into memory. ftam_Date Date and time when this address range was loaded into memory. This may not be a valid time stamp, if the time stamp was done before the system clock was syncronized, it may also be all zeroes. ftam_SegList BCPL pointer to the segment list which constitutes this address range. This can be ZERO. ftam_SegmentNumber If this address range consists of multiple entries, this is the number of the entry which contains the address looked up. For a 68K hunk segment list, this would be the 'hunk number'. (Starting at 0) ftam_SegmentOffset The number of bytes which precede the address looked up in this address range. ftam_ExtraInfo Pointer to a memory buffer which contains additional information on this address range, as provided with the TrackAddressList() or TrackSegmentList() calls. This may be NULL. ftam_ExtraInfoSize Size of the buffer pointed to by the ftam_ExtraInfo member, this may be 0. ftam_AAS This was added in 53.118 and contains the original address and size of the tracked memory region. Do not access this member unless ftam_Size >= 48 bytes. NOTES This function is protected by using a locking semaphore, you must not call any routines which might fall into Wait(), or your code may crash the machine and invalidate the tracking list. This function cannot be called from interrupts. This function can be called from exec tasks. From V53.126 a method was added to this function to iterate through all entries currently on the list, generally for statistical purposes. To use this feature, initialise the hook->h_Entry field to the hook function to call, as per normal usage, then call this function with an address parameter set to (APTR)1. This will cause the function to iterate through all entries currently on the list, providing your hook function returns a TRUTH value. SEE ALSO TrackAddressList(), TrackSegmentList() dos.library/FindVar dos.library/FindVar NAME FindVar -- Finds a local variable. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct LocalVar *var = FindVar(CONST_STRPTR name, uint32 type ); FUNCTION Finds a local variable structure. INPUTS name - pointer to a variable name. Note variable names follow filesystem syntax and semantics. type - type of local variable to be found (see ) Current types are; LV_VAR and LV_ALIAS. RESULT var - pointer to a LocalVar structure or NULL on failure. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO GetVar(), SetVar(), DeleteVar(), dos.library/FixDateStamp dos.library/FixDateStamp NAME FixDateStamp -- Examine a DateStamp and fix its contents so that the ds_Tick and ds_Minute structure members are in valid bounds. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FixDateStamp(struct DateStamp *date_stamp); FUNCTION The contents of a DateStamp structure may not be entirely correct after manipulations that modified the ds_Tick or ds_Minute members. This function will fix these values, preserving the correct time, making sure that the ds_Tick member is < 3000 and that the ds_Minute member is < 1440. INPUTS date_stamp -- The DateStamp to be fixed. RESULT success -- FALSE if the DateStamp itself is invalid (that is, any of its structure members are negative) or if fixing its contents produced a numeric overflow. If FALSE is returned, then the DateStamp will not be modified. Non-zero is returned for success. NOTES This function is callable from a task. SEE ALSO DateStamp() dos.library/FlushVolume dos.library/FlushVolume NAME FlushVolume -- Cause a filesystem to flush outstanding writes. (V53.58) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FlushVolume( CONST_STRPTR name ); FUNCTION Forces all pending writes to be written to the respective media. Also causes the motor to be turned off, if it has one. This call is syncronous, in that it does not return until the filesystem has completely finished the operation. INPUTS name - (STRPTR) Null-terminated string to identify the filesystem. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) RESULT success - (BOOLEAN) Zero for failure, non-zero for success. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO FlushVolumePort(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromPort(). dos.library/FlushVolumePort dos.library/FlushVolumePort NAME FlushVolumePort -- Cause a filesystem to flush outstanding writes. (V53.90) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FlushVolumePort( struct MsgPort *port ); FUNCTION Sends a flush request to the filesystem identified by the message port. This forces all pending writes to be written to the respective media. Also causes the motor to be turned off, if it has one that can be. This call is syncronous, in that it does not return until the filesystem has completely finished the operation. INPUTS port - (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the handler message port. RESULT success - (BOOLEAN) Zero for failure, non-zero for success. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO FlushVolume(). dos.library/FOpen dos.library/FOpen NAME FOpen -- Opens a file for buffered input or output. (V51) SYNOPSIS BPTR file = FOpen(CONST_STRPTR name,int32 accessMode,int32 buffersize); FUNCTION The named file is opened specifically for buffered I/O and the file handle is returned. If the accessMode is MODE_OLDFILE, an existing file is opened for buffered reading or writing (this implies a shared lock; if the requested file does not exist, FOpen() will fail). If the accessMode is MODE_NEWFILE, a new file is created for writing (this implies an exclusive lock; if the requested file already exists, it will be deleted first). MODE_READWRITE opens a file with a shared lock, but creates it if it didn't exist. FOpen/Open types are documented in the include file. The 'name' can be a file name (optionally prefaced by a device name), a simple device such as NIL:, a window specification such as CON: or RAW: followed by window parameters, or CONSOLE:, representing the current window. If the file cannot be opened for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling the routine IoErr(). You may also choose to nominate a buffer size for all buffered I/O with this stream, or simply supply zero for the default value. The chosen buffer size will be the maximum amount of data stored on each buffer refill. If the size specified is >0 but less than the minimum value permitted by DosControl(), your request will be quietly bumped up to this size. The buffer mode will also be determined automatically. If the file handle is interactive, the buffer mode will be BUF_LINE, otherwise it will be set to BUF_FULL. You may override the default with the function SetFileHandleAttr(), immediately after returning from FOpen() and before any i/o starts. INPUTS name - pointer to a null-terminated string accessMode - MODE_xxxxx (see dos/dos.h) buffersize - size in bytes for the stream buffer, (or 0 for default) RESULTS file - BCPL pointer to a file handle, (or zero for failure) NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT normally callable from tasks. However, there is the one single exception of FOpen("NIL:",..) which is exempt from this convention due to CreateNewProc()'s need to open default filehandles from exec tasks calling it. Passing NULL for the 'name' is now safe; it just returns 0, with IoErr() set to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING. The behaviour of MODE_READWRITE was changed with V36. Previously, it implied an exclusive lock. Now, after the change, it implies a shared lock. SEE ALSO FClose(), FRead(), FWrite(), NameFromFH(), ParentOfFH(), ExamineFH(), FOpenFromLock(), SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/FOpenFromLock dos.library/FOpenFromLock NAME FOpenFromLock -- Opens a buffered file stream you have a lock on.(V51) SYNOPSIS BPTR fh = FOpenFromLock(BPTR lock, int32 buffersize); FUNCTION Given a lock, this routine performs an open on that lock. If the open succeeds, the lock is (effectively) relinquished, and should not be UnLock()ed or used again. If the open fails, the lock is still usable. The lock associated with the file internally is of the same access mode as the lock you gave up - shared is equivalent to MODE_OLDFILE, exclusive is equivalent to MODE_NEWFILE. You may also choose to nominate a buffer size for all buffered i/o with this stream, or simply supply zero to get the default value. The chosen buffer size will be the maximum amount of data read in with each buffer refill. If the size specified is >0 but less than the minimum value permitted by DosControl(), [ie; DOS prefs] your request will be quietly bumped up to this size. The buffer mode will also be determined automatically. If the file handle is interactive, the buffer mode will be BUF_LINE, otherwise it will be set to BUF_FULL. You may override this default with the function SetFileHandleAttr(), immediately after returning from FOpenFromLock() and only before any i/o commences. INPUTS lock - Lock on object to be opened. buffersize - Size in bytes for the i/o buffer, (or 0 for default). RESULT fh - Newly opened buffered file handle, (or 0 for failure). NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. SEE ALSO FOpen(), FClose(), FRead(), FWrite(), Lock(), UnLock(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/Format dos.library/Format NAME Format -- Causes a filesystem to initialize itself (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = Format(CONST_STRPTR filesystem,CONST_STRPTR volumename, uint32 dostype); FUNCTION Initialize new media on a device. This causes the filesystem to write out an empty disk structure to the media, which should then be ready for use. This assumes the media has been low-level formatted and verified already. The filesystem MUST be inhibited before calling Format() to make sure you don't get a failure with error code ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE. INPUTS filesystem - Name of DEVICE to be formatted. (':' must be supplied). volumename - Name for volume (if supported). (No ':'). dostype - Type of format, if filesystem supports multiple types. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES From V51.30 this function will fail if the name supplied is not the DEVICE name of the filesystem, volume names will be rejected. This function is NOT task callable. BUGS Existed, but was non-functional in V36 dos. (The name wasn't converted to a BSTR.) Workaround: require V37, or under V36 convert volumename to a BPTR to a BSTR before calling Format(). Note: a number of printed packet docs for ACTION_FORMAT are wrong as are the arguments. SEE ALSO FormatPort(), Serialize(), Inhibit(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromPort(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/FormatPort dos.library/FormatPort NAME FormatPort -- Causes a filesystem to initialize itself (V53.88) SYNOPSIS int32 success = FormatPort(struct MsgPort *port, CONST_STRPTR volumename, uint32 dostype); FUNCTION Initialize new media on a device. This causes the filesystem to write out an empty disk structure to the media, which should then be ready for use. This assumes the media has been low-level formatted and verified already. The filesystem MUST be inhibited before calling FormatPort() to make sure you don't get an ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE. INPUTS port - Message Port of filesystem to be formatted. volumename - Name for volume (if supported). (No ':'). dostype - DosType of format, if filesystem supports multiple types. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. SEE ALSO Format(), Serialize(), Inhibit(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromPort(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/FPrintf dos.library/FPrintf NAME FPrintf -- format and print a string to a file. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 count = FPrintf(BPTR fh, CONST_STRPTR fmt, ...); int32 count = VFPrintf(BPTR fh, CONST_STRPTR fmt, CONST_APTR argv); FUNCTION Writes the formatted string and values to the given file. This routine is assumed to handle all internal buffering so that the formatting string and resultant formatted values can be arbitrarily long. Any secondary error code is returned in IoErr(). This routine is buffered. See Notes for extended new V51 DOS format specifiers. INPUTS fh - Filehandle to write to, (or 0). fmt - RawDoFmt() style formatting string argv - Pointer to array of formatting values RESULT count - Number of bytes written or -1 (EOF) for an error. EXAMPLE (1) count = IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", 1,2,3); (2) int32 array[3] = { 1,2,3 }; count = IDOS->VFPrintf(fh,"%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", &array[0]); NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. From 51.59 all DOS (only) string formatting functions now accept two additional special DOS format specifiers; %m and %n. These will be replaced by the error message (%m) such as would be obtained by the Fault() function and the error number (%n) as returned from IoErr() that was valid at the time this function was called. In all other respects these functions work like they always did. EG: count = IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"error message = %m, error code = %n\n",...); This new functionality may need to allocate temporary memory before it can print the error message. However, if the error came about because of memory shortage then the message/value string insertion may not be performed at all. Internally, this function transforms the format string to include the respective error message/number strings; these must not contain format specifiers themselves or the underlying RawDoFmt() function will end up trying to fetch parameters off the argument list which are not available. To prevent this possibility, when the error message is being inserted, any '%..' format specifiers found in the actual error message will be removed entirely to prevent this happening. BUGS The prototype for FPrintf() currently forces you to cast the first varargs parameter to LONG due to a deficiency in the program that generates fds, prototypes, and amiga.lib stubs. From V50, it is now documented as safe to supply a 'fh' of zero, this function will and always did nothing but return -1. (EOF). There is currently a minor problem when using 64 bit stack args. The current compiler for OS4 enforces 64 bit alignment of 64 bit arguments, but Printf assumes 32 bit alignment (VARARGS68K). It is relatively easy to workaround by making sure 64 bit arguments are aligned appropriately. Carefull placement of parameters will be sufficient. eg; IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%lld %ld\n", 64bit_val, 32bit_val); /* works */ IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%ld %lld\n", 32bit_val, 64bit_val); /* fails */ IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%ld %s%lld\n", 32bit_val, "", 64bit_val); /* works */ Therefore, always use carefull placement or pad 64 bit values with empty 32 bit string ("") arguments to attain 64 bit alignment when using 64 bit parameters with this function. SEE ALSO VPrintf(), RawDoFmt(), FPutC(), FOpen(), FClose(),SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/FPutC dos.library/FPutC NAME FPutC -- Write a character to the specified output. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 reschar = FPutC(BPTR fh, int32 character); FUNCTION Writes a single character to the output stream. This call is buffered. Use FFlush() between buffered and unbuffered I/O on a filehandle. Interactive filehandles are flushed automatically on a newline, carriage return or '\0'. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O character - character to write, (int32 value in the range 0-255) RESULT reschar - either the character written, or EOF for an error. BUGS Older autodocs indicated that the 'character' was uint8. The correct usage is to pass a 32 bit variable in the range 0-255. NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. If you are not sharing this filehandle between multiple tasks, this function can be sped up substantially by disabling the semaphore locking with SetFileHandleAttr(). Calling FPutC() with a NULL filehandle is safe, it just returns ENDSTREAMCH if this situation occurs. SEE ALSO FGetC(), UnGetC(), FFlush(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/FPuts dos.library/FPuts NAME FPuts -- Writes a string to the specified output. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 error = FPuts(BPTR fh, CONST_STRPTR str); FUNCTION This routine writes an unformatted string to the filehandle. No newline is appended to the string. This routine is buffered. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O str - Null-terminated string to be written to default output RESULT error - boolean; (zero or non-zero value), 0 if there were no errors, otherwise non-zero. Note that this is opposite of most other Dos functions, which return a success code. NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. Calling FPuts() with a NULL filehandle is safe, it just returns error if this situation occurs. SEE ALSO FGets(), FPutC(), FWrite(), PutStr(), SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/FRead dos.library/FRead NAME FRead -- Reads a number of blocks from an input (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS uint32 count= FRead(BPTR fh,STRPTR buf,uint32 blocksize,uint32 blocks); FUNCTION Attempts to read a number of blocks, each 'blocksize' bytes in size, into the specified buffer from the input stream. May return less than the number of blocks requested, either due to EOF or read errors. This call is buffered. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O buf - Area to read bytes into. blocksize - number of bytes per block. blocks - number of blocks to read. RESULT count - Number of _blocks_ read, or 0 for EOF. On error, the number of blocks actually read is returned. EXAMPLE To use this function with the same parameters as the un-buffered Read() function, set blocksize to 1, as per the following example; bytes_read = FRead(fh, buf, 1, bytes_to_read); NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. This call always clears your buffer upon entry, providing you have supplied a non-NULL 'buf' pointer with 'blocks' and 'blocksize' > 0. If 'blocks' or 'blocksize' == 0, this function will quietly return 0. SEE ALSO FGetC(), FWrite(), FGets(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/FReadLine dos.library/FReadLine NAME FReadLine -- Reads a line or until EOF with dynamic buffering. (V51.47) SYNOPSIS int32 count = FReadLine(BPTR fh, struct FReadLineData *frld); FUNCTION Given a struct FReadLineData pointer, which must be allocated with AllocDosObject(DOS_FREADLINEDATA,...) and freed with FreeDosObject(), this function will read from the filehandle 'fh' and dynamically allocate sufficient memory to hold the entire content to EOF or until the user-definable terminator character is encountered or to the first '\n' character if no optional tag is supplied. (Default) The FReadLineData structure serves as an anchor as well as provide access to the relevant information. It is structured as follows; struct FReadLineData { STRPTR frld_Line; /* Resultant buffer to access data */ uint32 frld_LineLength; /* Number of bytes in buffer. */ uint32 frld_DosPrivate[8]; /* -- internal dos.library use only */ }; The function will return -1 on error, or the length of bytes read into the internally allocated buffer, pointed to by frld_Line. The resultant buffer points to the bytes of length frld_LineLength. The buffer will always be nul-terminated to handle ascii data, but the nul-terminator will not be included in frld_LineLength count. You may re-read after SetFilePosition() or call FReadLine() with a different file handle after you have already used it, the buffer will be nul-terminated again upon entry, for each call, however, the memory allocated from the previous call will remain allocated and will be reused or extended again as necessary to complete your operation. You MUST call FreeDosObject(DOS_FREADLINEDATA,frld); when you have finished, to release the memory held for the buffer and structure. INPUTS fh - (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a filehandle for buffered I/O frld - (struct FReadLineData *) -- Pointer to the FReadLineData structure allocated via AllocDosObject(DOS_FREADLINEDATA,) TAGS The following taglist options can be used with AllocDosObjectTags() when allocating the struct FReadLineData, the current tags are; ADO_TermChar (int32) -- This is the single ascii value (0-255) used to specify a different termination character other than the default '\n' character, which will be employed if no other tag value is supplied. You may also specify a -1L to disable the default '\n' character, and cause read termination to only occur when EOF (end of file) is reached . ADO_TermCharStr (STRPTR) -- This is an optional NUL-terminated ascii string used to specify any additional termination character/s to terminate on, when more than one is needed. For example, this can sometimes be required when reading from a source that uses both '\n' and '\r' to terminate lines. For this, you would supply the string; "\n\r" to this tag. (Default NULL) NB: This tag was a late addition for DOS 53.19 and will have no effect with previous dos.library releases. ADO_Mask (uint32) -- This tag specifies an optional break signal mask. This also works for Interactive streams. See: for; SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C etc... RESULT count - Bytes read, (same as frld_LineLength), or -1L on error. On error, queery IoErr() to find out more. EXAMPLE struct FReadLineData *frld = IDOS->AllocDosObject(DOS_FREADLINEDATA,0); if( frld ) { int32 rc = IDOS->FReadLine(fh, frld); if( -1 == rc ) { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(),"FReadLine() failed "); } else { IDOS->Printf("Line length is %ld bytes, Contents; %s\n", frld->frld_LineLength, frld->frld_Line); } IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_FREADLINEDATA,frld); } NOTES Supplying a NULL frld or filehandle is safe, but will set IoErr() to an appropriate error code and the function will return -1. This function employs automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may call this or other buffered DOS I/O functions. This function is not callable from tasks. SEE ALSO FGetC(), FRead(), FGets(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/FreeArgs dos.library/FreeArgs NAME FreeArgs - Free allocated memory after ReadArgs() (V36) SYNOPSIS FreeArgs(rdargs) void FreeArgs(struct RDArgs *) FUNCTION Frees memory associated for the ReadArgs() argument buffers as well as any temporary internal storage areas. If ReadArgs() allocated the RDArgs structure it will be freed. If NULL is passed in, this function does nothing. INPUTS rdargs - structure returned from ReadArgs() or NULL. NOTES If you allocate your own struct RDArgs with AllocDosObject() you MUST still call FreeDosObject() on it, FreeArgs() only frees the internal memory allocations associated with parsing the args and not the allocated RDArgs structure itself. If you call ReadArgs() with a NULL 'rdargs' parameter, ReadArgs() will allocate its own one, and only in this case will all the memory be automatically freed when FreeArgs() is called. SEE ALSO ReadArgs(), ReadLineItem(), FindArg() dos.library/FreeCmdPathList dos.library/FreeCmdPathList NAME FreeCmdPathList -- Free a shell search path list. (V50) SYNOPSIS VOID FreeCmdPathList(struct PathNode * path); FUNCTION This function will release the memory and the file locks attached to a shell search path list, as allocated by the AllocateCmdPathList() and AddCmdPathNode() commands. INPUTS path -- Pointer to the first node of a shell search path node, as created by AllocateCmdPathList(). This can be NULL in which case this function does nothing. NOTES Do not free a shell search path list that is still in use! This function uses internal Semaphore locking to arbitrate access to the shell search path list. This function is callable from a task. SEE ALSO SetCurrentCmdPathList, AllocateCmdPathList, RemoveCmdPathNode, AddCmdPathNode, SearchCmdPathList dos.library/FreeDeviceProc dos.library/FreeDeviceProc NAME FreeDeviceProc -- Releases data returned by GetDeviceProc[Flags]() (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID FreeDeviceProc(struct DevProc * devproc); FUNCTION Frees up the structure created by GetDeviceProc[Flags](), and any associated temporary locks. Decrements the counter incremented by GetDeviceProc[Flags](). The counter is in an extension to the 1.3 process structure. After calling FreeDeviceProc(), do not use the port or lock again! It is safe to call FreeDeviceProc(NULL). INPUTS devproc - A value returned by GetDeviceProc[Flags](). ( NULL is safe, does nothing. ) NOTES This function does not affect IoErr(). BUGS Counter not currently active in 2.0. SEE ALSO GetDeviceProc(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), DeviceProc(), AssignLock(), AssignLate(), AssignPath() dos.library/FreeDiskFileSystemData dos.library/FreeDiskFileSystemData NAME FreeDiskFileSystemData -- Release information describing a file system mounted on top of a disk driver, as obtained by the GetDiskFileSystemData() function (V50). SYNOPSIS VOID FreeDiskFileSystemData(struct FileSystemData *data); FUNCTION This function is the counterpart to GetDiskFileSystemData() and will release any memory and resources obtained through that function. INPUTS data -- Pointer to the file system data structure returned by a previous call to GetDiskFileSystemData(). A value of NULL will be ignored. SEE ALSO GetDiskFileSystemData() dos.library/FreeDosEntry dos.library/FreeDosEntry NAME FreeDosEntry -- Frees an entry created by MakeDosEntry (V36) [DEPRECATED V52.16] SYNOPSIS VOID FreeDosEntry(struct DosList * dlist); FUNCTION Frees a single entry created by MakeDosEntry(). This function has been deprecated at V52.16 for FreeDosObject(). INPUTS dlist - The DosList node to free. NOTES The entry that is being freed must NOT still be in the doslist. From V52.16 this is now a stub that calls FreeDosObject(). SEE ALSO AddDosEntry(), RemDosEntry(), FindDosEntry(), LockDosList(), NextDosEntry(), MakeDosEntry(), FreeDosObject(). dos.library/FreeDosObject dos.library/FreeDosObject NAME FreeDosObject -- Frees an object allocated by AllocDosObject(). (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID FreeDosObject(uint32 object, APTR ptr); FUNCTION Frees an object allocated by AllocDosObject(). Do NOT call this for objects allocated in any other way. INPUTS object - object type passed to AllocDosObject(); this must be one of: DOS_FILEHANDLE, DOS_EXALLCONTROL, DOS_FIB, DOS_STDPKT, DOS_CLI, DOS_RDARGS, DOS_ANCHORPATH, DOS_INFODATA, DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST, DOS_LOCK, DOS_FREADLINEDATA, DOS_EXAMINEDATA, DOS_DOSLIST, DOS_VOLUMELIST, or DOS_FSVECTORPORT. ptr - pointer returned by AllocDosObject() (or NULL) NOTES FreeDosObject(DOS_CLI,cli) will free all the buffers, the structure itself as well as any pathnodes attached to the cli_PathList field by calling FreeCmdPathList() internally. This function is guaranteed to not change the state of IoErr(). This function is safe to call with a NULL 'ptr' argument. BUGS Before V39, DOS_CLI objects will only have the 'struct CommandLineInterface' freed, not the strings it points to. This was fixed in V39 dos. Before V39, you can workaround this bug by using FreeVec() with BADDR() on cli_CurrentDirName, cli_CommandFile, cli_CommandName and cli_Prompt, and then setting them all to ZERO. In V39 or above, do NOT use the workaround. SEE ALSO AllocDosObject(), FreeVec(), dos.library/FWrite dos.library/FWrite NAME FWrite -- Writes a number of blocks to an output. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS uint32 count = FWrite(BPTR fh, CONST_APTR buf, uint32 blocksize, uint32 blocks); FUNCTION Attempts to write a number of blocks, each 'blocksize' bytes in size, from the specified buffer to the output stream. May return less than the number of blocks requested, if there is some error such as a full disk or r/w error. This call is buffered. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O buf - Area to write bytes from. blocksize - number of bytes per block. blocks - number of blocks to write. RESULT count - Number of _blocks_ written. On an error, the number of blocks actually written is returned. EXAMPLE To emulate the unbuffered Write() function arguments, set the 'blocksize' to 1, and the number of bytes to write as 'blocks', as per the following example; bytes_written = FWrite(fh, buf, 1, bytes_to_write); NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. If 'blocks' or 'blocksize' == 0, this function will quietly return 0. SEE ALSO FPutC(), FRead(), FPuts(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/GetArgStr dos.library/GetArgStr NAME GetArgStr -- Returns the arguments for the process. (V36) SYNOPSIS STRPTR ptr = GetArgStr(VOID); FUNCTION Returns a pointer to the (null-terminated) arguments for the program (process). This is the same string passed in 68000 register A0 on startup from CLI. RESULT ptr - pointer to the argument string. (or NULL) NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. WARNING: This function can return NULL if the process was started without explicitly specifying an argument string with NP_Arguments. SEE ALSO SetArgStr(), RunCommand(), CreateNewProc() dos.library/GetCliCurrentDirName dos.library/GetCliCurrentDirName NAME GetCliCurrentDirName -- returns the current directory name from the CLI structure. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = GetCliCurrentDirName(STRPTR buf, int32 len); FUNCTION Extracts the current directory name from the CLI structure if this process has a CLI attached. The result is copied into the buffer. If the buffer is too small, the name is truncated appropriately and a failure code returned (ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG). INPUTS buf - Buffer to hold extracted name. len - Number of bytes of space in buffer. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) NOTES Prior to V50 this function was documented to fail if no CLI structure was present, but this was NOT actually the case, it always effectively called: NameFromLock( GetCurrentDir(), ...); as a fallback. Note that the data returned from accessing the CLI structure may not yield a full path, depending on the length, but may instead just return the name of the currentdir component itself. BUGS From v50, the value obtained from here is not always usefull, due to the length limits of the CLI structure field cli_CurrentDirName. This function will not always support V50 long pathnames. If you do not have a CLI attached, then long path names will work. You really should just use: [Dev]NameFromLock( GetCurrentDir(), ...); to obtain a fully qualified long pathname compliant string. This function cannot be fixed (yet) due to software dependencies, but should use the suggested workaround in a later DOS version. This function is NOT task callable. This function has had a name change in V53, include dos/obsolete.h for the compatibility macros when compiling older source code. SEE ALSO SetCliCurrentDirName(). dos.library/GetCliProgramName dos.library/GetCliProgramName NAME GetCliProgramName -- Returns the current CLI program name from the attached CLI structure. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = GetCliProgramName(STRPTR buf, int32 len); FUNCTION Extracts the program name from the CLI structure cl->cli_CommandName and puts it into the buffer. If the buffer is too small, the name is truncated and the error code: ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG will be returned by IoErr(), this function will still return non-zero in this case. If no CLI structure is present, a null string is returned in the buffer, and failure is indicated by: ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE by a call to IoErr(), this function will then return FALSE. INPUTS buf - Buffer to hold extracted name. len - Number of bytes of space in buffer. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function has had a name change in V53, include dos/obsolete.h for the compatibility macros when compiling older source code. BUGS See SetCliProgramName() for pre-V50 bugs concerning name truncation. For V40 compatibility, this function MAY, or MAY NOT, contain any path component for the program name. To extract only the program name, use this function in conjunction with FilePart(). SEE ALSO SetCliProgramName() dos.library/GetCliPrompt dos.library/GetCliPrompt NAME GetCliPrompt -- Returns the prompt from the attached CLI structure.(V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = GetCliPrompt(STRPTR buf, int32 len); FUNCTION Extracts the prompt string from the CLI structure cl->cli_Prompt and puts it into the buffer. If the buffer is too small, the string is truncated and the error code: ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG will be returned by IoErr(), however, this function will still return DOSTRUE in this case. If no CLI structure is present, a null string is returned in the buffer, and failure is indicated by: ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE by a call to IoErr() and this function will return FALSE. INPUTS buf - Buffer to hold extracted prompt. len - Number of bytes of space in buffer. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function has had a name change in V53, include dos/obsolete.h for the compatibility macros when compiling older source code. SEE ALSO SetCliPrompt() dos.library/GetConsolePort dos.library/GetConsolePort NAME GetConsolePort -- Returns the default console for the process. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct MsgPort *port = GetConsolePort(void); FUNCTION Returns the default console task's port (pr_ConsolePort) for the current process. RESULT port - The pr_MsgPort of the console handler, or NULL. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. This function used to be called GetConsoleTask. SEE ALSO SetConsolePort(), Open() dos.library/GetCurrentDir dos.library/GetCurrentDir NAME GetCurrentDir -- Return the lock of the current directory. (V50) SYNOPSIS BPTR currentLock = GetCurrentDir(VOID); FUNCTION GetCurrentDir() returns the directory lock of the current directory. This function is a read only complement to SetCurrentDir(). This lock is the same one that will be used by referencing paths relative to "CURRDIR:". RESULT currentLock - BCPL pointer to a lock. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO Lock(), UnLock(), Open(), DupLock(), SetCurrentDir() dos.library/GetDeviceProc dos.library/GetDeviceProc NAME GetDeviceProc -- Low level function to find a DOS handler. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DevProc *devproc = GetDeviceProc(CONST_STRPTR name, struct DevProc *devproc); FUNCTION Refer to GetDeviceProcFlags() for function documentation. INPUTS name - Name of the object you wish to access. devproc - A value returned by GetDeviceProc() before, or NULL RESULT devproc - A pointer to a DevProc structure or NULL on failure. On success, it must be freed with FreeDeviceProc(). NOTES This function is now a fast compatibility stub that calls; IDOS->GetDeviceProcFlags(name,devproc,LDF_ALL); Application programmers should rarely if ever need this function, When a unique fully resolved DOS path is required by an application, call the IDOS->Lock() function and IDOS->DevNameFromLock(). This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO FreeDeviceProc(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), AssignLock(), AssignLate(), AssignPath(), Lock(). dos.library/GetDeviceProcFlags dos.library/GetDeviceProcFlags NAME GetDeviceProcFlags -- Low level function to find a DOS handler. (V50) SYNOPSIS struct DevProc *devproc = GetDeviceProcFlags(CONST_STRPTR name, struct DevProc *devproc, uint32 ldf_flags); FUNCTION This is a low level function primarily used by dos.library to find the handler/filesystem for the specified name/descriptor string, this may involve temporary locks for assignments or on the doslist. All dos.library functions that accept descriptor strings will call this function internally to identify the respective filesystem or handler and to resolve relative references, such references may access the calling processes program-directory or current-directory locks, the console port, or the default filesystem port. Application programmers should rarely need this function except to obtain a handler message port for a given handler identifier, or possibly for an application that needs to walk multi-assignments. When an application requires a fully resolved unique DOS path, simply call the IDOS->Lock() function and then IDOS->DevNameFromLock(). Do not attempt to manually deal with all the complexities of multi assignments, softlinks, virtual DOS devices, relative path references, and all other future features that you cannot plan for ahead of time. This function returns a structure that includes a relative lock for assignments, CURRDIR:, PROGDIR:, root and current-directory relative paths, the handler msgport to attempt the operation, as well as being the function that can also load and start up handlers and filesystems when they are initially accessed. It also includes information on how to handle multiple-directory assigns (by passing the DevProc back to GetDeviceProcFlags() until it returns NULL). This function will also return flag information for the method being used by the specified string reference. The virtual DOS devices that are currently supported are; PROGDIR: CURRDIR: and CONSOLE: PROGDIR: references are relative to the local process lock pr_ProgramDir. This lock is supplied to programs that are started by both workbench and the shell, (See; Note *1) with the exception that shell resident programs and shell internal commands have no program directory and the pr_ProgramDir lock will be ZERO and so PROGDIR: relative accesses will not work in this situation. You are advised to check IDOS->GetProgramDir() for a non-ZERO result before attempting to access PROGDIR: CURRDIR: references are relative to the local process lock pr_CurrentDir. This lock is supplied by the shell startup method and will be ZERO for workbench started programs. (See; Note *1) CURRDIR: relative accesses will not work in this situation. You are advised to check IDOS->GetCurrentDir() for a non-ZERO result before attempting to access CURRDIR: (V51.31) CONSOLE: references are directed to the handler port in pr_ConsolePort. To use this function, the initial call to GetDeviceProcFlags() should pass NULL for the 'devproc' argument. If after using that returned DevProc and (dvp_Flags & DVPF_MULTIASSIGN) is true, you should call GetDeviceProcFlags() again, passing it the same DevProc structure to get the next multi-assignment. Continue until it returns NULL. Each time, it will either return a modified DevProc structure, or NULL with a secondary error from IoErr() of ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES. All other access types will succeed or fail on the initial access. The public DevProc structure looks like this: struct DevProc { struct MsgPort * dvp_Port; /* Handler message port */ BPTR dvp_Lock; /* Reference lock (or ZERO) */ uint32 dvp_Flags; /* Flags fields, see; "NOTES". */ }; This call also increments the counter that locks a handler/fs into memory. After calling FreeDeviceProc(), do not use the port or lock again! INPUTS name - Descriptor string to identify the handler/filesystem with any of the following supported access methods. It can be a current directory lock relative path; ("foo"), (""), ("foo/bar") Relative to the current directory volume root; (":foo"), (":"), (":foo/bar"), A device/volume/assignment relative specification; ("foo:"), ("foo:bar"), ("foo:bar/baz"), Or one of the built-in DOS pseudo devices; ("progdir:foo/bar"), ("currdir:foo/bar") devproc - The value previously returned by GetDeviceProcFlags(), or 0 ldf_flags - LDF_DEVICES, LDF_VOLUMES, LDF_ASSIGNS or LDF_ALL The flags determine where 'name' will be searched for. RESULT devproc - A pointer to a DevProc structure or NULL on failure. The devproc->dvp_Flags member now provides considerable information about what is being resolved, this is mainly used internally. Here is a current list of the bits and their associated function; ( See also; include/dos/dosextens.h for field definitions ) DVPB_UNLOCK This flag is for DOS internal use ONLY. This flag means the dvp_Lock is temporary and will be unlocked on the next call to GetDeviceProc[Flags]() or FreeDeviceProc(), This is generally set for non-binding assigns. DVPB_MULTIASSIGN The dvp_Lock refers to part of a multi-assignment, this flag bit indicates there are more entries for a multi-assignment to follow. The last entry of a multi-assignment will have this bit cleared. DVPB_DEVICE (V53.56) The supplied name is a device: relative specification. DVPB_VOLUME The supplied name is a volume: relative specification. DVPB_ASSIGNMENT The supplied name is an assignment: relative specification. DVPB_PROGDIR The supplied name is a PROGDIR: relative specification. DVPB_CURRDIR The supplied name is a CURRDIR: or cd relative specification. DVPB_ROOTDIR The supplied name is a root : directory relative specification. DVPB_CONSOLE The supplied name is a CONSOLE: handler specification. DVPB_FILESYS The access caused the return of the root of the default filesystem from the message port retrieved from callerproc->pr_FileSystemPort. This will occur when an access to the current directory or root dir is attempted and the process->pr_CurrentDir lock is zero. DVPB_HASCOLON (Added 53.78) The supplied name string contained at least one colon character. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. If the current directory lock is ZERO when a current directory relative or root dir access is attempted, this function will fall back to returning a root dir reference for the default filesystem returned from IDOS->GetFileSysPort(). (i.e. callerproc->pr_FileSystemPort) (*1) The above information regarding the built-in virtual devices apply only to dos.library program startup entering the program code at the dos.library _start() entrypoint. If your program uses a clib/newlib wrapper and you enter at main() instead of the dos.library _start() function, the above information may not be the same, you should refer to the clib and newlib specific documentation for details regarding the way these wrappers setup their custom program environment. APPDIR: is a built-in handler that was initially introduced in DOS 53.25 and resolves references to a directory lock supplied by the internal DOS path cache server. From 53.134+, APPDIR: as been changed to a full overlay filesystem. For objects to be found in APPDIR: they must have been loaded at some time before, this may be by being run at least once, or by simply having the version information read by the 'C:Version' command, this will cause the file to be loaded so the version data can be accessed, and this is all that is required to create an initial appdir cache entry. All objects loaded by RAMLIB are currently excluded from APPDIR: such as libraries and devices, as are all files such as kickstart modules, classes, gadgets, images, etc... with the following named suffixes; ".library", ".device", ".gadget", ".image", ".class", ".kmod", ".chip", "-handler". All loadables from "ENV:", "ENVARC:", "RAM:" and "RAM:T" are also excluded from being cached. The APPDIR: cache is automatically flushed every other month of entries that have paths that no longer exist, unused entries are removed after 12 full months of no access. SEE ALSO FreeDeviceProc(), DeviceProc(), GetDeviceProc(), AssignLock(), AssignLate(), AssignPath(), dos/dosextehs.h dos.library/GetDiskFileSystemData dos.library/GetDiskFileSystemData NAME GetDiskFileSystemData -- Obtain information describing a file system mounted on top of a disk driver (V50). SYNOPSIS struct FileSystemData *data = GetDiskFileSystemData(CONST_STRPTR name); FUNCTION A file system can be mounted on top of a disk driver, such as a hard or floppy disk. The information associated with such a file system consists of data describing the driver name, the driver unit and open flags plus drive geometry information. Only a certain kind of file system sports this information, which is why it is often difficult to tell whether a file system is associated with a disk device driver or not. The GetDiskFileSystemData() function provides a safe method for accessing this information. This function will expressly try to avoid accessing the handler to obtain the needed information, but ONLY if you supply the DEVICE name (+ colon) as the parameter to this function. This feature has been implemented as some disk recovery tools may need to find this information without starting the handler, which for a defective volume may lead to the task crashing or other undesirable side-effects. Otherwise, if the parameter refers to a VOLUME or ASSIGN or a relative path, then it will be resolved normally by calling GetDeviceProc() internally to obtain the ID and retrieve information from the handler, this implies that if the handler is not currently running it will attempt to start it up. INPUTS name -- The name of the file system, which can be the device name (e.g. "DF0:") or a volume or directory or other legal name or reference as defined in GetDeviceProcFlags() doc. RESULT data -- Pointer to a FileSystemData structure, which looks as follows, or NULL on failure. On failure consult IoErr() to find out why. struct FileSystemData { uint32 fsd_Size; STRPTR fsd_FileSystemName; STRPTR fsd_DeviceName; uint32 fsd_DeviceUnit; uint32 fsd_DeviceFlags; struct DosEnvec * fsd_Environment; APTR fsd_DosPrivate[4]; APTR fsd_Reserved[4]; }; The structure members have the following purposes: fsd_Size Size of the full data structure returned, in bytes. This may grow in the future if new fields are added. fsd_FileSystemName The name of the file system in question. This will be the name of the file system device, e.g. "DF0:". fsd_DeviceName Name of the Exec disk device driver. e.g. "ide.device" fsd_DeviceUnit The Exec disk device driver unit associated with this file system. fsd_DeviceFlags Flags suitable to pass to the Exec OpenDevice() function. fsd_Environment Pointer to the disk geometry longword data array. WARNING; The first longword of a DosEnvec structure holds the number of longwords of data that follow. It is infact a variable sized longword array. Reading data past the end of that specified by de_TableSize can result in reading erroneous data or even an illegal memory access exception. fsd_DosPrivate[4] Private context information allocated and used exclusively by dos.library. You must NOT access these private fields. The fsd_DeviceName, fsd_DeviceUnit and fsd_DeviceFlags members are parameters to be passed to the Exec OpenDevice() function. NOTES This function may return NULL if the file system information you requested could not be obtained or is not consistent. Check the secondary error with IoErr() to find out more. You must release the information with FreeDiskFileSystemData() when you no longer need it. This is not just to conserve memory: some file systems may track how many clients are currently accessing the file system data and will delay certain operations until all clients have signed off. This function does not guarantee a given handler is a file system. To find out about that, first call the IsFileSystem() function first, as long as starting the handler is permitted. This function will always set IoErr() to either zero, or an error code. This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO FreeDiskFileSystemData(), IsFileSystem(), GetDiskInfo(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/GetDiskInfo dos.library/GetDiskInfo NAME GetDiskInfo -- Returns information about a disk or handler. (51.96) SYNOPSIS int32 result = GetDiskInfo( const struct TagItem *tags ); int32 result = GetDiskInfoTags(uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION GetDiskInfo() can be used to find information about a handler. This function will provide the same and extended features to the existing V31 Info() function. This function allows for a choice of handler identifiers to be used, it also enables you to obtain information about disks without any currently mounted volume, which Info() does not provide. Also, you can obtain information from other non-filesystem handlers such as CON: etc... INPUTS tags -- Pointer to a tagitem array for the options listed below. INPUT TAGS ; One mandatory tag item to enable handler identification. The following four tags are mutually exclusive. GDI_StringNameInput (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a string identifier. Identify the handler by volume: device: assignment, or other legal reference. (See; IDOS->GetDeviceProcFlags() for more info) NB: If the volume that the object specified by the string name, is not currently inserted, it will post the usual style of "Please Insert Volume ..." request unless specifically prevented in doing so beforehand with dos/SetProcWindow(). GDI_FileHandleInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a FileHandle. Identify the handler by the stream pointed to by a FileHandle. The opening mode does not affect identification. GDI_LockInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a Lock. Identify the handler by this associated Lock. The lock mode does not affect the identification. NB: Supplying a lock of ZERO will return InfoData from the handler process that is returned from GetFileSysPort(). GDI_MsgPortInput (struct MsgPort *) -- Pointer to a message port. Identify the handler by this message port. === OPTION TAGS ; The other options that control how this function works. (Currently only one available.) GDI_VolumeRequired (BOOLEAN) -- defaults to FALSE if the tag GDI_MsgPortInput is used, otherwise TRUE for the other inputs. This tag is what controls what DOSPacket type or filesystem call is used to obtain the InfoData, these are as follows; If GID_VolumeRequired==FALSE then FSDeviceInfoData() or the DOSPacket ACTION_DISK_INFO will be sent to obtain information. If GID_VolumeRequired==TRUE then FSVolumeInfoData() or the DOSPacket ACTION_INFO will be sent to obtain information. Note that the FSVolumeInfoData() / ACTION_INFO will fail if the mounted device has no volume node present, whereas the FSDeviceInfoData() / ACTION_DISK_INFO method "always" works. (in theory at least.) === OUTPUT TAG ; The mandatory destination where to store the InfoData. GDI_InfoData (struct InfoData *) This must point to an InfoData structure to be filled in. With this function, it does NOT have to be longword aligned, unlike the old Info() which requires longword alignment. DOS will take care of this internally, if required. IDOS->AllocDosObject(DOS_INFODATA,0) will also provide a correctly aligned InfoData struct for all situations. The contents of the InfoData structure are arranged as follows: id_NumSoftErrors ( -- Deprecated field ) Typically was for the number of media read/write errors encountered on this volume. This number increased for every error, regardless of which disk may be currently inserted, which means it's of little use for anything at all. Few file systems ever provided this information, it is generally always set to zero. This field will likely be reused in future for some other purpose, until then, please do not access it. id_UnitNumber ( -- Deprecated field ) This can be the low level device driver unit number responsible for this disk drive, it also may not be. Few file systems ever provided this information, and the operating system itself no longer uses it as of AmigaOS 2.04 and beyond. This field is generally set to zero and will most likely be reused in future for some other purpose, until then, please do not access it. id_DiskState This indicates the state of the media in this device, it should always be one of the following values: ID_DISKSTATE_VALIDATED Medium is readable and writable. ID_DISKSTATE_WRITE_PROTECTED Medium is readable, but cannot be written to. ID_DISKSTATE_VALIDATING Medium may be readable and is currently being prepared to make it writable again. This is also the default "parking" state used when the filesystem is waiting for media to be inserted, or the file system is in an unknown state and unable return meaningfull information about the medium, Always refer to id_DiskType for device state info. id_NumBlocks The number of storage units ("blocks") which this file system consists of. NOTE: This value can be zero! id_NumBlocksUsed The number of storage units currently in use by the file system. NOTE: This value can be zero or identical to the id_NumBlocks value! id_BytesPerBlock The number of bytes that make up a single storage unit ("block"). Note that this number may not match the physical size of the storage block, as used by the underlying storage device. The file system might return the size of a single data block instead, which can be shorter. id_DiskType This field indicates both the state of the file system and what kind of file system is involved. The following values indicate file system state: ID_NO_DISK_PRESENT No medium is currently present. ID_UNREADABLE_DISK A medium is present, but low level read errors have prevented the file system from figuring out what is stored on it. This medium may not be formatted or simply defective. ID_NOT_REALLY_DOS A medium is present, its contents are readable, but they are of no use for this file system. ID_BUSY The file system is currently "offline" and cannot access the medium. This may be because commands such as "Format" or "DiskCopy" are accessing the low level disk data and do not want the file system to interfere. Some of the types of file systems involved: ID_DOS_DISK ID_FFS_DISK ID_INTER_DOS_DISK ID_INTER_FFS_DISK ID_FASTDIR_DOS_DISK ID_FASTDIR_FFS_DISK ID_LONGNAME_DOS_DISK ID_LONGNAME_FFS_DISK ID_MSDOS_DISK ID_VP255_DOS_DISK ID_NGFS_DISK Each of these values stands for a particular type of file system and disk data format, there are others. The con-handler may return one of the following types, which indicate the state it currently operates in: ID_CON Input is line-buffered, i.e. you have to hit the [Return] key to transfer your input to the client reading data from this console stream. ID_RAWCON Input is unbuffered, i.e. each key you hit that produces a character immediately transfers input to the client software. This is the so-called 'single character' mode which can be enabled via SetMode(..,DOSTRUE). Last, but not least, you might very rarely encounter a so-called "Kickstart" disk which contains the operating system for the Amiga 1000 and Amiga 3000 computers. It is identified by the following value: ID_KICKSTART_DISK Other disk type values may exist, which represent the file system signature stored on the disk (often in the first sector) or might just be random data found on an unformatted storage medium. Be prepared to handle this: always check the id_DiskState field to verify if the file system considers itself responsible for this disk. Do not make decisions based solely on the file system type found in the id_DiskType field! A file system should never report an id_DiskState value of ID_DISKSTATE_VALIDATED for a medium it cannot use. id_VolumeNode This field is supposed to be a BCPL pointer to the volume node of the currently active filesystem volume. Not all file systems will supply this, or exactly this particular information. Non filesystems may use this field for other completely incompatible purposes, for example, the con-handler may return a pointer to the console window. This field should be treated with caution. Note that it can also be ZERO! id_InUse This field is supposed to be set to FALSE/ZERO if there are currently no locks or files bound to the handler. Otherwise, the non-zero value returned from some old file systems may infact be any arbitrary non-zero boolean value. The now prefered V50+ use for filesystems is that they should actually return an integer for the number of locks currently in force. Stream handlers should indicate the number of streams currently open. The con-handler also uses this field for a completely different and incompatible purpose, such as storing a pointer to the console I/O request. As with id_VolumeNode this field should be treated with caution. RESULT result - (zero or non-zero) The result will be zero for failure, or non-zero for success, the non-zero success value represents the number of tags passed to this function as parameters. On failure, call IoErr() [Fault(),PrintFault()] to find out more information with regard to what caused failure. WARNING Do not make assumptions about what information you will find in the id_NumBlocks and id_NumBlocksUsed fields. In particular, do not assume that id_NumBlocks > 0, id_NumBlocksUsed > 0 or that id_NumBlocksUsed < id_NumBlocks. Each field may be 0, and the number of blocks in use may match exactly the total number of blocks. If you fail to account for these conditions, your code may produce a division by 0, which can be avoided. Take care when multiplying the block size with the number of blocks (or the number of blocks used). The product may be larger than what a 32 bit integer can hold. Be prepared to handle this correctly, such as by using 64 bit integer values for the factors and product. Do not assume that the handler block size supplied by the file system is identical to the low level storage device block size. If you need the accurate storage device block size information, use GetDiskFileSystemData() to obtain this information instead. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. The default mode for a non-specified GDI_VolumeRequired tag was always TRUE before DOS 53.68, now it becomes FALSE if the message port input source is used. SEE ALSO Info(), GetDiskFileSystemData(), IoErr(), Fault(), PrintFault(). dos.library/GetEntryData dos.library/GetEntryData NAME GetEntryData -- Obtain the entry data set by CreateNewProc() (V51.73) SYNOPSIS int32 data = GetEntryData(VOID); FUNCTION Returns the data initialised by CreateNewProc() with NP_EntryData. RESULTS data - int32 NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO CreateNewProc() dos.library/GetExitData dos.library/GetExitData NAME GetExitData -- Obtain the exit data set by CreateNewProc(). (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 data = GetExitData(VOID); FUNCTION Returns the data initialised by CreateNewProc() with NP_ExitData. RESULTS data - int32 NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO CreateNewProc() dos.library/GetFilePosition dos.library/GetFilePosition NAME GetFilePosition -- Return the current file cursor position. (51.64) SYNOPSIS int64 position = GetFilePosition( BPTR filehandle ); FUNCTION GetFilePosition() returns the current absolute file cursor position of an open file, or the value of -1LL if an error occured. INPUTS filehandle - BCPL pointer to a file handle obtained from Open(), FOpen(), OpenFromLock(), FOpenFromLock(). RESULTS position - 64 bit integer of the absolute cursor position for file, or -1LL on failure. NOTES This function provides a working fallback using Seek(), if the new packet is unsupported by the filesystem, providing the result falls within 32 bit limits. Fallback function semantics will apply for unsupporting filesystems. This function works for both buffered and unbuffered streams. This function is NOT callable via the legacy 68K jumptable. SEE ALSO ChangeFileSize(), GetFileSize(), ChangeFilePosition(), Open(), FOpen(), OpenFromLock(), FOpenFromLock(), Close(), FClose(). dos.library/GetFileSize dos.library/GetFileSize NAME GetFileSize -- Obtain the size of a file. (V51.62) SYNOPSIS int64 filesize = GetFileSize( BPTR filehandle ); FUNCTION Returns the current file size from an open filehandle. INPUTS filehandle - BCPL pointer to an open filehandle obtained from Open(), FOpen(), OpenFromLock(), FOpenFromLock(), etc... RESULT filesize - 64 bit integer of the file size, or -1LL for error. On error, consult IoErr() to find out why. NOTES This function is NOT callable by legacy 68K applications. This function also provides a working fallback using ExamineFH() if the new packet is unsupported by the filesystem, providing the result falls within unsigned 32 bit limits,(4GB-1Byte). Fallback function semantics may apply for unsupporting filesystems. This function works for both buffered and unbuffered file streams. SEE ALSO ChangeFilePosition(), GetFilePosition(), ChangeFileSize(), Open(), FOpen(), OpenFromLock(), FOpenFromLock(), Close(), FClose(). dos.library/GetFileSysPort dos.library/GetFileSysPort NAME GetFileSysPort - Returns the port for the current filesystem. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct MsgPort *port = GetFileSysPort(void); FUNCTION Returns the current filesystem process' message port (pr_FileSystemPort) RESULT port - The MsgPort of the current filesystem process, or NULL. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. This function used to be called GetFileSysTask. SEE ALSO SetFileSysPort(), Open(), Lock(), ParentDir() dos.library/GetFileSystemVectorPort dos.library/GetFileSystemVectorPort NAME GetFileSystemVectorPort -- Low level routine to return a pointer to a filesystem vector-port interface. (V53.136) SYNOPSIS struct FileSystemVectorPort *fsvp = GetFileSystemVectorPort( struct MsgPort *port, uint32 minver); FUNCTION This function is mainly used inside dos.library for the purpose of validating and returning a pointer to a filesystem vector-port interface if the 'port' is for a vector-port type filesystem and the interface version is at least the minimum version value 'minver'. The first release vector-port version value was 53, this will be the minimum value used to obtain a valid working vector-port interface as described in the include file; dos/filehandler.h Never use 0 as a minimum version, as this may infact return a pointer to a vector-port that is in the process of being dismounted or deleted. INPUTS port - (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a filesystem message port. minver - (uint32) Minimum interface version to return. (minimum 53) RESULT fsvp - (struct FileSystemVectorPort *) Pointer to a filesystem vector-port interface or NULL for DosPacket based filesystems, handlers, or for vector-port interfaces with a lower version. NOTES This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. Passing NULL for the 'port' argument is safe and just returns NULL. SEE ALSO IsFileSystemPort(). dos.library/GetOwnerInfo dos.library/GetOwnerInfo NAME GetOwnerInfo -- Get owner information for an object. (V52.18) SYNOPSIS int32 success = GetOwnerInfo( const struct TagItem *tags ); int32 success = GetOwnerInfoTags( uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function is a complement to the V52 SetOwnerInfo() function which provides access to a filesystem objects UID and GID data. This function additionally provides a method of retrieval of a process structures pr_UID and pr_GID members. A filesystem takes no interest in the values other than storing (and returning them) for the respective filesystem objects, these are primarily for use by networking software (clients and hosts), in conjunction with the ExamineData EXDF_OTR_xxx and EXDF_GRP_xxx protection bits, as well as the old FileInfoBlock FIBF_OTR_xxx and FIBF_GRP_xxx protection bits. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array. TAGS SOURCE TAGS: (Mutually Exclusive) OI_StringNameInput (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a string name identifying a filesystem object to read the UID and/or GID values via the OI_OwnerXXX tags listed below. This tag is mutually exclusive with OI_ProcessInput. OI_ProcessInput (struct Process *) -- Pointer to a process structure, (or NULL for this process), to read the process structure fields pr_UID and/or pr_GID via the OI_OwnerXXX tags listed below. This tag is mutually exclusive with OI_StringNameInput. OTHER TAGS: OI_OwnerUID (uint32 *) -- Pointer to a uint32 sized storage area. Returns the value of the objects UID field. OI_OwnerGID (uint32 *) -- Pointer to a uint32 sized storage area. Returns the value of the objects GID field. You may supply one or both of the above OI_OwnerXXX tags. For a filesystem object, the value/s returned are the same as found in their respective fields in a struct ExamineData; OwnerUID and OwnerGID. For a process structure, the values returned are that of the Process structure members; pr_UID and pr_GID respectively. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). NOTES Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for a filesystem path/name. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. SEE ALSO SetOwnerInfo(), SetProtection(), ExamineObject(), ExamineDir(), dos.library/GetPID dos.library/GetPID NAME GetPID -- Low level routine to obtain the process identifier number. (V53.58) SYNOPSIS uint32 pid = GetPID(const struct Process *proc, int32 which); FUNCTION Returns the process identifier, or the parent process identifier. INPUTS proc - struct Process *, or NULL for self. which - GPID_PROCESS or GPID_PARENT. GPID_PROCESS returns the unique identifier of 'proc'. GPID_PARENT returns the identifier of the parent of 'proc'. RESULT pid - uint32, process identifier number, or 0 on error. NOTES A result of 0 indicates an error has occured retrieving the identifier. This can only happen if the 'proc' parameter is actually for a task and not a process, or, if you are asking for the parent ID of 'proc' and the parent of 'proc' was actually a task and not a process. Do not assume that a 0 return value indicates a task and not a process, tasks may also get PID numbers in the near future, instead, use the IS_PROCESS() or IS_TASK() macros defined in dos.h for this purpose. The PID number is guaranteed to be non-zero for valid results. The numbers are issued incrementally and even if the 32 bit PID counter ever manages to roll around, you are guaranteed that no two running processes or parents can ever have the same PID number or a PID of 0. The values returned from this function are the same as in the process structure fields; proc->pr_ProcessID and proc->pr_ParentID. No arbitration is performed by this function when used to obtain the PID from a process other than your own. Another process may exit at any time, it is up to you to perform the required locking arbitration. This function is safe to be called from tasks. WARNING You must NEVER use arbitrary memory addresses of process structures as pseudo process identifier values. It is absolutely guaranteed that if a process exits and another one starts shortly afterwards, the same memory address can be reused more often than one would expect, a method like that is extremely unreliable and fraught with peril, so don't do it. dos.library/GetProcMsgPort dos.library/GetProcMsgPort NAME GetProcMsgPort -- Obtain a pointer to a process' message port (V50) SYNOPSIS struct MsgPort * port = GetProcMsgPort(const struct Process *proc); FUNCTION Returns a pointer to the specified process' message port. INPUTS proc - struct Process *, or NULL to obtain the msgport for self. RESULT port - struct MsgPort *, or NULL if 'proc' is actually a task. NOTES No arbitration is performed by this function when used to obtain the message port from a process other than your own. Another process may exit at any time, it is up to you to perform the required locking arbitration. This function is safe to call with tasks, but will always return NULL. dos.library/GetProcSegList dos.library/GetProcSegList NAME GetProcSegList -- Obtain a seglist for a process. (V51.88) SYNOPSIS BPTR seglist = GetProcSegList( const struct Process *process, uint32 whichseglist ); FUNCTION Returns the nominated seglist for a given process. The value of 'whichseglist' determins what will be returned. INPUTS struct Process *, or NULL to obtain a seglist from this process. uint32 whichseglist, flags to identify which seglist you want, and/or the ORDER in which to search for a valid seglist. The search order is shown below within [ ] brackets. The currently supported flags are; [1] GPSLF_CLI - Returns the seglist for the current CLI command. This is obtained from; cli->cli_Module. If the program was not loaded by the shell or not started from a shell process, this will be zero. [2] GPSLF_SEG - Returns the seglist supplied to CreateProc() or by the NP_SegList tag for CreateNewProc(), when the new process was created. This is obtained from the process' segarray[3]. If the process was started by CLI, this will usually return zero, otherwise, if it was started from workbench, this will be the seglist for the program being run. [3] GPSLF_ENT - Returns the pseudo seglist for the tag NP_Entry when this process was CreateNewProc()'ed. This is obtained from the process' segarray[2]. If the program was not started as a function vector with NP_Entry, this will return zero. [4] GPSLF_RUN - Returns the seglist for the code running NOW. This is obtained from the process->pr_CurrentSeg. This seglist will be the same one supplied to the internal_RunCommand() function or via a call to RunCommand(), it may, or may not, be any one of the three seglists above. It will always represent the current code that is being run, even if it is a recursive process, and will also return the seglist for newly loaded code being started within the same process via the RunCommand() function. Multiple 'OR'ed flags will be searched for in the order shown above within [ ], until the first non-zero seglist is found, that will be the seglist which is returned. If you want to test for a specific seglist, be it zero or non-zero, then use only one flag per call to obtain what is in that slot only. RESULT seglist - BPTR or 0 on failure. NOTES No arbitration is performed by this function when used to obtain the seglist from a process, other than your own. Another process may exit at any time, it is up to you to perform the required arbitration. For GPSLF_CLI, this function will first check to see if the process has a cli structure, so it is safe to use even for non-CLI processes, although it would of course always return 0. This function is safe to call from tasks, but will always return 0. SEE ALSO GetSegListInfo() dos.library/GetProgramDir dos.library/GetProgramDir NAME GetProgramDir -- Returns a lock on the directory the program was loaded from. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = GetProgramDir(VOID); FUNCTION Returns the shared lock for the directory the program was loaded from. This can be used for a program to find data files, etc, that are stored with the program, or to find the program file itself. NULL returns are valid, and may occur for example, when running a program from the DOS resident list. You must NOT unlock the lock returned from this function. This lock is the same one that will be used by referencing paths relative to "PROGDIR:". RESULT lock - A lock on the directory the current program was loaded from, or NULL if loaded from resident list, etc. BUGS Should return a lock for things loaded via dos resident. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO SetProgramDir(), Open(), NameFromLock() dos.library/GetSegListInfo dos.library/GetSegListInfo NAME GetSegListInfo -- Obtain information about a SegList. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 count = GetSegListInfo( BPTR seglist, const struct TagItem *taglist ); int32 count = GetSegListInfoTags( BPTR seglist, ... ); FUNCTION This function will return information from any seglist loaded by LoadSeg(), created by AllocSegList(), or by other methods that observe the proper construction of a seglist.. More than one tag set may be supplied for multiple requests. The result 'count' will be incremented each time a type match is obtained. You will need to test individual pointers to determine which is valid, if you pass more than one tag set per function call. You may optionally supply NULL in your tag->ti_Data field, if you only want to test the type and do not want any data returned. This will not effect the return count from this function. INPUTS seglist - a BCPL pointer to a seglist. taglist - a pointer to a TagItem array. TAGS (currently supported loadable class types) GSLI_Native (struct PseudoSegList **) -- if a native PPC executable. This class means it is native PPC and executable, it also means the memory segments are in the format of a struct PseudoSegList, however, it does NOT imply any particular executable type, this is to support future, yet to be defined, executables. GSLI_68KHUNK (BPTR *) -- seglist, if a 68K HUNK class seglist. Most 68K loadables are of this type. The returned BPTR will be the same as the 'seglist' arg. GSLI_68KOVLAY (BPTR *) -- seglist, if a 68K OVERLAY hunk type seglist. Very few 68K executables are of this type. The returned BPTR will be the same as the 'seglist' arg. --- TAGS (other features) GSLI_ElfHandle (Elf32_Handle *) -- if an Elf32 style native loadable. This will return a pointer to the internal elfhandle. Note: The returned elfhandle will have been closed after LoadSeg() has completed loading it. To reuse this elfhandle, you will need to call the elf.library function ElfOpen() using the tag OET_ElfHandle, and of course close it again after you have finished with it. (before unloading). GSLI_Data (APTR *) -- if this is a PseudoSeglist construct, this tag will return a pointer to the ps_Data area, this tag does not differentiate whether the seglist is being used for data or executable code of any type. GSLI_68KPS (struct PseudoSeglist **)-- if a 68K exe PseudoSeglist. Returns a pointer to the PseudoSeglist for a seglist that points to 68K code, a typical source of this type of seglist is when a 68K function pointer is passed to CreateNewProc() with the NP_Entry tag, dos.library must create a seglist for it with AllocSegList(), so it can be launched with internalRunCommand(). GSLI_SegmentSize (int32 *) -- this tag returns the entire size of the current segment. If you subtract the value returned by the tag; GSLI_HeaderSize you can determine the remaining size of the 'data' area of this segment. (V52.14) GSLI_HeaderSize (uint32 *) -- this tag will return the size in bytes of the DOS allocated header which occupies the first part of the current segments memory allocation. (V51.99) Type determination is automatic, the current values that can be returned with this tag are; a) sizeof(struct PseudoSegList) b) sizeof(BPTR)+sizeof(int32) GSLI_VersionString (STRPTR *) -- this tag will scan the segment list and return a pointer to the first version string found that begins with the ascii tokens "$VER:", if found, otherwise a NULL pointer will be returned. The format is; "$VER: . (" (Added: V52.18) GSLI_ResidentVersionString (STRPTR *) -- this tag will scan the segment list and return a pointer to the first version string found that is located in struct Resident->rt_IdString, the format is; " . (\r\n" Libraries and such usually contain a struct Resident, but may not have a "$VER:" token to locate the version string that GSLI_VersionString looks for. This tag may also be tried if GSLI_VersionString fails to find anything. (Added: V53.21) GSLI_ResidentStruct (struct Resident **) -- this tag will scan any valid segment list and return a pointer to the first Resident structure found. (Added: V53.70) --- The following tags are used by the prefs tools to obtain load file information for 68K executable type files loaded with LoadSeg(). It is strongly advised to not depend on these two tags to make your program work, they are likely to be deprecated at some point in the future when 68K support eventually ends. GSLI_68KFileSize (uint32 *) -- if a 68K seglist, return the file size of the binary that was loaded. (51.58) GSLI_68KFileXsum (uint32 *) -- if a 68K seglist, return the 32 bit checksum of the binary file. (51.58) RESULT count - Number of tag defined, segtype matches that were found. (see also dos/dostags.h) EXAMPLES /* Native PPC executable test, any supported types. */ if( IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags(seg,GSLI_Native,NULL,TAG_DONE)) { IDOS->Printf("Seglist is for a native executable.\n"); } /* Explicit type test for ELF32 type PPC executable. */ if( IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags(seg,GSLI_ElfHandle,NULL,TAG_DONE)) { IDOS->Printf("Seglist is for an Elf32 type file.\n"); } /* Explicit type test for a 68K hunk type executable. */ if( IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags(seg,GSLI_68KHUNK,NULL,TAG_DONE)) { IDOS->Printf("Seglist is for a 68K hunk type file.\n"); } /* Obtain the elf handle for a PPC ELF32 executable. */ Elf32_Handle ehandle = NULL; IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags(seg, GSLI_ElfHandle, &ehandle,TAG_DONE); if( ehandle ) { IDOS->Printf("Elf32 Handle pointer at 0x%08lx\n", ehandle); } /* Obtain the PseudoSegList a PPC native executable. */ struct PseudoSegList *ps = NULL; IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags( seg, GSLI_Native, &ps, TAG_DONE)) if( ps ) { IDOS->Printf("Native Executable PseudoSeg at 0x%08lx\n",ps); } /* Locate the version string/s within a segment list. */ STRPTR ver = NULL; STRPTR res = NULL; IDOS->GetSegListInfoTags( seg, GSLI_VersionString, &ver, GSLI_ResidentVersionString, &res, TAG_DONE); if( ver ) { IDOS->Printf("Version string is; %s\n",ver); } if( res ) { IDOS->Printf("Resident tag version string is; %s\n",res); } NOTES This function is callable from a task. If you supply a NULL seglist or NULL taglist this function will immediately exit with 0, this will also cause your data pointer to be un-initialised, therefore it is advised to pre-clear your data pointer before calling this function, if either of these can occur. This function does not validate the seglist, if you supply a broken seglist, anything may happen. BUGS Before V51.7, GSLI_Data tag did not work with executable types Before V52.3, GetSegListInfo() did not work with handmade exe segments. Before V52.25, GSLI_VersionString could fail to find a version string if it started within the first 4 bytes of a segment. Before V53.90, GSLI_VersionString could fail to find a version string if the containing segment was greater than 4MB in size. SEE ALSO LoadSeg(), UnLoadSeg(), AllocSegList(). dos.library/GetVar dos.library/GetVar NAME GetVar -- Reads the value of a local or global variable. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 len = GetVar( CONST_STRPTR name, STRPTR buffer, int32 bufsize, uint32 control ); FUNCTION Reads the value of an environment variable. It is advised to only use ASCII strings inside variables, but this is not required. This function stops putting characters into the destination buffer when a '\n' or '\r' is encountered, unless GVF_BINARY_VAR is specified. (The '\n' or '\r' is not stored in the buffer.) Variable names follow filesystem syntax and semantics. All variable names are relative to the root of the device. The current directory lock has no effect on this function. INPUTS name - Pointer to a variable name. (May use a volume spec, See NOTES) buffer - A user allocated area which will be used to store the value associated with the variable. bufsize - Length of the buffer allocation in bytes. control - Mixed control descriptor and bitmask. The low 8 bits describes the type of local var, while the upper bits form a bitmask to control the behavior of this function. For local vars only, specify the type of local var to get with either LV_VAR or LV_ALIAS. LV_VAR is the default type if not specified. Then, 'OR' the LV_xxx type with any required GetVar 'GVF_xxx' control flags shown below, these currently include: GVF_LOCAL_ONLY - get a local (to your process) variable. Mutually exclusive with GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY. GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY - get a global environment variable. Mutually exclusive with GVF_LOCAL_ONLY. If neither of these (Mutually exclusive) flags are specified, the function will try to get a local variable first, then try to get a global environment variable. GVF_BINARY_VAR - treat variable as a binary variable. (Try to avoid using binary vars whenever possible.) GVF_DONT_NULL_TERM - no null termination. Only valid for binary variables. (V37) See also: dos/var.h RESULT len - Size of environment variable. If successful, len is the strlen(buffer), and IoErr() will return the full size of the variable, this is regardless of the buffer contents. -1 indicates an error. If IoErr() returns ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND the variable did not exist. If IoErr() return ERROR_BAD_NUMBER you specify a size <1. BUGS LV_VAR is the only type that can be a global variable. Under V36, we documented (and it returned) the size of the variable, not the number of characters transferred. For V37 this was changed to the number of characters put in the buffer, and the total size of the variable is put in IoErr(). GVF_DONT_NULL_TERM only works for local variables under V37. For V39, it also works for globals. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. The flags; GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY and GVF_LOCAL_ONLY are mutually exclusive. Upon success, the buffer content returned is null-terminated even if GVF_BINARY_VAR is specified, unless GVF_DONT_NULL_TERM is in effect. This function does not guarantee what is in your buffer on error, due to compatibility issues, this cannot be changed for V50. Variables are limited to a maximum size of 2 Gigs. A volume specification is permitted with this function to read from a different volume, without a specification, the default is ENV: SEE ALSO SetVar(), DeleteVar(), FindVar(), dos.library/HexToLong dos.library/HexToLong NAME HexToLong -- hexadecimal ascii string to unsigned int32 value. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 bytecount = HexToLong(CONST_STRPTR hexstring, uint32 *value); FUNCTION Converts an ascii hexadecimal string to uint32 value. Returns number of bytes converted. Skips over leading spaces and tabs and optional leading "0x" (also included in count). If no ascii hex digits are found (after skipping leading bytes), or if an overflow occurs, or a 'hexstring' of NULL is supplied, HexToLong returns -1 for bytes converted and puts 0 into 'value'. (providing 'value' is a non-NULL pointer.) Conversion is terminated by the first non-hex ascii digit that is encountered after the conversion process has begun. EXAMPLES bytecount = HexToLong("0x05/345", &value); Results; value=5, bytecount=4 bytecount = HexToLong("\t 05v345", &value); Results; value=5, bytecount=4 bytecount = HexToLong("0005 345", &value); Results; value=5, bytecount=4 bytecount = HexToLong(" 5.345", &value); Results; value=5, bytecount=4 INPUTS hexstring - Input hexstring. (NULL will return -1) value - Pointer to uint32 storage. (NULL will return a -1 result) Always puts 0 into 'value' upon entry providing 'value' pointer is non-NULL. RESULT bytecount - Number of bytes converted, or -1 on error. NOTES This function is task callable and does not currently affect IoErr(). The hexadecimal string may be optionally prefixed with "0x", "0X". The hex digits a-f can also be of mixed case. This function is task callable. BUGS Before V51.59 when parsing strings prefixed with "0x" the resultant bytecount didn't add one for the 'x' byte, resulting in one less than the real number of bytes processed. SEE ALSO StrToLong() dos.library/Info dos.library/Info NAME Info -- Returns information about the disk. SYNOPSIS int32 success = Info(BPTR lock, struct InfoData *parameterBlock); FUNCTION Info() can be used to find information about any disk in use. 'lock' refers to the disk, or any file on the disk. The parameter block is returned with information about the size of the disk, number of free blocks and any soft errors. It is recommended that the new GetDiskInfo() function be used for new software which permits unaligned InfoData and extra features. INPUTS lock -- BCPL pointer to a lock, (or 0) parameterBlock -- pointer to an InfoData structure, which MUST be longword aligned. The contents of the InfoData structure are arranged as follows: id_NumSoftErrors ( -- Deprecated field ) Typically was for the number of media read/write errors encountered on this volume. This number increased for every error, regardless of which disk may be currently inserted, which means it's of little use for anything at all. Few file systems ever provided this information, it is generally always set to zero. This field will likely be reused in future for some other purpose, until then, please do not access it. id_UnitNumber ( -- Deprecated field ) This can be the low level device driver unit number responsible for this disk drive, it also may not be. Few file systems ever provided this information, and the operating system itself no longer uses it as of AmigaOS 2.04 and beyond. This field is generally set to zero and will most likely be reused in future for some other purpose, until then, please do not access it. id_DiskState This indicates the state of the media in this device, it should always be one of the following values: ID_DISKSTATE_VALIDATED Medium is readable and writable. ID_DISKSTATE_WRITE_PROTECTED Medium is readable, but cannot be written to. ID_DISKSTATE_VALIDATING Medium is readable and is currently being prepared to make it writable again. This is also the default "parking" state used when the filesystem is waiting for media to be inserted, or the file system is in an unknown state and unable return meaningfull information about the medium, Always refer to id_DiskType for device state info. id_NumBlocks The number of storage units ("blocks") which this file system consists of. NOTE: This value can be zero! id_NumBlocksUsed The number of storage units currently in use by the file system. NOTE: This value can be zero or identical to the id_NumBlocks value! id_BytesPerBlock The number of bytes that make up a single storage unit ("block"). Note that this number may not match the physical size of the storage block, as used by the underlying storage device. The file system might return the size of a single data block instead, which can be shorter. id_DiskType This field indicates both the state of the file system and what kind of file system is involved. The following values indicate file system state: ID_NO_DISK_PRESENT No medium is currently present. ID_UNREADABLE_DISK A medium is present, but low level read errors have prevented the file system from figuring out what is stored on it. This medium may not be formatted or simply defective. ID_NOT_REALLY_DOS A medium is present, its contents are readable, but they are of no use for this file system. ID_BUSY The file system is currently "offline" and cannot access the medium. This may be because commands such as "Format" or "DiskCopy" are accessing the low level disk data and do not want the file system to interfere. Some of the types of file systems involved: ID_DOS_DISK ID_FFS_DISK ID_INTER_DOS_DISK ID_INTER_FFS_DISK ID_FASTDIR_DOS_DISK ID_FASTDIR_FFS_DISK ID_LONGNAME_DOS_DISK ID_LONGNAME_FFS_DISK ID_MSDOS_DISK ID_VP255_DOS_DISK ID_NGFS_DISK Each of these values stands for a particular type of file system and disk data format. The con-handler may return one of the following types, which indicate the state it currently operates in: ID_CON Input is line-buffered, i.e. you have to hit the [Return] key to transfer your input to the client reading data from this console stream. ID_RAWCON Input is unbuffered, i.e. each key you hit that produces a character immediately transfers input to the client software. This is the so-called 'single character' mode which can be enabled via SetMode(..,DOSTRUE). Last, but not least, you might very rarely encounter a so-called "Kickstart" disk which contains the operating system for the Amiga 1000 and Amiga 3000 computers. It is identified by the following value: ID_KICKSTART_DISK Other disk type values may exist, which represent the file system signature stored on the disk (often in the first sector) or might just be random data found on an unformatted storage medium. Be prepared to handle this: always check the id_DiskState field to verify if the file system considers itself responsible for this disk. Do not make decisions based solely on the file system type found in the id_DiskType field! A file system should never report an id_DiskState value of ID_DISKSTATE_VALIDATED for a medium it cannot use. id_VolumeNode This field is supposed to be a BCPL pointer to the volume node of the currently active filesystem volume. Not all file systems will supply this, or exactly this particular information. Non filesystems may use this field for other completely incompatible purposes, for example, the con-handler may return a pointer to the console window. This field should be treated with caution. Note that it can also be ZERO! id_InUse This field is supposed to be set to FALSE/ZERO if there are currently no locks or files bound to the handler. Otherwise, the non-zero value returned from some old file systems may infact be any arbitrary non-zero boolean value. The now prefered V50+ use for filesystems is that they should actually return an integer for the number of locks currently in force. Stream handlers should indicate the number of streams currently open. The con-handler also uses this field for a completely different and incompatible purpose, such as storing a pointer to the console I/O request. As with id_VolumeNode this field should be treated with caution. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) WARNING For historic reasons, the address of the InfoData structure you supply to this function MUST be aligned to a long-word address. From V50, AllocDosObject() will allocate it correctly for you. Do not make assumptions about what information you will find in the id_NumBlocks and id_NumBlocksUsed fields. In particular, do not assume that id_NumBlocks > 0, id_NumBlocksUsed > 0 or that id_NumBlocksUsed < id_NumBlocks. Each field may be 0, and the number of blocks in use may match exactly the total number of blocks. If you fail to account for these conditions, your code may produce a division by 0, which can be avoided. Take care when multiplying the block size with the number of blocks (or the number of blocks used). The product may be larger than what a 32 bit integer can hold. Be prepared to handle this correctly, such as by using 64 bit integer values for the factors and the product. Do not assume that the block size supplied by the file system is identical to the low level storage device block size. If you need an accurate figure, use GetDiskFileSystemData() to obtain the disk configuration information instead. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. Supplying a lock of 0 will return InfoData from the task that is returned from GetFileSysPort(), this is usually the boot volumes filesystem, assigned as "SYS:" SEE ALSO GetDiskInfo(),GetFileSysPort(),GetDiskFileSystemData() dos.library/Inhibit dos.library/Inhibit NAME Inhibit -- Inhibits access to a filesystem. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = Inhibit(CONST_STRPTR filesystem, int32 status); FUNCTION Sends an ACTION_INHIBIT packet to the indicated handler. This stops all activity by the handler until uninhibited. When inhibited, handlers must not access any underlying media and must return an error code on all attempts to access the device. When uninhibited, anything may have happened to the disk in the drive, or there may no longer be one. INPUTS filesystem - Name of DEVICE to inhibit (with ':') status - New status. TRUE == inhibited, FALSE == uninhibited. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES From V51.30 this function will fail if the name supplied is not the device name of the filesystem, volume and assign names will be rejected. The 'status' parameters actual TRUTH value may be adjusted for backward semantical compatibility by this function, before passing it to the filesystem, as some filesystems expect DOSTRUE/FALSE only. Filesystems will usually flush any pending write buffer and generate diskchange events by invoking this function. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO InhibitPort(), Serialize(), Format(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromPort(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/InhibitPort dos.library/InhibitPort NAME InhibitPort -- Inhibits access to a filesystem. (V53.88) SYNOPSIS int32 success = InhibitPort(struct MsgPort *port, int32 status); FUNCTION Sends an inhibit request to the handler identified by the message port. This stops all activity by the handler until uninhibited. When inhibited, handlers must not access any underlying media and must return an error code on all attempts to access the device. When uninhibited, anything may have happened to the disk in the drive, or there may no longer be one. INPUTS port - Message port of the filesystem to inhibit. status - New status. TRUE == inhibited, FALSE == uninhibited. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES The 'status' parameters actual TRUTH value may be adjusted by this function for backward semantical compatibility before passing it to the filesystem, as some filesystems expected DOSTRUE/FALSE only. When invoking this function, all filesystems should flush any pending write buffer and generate the appropriate diskchange events. This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO Inhibit(), Serialize(), Format(), NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/Input dos.library/Input NAME Input -- Identify the program's initial input file handle. SYNOPSIS BPTR file = Input(VOID); FUNCTION Input() is used to access the initial input stream allocated when the program was initiated. This is stored in; Process->pr_CIS. Never close the filehandle returned by Input! To change the stream in an application, call SelectInput() to install a new stream, while saving the return value for restoration before the application terminates. RESULT file - BCPL pointer to a file handle. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO Output(), ErrorOutput(), SelectOutput(), SelectInput(), SelectErrorOutput() dos.library/IoErr dos.library/IoErr NAME IoErr -- Return extra information from the system. SYNOPSIS int32 error = IoErr(void); FUNCTION Nearly all DOS functions can return an error code to indicate failure of some sort. When this happens (for whatever reason) this routine can be called to obtain more information about the error, if required. It is also used (less frequently) by some routines to pass back a secondary result when the primary result indicates a success, these cases are always documented and are the ONLY time when a guaranteed value can be obtained from IoErr() upon primary success. DOS attempts to avoid clearing this value so that secondary error codes are not easily lost, therefore the only time you can be sure it is cleared to zero, is when you do it yourself with IDOS->SetIoErr(0) or when the program first begins execution. Any exceptions to this rule are generally documented. Never assume the error code will survive across ANY other DOS calls, or calls from other subsystems that may indirectly call DOS, or even clib wrapper calls that perform any I/O whatsoever, even to CONSOLE:. If not specifically testing for success or failure immediately after a function call, always at least capture any possible error code there for later processing, error handling or reporting. RESULTS error - 32 bit integer. ERROR CODES Error conditions may be signalled by dos.library, handlers and file systems. These are typically numbers between 100 and 500, consistent with the error code definitions in the header file. If an error code < 100 is set, it is likely that a low level device driver, such as trackdisk.device, generated it. Listed below you will find a list of AmigaDOS error codes, accompanied by explanations as to what may have caused them. ERROR_INVALID_PACKET_MESSAGE The contents of a packet ('struct DosPacket') are not initialized correctly, or even the packet address itself is invalid, or the wrong packet was returned. ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE Not enough memory available ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE The AmigaDOS wildcard pattern used is inconsistent, or the command template given to ReadArgs() is faulty. ERROR_BAD_NUMBER A numerical argument is required, or, such as for ExAll(), an unsupported data type value was requested. ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING An argument is required that you did not supply. ERROR_KEY_NEEDS_ARG Keyword was specified with no argument. ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGS Too few or too many arguments. ERROR_UNMATCHED_QUOTES You have an odd number of quotation marks at the beginning or the end of a path or string. ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG Your command line is incorrect or contains too many arguments, or a string parameter is too-long for the supported length. ERROR_FILE_NOT_OBJECT You misspelt the command name or the file is not a loadable (program or script) file. ERROR_INVALID_RESIDENT_LIBRARY The operating system does not match the required version. ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE The specified file or directory is being edited by another application or is assigned. ERROR_OBJECT_EXISTS The name specified is assigned to another file or directory. ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND AmigaDOS cannot find the specified directory. This is often used in place of ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND if it is known beforehand that the object to be located must be a directory and cannot be found. ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND AmigaDOS cannot find the specified file or device. ERROR_BAD_STREAM_NAME Occurs when specifying a window size for a Shell, ED, or ICONX window. The window may be too big or too small or you omitted an argument. Also occurs with the NEWSHELL command, if a device name is supplied that is not a window. ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN The device handler cannot do the requested operation. For example, the console handler cannot rename things. This error code is used ONLY to determine when a dospacket or filesystem vector-port function is not supported by the respective filesystem, never to be used for any other purpose. See also: ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Used internally by dos.library to indicate that a dos.library function is not yet implemented, or a feature is unavailable. Never, never, never use this error code in place of ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN !!! ERROR_INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME There is an invalid character in the file name or the file name is too long. ERROR_INVALID_LOCK An operation was attempted on a Lock or FileHandle and the provided parameter was found to be inconsistent or invalid. ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE You may have specified a file name for an operation that requires a directory name, or vice versa. ERROR_DISK_NOT_VALIDATED If you have just inserted a disk, the disk validation process may be in progress. It is also possible that the disk is corrupt. ERROR_DISK_WRITE_PROTECTED The plastic tab of a floppy disk is in the write-protect position or the disk has been locked. It's also possible that the file system cannot be written to (CD-ROM). ERROR_RENAME_ACROSS_DEVICES The Rename() function can move a file from one directory to another, but not from one volume to another. ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY You tried to delete a directory that contains files or subdirectories. ERROR_TOO_MANY_LEVELS Directory nesting is too deep. ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED If the devices is a floppy disk, it has not been inserted in a drive. If it is another type of device, it has not been mounted, or the name is misspelt. ERROR_SEEK_ERROR This can occur if you are calling any function that changes the internal file pointer position and the final file position is beyond the beginning or the end of the file. ERROR_COMMENT_TOO_BIG This can occur with SetComment() if the comment string is larger than permitted (typically 80 characters). ERROR_DISK_FULL There is no more room on the medium to complete a file system operation. ERROR_DELETE_PROTECTED A file or directory on an otherwise write-enabled medium cannot be deleted or replaced. ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTED A file or directory on an otherwise write-enabled medium cannot be modified. ERROR_READ_PROTECTED A file cannot be read from. ERROR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK A medium cannot be accessed since the file system responsible for it cannot make sense of its contents. ERROR_NO_DISK There is no medium present in a disk drive. The requested file system operation cannot be completed. ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES This error code indicates that the ExamineDir(), ExNext() or ExAll() functions have reached the end of a directory and will return no further entries. ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK This is returned by file systems in order to indicate to dos.library that the name of the object given must be resolved as a soft link and does not point to a directory or file which the file system itself could handle. ERROR_BAD_HUNK The structure of an executable file is inconsistent. The file may have been damaged and corrupted. ERROR_RECORD_NOT_LOCKED The record you tried to unlock through UnLockRecord() is not actually locked. ERROR_LOCK_COLLISION The record you tried to lock is already locked. ERROR_LOCK_TIMEOUT Your attempt to lock a record failed, even after waiting for the period you specified. ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW User or internal buffer overflow ERROR_BREAK A program was aborted, such as by sending it a Break signal in the Shell. ERROR_NOT_EXECUTABLE A command is neither a script file nor a program file. ERROR_IS_PIPE An operation, such as Seek() cannot be performed on certain types of file systems, such as the PIPE: device. ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE The connection between the producer and consumer of data sent and read from a pipe has been broken because the consumer has closed its side of the pipe. ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK An operation could not be performed immediately, as requested. This can happen, for example, when data is written to a non-blocking pipe and is rejected because the pipe buffer is already full. ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE The device type given to MountDevice() is not supported. ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME The device name given to MountDevice() and other functions such as MakeDosEntry() or AllocDosObject() is not permitted. ERROR_DEVICE_NAME_TOO_LONG The device name given to MountDevice() and other functions such as MakeDosEntry() or AllocDosObject() is too long. DosList names cannot be longer than 255 characters. ERROR_INVALID_SECTOR_SIZE The sector size given to MountDevice() is not supported. It must be a multiple of 4. ERROR_CONTROL_STRING_TOO_LONG The control string given to MountDevice() is too long. It cannot be longer than 255 characters. ERROR_EXEC_DEVICE_NAME_TOO_LONG The device driver name given to MountDevice() is too long. It cannot be longer than 255 characters. ERROR_HANDLER_STRING_TOO_LONG The handler name given to to MountDevice() is too long. It cannot be longer than 255 characters. ERROR_STARTUP_STRING_TOO_LONG The startup string given to MountDevice() is too long. It cannot be longer than 255 characters. ERROR_SIZE_MISSING The file system size parameters (number of heads, number of sectors per block, number of blocks per track) given to MountDevice() are inconsistent. One of them is 0. ERROR_DEVICE_NAME_MISSING No device name was provided to MountDevice(). ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_CYLINDERS The number of cylinders provided to MountDevice() is inconsistent. ERROR_HANDLER_CANNOT_BE_STARTED The handler mounted through MountDevice() cannot be started because no handler name, MsgPort or segment list were provided. ERROR_INVALID_GLOBAL_VECTOR The global vector value provided to MountDevice() is not supported. ERROR_INVALID_TASK_PRIORITY The handler process priority provided to MountDevice() is not supported. ERROR_OBJECT_TOO_LARGE A function parameter or object was larger than can be handled by a particular function, or subsequently would have caused a numerical overflow. The following error codes should be considered obsolete as of AmigaOS release 4: ERROR_TASK_TABLE_FULL ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_DIR ERROR_OBJECT_LINKED ERROR_UNLOCK_ERROR NOTES This function will do nothing but return 0, if called from a task. DOS guarantees that IoErr() is cleared only when your program starts. SEE ALSO Fault(), PrintFault(), SetIoErr() dos.library/IsFileSystem dos.library/IsFileSystem NAME IsFileSystem -- Returns whether a Dos handler is a filesystem. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 result = IsFileSystem(CONST_STRPTR name); FUNCTION Returns whether the 'name' is a filesystem or not. A filesystem supports separate files for storing information, it is required to support locks to filesystem objects and must respond positively to the object examination functions. It may also support sub-directories, but is not required to. INPUTS name - (STRPTR) Pointer to a nul-terminated string. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this.) RESULT result - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero), non-zero indicates the device is a file system. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. If the filesystem is not a vector-port based filesystem or does not support the dospacket which implements this query, IsFileSystem() will search the 'name' string for a colon character (':'), if one is found, the handler identifier part will be used to Lock() the root directory as an indicator whether the volume is a filesystem or not. SEE ALSO IsFileSystemPort(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/IsFileSystemPort dos.library/IsFileSystemPort NAME IsFileSystemPort -- Determine if a port is for a filesystem. (V53.87) SYNOPSIS int32 result = IsFileSystemPort(struct MsgPort *port); FUNCTION Returns whether the device port is for a filesystem or not. A filesystem supports separate files for storing information, it is required to support locks to filesystem objects and must respond positively to the object examination functions. It may also support sub-directories, but is not required to. INPUTS port - (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a handler message port. RESULT result - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero), non-zero indicates the handler is a file system. EXAMPLE Test if a filehandle is for a filesystem, or a stream handler or nil. static int32 IsFileSystemFH( BPTR bfilehandle ) { struct FileHandle *fh = BADDR(bfilehandle); return( (fh) ? IDOS->IsFileSystemPort(fh->fh_MsgPort) : FALSE ); } NOTES This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. Passing NULL for the 'port' argument returns FALSE. (ie; NIL:) This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO IsFileSystem(). dos.library/IsInteractive dos.library/IsInteractive NAME IsInteractive -- Discover whether a file handle is "interactive". SYNOPSIS int32 status = IsInteractive( BPTR file ); FUNCTION The return value 'status' indicates whether the file associated with the file handle 'file' is connected to a virtual terminal. The handler concerned is responsible for setting the status of the file handle field used by this function. Currently, handlers such as AUX and the Port handlers set the state of this field to be interactive. INPUTS file - BCPL pointer to an open file handle. RESULT status - boolean; (zero or non-zero), non-zero if Interactive. dos.library/LoadSeg dos.library/LoadSeg NAME LoadSeg -- Loads a loadable file into memory. (68K or NATIVE) SYNOPSIS BPTR seglist = LoadSeg( CONST_STRPTR name ); FUNCTION Loads the file sections into memory using elf.library or hunk.library. The file will be closed after loading, except for hunk overlay files. All necessary relocation is handled here. WARNING Never assume what the result of this function represents. You must use IDOS->GetSegListInfo() to determine the actual construct. Directly converting the BPTR to anything can break your application in future updates or when additional new formats are supported. SegLists link segments by a BPTR on their first longword. The end of the chain is indicated by a zero. There can be any number of segments in a seglist. In the event of an error any segments loaded will be unloaded and a ZERO result returned. If the module is correctly loaded then the output will be a BPTR to the beginning of the list of segments. Loaded code is unloaded via a call to UnLoadSeg(). INPUTS name - STRPTR; pointer to a null-terminated string path/name. See GetDeviceProcFlags() for details about this. RESULT seglist - BCPL pointer to a seglist. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. Please note that LoadSeg() functions call the TrackSegmentList() function internally, and UnLoadSeg() calls UnTrackSegmentList(). From V52.14, this functions has only one parameter, the old LoadSeg() vector actually accepted three, for use with overlay hunk loadables, that vector is now been renamed to OBSOLETELoadSeg(). From 53.74 all other legacy compatibility loadseg vectors are now small stubs that simply call this function. SEE ALSO GetSegListInfo(), UnLoadSeg(), CreateNewProc(), RunCommand(), AllocSegList(). dos.library/Lock dos.library/Lock NAME Lock -- Lock a directory or file. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = Lock( CONST_STRPTR name, int32 mode ); FUNCTION Return a filing system lock on the file or directory if possible. If Lock() fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). Lock() will post a requester if the volume/device is currently not mounted, see SetProcWindow() to disable requesters if required. INPUTS name - (STRPTR) - pointer to a null-terminated string Identify the filesystem object with any of the standard filesystem supported access methods. It may be a current directory lock relative path; ("foo"), (""), ("foo/bar") Relative to the current directory volume root; (":foo"), (":"), (":foo/bar"), A device/volume/assignment relative specification; ("foo:"), ("foo:bar"), ("foo:bar/baz"), Or one of the built-in DOS pseudo devices; ("progdir:foo/bar"), ("currdir:foo/bar") Consult GetDeviceProcFlags() autodoc for more details. mode - (int32) - SHARED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK. The following are mode synonyms defined in : SHARED_LOCK = ACCESS_READ EXCLUSIVE_LOCK = ACCESS_WRITE Do not use random values for mode. From V53+, requesting an exclusive lock on a directory shall always quietly return a shared lock from compliant filesystems, only files are permitted to have an exclusive lock. RESULTS lock - BCPL pointer to a lock, or zero for failure. On failure, IoErr() will tell you why it failed. NOTES This function is NOT callable from exec tasks. Tricky assumptions about the internal format of a lock are unwise, as are any attempts to use the fl_Link, fl_Key or fl_Access fields. Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) Make sure that you always pass either SHARED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK (or the equivalent ACCESS_READ and ACCESS_WRITE, respectively) as the access mode. These parameters may be passed straight down to the file system which may react unpredictably if neither SHARED_LOCK nor EXCLUSIVE_LOCK is used. It might grant you a lock which is neither an exclusive nor a shared lock. This function will always resolve multi-assignments and softlinks. SEE ALSO LockTags(), UnLock(), DupLock(), ParentDir(), ChangeMode(), NameFromLock(), DevNameFromLock(), DupLockFromFH(), SetProcWindow() GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/LockDosList dos.library/LockDosList NAME LockDosList -- Locks the specified Dos lists for use. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DosList *dlist = LockDosList(uint32 flags); FUNCTION Application programmers should use the new DOS_VOLUMELIST (V53.52+) feature of AllocDosObject() rather than locking the doslist themselves if requiring a list of mounted volumes/devices/assigns. This is a low level function that Locks the dos device list in preparation to walk the singly linked list. If the list is 'busy' then this routine will not return until it is available. This routine "nests": you can call it multiple times and then must unlock it the same number of times. The 'dlist' returned is NOT a valid DosList pointer, it contains special state information that is to be passed only to the other DosEntry functions, such as NextDosEntry() and FindDosEntry(). INPUTS flags - Flags stating which types of nodes you want to lock. This must be a combination of the following: LDF_DEVICES -- File system devices, such as "DF0:". LDF_VOLUMES -- The names storage media bears, such as "Workbench:". LDF_ASSIGNS -- Names bound to directories and volumes, such as "LIBS:". Additionally, you must specify the manner in which you want to access the DosList. This must be one of the following: LDF_READ -- You will be looking at the DosList contents, but will not be modifying it. This implies shared access to the DosList. LDF_WRITE -- You will be removing, modifying or adding new entries to the DosList. This implies exclusive access. Note that you cannot combine the LDF_READ and LDF_WRITE flags with one another. RESULT dlist - NULL or a "special" pointer to the beginning of the list. The pointer is NOT a valid node and must only be passed as the 'dlist' parameter to NextDosEntry() and FindDosEntry()! EXAMPLE As an example, here's how you can search for all volumes of a specific name and do something with them: dl = IDOS->LockDosList(LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_READ); while (dl = IDOS->FindDosEntry(dl,name,LDF_VOLUMES)) { /* * Add this entry to your private list of volumes to process later. * * For simple processing, you could also use it inside here, * but for anything else I strongly advise against it unless you * understand the semantics about avoiding semaphore deadlocks. * * It is never acceptable to call functions that involve sending * dospackets to any handler currently in the doslist while the * doslist is locked. */ dl = IDOS->NextDosEntry(dl,LDF_VOLUMES); } /* Process list of volumes saved above, or the current entry if * you're only interested in the first one of that name. */ IDOS->UnLockDosList(LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_READ); /* must not use dl after this! */ NOTES This function is callable from exec tasks. Note for handler writers: you should never call this function with LDF_WRITE, since it can deadlock you (if someone has it read-locked and they're trying to send you a packet). Use AttemptLockDosList() instead and otherwise keep processing incoming packets until you have managed to lock the list. It is not enough to pick up the incoming packets and queue them for processing later: the software which sent you the packet may be waiting for you to respond before it will let go of the DosList. Older documentation used to suggest that spawning a separate process for arbitration or busy-waiting with small delays could be used to work around the deadlock problem discussed in the previous paragraph. Unfortunately, neither approach is really safe for a file system handler. If it has to gain exclusive access to the DosList then neither multithreading nor busy-waiting will solve the arbitration problem. The handler must be able to respond to incoming packets until the DosList is ready to be locked. This is the essence of the problem. See also; NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). The 'dlist' pointer this function returns will be valid only as long as the DosList has not been modified. For example, if you obtain the list pointer with LockDosList(), then remove an entry which you know is on the list (e.g. a volume node), you may invalidate the list pointer LockDosList() returned to you: as luck may have it, you may have just removed the list entry your previous call to LockDosList() provided you with. In such cases it is recommended to relock the list again with the same parameters as before, which will return the now current head of the list (keep in mind that LockDosList() will nest). SEE ALSO AllocDosObject(), AttemptLockDosList(), UnLockDosList(), NextDosEntry(), NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/LockRecord dos.library/LockRecord NAME LockRecord -- Locks a portion of a file. SYNOPSIS int32 success = LockRecord(BPTR fh, int64 offset, int64 length, uint32 mode, uint32 timeout); FUNCTION This locks a portion of a file for exclusive or shared access. Timeout is how long to wait in ticks (1/50th sec) for the record to become available. For the IMMED modes, the timeout is ignored. Valid locking modes are: REC_EXCLUSIVE (Write) REC_EXCLUSIVE_IMMED (Write) REC_SHARED (Read) REC_SHARED_IMMED (Read) Control flags that may be ORed with one of the mode values above are: RECF_DOS_METHOD_ONLY (Added 53.114) Record locks are exclusively tied to the filehandle used to create them. For example, the same filehandle can get any number of exclusive or shared locks on the same record region. The record locking arbitration only applies to record locks using different filehandles on the same file. These are co-operative locks, they only affect other people calling the LockRecord[s]() functions using different filehandles. If an exclusive lock is granted for a record, then shared locks will be rejected (IMMEDiate modes), or queued for up to the timeout value or until the exclusive record lock is released. INPUTS fh - (BPTR) File handle for which to lock the record offset - (int64) Record start position in bytes length - (int64) Length of record in bytes mode - (uint32) Type of lock requested, RECxxx (see:dos/record.h) timeout - (uint32) Timeout interval in ticks. 0 is legal. RESULT success - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero) Zero on error. NOTES Few filesystems implement this feature, however, from dos.library version 53.102 this function is now serviced by the built-in routine if the filesystem rejects these requests. From dos.library 53.114 a special control flag; RECF_DOS_METHOD_ONLY may be ORed with the 'Mode' value to force the use of the dos.library record locking even if record locking is supported by the underlying filesystem. This flag has been provided to be able to override the automatic selection process that would normally be employed incase the filesystems record locking function does not support a particular feature that may only be available via the dos.library function. Re: Close(); Please be advised that due to dependancies and idiosyncrasies of the various filesystems that are available, the behavious of Close() with regard to freeing filesystem record locking is currently indeterminant. You are therefore advised to FreeRecord/s() of any records that may have been locked by the application, BEFORE calling Close(). For the V53.102+ dos.library built-in record locking functions only, the Close() function performs automatic record unlocking of all records still remaining locked, that were created with the same filehandle that is being Close()'ed. The dos.library record locking permits locking of record regions yet to be created, so that if a file is to be extended, it is possible to pre-lock the new record region before it actually exists, filesystem supported record locking may not support this feature. BUGS In 2.0 through 2.02 (V36), LockRecord() only worked in the ramdisk. Attempting to lock records on the disk filesystem causes a crash. This was fixed for V37. SEE ALSO LockRecords(), UnLockRecord(), UnLockRecords() dos.library/LockRecords dos.library/LockRecords NAME LockRecords -- Lock a series of records. SYNOPSIS int32 success = LockRecords(struct RecordLock *record_array, uint32 timeout); FUNCTION This locks several records within a single file for exclusive access. Timeout is how long to wait in ticks for the records to be available. The wait is applied to each attempt to lock each record in the list. It is recommended that you always lock a set of records in the same order to reduce possibilities of deadlock. The array of RecordLock structures is terminated by an entry with rec_FH set to zero. This is the structure passed to LockRecords() and UnLockRecords() from dos.library v53.86+ struct RecordLock { uint32 rec_Size; /* MUST be set to sizeof(struct RecordLock) */ BPTR rec_FH; /* filehandle */ int64 rec_Offset; /* byte offset in file */ int64 rec_Length; /* byte length of record to be locked */ uint32 rec_Mode; /* type of lock, REC_xxx (see: dos/record.h) */ }; Note that the rec_Size field MUST be set in each structure of the array or it simply will not work, failing to do so will cause these functions to assume the parameter being passed is the obsolete 32 bit style structure definition found in dos/obsolete.h INPUTS record_array - Array of struct RecordLock structures to be locked. timeout - Timeout interval. 0 is legal. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Zero on failure. NOTES Few filesystems implement this feature, however, from dos.library version 53.102 this function is now serviced by the built-in routine if any filesystem rejects these requests. Re: Close(); Please be advised that due to dependancies and idiosyncrasies of the various filesystems that are available, the behaviour of Close() with regard to freeing record locking is currently indeterminant. You are therefore advised to FreeRecord/s() of any records that may have been locked by the application, BEFORE calling Close(). For the V53.102+ dos.library built-in record locking functions only, the Close() function performs this automatically if required. See LockRecord() for more information. SEE ALSO LockRecord(), UnLockRecord(), UnLockRecords() dos.library/LockTagList dos.library/LockTagList NAME LockTagList -- Lock a directory or file, with extra features. (V53.56) SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = LockTagList( CONST struct TagItem * tags ); BPTR lock = LockTags( uint32 Tag1, ... ); FUNCTION Return a filing system lock on the file or directory if possible. Performs the same basic function as Lock() but with extra features such as being able to control automatic softlink resolution and also control multi-assignment searching. This function can also return optional information relating to the number of soft linked objects in a given path and details of the object reference method and some additional auxilliary information. If the function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). If the volume/device is currently not mounted, a requester will be posted. See SetProcWindow() to disable requesters if required. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array; see below. TAGS LK_Name (STRPTR) -- Mandatory pointer to a nul-terminated string. Identify the filesystem object with any of the standard filesystem supported access methods. (See; IDOS->GetDeviceProcFlags() for more info on this.) It may be a current directory lock relative path; ("foo"), (""), ("foo/bar") Relative to the current directory volume root; (":foo"), (":"), (":foo/bar"), A device/volume/assignment relative specification; ("foo:"), ("foo:bar"), ("foo:bar/baz"), Or one of the built-in DOS pseudo devices; ("progdir:foo/bar"), ("currdir:foo/bar") LK_Mode (int32) -- Access mode; SHARED_LOCK or EXCLUSIVE_LOCK. From V53+, requesting an exclusive lock on a directory shall always quietly return a shared lock from compliant filesystems, only files are to have exclusive locks. (Default; SHARED_LOCK when tag is not specified) LK_ResolveMA (int32) -- Optional switch to control multi-assignment resolution, when this tag is set to FALSE, if the object the LK_Name references is a multi-assignment, then this function will return failure with IoErr() set to the error code ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, rather than performing the normal automatic resolution. (Default; TRUE when tag is not specified) (Added 54.21) LK_ResolveSL (int32) -- Optional switch to control automatic softlink resolution, when this tag is set to FALSE, if the object the LK_Name references is a softlink, this function will return failure with IoErr() set to ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK, rather than performing the normal automatic resolution. (Default; TRUE when tag is not specified) (Added 53.117) LK_SoftLinks (uint32 *) -- Optional pointer to a storage area that is the sizeof(uint32). On success, the value pointed to, will contain the number of softlinks resolved in the supplied path/name string. 0 will be returned when there are no softlinks. (Currently 15 softlinks are the maximum for a path.) (Default; NULL) LK_InfoMask (uint32 *) -- Optional pointer to a storage area that is the sizeof(uint32). On success, the value pointed to, will have a bitfield set that represents various aspects about the object reference. The LOCKF_xx field numbers are shown below for convenience, the bit definitions can be found in dos/dos.h (Default; NULL) RESULTS lock -- BCPL pointer to a lock, or zero for failure. On failure, IoErr() will tell you why it failed. NOTES This function is NOT callable from exec tasks. Tricky assumptions about the internal format of a lock are unwise, as are any attempts to use the fl_Link, fl_Key or fl_Access fields. Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) LK_Softlinks tag allows for the return of the number of softlinked components that were automatically resolved in the path/name string. The first two bitfields of the LK_InfoMask also relate to softlinks. The LK_InfoMask tag allows for the return of a bitfield representing information about the name string supplied and the filesystem object. The current bit and field definitions can be found in dos/dos.h only the field number definitions are shown below for convenience; LOCKF_SOFTLINK_MIDPART One or more soft links were found in the middle of the path but none of these formed the last component of the specified path. LOCKF_SOFTLINK_ENDPART A soft link was the last component of the specified path. LOCKF_DEVICE The supplied name is a device relative specification. LOCKF_VOLUME The supplied name is a volume relative specification. LOCKF_ASSIGNMENT The supplied name is an assignment relative specification. LOCKF_PROGDIR The supplied name is a PROGDIR: relative specification. LOCKF_CURRDIR The supplied name is a CURRDIR: relative specification. LOCKF_ROOTDIR The supplied name is a root directory relative specification. LOCKB_FILESYS The supplied specification returned the root of the filesystem from the message port stored in; process->pr_FileSystemPort. This can only occur if the process->pr_CurrentDir lock is ZERO when a current directory relative or root dir access is attempted. SEE ALSO UnLock(), DupLock(), ParentDir(), Lock(), ChangeMode(), NameFromLock(), DupLockFromFH(), SetProcWindow(), Fault(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/MakeDosEntry dos.library/MakeDosEntry NAME MakeDosEntry -- Allocate a DosList structure. (V36) [DEPRECATED V52.16] SYNOPSIS struct DosList *newdlist = MakeDosEntry(CONST_STRPTR name, int32 type); FUNCTION Create a DosList structure, including allocating a name and correctly null-terminating the BSTR name. It also sets the dol_Type field from the parameter supplied, and sets all other fields to 0. This function has been deprecated at V52.16 for AllocDosObject(). INPUTS name - name for the device/volume/assign node. type - type of node. DLT_xxxx (see dos/dosextens.h) RESULT newdlist - The new device entry or NULL. NOTES From V50, a NULL 'name' parameter is now safe and simply returns NULL and sets IoErr() to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING. From V52.16, this is just a stub that calls AllocDosObject(). SEE ALSO AddDosEntry(), RemDosEntry(), FindDosEntry(), LockDosList(), NextDosEntry(), FreeDosEntry(), AllocDosObject(). dos.library/MakeLink dos.library/MakeLink NAME MakeLink -- Creates a filesystem link. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = MakeLink(CONST_STRPTR linkname, APTR dest, int32 type); FUNCTION Create a filesystem link called 'linkname' to object 'dest'. For creating softlinks, 'dest' is a pointer to a null-terminated target string with 'type' set to LINK_SOFT. For hardlinks, dest is a lock (BPTR) with the 'type' parameter set to LINK_HARD. Softlinks are resolved at access time by a combination of the filesystem (by returning ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK to DOS), and by DOS calling the ReadSoftLink() function internally to resolve the target object for any links that are encountered, which is now automatic when using the new V50 64 bit ExamineData API functions. Hardlinks are resolved by the filesystem in question. A series of hardlinks to a file are all equivalent to the file itself. If one of the links (or the original file) is deleted, the data remains until there are no more hardlinks left. Besides Delete(), and conditionally Rename(), this is the only other function that can directly affect symbolic links. INPUTS linkname - (CONST_STRPTR) Name of the link to create. dest - (STRPTR) string, when 'type' = LINK_SOFT or, (BPTR) lock, when 'type' = LINK_HARD. type - (int32) LINK_HARD for hard-links, LINK_SOFT for soft-links. RESULT Success - (int32) boolean, (zero or non-zero) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). NOTES This function is NOT callable from tasks. For hardlinks, the supplied 'dest' target reference lock is not harmed in the making of the hardlink. Like the examinations functions, it is only used to identify the target object, it is never consumed. Supplying a 'dest' target argument of 0 will cause failure. From 53.73 DOS explicitly checks for an existing object of the same name as the linkname and fails with ERROR_OBJECT_EXISTS if one exists, some filesystems didn't check for this and it was previously possible to destroy an existing file by creating a link with the same name. Broadly-speaking: you always have to handle links with caution. While hardlinks work just about the same as regular files and directories, softlinks don't. The difference is in how you treat softlinks during directory scanning. Pitfall #1. If you examine a link object via ExamineObject(), it will be identified not as a link (which it is) but rather as the target object the link points to, because the simple act of locking the link name will cause automatic resolution to the links target object by dos.library. (See also; Lock(), LockTags() for more info and options) Pitfall #2. When performing a directory scan via the ExamineDir() function, in the listing, linked objects correctly appear as hard/soft links, and optionally, the examinedata->Link field can also show the name of the target object, if that option is selected. Target object type checking for softlinks must be done by examining the target object with ExamineObject() and using the appropriate EXD_IS_xxx macro. Note that this call can fail because a soft linked object might be on a volume that isn't currently mounted, it is therefore recommended to disable DOS requesters during the ExamineObject() operation to prevent the "Please Insert Volume..." requester appearing. See; SetProcWindow(). Don't forget to free the result examinedata again and resume the scanning process. If you got what you wanted, you might want to report the correct type of link in the directory listing, such as Workbench, the ASL file requester, the Dir and List commands, etc do. Pitfall #3 is recursive directory scanning. If you want to stay out of trouble, never ever enter a linked directory unless the user tells you to do it, and then, only enter once. The problem being that the directory scanning process might just restart somewhere on the same file system above the directory you are currently scanning: the link creates a "loop" in the directory tree. Your recursive scanning process may never terminate. Newer filesystems are required to prevent you creating hard directory links that would cause a "loop", but older filesystems may not check this, and softlinks never check the target and can point to anywhere. BUGS In V36, soft-links didn't work in the ROM filesystem, was fixed for V37. From 53.130 DOS converted all relative softlink target paths to full device centric DOS paths before calling the filesystem, this was fixed in 53.155 so that softlink targets are not affected by this function. SEE ALSO Rename(), Delete(), ReadSoftLink(), Open(), Lock(), ExamineObject(), ExamineDir(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), SetProcWindow(). dos.library/MatchEnd dos.library/MatchEnd NAME MatchEnd -- Free storage allocated for MatchFirst()/MatchNext() (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID MatchEnd(struct AnchorPath *AnchorPath); FUNCTION Return all storage associated with a given search. INPUTS AnchorPath - Anchor used for MatchFirst()/MatchNext() MUST have been allocated with AllocDosObject(). SEE ALSO MatchFirst(), ParsePattern(), MatchNext(), AllocDosObject(), dos.library/MatchFirst dos.library/MatchFirst NAME MatchFirst -- Finds a file that matches a string. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 error = MatchFirst(CONST_STRPTR str, struct AnchorPath *anchor); FUNCTION Locates the first file or directory that matches a given string. MatchFirst() parses your string (you DO NOT pass it through ParsePattern() - MatchFirst() does that for you), and the control structure. MatchFirst() normally initializes your AnchorPath structure for you, and returns the first file that matched your string, or an error. Note that MatchFirst()/MatchNext() are unusual for Dos in that they return 0 for success, or the error code (see ), instead of the application getting the error code from IoErr(). NB: Dos.library versions prior to 54.30 will have the ap_ExData pointer set to NULL, this MUST be checked before access with previous releases. The legacy fallback data will still be available in ap_Info but will be limited to file sizes <4gig and names shorter than 108 bytes. Always use the ap_ExData in preference to ap_Info when available. When looking at the result of MatchFirst()/MatchNext(), the ap_ExData (or ap_Info) field of your AnchorPath has the results of an examination of the object. You normally get the name of the object from the ap_ExData->Name, (or ap_Info.fib_FileName for legacy apps), and the directory it's located in from ap_Current->an_Lock. To access this object, normally you would temporarily SetCurrentDir() to the directory lock, do an operation with the file/directory, and then SetCurrentDir() back to your original directory. This makes certain you affect the right object even when two volumes of the same name are in the system. You can use ap_Buffer (with ap_Strlen, (set in the AllocDosObject()) to get a full path name to report to the user. To initialize the AnchorPath struct (particularily when reusing it), set ap_BreakBits to the signal bits (CDEF) that you want to take a break on, or 0, if you want to inconvenience the user. ap_Flags should be set to any flags you need or all 0's otherwise. ap_FoundBreak should be cleared if you'll be using breaks. If you want to have the full path name of the files you found, allocate an appropriate space (1K min recommended) via your initial call to AllocDosObject(), the size of it will be put in ap_Strlen and the pointer to this buffer space will appear in ap_Buffer. NB: At all times ap_Buffer will be a non-NULL pointer, but unless you allocate additional space with ADO_Strlen, the buffer will simply point to a default one byte (cleared) memory area. So always check ap_Strlen to find out exactly how much space you really have, don't make assumptions about the pointer. If you don't want the full path name, simply don't use the ADO_Strlen tag with your call to AllocDosObject(), this will make sure the ap_Strlen is zero. In this case, the name of the file, and stats are available in the ExamineData ap_ExData, (or legacy ap_Info). Then call MatchFirst() and then afterwards, MatchNext() with this structure. You should check the return value each time (see below) and take the appropriate action, ultimately calling MatchEnd() when there are no more files or you are done. You can tell when you are done by checking for the normal AmigaDOS return code ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES. Note: Strings with trailing slashes may cause MatchFirst() / MatchNext() to return with an ap_Current->an_Lock on the object, and a filename of the empty string (""). See ParsePattern() for more information on the patterns. INPUTS str - Plain string or Pattern matching string to search for. This may be a simple "DEVS:" or a pattern such as "LIBS:#?". anchor - Place holder for search. MUST be obtained from a call to AllocDosObjectTags(DOS_ANCHORPATH,...); RESULT error - 0 for success, or the non-zero error code. (Opposite of most Dos calls!) WARNING From DOS 50.77+, you MUST ABSOLUTELY allocate a struct AnchorPath with AllocDosObject() to be able to transition to the new extended structure layout, failing to use AllocDosObject() will cause DOS to think you are using the old V36 style structure even though you may not be, this will cause completely unpredictable and possibly fatal results as some structure fields have moved entirely. DOS assumes if you don't have the special identifier in the structure when allocated by AllocDosObject(), then it must be an AnchorPathOld and will therefore call the internal compatibility conversion code. Make no assumptions about the contents of the AChain list stored in the AnchorPath->ap_Base field, this is private. All you need to know is that by changing the current directory to AnchorPath->ap_Current->an_Lock you can invoke DOS functions like; IDOS->Lock(AnchorPath->ap_ExData->Name,...), to obtain a Lock on the current object of the scanner. Do not look at the flag values stored in the AChain->an_Flags field or at the FileInfoBlock data stored in AChain->an_Info or anything else in the AChain structure for that matter. Anything in there may contain unexpected information which makes sense only to the directory scanning routines. Consider the AChain structure as mostly DOS private. NOTES New for V50: multi-volume assignments are also supported by the directory scanner but only if the argument string contains an appropriate pattern-matching pattern that refers to an assignment which represents a list of directories such as "LIBS:#?", then subsequent calls to MatchNext() will end up visiting all entries of the assignment list. (Default = OFF) See: AllocDosObject() and MatchNext() documentation. For V40 backward compatibility, this function will always clear IoErr() on entry. BUGS In V36, there were a number of bugs with MatchFirst()/MatchNext(). One was that if you entered a directory with a name like "df0:l" using DODIR, it would re-lock the full string "df0:l", which can cause problems if the disk has changed. It also had problems with patterns such as #?/abc/def - the ap_Current->an_Lock would not be on the directory def is found in. ap_Buffer would be correct, however. It had similar problems with strings with trailing slashes. These have been fixed for V37 and later. A bug that has not been fixed for V37 concerns a string argument of a single directory name (such as "l"). If you enter such a directory via DODIR, it re-locks "l" relative to the current directory. Thus you must not change the current directory before calling MatchNext() with DODIR in that situation. If you aren't using DODIR to enter directories you can ignore this. This may be fixed in some upcoming release. SEE ALSO MatchNext(), ParsePattern(), MatchEnd(), dos.library/MatchNext dos.library/MatchNext NAME MatchNext - Finds the next file or directory that matches pattern. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 error = MatchNext(struct AnchorPath *AnchorPath); FUNCTION Locates the next file or directory that matches a given pattern. See for more information. Various bits in the ap_Flags field allow the application to control the operation of MatchNext(). These bits are either set automatically by subsequent calls to MatchFirst()/MatchNext() or can be set by you to change the operation of MatchNext(): APF_DOWILD - Unused. APF_ITSWILD- Set by MatchFirst() if the name string submitted to it does in fact contain wildcard patterns; otherwise it's clear. APF_DODIR - You can set this flag after MatchFirst()/MatchNext() has returned a directory entry in order to enter that directory during the next invocation of MatchNext(). APF_DIDDIR - Set by MatchNext() when the end of a directory is encountered which was previously entered by MatchNext() after the APF_DODIR flag was set. Note that every directory entered in this manner is returned "twice". That is, once when it is returned by MatchFirst()/MatchNext() and a second time when the end has been reached. You must clear the APF_DIDDIR flag after you have used it because MatchNext() will not clear it for you. APF_NOMEMERR - May be set by MatchFirst()/MatchNext() if the directory scanner ran out of memory. If set, subsequent calls to MatchNext() will fail with ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE set as the error code. APF_DODOT - Unused. APF_DirChanged - Set by MatchNext() if the lock stored in the AnchorPath->ap_Current->an_Lock field has changed since the last invocation. APF_FollowHLinks - You can set this flag if you want MatchNext() to enter hard linked directories if the APF_DODIR flag is set. By default, hard linked directories will be skipped by the scanner which will pretend that they are empty. APF_MultiAssigns - Set this bit with AllocDosObject() to allow Multi-Assign scanning to be enabled. ( NOTE: ONLY AVAILABLE FROM DOS 50.77+ ) See MatchFirst() for other notes. INPUTS AnchorPath - Place holder for search. MUST be allocated by AllocDosObject() ! RESULT error - 0 for success or error code. (Opposite of most Dos calls!) EXAMPLE /* Scan a directory recursively; the complete path names will be stored in the AnchorPath->ap_Buffer field and the scanning process can be aborted with Ctrl+C */ struct AnchorPath * ap; int32 error,level,i; ap = IDOS->AllocDosObjectTags( DOS_ANCHORPATH, ADO_Mask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C, ADO_Strlen, 1024L, TAG_END ); level = 0; error = IDOS->MatchFirst("directory name",ap); while(0 == error) { if(ap->ap_Flags & APF_DIDDIR) { /* Leaving a directory entered below (APF_DODIR) */ level--; ap->ap_Flags &= ~APF_DIDDIR; } else { /* Soft linked objects are returned by the scanner but they need special treatment; we are merely ignoring them here in order to keep this example simple */ if(ap->ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType != ST_SOFTLINK) { /* Provide for some indentation */ for(i = 0 ; i < level ; i++) IDOS->Printf(" ",0); IDOS->Printf("%s%s\n",ap->ap_Buffer, (ap->ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType < 0) ? "" : " (Dir)"); /* If this is a directory, enter it */ if(ap->ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType >= 0) { ap->ap_Flags |= APF_DODIR; level++; } } } error = IDOS->MatchNext(ap); } IDOS->MatchEnd(ap); IDOS->FreeDosObject(DOS_ANCHORPATH,ap); BUGS Prior to V50 directory entries which would match the syntax of wildcard patterns could get caught up in the pattern matcher which would then loop forever with each call to MatchNext(). This problem is no longer present in the V50 implementation, but you may need to work around it if you are using MatchNext() for directory scanning with no wildcard patterns involved. In that case, it is recommended that you clear the AnchorPath->ap_Flags bit APF_ITSWILD before each call to MatchNext(). See MatchFirst() for more. SEE ALSO MatchFirst(), ParsePattern(), MatchEnd(), dos.library/MatchPattern dos.library/MatchPattern NAME MatchPattern -- Checks for a pattern match with a string. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 match = MatchPattern(CONST_STRPTR pat, CONST_STRPTR str); FUNCTION Checks for a pattern match with a string. The pattern must be a tokenized string output by ParsePattern(). This routine is case-sensitive. NOTE: this routine is highly recursive. You must have at least 1500 free bytes of stack to call this (it will cut off it's recursion before going any deeper than that and return failure). That's _currently_ enough for about 100 levels deep of #, (, ~, etc. INPUTS pat - Special pattern string to match as returned by ParsePattern() str - String to match against given pattern RESULT match - boolean; (zero or non-zero), result of pattern match. On failure, IoErr() will return 0 or ERROR_TOO_MANY_LEVELS. (starting with V37 - before that there was no stack checking). NOTES For V40 backward compatibility, this function will always clear IoErr() on entry. SEE ALSO ParsePattern(), MatchPatternNoCase(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext() dos.library/MatchPatternNoCase dos.library/MatchPatternNoCase NAME MatchPatternNoCase -- Checks for a pattern match with a string. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 match = MatchPatternNoCase(CONST_STRPTR pat, CONST_STRPTR str); FUNCTION Checks for a pattern match with a string. The pattern must be a tokenized string output by ParsePatternNoCase(). This routine is case-insensitive. NOTE: this routine is highly recursive. You must have at least 1500 free bytes of stack to call this (it will cut off it's recursion before going any deeper than that and return failure). That's _currently_ enough for about 100 levels deep of #, (, ~, etc. INPUTS pat - Special pattern string to match as returned by ParsePatternNoCase() str - String to match against given pattern RESULT match - boolean; (zero or non-zero), result of pattern match. On failure, IoErr() will return 0 or ERROR_TOO_MANY_LEVELS (starting with V37 - before that there was no stack checking). NOTES For V40 backward compatibility, this function will always clear IoErr() on entry. SEE ALSO ParsePatternNoCase(), MatchPattern(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext() dos.library/MaxCli dos.library/MaxCli NAME MaxCli - returns the highest CLI number in use. (V36) SYNOPSIS uint32 number = MaxCli(void); FUNCTION Scans the DOS CLI process list and returns the highest CLI number in use. CLI numbers are reused, and are usually as small as possible. To find all CLIs, scan using FindCliProc() from 1 to the value MaxCLI() returned. (avoid calling MaxCli() in the loop itself.) The number returned by MaxCli() may change as processes are created and terminated. (See below.) RESULT number - The highest CLI number that is in use. If there are no CLI processes at all, zero will be returned. V51 LOCKING From V51+ this function will internally apply a READ (shared) semaphore lock to the list by calling ObtainSemaphoreShared() / ReleaseSemaphore() using the public list semaphore. However, if this function is used in conjunction with the function FindCliProc(), you will need to surround the whole routine with a READ (shared) semaphore lock to avoid state changes occuring between function calls. (Also see; FindCliProc() documentation for more info) NOTE From V53.141 IoErr() will return the next free cli number that will be used for the next CLI process to start up. This feature is used internally for allocating CLI numbers for new processes. SEE ALSO FindCliProc(). dos.library/MountDevice dos.library/MountDevice NAME MountDevice -- Mount a file system device or handler. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = MountDevice(CONST_STRPTR devname, int32 type, const struct TagItem *tags); int32 success = MountDeviceTags(CONST_STRPTR devname, int32 type, ...); FUNCTION Mount a file system or handler, similiar to what the "Mount" shell command does. INPUTS devname -- DOS Device name of the file system or handler. This name must end with a colon character, e.g. "DF0:". This name cannot be longer than 255 bytes. This function does not verify whether the device name requested is already in use. You may have to check this first or consult IoErr() upon failure to find out why. type -- This indicates whether you want to mount a file system (MDT_FileSystem) or a handler (MDT_Handler). The difference between the two is in that for a file system you are required to supply information on the block storage device it is to work with. tags -- List of tag item data/value pairs describing the file system or handler to be mounted. TAGS MD_SectorSize (uint32) -- Size of a data sector to be used by the file system. This must be a multiple of four. Defaults to 512 bytes. MD_Surfaces (uint32) -- Number of surfaces the data storage device uses; this is a mandatory parameter for file systems and optional for handlers. MD_SectorsPerBlock (uint32) -- Number of sectors that make up a single data block; defaults to 1. MD_SectorsPerTrack (uint32) -- Number of sectors that make up a single data track; this is a mandatory parameter for file systems and optional for handlers. MD_Reserved (uint32) -- Number of sectors at the beginning of the disk partition which should not be touched by the file system; defaults to 2. MD_PreAlloc (uint32) -- Number of sectors at the end of the disk partition which should not be touched by the file system; defaults to 0. MD_LowCyl (uint32) MD_HighCyl (uint32) Number of the first (MD_LowCyl) and last (MD_HighCyl) cylinder of the disk partition which the file system should use. The last cylinder must not be smaller than the first cylinder. These are mandatory parameters for file systems and are optional for handlers. MD_NumBuffers (uint32) -- Number of buffers (e.g. for use as a data cache) the file system is to use. Defaults to 5. MD_BufMemType (uint32) -- The type of memory to allocate for the data to be submitted to the file systems underlying exec device driver. This must be a combination of the MEMF_.. flags as defined in the header file. Defaults to MEMF_SHARED. MD_MaxTransfer (uint32) -- The number of bytes the file systems underlying exec device driver can transfer in one single step. Defaults to 0x7fffffff. MD_Mask (uint32) -- Bit mask which covers the address range which the file systems underlying exec deviced driver can access. Defaults to 0xffffffff. MD_DOSType (uint32) -- The file system signature associated with this file system. Defaults to ID_DOS_DISK (see ). MD_Baud (uint32) -- The transmission speed to be used by the handler (e.g. aux-handler). Defaults to 1200 bps. MD_Control (STRPTR) -- Control information for the handler (e.g. aux-handler). Note that this string cannot be longer than 255 characters because this string is converted to a BSTR and placed in the struct DosEnvec[DE_CONTROL] field. MD_Device (STRPTR) -- Name of the exec device driver this file system is to use. This is a mandatory parameter for file systems and optional for handlers. (Case sensitive) Note that unless you specify the device name, your handler will not have a FileSysStartupMsg allocated and initialized. MD_Unit (uint32) -- The unit number to be used by this file system when opening the associated exec device driver. This value is placed in fssm->fssm_Unit. Defaults to 0. MD_Flags (uint32) -- The flags value to be used by this file system when opening the associated exec device driver. This value is placed in fssm->fssm_Flags. Defaults to 0. MD_StackSize (uint32) -- The stack size the file system or handler process is to be started with. Defaults to 4000 bytes. MD_Priority (uint32) -- The Task priority the file system or handler process is to be started with. This must be in the range -128..127. Defaults to 10 for file systems and to 5 for handlers. MD_GlobVec (uint32) -- Global vector value to be used for this file system or handler. This must be one of -2 or -1. If you don't know what effects these values have then you probably shouldn't even bother to specifiy this parameter. Defaults to -1. MD_StartupNumber (int32) -- The startup parameter to be used by the handler. This will go into the handler's DeviceNode->dn_Startup field. This must always be < 64, The value you supply is ANDed with 0x3F just to make sure. MD_StartupString (STRPTR) -- The startup parameter to be used by the handler. This will be copied into a buffer and go into the handler's DeviceNode->dn_Startup field as a BSTR. MD_IgnoreFSR (int32;BOOL) -- Whether or not the file systems parameters should be initialized from data found in the the FileSystem.resource database. Defaults to FALSE. MD_Activate (int32;BOOL) -- Whether or not the file system or handler should be activated immediately after it has been added. Defaults to FALSE. MD_Handler (STRPTR) -- The name of a file system or handler to load, e.g. "L:FastFileSystem" or "L:CrossDOSFileSystem". This goes into the handler's DeviceNode->dn_Handler field and is used for LoadSeg() to load the module if it's not already loaded, this is determined by whether there is an existing seglist pointer in DeviceNode->dn_SegList. MD_SegList (BPTR) -- Pointer to a segment list as returned by the LoadSeg() function. This goes into the handler's DeviceNode->dn_SegList field for the code that should be run to implement the file system or handler. This overrides automatic loading of the MD_Handler module. This is ignored if MD_Entry is specified. MD_Entry (int32(*)(...)) -- Pointer to a function which implements the file system. Note that this overrides the MD_SegList parameter and the MD_Handler module loading. MD_Port (struct MsgPort *) -- Pointer to a message port which implements the file system or handler. This goes into the handler's DeviceNode->dn_Port field. Otherwise the DeviceNode->dn_Port will be initialised when the normal file system/handler startup methodology occurs. RESULT success -- boolean; (zero or non-zero value) Non-zero if the file system or handler could be added, FALSE otherwise (see for a list of 400 series error codes that may be returned in case of failure by calling the IoErr() function). EXAMPLE /* This is how you would mount the "DF0:" device, if it were * not already mounted. */ IDOS->MountDeviceTags("DF0:",MDT_FileSystem, MD_SectorSize,512, MD_Surfaces,2, MD_SectorsPerTrack,11, MD_Reserved,2, MD_LowCyl,0, MD_HighCyl,79, MD_Device,"trackdisk.device", TAG_END); NOTES This function mounts either a file system or a handler. There is no big difference between the two, except that a "file system" is a handler with special requirements. Namely, it is assumed that it will have to access a block storage device such as "trackdisk.device" and will need to know which restrictions and properties this device has. These must be provided or this function will fail with an error. Not all options the shell "Mount" command supports are implemented in this function. This is due to the fact that by the time this function is used, the system is already operational and it makes little sense to configure the number of boot blocks, etc. The startup string and startup number are parameters which are stored in the DeviceNode->dn_Startup field of the data structure this function creates. If you are mounting a file system then these parameters are always ignored. A FileSysStartupMsg (see will be allocated here and takes their place. If you specify a device name, then this function will always create a FileSysStartupMsg to hold it, regardless of whether you request to mount a handler. This function will try to mount the file system or handler you specified, and its return code will indicate whether this attempt was successful. However, whether activating the file system or handler via the MD_Activate tag worked does not reflect on the return code. If you request that a file system should be mounted and fail to supply a handler name, segment list and port then the default boot file system will be used instead. This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO DismountDevice(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(). dos.library/NameFromFH dos.library/NameFromFH NAME NameFromFH -- Get the volume name/path of an open filehandle. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NameFromFH(BPTR filehandle,STRPTR buffer,int32 buflen); FUNCTION Returns a fully qualified volume and path for the filehandle. This routine is guaranteed not to write more than 'buflen' bytes into the buffer. The buffer will be null-terminated. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire path, this function will fail and IoErr() will return ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. If this occurs, use a larger buffer and try again. Recommended minimum buffer size is 1024 bytes. The buffer is guaranteed to be cleared on entry, providing a non-NULL 'buffer' is supplied and the 'buflen' is >0 INPUTS filehandle - BPTR to a filehandle. buffer - Buffer to store object name and path. buflen - Length of buffer. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) WARNING Duplicate volume names CAN exist in AmigaDOS and the use of this function should be limited to display / informative name strings. If an Open() or Lock() or any DOS function that accepts string names, is supplied with the string obtained from this function, there is no guarantee which volume you will actually get when more than one exists. Instead, use; DevNameFromLock() / DevNameFromFH() for these occasions or use the example function below for a "safer" solution if you prefer to have the volume name except for the duplicate volume name situation. EXAMPLE /* ** Returns the volume centric path of a lock if no duplicate volumes ** are ahead of it on the doslist, otherwise it returns the unique ** device centric path name. */ int32 SaferNameFromFH(BPTR fh, STRPTR buffer, int32 len) { int32 result = NameFromFH(fh, buffer, len); if( result ) { BPTR testfh = Open(buffer, MODE_OLDFILE); if( testfh ) { int32 samefh = SameFH(testfh,fh); Close(testfh); if( FH_SAME != samefh ) { result = DevNameFromFH(fh,buffer,len,DN_FULLPATH); } } } return(result); } NOTES This function is NOT task callable. If the filehandle is zero, this function will fail. This function will fail for "NIL:" streams, DevNameFromFH() will not. SEE ALSO DevNameFromFH(), NameFromLock(), DevNameFromLock(), Lock(), IoErr(), SetProcWindow(). dos.library/NameFromLock dos.library/NameFromLock NAME NameFromLock -- Returns the volume name and path of a lock. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NameFromLock(BPTR lock, STRPTR buffer, int32 buflen); FUNCTION Returns a fully qualified volume name and path for the lock. This routine is guaranteed not to write more than 'buflen' bytes into the buffer. The buffer will be null-terminated. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire path, this function will fail and IoErr() will return ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. If this occurs, use a larger buffer and try again. Recommended minimum buffer size is 1024 bytes. If the lock argument is zero, the buffer will be filled with the volume name for the assignment "SYS:". The buffer is guaranteed to be cleared on entry, providing a non-NULL 'buffer' is supplied and the 'buflen' is >0 INPUTS lock - Lock of object to be examined. (or zero) buffer - Buffer to store volume name and path. buflen - Length of buffer. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) WARNING Duplicate volume names CAN exist in AmigaDOS and the use of this function should be limited to display or informative name strings. If an Open() or Lock() or any DOS function that accepts string names, is supplied with the string obtained from this function, there is no guarantee which one of the volumes you will actually get. Instead use; DevNameFromLock() / DevNameFromFH() for these occasions or use the example function below for a "safer" solution if you prefer to have the volume name except for the duplicate volume name situation. EXAMPLE /* ** Returns the volume centric path of a lock if no duplicate volumes ** are ahead of it on the doslist, otherwise it returns the device ** centric path name. */ int32 SaferNameFromLock(BPTR lock, STRPTR buffer, int32 len) { int32 result = NameFromLock(lock, buffer, len); if( result ) { BPTR testlock = Lock(buffer, ACCESS_READ); if( testlock ) { int32 samelock = SameLock(testlock,lock); UnLock(testlock); if( LOCK_SAME != samelock ) { result = DevNameFromLock(lock,buffer,len,DN_FULLPATH); } } } return(result); } NOTES This function is NOT task callable. BUGS Prior to V50, a lock of NULL always literally returned "SYS:", it never tried to return the real volume name of the SYS volume. SEE ALSO DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromLock(), NameFromFH(), Lock(), IoErr(), SetProcWindow(). dos.library/NameFromPort dos.library/NameFromPort NAME NameFromPort -- Get the volume name of a handler by the MsgPort. (V53.63) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NameFromPort(struct MsgPort *port, STRPTR buffer, int32 buflen, int32 add_colon); FUNCTION This function is similar to other (Dev)NameFromXXX() functions with the difference being that the filesystem/handlers volume name will be returned in the buffer, with or without a colon character appended. This is a complementary function to DevNameFromPort() which returns the device name associated with the port for a DOS handler/filesystem. This routine is guaranteed not to write more than 'buflen' bytes into the buffer. The buffer will always be null-terminated. This function WILL fail for filesystems / handlers that have no volume node available, such as PAR: SER: ... DevNameFromPort() will not. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the entire string, this function will fail and IoErr() will return ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. If this occurs, use a larger buffer and try again. Recommended minimum buffer size is 258 bytes. The buffer is guaranteed to be cleared on entry, providing a non-NULL 'buffer' is supplied and the 'buflen' is >0 Supplying a NULL port pointer returns "NIL" or "NIL:". INPUTS port - Message port for the handler or filesystem. buffer - Buffer for volume name. buflen - Length of buffer. add_colon - TRUE= colon character appended to buffer, FALSE= no colon. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. This function may perform a temporary read-lock on the DosList. SEE ALSO DevNameFromPort(), NameFromFH(), DevNameFromFH(), NameFromLock(), DevNameFromLock(), Lock(), IoErr(), SetProcWindow() dos.library/NextDosEntry dos.library/NextDosEntry NAME NextDosEntry -- Get the next Dos List entry. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DosList *newdlist = NextDosEntry(const struct DosList *dlist, uint32 flags); FUNCTION Application programmers should use the new DOS_VOLUMELIST (V53.52+) feature of AllocDosObject() rather than locking and itterating manually through the doslist themselves, if possible. This function finds the next Dos List entry of the right type. You MUST have locked the types you're looking for (via AttempLockDosList() or LockDosList()). Returns NULL if there are no more of that type in the list. EXAMPLE To search the doslist for a particular type, you may call this function at the beginning of the loop, as calling NextDosEntry() immediately after locking the list, will always begin searching at the first node. Be warned however, that after you have passed the returned doslist pointer through NextDosEntry(), subsequent calls to NextDosEntry() will search from the next entry in the list from the supplied pointer. flags = LDF_DEVICES|LDF_READ; dl = IDOS->LockDosList(flags); while(( dl = IDOS->NextDosEntry(dl,flags) )) { found_dev_entry(dl); } IDOS->UnLockDosList(flags); INPUTS dlist - The current device entry. flags - What type of entries to look for. This must be a combination of LDF_DEVICES, LDF_VOLUMES and LDF_ASSIGNS. All other flags are silently ignored. RESULT newdlist - The next device entry of the right type or NULL. NOTES From V50, a NULL 'dlist' parameter is now safe and simply returns NULL as well as setting IoErr() to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING. This function performs no locking or waiting internally. SEE ALSO AddDosEntry(), RemDosEntry(), FindDosEntry(), LockDosList(), MakeDosEntry(), FreeDosEntry() dos.library/NonBlockingModifyDosEntry dos.library/NonBlockingModifyDosEntry NAME NonBlockingModifyDosEntry -- Modify a DosList node without blocking. (V51.29) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(struct DosList *dlist, int32 mode, APTR arg1, APTR resv); FUNCTION Modifies the DosList without blocking the caller, as is required for handlers and filesystems. This function allows the caller to Add, Delete, Rename and Remove a DosList node, signal doslist changes and cause notifications to happen, in a way that makes it callable from handlers and filesystems that cannot use wait locking from the handler process, as doing so could easily cause a blocking deadlock situation. NB: You should NOT be in a Forbid() state before calling this function for doslist node manipulations, as doing so will kill any possibility of getting a second chance at obtaining a syncronous write semaphore lock on the doslist if it happens to be owned by another task, however, this will not stop the function from still working, although it would be in your best interests to avoid forcing the use of the workaround code. Also, do NOT call AttemptLockDosList() or any other doslist locking functions yourself, these all currently imply a Forbid(), all needed locking will be handled here internally. INPUTS dlist - Doslist entry to be modified, or NULL for auxilliary functions. mode - The function identification mode. (see;dos/dosextens.h) NBM_ADDDOSENTRY - Adds doslist entry. dlist = pointer to doslist node to add. arg1 = NULL. resv = NULL. NBM_REMFREEDOSENTRY - Removes & frees doslist entry. dlist = pointer to doslist node to remove & free. arg1 = NULL. (added 53.67) resv = NULL. NBM_REMDOSENTRY - Removes doslist entry only. dlist = pointer to doslist node to remove. arg1 = NULL. resv = NULL. NBM_RENAMEDOSENTRY - Rename doslist entry. dlist = pointer to doslist node to rename. arg1 = STRPTR to the new name. (without ':') resv = NULL. NBM_CHANGESIGNAL - Cause a doslist change signal. dlist = NULL. arg1 = NULL. resv = NULL. NBM_DISKINSERTED - Cause IECLASS_DISKINSERTED input event. dlist = NULL. (added 53.73) arg1 = NULL. resv = NULL. NBM_DISKREMOVED - Cause IECLASS_DISKREMOVED input event. dlist = NULL. (added 53.73) arg1 = NULL. resv = NULL. arg1 - Secondary parameter. (see above 'mode'). resv - Reserved - currently unused parameter which MUST be set to NULL at this time, otherwise this function will fail. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES NBM_ADDDOSENTRY and NBM_RENAMEDOSENTRY will obey the same rules for AddDosEntry() and RenameDosEntry() with respect to node name conflicts. NBM_REMFREEDOSENTRY and NBM_REMDOSENTRY will scan the doslist to find the node matching the supplied 'dlist' argument, therefore if the node is not currently in the doslist this function will return FALSE, however, the node will still be deleted with NBM_REMFREEDOSENTRY. All the above functions generate one DosList change signal upon success, this includes NBM_DISKINSERTED or NBM_DISKREMOVED signalling functions. The NBM_CHANGESIGNAL option has been made available here to allow a doslist change signal to be generated by the caller, for features other than those covered above, this may be required by a filesystem or handler when it manually changes the validity of information in a DosList node (or for other disk related queery functions) where it needs to indicate that the data should be re-read by any application that is monitoring the doslist device states. See also; NotifyDosListChange(). All mode types are mutually exclusive. SEE ALSO AddDosEntry(), RemDosEntry(), RenameDosEntry(), NotifyDosListChange(). dos.library/NotifyDosListChange dos.library/NotifyDosListChange NAME NotifyDosListChange - Notify a process when the DosList changes. (V51.75) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NotifyDosListChange(struct Process *process, uint32 signalnum, uint32 reserved); FUNCTION NotifyDosListChange() sets up a signal specified by 'signalnum' for the process 'process' to notify it when a change occurs to the DOS device list that affects; volumes, devices or assigns. This being; adding, removing, renaming or changing any DosList node. DosList changes signals will also be generated by dos.library when a DOS handler or filesystem device process starts up or ends. DosList change signals may also be generated by a given filesystem or handler itself, for other types of events that change the validity of information in the DosList or via other queery functions, which is used to indicate that the data should be re-read by the application. If you wish to discontinue a DosList notification signal, simply call this function again with a 'signalnum' of NDLC_END and the 'process' parameter the same as when started. INPUTS process -- The process to signal, or NULL for your current process. signalnum -- Signal bit number to send to the process. Signal number must be in the range of 0-31 to be valid, such signals are available from exec/AllocSignal() or from the publicly defined signals in exec/task.h as; SIGB_xxx or in dos/dos.h as; SIGBREAKB_CTRL_xxx Specifying any out of range values (except NDLC_END) will cause failure, with an error code returned by IoErr(). reserved -- Reserved for future functional expansion. This parameter MUST always set to 0 for now. RESULT success -- boolean; (zero or non-zero), zero means failure. EXAMPLE int32 main(void) { uint32 signals; if( ! IDOS->NotifyDosListChange(NULL, SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E, 0)) { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(), NULL); return(RETURN_ERROR); } IDOS->PutStr("Notify test running, - press [CTRL]-C to exit.\n"); do { signals = IExec->Wait( SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ); if( signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E ) /* Received ^E signal */ { IDOS->PutStr("DosList notify signal received !!\n"); } } while( ! (signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C )); /* ^C exits */ IDOS->NotifyDosListChange(NULL, NDLC_END, 0); /* Turn it off */ return(RETURN_OK); } NOTES This function is not callable from a task. DosList change signal notifications are always guaranteed to be disabled by DOS just before the target process finally ends. You _may_ get more than one notification signal per renaming action, dependant upon whether the underlying filesystem calls RenameDosEntry() or NonBlockingModifyDosEntry() or neither, to do the renaming action. No arbitration is performed by this function when used on a process other than your own. Another process may exit at any time, it is up to you to perform the required arbitration. SEE ALSO ProcessScan(), NotifyProcListChange(), exec/AllocSignal() NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/NotifyProcListChange dos.library/NotifyProcListChange NAME NotifyProcListChange - Notify a process when the process list changes. (V51.81) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NotifyProcListChange(struct Process *process, uint32 signalnum, uint32 reserved); FUNCTION NotifyProcListChange() sets up a signal specified by 'signalnum' for the process 'process' to notify it when a change occurs to the DOS process list, or the CLI program counter, which means one or more processes (or any CLI commands) have either started or ended. If you wish to discontinue a Process List notification signal, simply call this function again with a 'signalnum' of NPLC_END and the 'process' parameter the same as when started. INPUTS process -- The process to signal, or NULL for your current process. signalnum -- Signal bit number for the signal to send to the process. Signal number must be in the range of 0-31 to be valid, such signals are available from exec/AllocSignal() or from the publicly defined signals in exec/task.h as; SIGB_xxx or in dos/dos.h as; SIGBREAKB_CTRL_xxx Specifying any out of range values (except NPLC_END) will cause failure, with an error code returned by IoErr(). reserved -- Reserved for future functional expansion. This parameter MUST always be set to 0 for now. RESULT success -- boolean; (zero or non-zero), zero means failure. EXAMPLE int32 main(void) { uint32 signals; if( ! IDOS->NotifyProcListChange(NULL, SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E, 0)) { IDOS->PrintFault(IDOS->IoErr(), NULL); return(RETURN_ERROR); } IDOS->PutStr("Notify test running, - press [CTRL]-C to exit.\n"); do { signals = IExec->Wait( SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ); if( signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E ) /* Received ^E signal */ { IDOS->PutStr("Process list change signal received !!\n"); } } while( ! (signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C )); /* ^C exits */ IDOS->NotifyProcListChange(NULL, NPLC_END, 0); /* Turn it off */ return(RETURN_OK); } NOTES This function is not callable from a task. Process list change signal notifications are always guaranteed to be disabled by DOS just before the target process finally ends. No arbitration is performed by this function when used on a process other than your own. Another process may exit at any time, it is up to you to perform the required arbitration. SEE ALSO ProcessScan(), NotifyDosListChange(), exec/AllocSignal() dos.library/NotifyVar dos.library/NotifyVar NAME NotifyVar -- Notify when a global variable is modified. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = NotifyVar( CONST_STRPTR name, const struct Hook *hook, int32 mode, CONST_APTR userdata ); FUNCTION This function will add or remove (start or stop) a hook notification for a global variable referenced by 'name'. Once added, the hook will be called when the variable is modified. This includes: creation, deletion or modification of the contents of a variable via the DOS API's environmental functions and some other subsystems that control global variables too. Variable names use a DOS path structure and are always relative to the root of the device. The current directory has no effect on this call. If any "DEVICE:" part is specified in the variable 'name', only the portion after the colon ':' will actually be used. NV_ADD_NOTIFY is required for the 'mode' argument when setting up a notification request. The variable does not have to exist to add a notification, this is so you may create or delete a variable after notification has already been set up, it is up to you to determine if the variable actually exists at any point in time. NV_REMOVE_NOTIFY is required for the 'mode' argument, when ending a variable notification/s. The 'hook' parameter must be the SAME hook address you passed in when the notification was started, with the other arguments (name and userdata) set to zero (NULL). All or any entries with matching hook structure addresses, will then be immediately removed from the internal list and deleted. Normally, multiple variable name notifications could simply share the one hook structure and ending that notification once, would remove all notifications for that hook. However, if you wish to use separate notification requests for different variables, so to be able to remove them individually, you must also use separate hook structures when you set up the notifications, this also implies that each of the separate hooks must also be removed individually as well. ie; The number of remove calls must always match the number of hook structures used. INPUTS name -- (CONST_STRPTR) Name/path of the variable to add. (For removal of a notification, set this to NULL) mode -- (int32) NV_ADD_NOTIFY to begin a variable notification, or, NV_REMOVE_NOTIFY to end a notification. (dos/var.h) (Other special feature modes are listed below.) userdata -- (CONST_APTR) This parameter is passed to the hook function completely untouched. You may use this for any purpose. hook -- (struct Hook *) Pointer to your persistant hook structure. You must initialise the hook struct h_Entry field to the persistant functions address to call before starting the notification. The hook function will be called from the same process context that is modifying the environmental variable. As: VOID hook_function( hook, userdata, name); A0 A2 A1 RESULT success -- If adding a notification, a value of FALSE would mean that the 'name' was NULL or an empty string, the 'hook' was NULL, or there was insufficient memory for the internal node. If removing a notification, a value of FALSE would mean that the hook specified was not present in the list. On error, queery IoErr() to obtain more information. WARNING For compatibility and resource tracking purposes, the same process that started any notifications, MUST be the same one that ends them. You MUST terminate all variable notifications that you started, before your program exits otherwise notifications will continue to vector until the process is completely deleted. Each individual hook structure used to set up a notification requests must match a corresponding call to terminate all notifications linked to that particular hook structure. The Hook structure and the function it points to, must remain persistant for the life of the notification. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. Removing already removed hooks is safe but will return FALSE. From DOS 53.122 a method for scanning the internal list is now available mainly for gathering statistical info. To use this, setup a hook as described above, the 'mode' must be; NV_SCAN_NOTIFY, the 'name' as 0, the hook function will be called for each entry in the notify list, the 'userdata' argument will still be passed to the hook function. Attempting to use this feature on previous DOS versions will do nothing. From DOS 54.28 this function is used to cause the actual notifications for all matching entries in the notify list, this is done by calling this function with mode set to NV_CAUSE_NOTIFY, with the 'name' set to the path/name of the variable that changed and the 'hook' argument set to NULL. This mode is called internally from SetVar() and DeleteVar(). Attempting to use this feature on previous DOS versions will do nothing. SEE ALSO GetVar(), SetVar(), DeleteVar(), FindVar(), ScanVars(), dos.library/ObtainConsoleData dos.library/ObtainConsoleData NAME ObtainConsoleData -- Returns data about a console window. (53.59) SYNOPSIS struct ConsoleWindowData *dat = ObtainConsoleData( struct TagItem *tags ); struct ConsoleWindowData *dat = ObtainConsoleDataTags( uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION ObtainConsoleData() can be used to obtain information about a console handler window. This function allows for a choice of handler identifiers to be used. The returned data must be released with ReleaseConsoleData(). INPUTS tags -- Pointer to a tagitem array for the options listed below. INPUT TAGS ; One mandatory tag item to enable handler identification. The following tags are mutually exclusive. OCD_FileHandleInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a FileHandle. Identify the handler by the stream pointed to by a FileHandle. The opening mode does not affect identification. OCD_MsgPortInput (struct MsgPort *) -- Pointer to a message port. Identify the handler by this message port. RESULT result - (struct ConsoleWindowData *) or NULL on failure. On failure, call IoErr() [Fault(),PrintFault()] to find out more information with regard to what caused failure. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. It is mandatory to call ReleaseConsoleData() to dispose of the returned structures memory and decrement the handlers use count. SEE ALSO GetDiskInfo(), Info(), IoErr(), Fault(), PrintFault(). dos.library/ObtainDirContext dos.library/ObtainDirContext NAME ObtainDirContext -- Creates a context for ExamineDir(). (V51.104) SYNOPSIS APTR context = ObtainDirContext(const struct TagItem *tags); APTR context = ObtainDirContextTags(uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION Creates a context in preparation for the ExamineDir() function. This function creates a context for the filesystem object specified, allocates resources for the filesystem requests, (which are initiated automatically by calling the ExamineDir() function), as well as initialising the memory pool and other parameters specified via the taglist. This context must eventually be released with ReleaseDirContext(), it frees the entire data block memory pool all at once, as well as releasing the other required resources. WARNING Unlike ExamineObject(), it is not desirable or even necessary to call FreeDosObject() on the data blocks obtained from ExamineDir(). These data blocks are pooled and stored on an internal list and therefore MUST be Remove()'ed first if this were even to be attempted, the ReleaseDirContext() takes care of all deallocations automatically. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array; SOURCE TAGS ; Mandatory tag item to identify filesystem object. The following three tags are mutually exclusive. EX_LockInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a Lock. Identify the filesystem object by this associated Lock. The lock must be on a directory. This lock is passed directly throught to the filesystem and will NOT otherwise be touched by DOS. EX_FileHandleInput (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a FileHandle. Identify the parent directory from the stream pointed to by an open FileHandle. DOS determins the parent directory of the file by calling ParentOfFH() internally. This internal lock is UnLock'ed when the caller invokes ReleaseDirContext(). EX_StringNameInput (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a nul-terminated string name, to specify the filesystem directory required. This may be relative to the current directory an assignment or an absolute path. DOS will internally perform a Lock() on the string provided, it will also Unlock() this internal lock when the caller invokes ReleaseDirContext(). Failure will occur if the directory is already exclusively locked. Also, if the volume that is referenced by the string name, is not currently inserted, it will post the usual style of "Please Insert Volume ..." request unless specifically prevented in doing so beforehand with SetProcWindow(). OTHER TAGS ; EX_DataFields (uint32) -- A bitmask to indicate which items of data are to be filled out in your ExamineData by the filesystem. (Default = EXF_ALL when tag not supplied.) The following data items are currently available; EXF_TYPE - The type field descriptor. EXF_SIZE - The filesize field. EXF_DATE - struct DateStamp for the object. EXF_NAME - The object name. EXF_COMMENT - The comment string. EXF_LINK - The link target name string. EXF_PROTECTION - Protection bit flags. EXF_OWNER - Both owner user-id and group-id fields. EXF_OBJECTID - The unique object ID field. EXF_REFCOUNT - The hardlink reference count for the object. EXF_ALL - All of the above. (Default) Combine any of the above flags by OR'ing them to form a bitmask. EG: If you wish to obtain the 'type', 'name' and 'date' fields, you would specify (EXF_TYPE | EXF_NAME | EXF_DATE) to the tag. NB: For maximum speed purposes, it is advisable to avoid EXF_ALL, instead, specify only the items of interest to be copied. EX_MatchString (STRPTR) -- A pointer to a pre-parsed pattern string. (Default = NULL) - If this field is NULL then all entries will be returned. If this field is non-null then the string is passed to the default filter function to be used to pattern match each entry against the examinedata->Name field. This string MUST be pre-parsed by ParsePatternNoCase() before use. This parameter is also passed directly through to any custom hook function that may be specified with; EX_MatchFunc. If using a custom filter function, always remember to use the DOS caseless pattern matcher, ie; MatchPatternNoCase(). EX_MatchFunc (struct Hook *) -- Pointer to a Hook structure which has the h_Entry function pointer set to a custom filter function that usually employs MatchPatternNoCase() on the required name field. The hook function finally decides if the entry will be returned. The hook is called with the following parameters; (as is standard for hooks): int32 result = MatchFunc(struct Hook *hookptr, STRPTR match_string, struct ExamineData *examinedata); MatchFunc() should return FALSE to stop the entry being returned, otherwise return any other boolean TRUTH value. If you DO NOT specify this tag, (or supply a NULL tag value), DOS will call the default filter function instead, which is equivalent to the following code; { int32 rc = TRUE; /* return everything by default */ if( match_string ) /* only filter if match_string supplied.*/ { rc = IDOS->MatchPatternNoCase(match_string, exdata->Name); } return(rc); } NB: The default built-in filter function was added at version 52.17 EX_DoCurrentDir (int32;BOOLEAN) -- Set TRUE to automatically make the reference to the directory being scanned, the 'current directory' immediately after the input source has been obtained. This is generally for recursive directory scans of a sub-directory by using just a current directory relative examinedata->Name. (Default=FALSE) This tag must be specified each time any input source is specified to ensure the current directory is set for the current input source. This tag is NOT persistent when reusing a context, it only sets the current directory and saves the old one for restoration when this tag is specified as TRUE. Specifying this tag may also be used to access the current directory lock to obtain a fully qualified path name for the current directory by using GetCurrentDir() with NameFromLock() / DevNameFromLock(). NB: The old current directory will be restored by ReleaseDirContext(), or if a new input tag is specified when resetting a context, or on subsequent failure of this function. EX_ResetContext (APTR) -- Pointer to a previous context obtained from this function, for which a change of any parameter/s are required. By passing in a previous context via this tag, the resources already allocated for the old context and ExamineData nodes will be reused, (if they are still on the internal lists and havn't been Remove()ed). All necessary filesystem context information will also be reset to allow a new scan to begin again. (Default = NULL) Be aware that only the supplied tag items will be changed by this switch, all previous tag initialisations will stay in force, with the exception of EX_DoCurrentDir which is only done when specifically asked. When specifying a new EX_xxx source tag, the references to the previous object will be released and a new reference will be established for the specified source object, the old current dir will also be restored when this occurs, if it was previously saved with the EX_DoCurrentDir,TRUE tag. If using this tag and passing a NULL context pointer, it will be treated as if the tag was not supplied. RESULT context - APTR; Pointer to the DOS/FS private context block, or NULL on failure, call IoErr() for specific details on the error. NOTES This function employs task resource tracking, therefore the process that called ObtainDirContext() MUST be the same process that eventually calls ReleaseDirContext() for it to work. SEE ALSO ExamineDir(), ReleaseDirContext(), ExamineObject(). dos/dos.h dos.library/Open dos.library/Open NAME Open -- Open a file for (unbuffered) input or output. (V30) SYNOPSIS BPTR file = Open( CONST_STRPTR name, int32 mode ); FUNCTION NB: Applications should not attempt to use normal filesystem access methods with ENV: or ENVARC:, there are dedicated environmental variable handling functions for these, such as; GetVar(), SetVar(), FindVar(), ScanVars(), DeleteVar(). (See these for details). This function attempts to open the named file for unbuffered file i/o and a file handle is returned if successful, otherwise ZERO on failure. This function should be used only for unbuffered I/O from DOS V51+, for buffered I/O, use the FOpen() function instead. The behaviour of Open() is now different from FOpen() which performs the same basic function, but FOpen() also allocates your desired size of stream buffer at the same time, Open() doesn't, it also means that using Open() for buffered calls would require a default minimum legacy compatibility buffer be allocated and initialized upon the first access to a buffered function, before I/O can commence. So, from V51+, please use FOpen() if you require a buffered stream. If the 'mode' is MODE_OLDFILE, an existing file is opened for reading or writing, this implies a shared lock, if the requested file does not exist, Open() will fail. If the 'mode' is MODE_READWRITE it opens a file with a shared lock, but creates it if it didn't exist. If the 'mode' is MODE_NEWFILE, a new file is created, this implies an exclusive lock, if the requested file already exists, it will have the contents of the file effectively deleted and reset to a 'new' state. Open types are documented in the include file. All modes above will place the internal file position pointer at the beginning of the file. The 'name' can be a file name, optionally prefaced by a device name, with or without path, a simple device such as NIL:, a window specification such as CON: or RAW: followed by window parameters, assignments, (including multi-assignments if mode is not MODE_NEWFILE), a virtual DOS device such as PROGDIR:, or CONSOLE: representing the current console window which placed its message port in pr_ConsolePort, or some other specification which can be found in the dos.library IDOS->GetDeviceProcFlags() documentation. Note that as of V36, "*" is obsolete and must NOT be used anymore, "CONSOLE:" must be used instead, support for "*" may be discontinued at any time. You have been warned.! If the file cannot be opened for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling the IoErr() function. INPUTS name - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated string. mode - (int32) MODE_OLDFILE, MODE_NEWFILE, MODE_READWRITE RESULT file - (BPTR) BCPL pointer to a file handle, zero on failure. NOTES Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K absolute minimum recommended) This function is not normally callable from tasks. However, there is the one single exception of Open("NIL:",..) which is exempt from this convention due to CreateNewProc()'s need to open default filehandles from exec tasks calling it. Passing NULL for the 'name' is now safe, it just returns 0, with IoErr() set to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING (V50). When using MODE_NEWFILE on filesystem that support file hard links, be aware that doing so with an existing file hard link name, is equivalent to opening the target file itself in MODE_NEWFILE. However, because that target file has hardlinks bound to it, the implied "delete first" behaviour of MODE_NEWFILE means that the target file itself must not be physically "deleted" in the conventional sense, as that would disconnect the hard file linkage. Therefore only the content and associated data will be reset to that of a newly created state, where it has the default attributes and a file size of zero bytes, without affecting the hard file linkage. The behaviour of MODE_READWRITE was changed with V36. Previously, it implied an exclusive lock. Now, after the change, it implies a shared lock. SEE ALSO FOpen(), Close(), SetVar(), ChangeMode(), NameFromFH(), ParentOfFH(), ExamineFH(), SetFileHandleAttr(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/OpenFromLock dos.library/OpenFromLock NAME OpenFromLock -- Opens a file you have a lock on. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR fh = OpenFromLock(BPTR lock); FUNCTION Given a lock, this routine performs an open on that lock. If the open succeeds, the lock is (effectively) relinquished and must not be UnLock()ed or used again. If the open fails, the lock is still usable. The lock associated with the file internally is of the same access mode as the lock you gave up - shared is similar to MODE_OLDFILE, exclusive is similar to MODE_NEWFILE but without affecting the file contents or meta-data. Attempting to open a file using a directory lock will fail. INPUTS lock - Lock on the file to be opened. RESULT fh - Newly opened file handle or ZERO for failure. On failure call IoErr() for more information. BUGS In the original V36 autodocs, this was shown (incorrectly) as taking a Mode parameter as well. The prototypes and pragmas were also wrong. SEE ALSO Open(), Close(), Lock(), UnLock(), NameFromLock(), DevNameFromLock() dos.library/Output dos.library/Output NAME Output -- Identify the programs' initial output file handle. SYNOPSIS BPTR file = Output(VOID); FUNCTION Output() is used to access the initial output stream allocated when the program was initiated. This is stored in; Process->pr_COS. Never close the filehandle returned by Output(). To change the stream in an application, call SelectOutput() to install a new stream, while saving the return value for restoration before the application terminates. RESULT file - BCPL pointer to a file handle. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO Input(), ErrorOutput(), SelectOutput(), SelectInput(), SelectErrorOutput() dos.library/ParentDir dos.library/ParentDir NAME ParentDir -- Obtain the parent dir for a directory or file lock. SYNOPSIS BPTR newlock = ParentDir( BPTR lock ); FUNCTION The argument 'lock' is associated with a given file or directory. ParentDir() returns 'newlock' which is a SHARED_LOCK of the parent directory of 'lock'. If 'lock' is for a directory, 'newlock' will return a directory lock one directory level above. If 'lock' is for a file, 'newlock' will returns a directory lock to the directory level where the file is located. Taking the ParentDir() of the root of the current filing system returns a ZERO (0) lock, with no secondary error code. Supplying a lock of ZERO will return ZERO and a secondary error code of ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING in IoErr(). INPUTS lock - BCPL pointer to a lock. (ZERO safe, just returns ZERO) RESULT newlock - BCPL pointer to a lock. (or ZERO for root) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. You are responsible for unlocking the 'newlock' lock. SEE ALSO Lock(), DupLock(), UnLock(), ParentOfFH(), DupLockFromFH() dos.library/ParentOfFH dos.library/ParentOfFH NAME ParentOfFH -- returns a lock on the parent directory of a file. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR lock = ParentOfFH( BPTR fh ); FUNCTION Returns a shared lock on the parent directory of the filehandle. INPUTS fh - Filehandle you want the parent directory of. RESULT lock - Lock on parent directory of the filehandle or NULL for failure. NOTES You are responsible for UnLock()'ing the newly obtained lock. SEE ALSO Parent(), Lock(), UnLock() DupLockFromFH() dos.library/ParseCapturePattern dos.library/ParseCapturePattern NAME ParseCapturePattern - Create a tokenized string for CapturePattern(). (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 IsWild = ParseCapturePattern(CONST_STRPTR Source, STRPTR Dest, int32 DestLength, int32 Case); FUNCTION Tokenizes a pattern, for use by CapturePattern(). Also indicates if there are any wildcards in the pattern (i.e. whether it might match more than one item). Note that Dest must be at least 2 times as large as Source plus 2 bytes. For a description of the wildcards, see ParsePattern(). INPUTS Source - unparsed wildcard string to search for. Dest - output string, gets tokenized version of input. DestLength - length available in destination (should be at least twice as large as Source length + 2 bytes). Case - TRUE if a case sensitive match is to be made, FALSE otherwise. RESULT IsWild - 1 means there were wildcards in the pattern, 0 means there were no wildcards in the pattern, -1 means there was a buffer overflow or other error ( Consult IoErr() for more information. ) NOTE This function is not callable from a task, and will return -1. SEE ALSO ParsePattern(), MatchPatternNoCase(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext(), CapturePattern() dos.library/ParsePattern dos.library/ParsePattern NAME ParsePattern -- Create a tokenized string for MatchPattern(). (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 IsWild = ParsePattern(CONST_STRPTR Source, STRPTR Dest, int32 DestLength); FUNCTION Tokenizes a pattern, for use by MatchPattern(). Also indicates if there are any wildcards in the pattern (i.e. whether it might match more than one item). Note that Dest must be at least 2 times as large as Source plus two bytes to be (theoretically) 100% certain of no buffer overflow. This is because each input character can currently expand to 2 tokens (with one exception that can expand to 3, but only once per string). Note: this implementation may change in the future, so you should handle error returns in all cases, but the size above should still be a reasonable upper bound for a buffer allocation. The patterns are fairly extensive, and approximate some of the ability of Unix/grep "regular expression" patterns. Here are the available tokens: ? Matches a single character. # Matches the following expression 0 or more times. (ab|cd) Matches any one of the items separated by '|'. ~ Negates the following expression. It matches all strings that do not match the expression (aka ~(foo) matches all strings that are not exactly "foo"). [abc] Character class: matches any characters in the class. [~bc] Character class: matches any characters not in the class. a-z Character range (only within character classes). % Matches 0 characters always. Useful as in "(foo|bar|%)". * Synonym for "#?", not available by default in 2.0+ Available as an option that can be turned on. (Re; DOS prefs) ' The single quote character neutralizes the special meaning of a special character. Here are some examples: '#'? matches only the literal string "#?" '?(A|B|%)'# matches the literal strings "?#", "?A#", "?B#" "Expression" in the above table means either a single character (ex: "#?"), or an alternation (ex: "#(ab|cd|ef)"), or a character class (ex: "#[a-zA-Z]"). INPUTS Source - unparsed wildcard string to search for. Dest - output string, gets tokenized version of input. DestLength - length available in destination (must be at least twice as large as Source length + 2 bytes). RESULT IsWild 1 means there were wildcards in the pattern, 0 means there were no wildcards in the pattern, -1 means there was a buffer overflow or other error. ( Consult IoErr() for further information. ) NOTE This function is not callable from a task, and will return -1 with IoErr() of ZERO. It is generally not a good idea to use reserved pattern matching characters in filesystem object names if you wish to pattern match, otherwise you will need to use a single quote to neutralize each literal reserved character in the pattern. BUGS In V37 this call didn't always set IoErr() to something useful on an error. Fixed in V39. SEE ALSO ParsePatternNoCase(), MatchPattern(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext() dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase NAME ParsePatternNoCase -- Create a tokenized string for MatchPatternNoCase(). (V37) SYNOPSIS int32 IsWild = ParsePatternNoCase(CONST_STRPTR Source, STRPTR Dest, int32 DestLength); FUNCTION Tokenizes a pattern, for use by MatchPatternNoCase(). Also indicates if there are any wildcards in the pattern (i.e. whether it might match more than one item). Note that Dest must be at least 2 times as large as Source plus 2 bytes. For a description of the wildcards, see ParsePattern(). INPUTS Source - unparsed wildcard string to search for. Dest - output string, gets tokenized version of input. DestLength - length available in destination (must be at least twice as large as Source length + 2 bytes). RESULT IsWild 1 means there were wildcards in the pattern, 0 means there were no wildcards in the pattern, -1 means there was a buffer overflow or other error. NOTE This function is not callable from a task, and will return -1 with IoErr() of ZERO. It is generally not a good idea to use reserved pattern matching characters in filesystem object names if you wish to pattern match, otherwise you will need to use a single quote to neutralize each literal reserved character in the pattern. BUGS In V37 this call didn't always set IoErr() to something useful on an error. Fixed in V39. In V37, it didn't properly convert character-classes ([x-y]) to upper case. Workaround: convert the input pattern to upper case using ToUpper() from utility.library before calling ParsePatternNoCase(). Fixed in V39 dos. SEE ALSO ParsePattern(), MatchPatternNoCase(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext(), utility.library/ToUpper() dos.library/PathPart dos.library/PathPart NAME PathPart -- Returns a pointer to the end of the next-to-last component of a path. (V36) SYNOPSIS STRPTR fileptr = PathPart( CONST_STRPTR path ); FUNCTION This function returns a pointer to the character after the next-to-last component of a path specification, which will normally be the directory name separator. If there is only one component, it returns a pointer to the beginning of the string. The only real difference between this and FilePart() is the handling of '/'. INPUTS path - pointer to a path string. May be relative to the current directory or the current disk. RESULT fileptr - pointer to the end of the next-to-last component of the path. EXAMPLE PathPart("xxx:yyy/zzz/qqq") would return a pointer to the last '/' PathPart("xxx:yyy") would return a pointer to the first 'y'). PathPart("file") would return a pointer to the character 'f'. NOTES From V50 this function is task callable. This function will not affect IoErr(). The output of this function is typed as STRPTR even though it does not modify the content of the supplied CONST_STRPTR 'path' itself, but only because the output string is usually directly used to truncate the 'path' of its final component. SEE ALSO FilePart(), AddPart(), SplitName() dos.library/Printf dos.library/Printf NAME Printf -- format and print string. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 count = Printf(CONST_STRPTR fmt, ...); int32 count = VPrintf(CONST_STRPTR fmt, CONST_APTR argv); FUNCTION Writes the formatted string and values to Output(). This routine is assumed to handle all internal buffering so that the formatting string and resultant formatted values can be arbitrarily long. Any secondary error code is returned in IoErr(). This routine is buffered. See Notes for extended new V51 DOS format specifiers. Note: RawDoFmt assumes 16 bit ints, so you will usually need 'l's in your formats (ex: %ld versus %d). INPUTS fmt - exec.library RawDoFmt() style formatting string. argv - Pointer to array of formatting values. RESULT count - Number of bytes written or -1 (EOF) for an error. EXAMPLE (1) count = IDOS->Printf("%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", 1,2,3); (2) int32 array[3] = { 1,2,3 }; count = IDOS->VPrintf("%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", &array[0]); NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. From 51.59 all DOS (only) string formatting functions now accept two additional special DOS format specifiers; %m and %n. These will be replaced by the error message (%m) such as would be obtained by the Fault() function and the error number (%n) as returned from IoErr() that was valid at the time this function was called. In all other respects these functions work like they always did. EG: count = IDOS->Printf("error message = %m, error code = %n\n",0); This new functionality may need to allocate temporary memory before it can print the error message. However, if the error came about because of memory shortage then the message/value string insertion may not be performed at all. Internally, this function transforms the format string to include the respective error message/number strings; these must not contain format specifiers themselves or the underlying RawDoFmt() function will end up trying to fetch parameters off the argument list which are not available. To prevent this possibility, when the error message is being inserted, any '%..' format specifiers found in the actual error message will be removed entirely to prevent this happening. BUGS The prototype for Printf() currently forces you to cast the first varargs parameter to LONG due to a deficiency in the program that generates fds, prototypes, and amiga.lib stubs. There is currently a minor problem when using 64 bit stack args. The current compiler for OS4 enforces 64 bit alignment of 64 bit arguments, but Printf assumes 32 bit alignment (VARARGS68K). It is relatively easy to workaround by making sure 64 bit arguments are aligned appropriately. Carefull placement of parameters will be sufficient. eg; IDOS->Printf("%lld %ld\n", 64bit_val, 32bit_val); /* works */ IDOS->Printf("%ld %lld\n", 32bit_val, 64bit_val); /* fails */ IDOS->Printf("%ld %s%lld\n", 32bit_val, "", 64bit_val); /* works */ Therefore, always use carefull placement or pad 64 bit values with empty 32 bit string ("") arguments to attain 64 bit alignment when using 64 bit parameters with this function. SEE ALSO VFPrintf(), RawDoFmt(), FPutC(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/PrintFault dos.library/PrintFault NAME PrintFault -- Prints the text associated for a DOS error code. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = PrintFault(int32 code, CONST_STRPTR header); FUNCTION This routine obtains the error text for the given error code. This is similar to the Fault() function, except that the output is written to the default (or error output) stream with buffering. The value returned by IoErr() is set to the code number you supply. INPUTS code - Error code. header - header to output before error text, (NULL for none). RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success. Result is determined by a invalid/valid 'code'. NOTES From V50, this function now calls PutErrStr() internally, so that if a default error stream has been opened, it will use that in preference to the normal default output stream. The internal formatting buffer is limited to 256 characters. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO IoErr(), Fault(), SetIoErr(), Output(), ErrorOutput(), PutErrStr() dos.library/ProcessScan dos.library/ProcessScan NAME ProcessScan -- Low level routine to scan through the DOS process list. (V51.75) SYNOPSIS int32 result = ProcessScan( const struct Hook *hook, CONST_APTR userdata, uint32 reserved); FUNCTION This function will scan through the list of running DOS processes and invoke the hook function for each one, or until the scanning is discontinued intensionally. This function DOES NOT suspend multitasking, or inhibit the normal running of all existing processes, so this is a very friendly way to search through the DOS process list safely and efficiently. It is guaranteed that the DOS process list will NOT be able to change while inside this function, as it performs shared semaphore locking. Adding or removing list entries require exclusive locking, such as is done automatically by DOS when processes are started or terminate. These events cannot complete while a shared semaphore lock is in force, any process attempting to startup or terminate will be put to sleep until the shared semaphore is released. (ie; leave this function.) NOTE; Even though the process list cannot change while inside here, the individual DOS processes are still running normally and may change their own data at will, so be prepared for files being opened or closed as well as other resources changing state moments after being read. INPUTS hook -- (const struct hook *) The hook function will be called for every process. You MUST initialise the hook struct h_Entry field to the function address to call before invoking this routine. The hook will be called as follows: int32 result = hook_func(struct hook *hook, APTR userdata, struct Process *process) If your hook function returns 0, the scan will continue. If your hook function returns a non-zero value, this indicates that the scan should be aborted (e.g. when the item in question has been found and the result extracted). This non-zero return value will also be passed on and returned as the result of the ProcessScan() function. userdata -- (CONST_APTR) This parameter is passed to the hook function untouched. You may use it for any purpose. reserved -- (int32) Reserved for future functional expansion. This parameter MUST always be set to 0 for now. If you do not set it to zero, this function will fail. RESULT result -- (int32) - boolean; (zero or non-zero), -- Zero indicates that you never returned a non-zero result from your hook before you ran out of processes to scan. -- All non-zero values indicate success and will actually be the value that you returned from your hook function. ===== EXAMPLE 1 Count the number of running DOS processes without Forbid() locking. /* This hook function will increment a variable on each call. */ STATIC int32 ASM hookfunc1( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook) UNUSED, REG(a2, uint32 *counter), /* userdata */ REG(a1, struct Process *aprocess) UNUSED) { (*counter) ++; /* increment counter */ return(0); /* 0 = continue scan */ } /* This function starts the hook calls via ProcessScan() */ uint32 Count_Running_Processes(VOID) { struct Hook H; uint32 proc_count; /* we pass a pointer to this as 'userdata' */ proc_count =0; /* set initial count to zero */ H.h_Entry = (APTR) hookfunc1; /* initialise the hook struct */ IDOS->ProcessScan(&H, &proc_count, 0); IDOS->Printf("There were %lu processes running.\n", proc_count); return( proc_count ); } ===== EXAMPLE 2: Implement a SafeSignal() style function that scans for a process by identifying it by the ProcessID (PID), then Signal the associated process with the mask specified, if the process is still running. The function will return TRUE if successfull, otherwise FALSE if the process has already exited before you called this routine. NB: Process Identification Numbers (PID) can never be zero. /* This hook function will test for the same process and signal it. */ STATIC int32 ASM sighookfunc( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook ), REG(a2, uint32 process_id ), /*userdata*/ REG(a1, struct Process *aprocess )) { if( process_id == aprocess->pr_ProcessID ) { IExec->Signal((APTR)aprocess, (uint32)hook->h_Data ); return(TRUE); /* Done. Also stops further scanning */ } return(FALSE); /* Keep going, havn't found it yet */ } /* This is the function that invokes the hook via ProcessScan() */ int32 SafeSignalProc( uint32 ProcessID, uint32 sigmask ) { struct Hook H; H.h_Entry = (APTR) sighookfunc; /* init the hook() */ H.h_Data = (APTR) sigmask; /* pass the sigmask here */ return IDOS->ProcessScan( &H, (APTR)ProcessID, 0); } ===== EXAMPLE 3: Implement a method to send a signal to all child processes running that this process has created, this could be used (as in this example) to cause all children to exit upon request by the parent process. This function will return the number of children actually signalled. NB: Filesystems and handlers started by this process will also have the same parent process identifier, so be prepared for this. It is usually appropriate to add a second tier identification mechanism for the ones actually intended to be signalled. Such a mechanism could be to simply store a unique identification value in an unused field, such a pr_ExitData or tc_UserData, this would then be tested in the hook function before signalling. /* This hook function will test for a child process and signal it. */ STATIC int32 ASM mysighookfunc( REG(a0, struct Hook *hook ), REG(a2, uint32 parentID), /*userdata*/ REG(a1, struct Process *aproc )) { if( parentID == aproc->pr_ParentID ) { uint32 *hits = (uint32 *)hook->h_Data; (*hits) ++: /* increment hit counter */ IExec->Signal((APTR)aproc, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); } return(0); /* 0 = keep going until the end */ } /* This is the function that invokes the hook via ProcessScan() */ uint32 SignalMyChildProcsToExit( VOID ) { struct Hook H; uint32 hit_counter =0; struct Process *parent = (struct Process *)IExec->FindTask(NULL); H.h_Entry = (APTR) mysighookfunc; /* init the hook struct */ H.h_Data = (APTR) &hit_counter; /* h_Data used for counter */ IDOS->ProcessScan( &H, (APTR)parent->pr_ProcessID, 0); return(hit_counter); /* return number of hits */ } ===== WARNING Performing any syncronous action from within the hook function that will directly change the running process list state AND which depends on it completing before returning, for example, any calls to; CreateNewProc(),CreateProc(),System(),Execute() or an operation that attemps to start up a handler or filesystem, is very-very unwise, it will most likely cause a semaphore deadlock and lock up the machine. NOTES Exec tasks will not be found by this function, only DOS processes. The process list is currently scanned from highest PID to lowest, ie, the youngest processes are first, the oldest are at the end. This function is callable by exec tasks. Both 68K and Native callable hook constructs are shown in the examples. SEE ALSO NotifyProcListChange(), NotifyDosListChange(). dos.library/PutErrStr dos.library/PutErrStr NAME PutErrStr -- Writes a string to the default error stream. (V50) (buffered) SYNOPSIS int32 error = PutErrStr(CONST_STRPTR str); FUNCTION This routine writes an unformatted string to the ErrorOutput() stream if available, otherwise it will fall back to using Output() instead. No newline is appended to the string and any error is returned. This routine is buffered. INPUTS str - Null-terminated string to be written. RESULT error - boolean; (zero or non-zero), 0 for success. Note: this is opposite to most Dos function returns! NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. For compatibility, This function will fall back to using the default Output() stream if the ErrorOutput() stream is not open. This function is safe to call even if neither stream is non-zero, this function will just return error if this were to occur. This function is now a compatibility stub that calls FPuts() as; { BPTR erout = IDOS->ErrorOutput(); BPTR out = (erout) ? erout : IDOS->Output(); return IDOS->FPuts(out, str); } SEE ALSO FPuts(), FPutC(), FWrite(), WriteChars(), PutStr(), ErrorOutput(), SelectErrorOutput(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/PutStr dos.library/PutStr NAME PutStr -- Writes a string to the default output. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 error = PutStr(CONST_STRPTR str); FUNCTION This routine writes an unformatted string to the default output stream. No newline is appended to the string and any error is returned. This routine is buffered. INPUTS str - Null-terminated string to be written to default output. RESULT error - boolean; (zero or non-zero), 0 for success, non-zero if any sort of error occured. NOTE: this is opposite to most Dos function returns! NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. Calling PutStr() with a zero Output() stream is safe, it just returns error if this situation were to occur. This function is now a compatibility stub that calls FPuts() as; { return IDOS->FPuts(IDOS->Output(), str); } SEE ALSO FPuts(), FPutC(), FWrite(), WriteChars(), PutErrStr(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/Read dos.library/Read NAME Read -- -- Low level routine to read data from a file. (unbuffered) SYNOPSIS int32 actualLength = Read( BPTR file, APTR buffer, int32 length ); FUNCTION Data can be copied using a combination of Read() and Write(). Read() reads bytes of information from an opened file (represented here by the argument 'file') into the buffer given. The argument 'length' is the length of the buffer given. The value returned is the length of the information actually read. So, when 'actualLength' is greater than zero, the value of 'actualLength' is the the number of characters read. Usually Read will try to fill up your buffer before returning. A value of zero means that end-of-file has been reached. Errors are indicated by a value of -1. Note: this is an unbuffered routine (the request is passed directly to the filesystem or handler.) Buffered I/O is more efficient for small reads and writes; see FGetC(), FRead(). INPUTS file - (BPTR) BCPL pointer to a file handle. buffer - (APTR) Pointer to buffer. length - (int32) 32 bit integer. RESULTS actualLength - (int32) 32 bit integer, -1 on error. NOTES This function is NOT callable by tasks. SEE ALSO Open(), Close(), Write(). dos.library/ReadArgs dos.library/ReadArgs NAME ReadArgs - Parse the command line input. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct RDArgs *result = ReadArgs(CONST_STRPTR template, int32 *array, struct RDArgs *rdargs); FUNCTION Parses and argument string according to a template. Normally gets the arguments by reading buffered IO from Input(), but also can be made to parse a string. MUST be matched by a call to FreeArgs(). ReadArgs() parses the commandline according to a template that is passed to it. This specifies the different command-line options and their types. A template consists of a list of options. Options are named in "full" names where possible (for example, "Quick" instead of "Q"). Abbreviations can also be specified by using "abbrev=option" (for example, "Q=Quick"). Options in the template are separated by commas. To get the results of ReadArgs(), you examine the array of longwords you passed to it (one entry per option in the template). This array should be cleared (or initialized to your default values) before passing to ReadArgs(). Exactly what is put in a given entry by ReadArgs() depends on the type of option. The default is a string (a sequence of non-whitespace characters, or delimited by quotes, which will be stripped by ReadArgs()), in which case the entry will be a pointer. Options can be followed by modifiers, which specify things such as the type of the option. Modifiers are specified by following the option with a '/' and a single character modifier. Multiple modifiers can be specified by using multiple '/'s. Valid modifiers are: /S - Switch. This is considered a boolean variable, and will be set if the option name appears in the command-line. The entry is the boolean (0 for not set, non-zero for set). /K - Keyword. This means that the option will not be filled unless the keyword appears. For example if the template is "Name/K", then unless "Name=" or "Name " appears in the command line, Name will not be filled. /N - Number. This parameter is considered a decimal 32 bit integer, it will be converted by ReadArgs. If an invalid number is specified, an error will be returned. The entry will be a pointer to the 32 bit number (this is how you know if a number was specified). /T - Toggle. This parameter needs an ascii keyword, which must be one of "yes", "no", "on" or "off". If the keyword is missing or none of these four, it counts as an error. The result produced by this parameter is the same as with /S, i.e. non-zero for "yes" and "on", zero for "no" and "off". /A - Required. This keyword must be given a value during command-line processing, or an error is returned. /F - Rest of line. If this is specified, the entire rest of the line is taken as the parameter for the option, even if other option keywords appear in it. /M - Multiple strings. This means the argument will take any number of strings, returning them as an array of strings. Any arguments not considered to be part of another option will be added to this option. Only one /M should be specified in a template. Example: for a template "Dir/M,All/S" the command-line "foo bar all qwe" will set the boolean "all", and return an array consisting of "foo", "bar", and "qwe" The entry in the array will be a pointer to an array of string pointers, the last of which will be NULL. There is an interaction between /M parameters and /A parameters. If there are unfilled /A parameters after parsing, it will grab strings from the end of a previous /M parameter list to fill the /A's. This is used for things like Copy ("From/A/M,To/A"). ReadArgs() returns a struct RDArgs if it succeeds. This serves as an "anchor" to allow FreeArgs() to free the associated memory. You can also pass in a struct RDArgs to control the operation of ReadArgs() (normally you pass NULL for the parameter, and ReadArgs() allocates one for you). This allows providing different sources for the arguments, providing your own string buffer space for temporary storage, and extended help text. See for more information on this. Note: if you pass in a struct RDArgs, you must still call FreeArgs() to release storage that gets attached to it, but you are responsible for freeing the RDArgs yourself. If you pass in a RDArgs structure, you MUST reset (clear or set) RDA_Buffer for each new call to RDArgs. The exact behavior if you don't do this varies from release to release and case to case; don't count on the behavior! See BUGS regarding passing in strings. INPUTS template - formatting string array - array of longwords for results, 1 per template entry rdargs - optional rdargs structure for options. AllocDosObject should be used for allocating them if you pass one in, or NULL if you want ReadArgs() to allocate its own. RESULT result - a struct RDArgs or NULL for failure. BUGS In V36, there were a couple of minor bugs with certain argument combinations (/M/N returned strings, /T didn't work, and /K and /F interacted). Also, a template with a /K before any non-switch parameter will require the argument name to be given in order for line to be accepted (i.e. "parm/K,xyzzy/A" would require "xyzzy=xxxxx" in order to work - "xxxxx" would not work). If you need to avoid this for V36, put /K parameters after all non-switch parameters. These problems should be fixed for V37. Currently, this function requires any strings passed in via CSource to have a newline character at the end of the string. SEE ALSO FindArg(), ReadLineItem(), FreeArgs(), AllocDosObject(), RunCommand() dos.library/ReadItem dos.library/ReadItem NAME ReadItem - DEPRECATED FUNCTION (V36). ( Use: ReadLineItem() ) SYNOPSIS int32 value = ReadItem(STRPTR buffer, int32 maxchars, struct CSource *input); FUNCTION DEPRECATED V36 function. See ReadLineItem() documentation. Reads a "word" from either: Input() or CSource, See Handles quoting and some escaped '*' substitutions. INPUTS buffer - buffer to store word in. maxchars - size of the buffer input - CSource input or NULL (uses FGetC(Input())) RESULT Returns ITEM_xxx values defined in depending on the input arguments. NOTES From V51, this function is now deprecated due to compatibility semantics that some pre-v50 68K software depended heavily upon, which means it can't be fixed at this time, or if ever.. Therefore, do not use this function with new applications from V51 onwards, as it may eventually disappear when 68K compatibility is no longer required. BUGS This V36 version suppressed output which was dependant on white space placement or lack thereof. Terminator character was never available from this function. Escape string "*" failed to return a null string, Never set IoErr() to anything useful. Use ReadLineItem() for new applications. SEE ALSO ReadArgs(), FindArg(), UnGetC(), FGetC(), FGets(), Input(), , , FreeArgs() dos.library/ReadLineItem dos.library/ReadLineItem NAME ReadLineItem - Reads a word or contents from an inputstream. (V51) SYNOPSIS int32 value = ReadLineItem(STRPTR buffer, int32 bufsize, const struct TagItem *taglist); int32 value = ReadLineItemTags(STRPTR buffer, int32 bufsize, ...); FUNCTION Reads a "word" from either: Input(), CSource or a FileHandle, or the entire contents of the stream, depending on supplied tags. See A "word" is delimited by: space, tab, quotes, equals, comment character, newline or end of file (EOF). Assuming you are using the default escape character '*' in this example, the routine handles quoting, escaping and some escaped character substitutions inside quotes ONLY. Escaped character substitutions: *N returns 0x0a *E returns 0x1b Other escaped character example: ** returns * *" returns " Quoted strings may contain any other characters, except a newline. Unlike the V36 function, the single character that caused the return of ITEM_NOTHING will now be inserted in your buffer so you can determine what character caused termination. (nul terminated). You can choose a variety of modes and uses for this function by selecting the appropriate tags. Additional information on CSource is available in . INPUTS buffer - buffer to store the "word" in. bufsize - size of the buffer. taglist - a pointer to a TagItem array. (or NULL) A NULL taglist will result in the same default options for the old ReadItem() function, which causes it to read from; FGetC( Input() ); with the other default options listed below. === TAGS ( -- Input options) [mutually exclusive] RLI_FileHandleInput (BPTR) -- Read with FGetC() from this filehandle. Defaults to FGetC( Input() ); if not specified. RLI_CSourceInput (struct CSource *) -- Read from this CSource stream. Defaults to FGetC( Input() ); if not specified. === TAGS ( -- Other options) RLI_EscapeChars (STRPTR) -- Nul-terminated string of one or more single characters to be recognised as the escape character/s. This may be an empty string "" or 0 for no escape character. Be carefull choosing alternative escape character/s, it/they must not conflict with other control characters. Defaults to "*" if not specified. RLI_MultiLine (int32; boolean) -- Enable Multi-line processing. Defaults to FALSE. RLI_CommentChars (STRPTR) -- Nul-terminated string of one or more single characters to be used as the comment marker/s. This may be an empty string "" or 0, for no marker. Shell scripts usually use a ";" semicolon character. Everything from a comment marker to the end-of-line will be skipped. (Outside of quoted strings). Defaults to "" if not specified. RLI_Substitute_N (int32; boolean) -- Substitute quoted escaped "N" to the hex ascii character 0x0a. (Character 10) Only works when RLI_EscapeChars is not "" or 0. Defaults to TRUE. RLI_Substitute_E (int32; boolean) -- Substitute quoted escaped "E" to the hex ascii character 0x1b. (Character 27) Only works when RLI_EscapeChars is not "" or 0. Defaults to TRUE. RESULT The current return value definitions are in as: ITEM_EQUAL -2 /* "=" Symbol [See Note 1] */ ITEM_ERROR -1 /* any error */ ITEM_NOTHING 0 /* '\n', comment, \0, EOF */ ITEM_UNQUOTED 1 /* unquoted item */ ITEM_QUOTED 2 /* quoted item */ Allow for extended return values with the addition of new features or enhancements, so be specific in your return value comparison. Do NOT use > or < comparisons, these will break for new return values, use a case switch instead with a default case for unimplemented values. The function has finished processing the line only when you receive ITEM_NOTHING. However, always test for ITEM_ERROR incase something goes wrong and you need to abort processing and alert the user of a syntax error or other problem. ITEM_ERROR will currently be returned for the following reasons: * If there is a problem with your input stream. * If you have a missing closing quote character. * If you have insufficient space in your buffer. * If you have supplied an inappropriate NULL parameter. * Other errors yet to be defined. In all cases of ITEM_ERROR, call IoErr() for specific information. EXAMPLE, SINGLE LINE: (see below for results.) do { rc = IDOS->ReadLineItem(buffer,bufsize,NULL); if( ITEM_ERROR == rc ) { IDOS->PrintFault( IDOS->IoErr(),0 ); break; } IDOS->Printf("rc = %ld %s\n", rc, buffer); } while( rc != ITEM_NOTHING ); [Note 1] Please observe the spaces around '=' sign in the following example. This V50 function is guaranteed to return ITEM_EQUAL for every unquoted instance of '=' regardless of white space placement, this is different from the broken behaviour of V36 ReadItem. EG: OPT1=TRUE OPT2= FALSE OPT3 =YES OPT4 = UPDATE OPT5 NO # - Return Code - Buffer ----------------------------------- 1: ITEM_UNQUOTED "OPT1" 2: ITEM_EQUAL "=" 3: ITEM_UNQUOTED "TRUE" 4: ITEM_UNQUOTED "OPT2" 5: ITEM_EQUAL "=" 6: ITEM_UNQUOTED "FALSE" 7: ITEM_UNQUOTED "OPT3" 8: ITEM_EQUAL "=" 9: ITEM_UNQUOTED "YES" 10: ITEM_UNQUOTED "OPT4" 11: ITEM_EQUAL "=" 12: ITEM_UNQUOTED "UPDATE" 13: ITEM_UNQUOTED "OPT5" 14: ITEM_UNQUOTED "NO" 15: ITEM_NOTHING "\n" EXAMPLE, MULTI LINE: do { rc = IDOS->ReadLineItemTags(buffer, bufsize, RLI_MultiLine,TRUE, TAG_END); if( ITEM_ERROR == rc ) { IDOS->PrintFault( IDOS->IoErr(),0 ); break; } IDOS->Printf("rc = %ld %s\n", rc, buffer); } while( rc != ITEM_NOTHING) || ((*buffer) != '\0'))); WARNING NEVER depend on whether ReadLineItem UnReads any character or not, as this behaviour will change later with new features. When using a CSource, NEVER attempt to read characters in a CSource buffer yourself by referencing them via: CS_Buffer[ CS_CurChr ]; It will not always point to where you may expect it to and it won't work anymore if UTF-8 encoding is used. Attempting to do this will break your software in future releases. ( This is also true for the function ReadArgs() ) NOTES When receiving ITEM_NOTHING, ReadLineItem() will always place the last character read into the supplied buffer. (null terminated). If RLI_MultiLine was specified as TRUE, you will receive a '\n' at the end of the current line, as expected. Continue to call ReadLineItemTags() for any subsequent lines. It has finished when you receive ITEM_NOTHING and '\0' in the supplied buffer. The 'buffer' is guaranteed to be cleared with '\0' upon entering this function, providing it was supplied a non-null buffer pointer and bufsize argument > 0. SEE ALSO ReadArgs(), FindArg(), UnGetC(), FGetC(), Input(), , dos.library/ReadSoftLink dos.library/ReadSoftLink NAME ReadSoftLink -- Read the target string for a filesystem soft link. (V36) ( Use the 64 bit ExamineData API functions from V52+ ) SYNOPSIS int32 length = ReadSoftLink( struct MsgPort *port, BPTR lock, CONST_STRPTR path, STRPTR buffer, uint32 bufsize); FUNCTION Returns the target object string descriptor for a soft link. This function is primarily used by dos.library in resolving soft-links in functions that accept string descriptors, such as Lock(), Open()... This function is no longer required to be called by applications when using the new ExamineData API functions, as the same link target string can now be automatically returned in the examinedata->Link field. ReadSoftLink() takes a relative lock + name pair and a handler port, usually from a failed attempt to use them to access an object with dospackets or vector-port calls, and asks the filesystem to return the softlink target string. The dos.library then starts the resolution process again with what was returned in the output buffer, this occurs for as many soft-links as are within the specified path, up to a maximum of 15 softlinks. Soft links are resolved at access time by a combination of the filesystem returning ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK to DOS, and DOS calling ReadSoftLink() to obtain the target descriptor for the soft link. This function is NOT for resolving hardlinks, to do that with the old functions, simply Lock() the link name and use [Dev]NameFromLock() to obtain a fully qualified path to the target object. When using the new 64 bit ExamineData API functions, the hardlink target can also be automatically returned in the examinedata->Link field too. INPUTS port - msgport of the filesystem. lock - relative lock for the link path on the filesystem. path - link path string that caused the ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK. buffer - pointer to buffer for the targets path string. bufsize - size of buffer. RESULT length - strlen() of the buffer, or a negative number which indicates an error: -1 means that an I/O error occured which can be queried with the IoErr() function. -2 means that the buffer you submitted is too small to hold the resolved link name; try again with a larger buffer. BUGS In V36, soft-links didn't work in the ROM filesystem. This was fixed for V37. Older documentation suggested that the ReadSoftLink() function had a boolean return code. This was never the case. This function always returned the string length of the target string buffer, or a negative number indicating that an error had occured. From 53.122 supplying a NULL 'port' will no longer fail, providing a non-zero relative 'lock' argument is supplied to obtain a port. This function used to be called ReadLink(). SEE ALSO MakeLink(), Open(), Lock(), GetDeviceProc() dos.library/Relabel dos.library/Relabel NAME Relabel -- Change the volume name of a mounted device. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = Relabel(CONST_STRPTR devicename, CONST_STRPTR newname); FUNCTION Changes the volumename of a mounted device, if the operation is supported by the filesystem. INPUTS devicename - Full name of device to rename its volume (with ':') newname - New volume name to apply to the device (without ':') RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) Failure/Success indicator. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/ReleaseCapturedExpressions dos.library/ReleaseCapturedExpressions NAME ReleaseCapturedExpressions -- Release memory allocated by a call to CapturePattern(). (V50) SYNOPSIS VOID ReleaseCapturedExpressions(struct CapturedExpression *capture); FUNCTION The CapturePattern() routine can collect information on the patterns that occur in a match string. This information is stored in a dynamically allocated linked list which should be freed when it is no longer required. INPUTS capture - Linked list of captured expressions, as produced by a call to CapturePattern(). This can be NULL in which case this routine does nothing. SEE ALSO ParsePattern(), MatchPatternNoCase(), MatchFirst(), MatchNext(), ParseCapturePattern(), CapturePattern() dos.library/ReleaseConsoleData dos.library/ReleaseConsoleData NAME ReleaseConsoleData -- Releases the data obtained by ObtainConsoleData() (V53.59) SYNOPSIS VOID ReleaseConsoleData(struct ConsoleWindowData *data); FUNCTION Releases internal locks, decrements handler usecount, deallocates the associated memory block for the struct ConsoleWindowData. INPUTS data - (struct ConsoleWindowData *) a pointer to a data block previously obtained from ObtainConsoleData[Tags](). NOTES Passing in a NULL pointer is harmless. IoErr() is unaffected by this function. SEE ALSO ObtainConsoleData() dos.library/ReleaseDirContext dos.library/ReleaseDirContext NAME ReleaseDirContext -- Releases a context and data for ExamineDir(), obtained by ObtainDirContext(). (V51.104) SYNOPSIS VOID ReleaseDirContext(APTR context); FUNCTION Releases internal locks, deallocates the memory pool with all of the ExamineData blocks, frees any (DOS/FS) private data, and frees the context structure previously allocated by ObtainDirContext(). INPUTS context - (APTR) a pointer to an ExamineDir() context. (or NULL) NOTES Passing in a NULL context pointer is harmless. IoErr() is always unaffected by this function. This function employs task resource tracking, therefore the process that called ObtainDirContext() must be the same process that eventually calls ReleaseDirContext() for it to work correctly. SEE ALSO ObtainDirContext(), ExamineDir(), ExamineObject() dos.library/RemAssignList dos.library/RemAssignList NAME RemAssignList -- Remove an entry from a multi-assign. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = RemAssignList(CONST_STRPTR name,BPTR lock); FUNCTION Removes an entry from a multi-directory assign. The entry removed is the first one for the object which 'lock' refers, the entry in the list is removed and unlocked. The 'lock' argument supplied to this function remains untouched. Before V54, this function only worked on assignments of type DLT_LOCK, from V54+ DLT_NONBINDING multi-assigns are also handled here. To remove DLT_LATE assigns, refer to the function AssignLate(). INPUTS name - Name of assignment to remove entry from, (without trailing ':') lock - Lock associated with the entry to be removed from the list. RESULT success - Success/failure indicator. BUGS In V36 through V39.23 dos, it would fail to remove the first lock in the assign. Fixed in V39.24 dos (after the V39.106 kickstart) which means that the bug is present in all Kickstart versions 2.0 through 3.0 (inclusively). NOTES From V50, 'name' is tested for NULL and now causes IoErr() to return ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING if this occurs. SEE ALSO AssignLock(), AssignPath(), AssignLate(), AssignAdd[ToList](), Lock(), DupLock(), UnLock() dos.library/RemDosEntry dos.library/RemDosEntry NAME RemDosEntry -- Removes a Dos List entry from its list. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = RemDosEntry(struct DosList *dlist); FUNCTION This removes an entry from the Dos Device list. The memory associated with the entry is NOT freed. (See also; FreeDosEntry()) NB: you must have locked the Dos List with the appropriate flags (via AttemptLockDosList() or LockDosList()) before calling this routine. Handler/filesystem implementors should see the AddDosEntry() caveats about locking and use a similar workaround to avoid deadlocks, or just call NonBlockingModifyDosEntry() instead. INPUTS dlist - Device list entry to be removed. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. This function will return failure if the entry to be removed is not currently a member of the DosList. NOTES From V50, supplying a NULL 'dlist' will result in failure, also, IoErr() will be set to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING. SEE ALSO AddDosEntry(), FindDosEntry(), NextDosEntry(), LockDosList(), MakeDosEntry(), FreeDosEntry(), NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/RemoveCmdPathNode dos.library/RemoveCmdPathNode NAME RemoveCmdPathNode -- Remove an entry from a shell search path list. (V50) SYNOPSIS struct PathNode *new_path = RemoveCmdPathNode( struct PathNode *old_path, BPTR lock); FUNCTION This function will try to locate a node in the shell search path list which matches the 'lock' parameter you supplied. If a matching node is found, it will be removed and freed. INPUTS old_path -- Pointer to the first node of the shell search path list from which entries matching the 'lock parameters should be removed. lock -- Lock on a directory matching the search path nodes which should be removed. RESULT new_path -- Pointer to the first node of the shell search path list or NULL. NULL will be returned if the lock you provided could not be matched with any of the nodes on the list. If matching nodes were found and removed, a pointer to the modified path list will be returned. Note that this may be different from the path list passed in because the first list entry may have been the one removed. NOTES Always check the return value of this function. If it is not NULL, the first node of the shell search path list may have been removed. If it is NULL, check with IoErr() whether the lock you supplied could not be matched against any of the list nodes (ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) or if the list is now empty (IoErr() will return 0). This function uses internal Semaphore locking to arbitrate access to the shell search path list. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO SetCurrentCmdPathList, AllocateCmdPathList, FreeCmdPathList, AddCmdPathNode, SearchCmdPathList dos.library/RemSegment dos.library/RemSegment NAME RemSegment - Removes a DosResidentSeg from the resident list. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = RemSegment(struct DosResidentSeg *drs); FUNCTION Removes a resident segment from the Dos resident segment list, unloads it, and does any other cleanup required. Will only succeed if the seg_UC (usecount) == 0. (* see BUGS) V51 LOCKING From V51+ this function always internally WRITE semaphore locks the DosResidentSeg list by calling ObtainSemaphore() / ReleaseSemaphore(). Do NOT attempt to employ a READ (shared) semaphore lock on the list at the same time as you call this function, otherwise it will deadlock. Obtain the semaphore pointer from the public semaphore list by calling; drsem = IExec->FindSemaphore("DosResident"); The semaphore pointer may be cached for the duration of the task. (Also see; FindSegment() documentation for more info.) For all WRITE operations, call; ObtainSemaphore(drsem); The above call must be matched with a ReleaseSemaphore(); INPUTS drs - pointer to the DosResidentSeg to be removed. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), 0 for failure. BUGS Due to backward compatibility needs, some software used a Seg_UC value of one to indicate zero usage, rather than zero. For now, a Seg_UC of both 0 and 1 will succeed here, but this is not guaranteed to remain so, only depend on 0 being successful in future. Therefore, if you actually intend 1 to cause failure here, you should check seg_UC yourself before calling this function. SEE ALSO FindSegment(), AddSegment() dos.library/Rename dos.library/Rename NAME Rename -- Rename a file, directory or symbolic link. SYNOPSIS int32 success = Rename( CONST_STRPTR oldName, CONST_STRPTR newName ); FUNCTION Rename() attempts to rename the object specified as 'oldName' with the name 'newName'. If the object 'newName' already exists and it's not the same object as 'oldName', Rename() will fail and return the secondary error code ERROR_OBJECT_EXISTS. Both 'oldName' and the 'newName' can contain a directory specification, in this case, the object will be moved from one directory to another. It is perfectly legal to specify the same object for the 'oldName' and 'newName' strings, but with different case, by default, AmigaDOS is always case insensitive, so an operation to change case must succeed. EG: IDOS->Rename("sys:foo","sys:FoO"); Symbolic links may also be renamed by supporting filesystems. Besides MakeLink() and Delete(), this function is the only other function that can directly affect symbolic links, all other operations are performed on the links target object instead. INPUTS oldName - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated string. newName - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated string. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). NOTES Renaming a directory with a trailing '/' in the name string, will fail. It is not possible to Rename() an object from one volume to another. It is not possible to Rename() a directory into a child of itself. Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the '' parameters. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1024 minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. SEE ALSO Relabel(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/RenameDosEntry dos.library/RenameDosEntry NAME RenameDosEntry -- Renames a DosList node. (V51.13) SYNOPSIS int32 success = RenameDosEntry(struct DosList *dlist, CONST_STRPTR newname); FUNCTION Renames a device, volume or assign node. This function may fail if the name conflicts with any existing entry. If renaming fails, the old name will still be valid. Note that the dos list does NOT have to be locked by a normal application to call this function, as it is done internally for you. The 'dlist' argument node also does not have to actually be in the doslist when you call this function, it will still be renamed as long as the conflict test allows it, it will compare it with all existing nodes already on the doslist (except for itself). An important note concerning calling this from within a handler:- The function; NonBlockingModifyDosEntry() is provided for handlers to avoid locking deadlocks, otherwise, in order to avoid deadlocks when using this function, your handler must either be multi-threaded, or it must attempt to lock the list before calling this function. The code would look something like this: if(IDOS->AttemptLockDosList(LDF_ALL|LDF_WRITE)) { rc = IDOS->RenameDosEntry(...); IDOS->UnLockDosList(LDF_ALL|LDF_WRITE); } See the LockDosList() documentation for information on this subject. If AttemptLockDosList() fails (i.e. it's locked already), check for messages at your filesystem port (don't wait!) and try the AttemptLockDosList() again, however, the better option would be to use the new dedicated V51 function; NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). INPUTS dlist - DosList node to be renamed. newname - Nul-terminated string pointer to the new name. (without ':') RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES This function will definitely fail if a node is to be renamed with a newname that exceeds 255 bytes in length, has a length of zero, if there is insufficient memory for the newname buffer, or the node conflicts with an existing entry using the canonical rules, see AddDosEntry() for more details. SEE ALSO RemDosEntry(), FindDosEntry(), NextDosEntry(), LockDosList(), MakeDosEntry(), FreeDosEntry(), AttemptLockDosList(), NonBlockingModifyDosEntry(). dos.library/ReplyPkt dos.library/ReplyPkt NAME ReplyPkt -- Low level function to reply to a dospacket. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 sent = ReplyPkt(struct DosPacket *packet, int32 result1, int32 result2); FUNCTION This returns a packet to the process which sent it to you. In addition, puts your pr_MsgPort address in dp_Port, so using ReplyPkt() again will send the message back to you. (This is used in "ping-ponging" packets between two processes). It puts result1 and result2 into the dp_Res1 and dp_Res2 fields of the packet on each send. INPUTS packet - packet to reply, assumed to be set up correctly. result1 - primary result. result2 - secondary result. ( for IoErr() ) RESULT sent - boolean; (zero or non-zero) non-zero if packet was sent. NOTES This function is currently NOT callable from a task. Until version 50, this function was declared as VOID, but in fact it always returned BOOLEAN success, if the packet was actually sent it would return a TRUTH value, otherwise zero. This function calls SendPkt() internally to send the dospacket. NULL 'packet' argument is safe, does nothing. SEE ALSO DoPkt(), SendPkt(), WaitPkt(), IoErr() dos.library/ResolvePath dos.library/ResolvePath NAME ResolvePath -- Internal DOS library path resolver. (V53.137) SYNOPSIS int32 success = ResolvePath( struct MsgPort *filesystem_port, CONST_STRPTR input_path_string, BPTR input_path_rel_lock, STRPTR output_object_buffer, uint32 output_object_buffer_size, BPTR * output_object_dir_ptr, uint32 * softlink_count_ptr ); FUNCTION This function resolves a DOS path to the final component name and its associated directory lock. Application programmers should rarely if ever need this function, it is primarily used internally by dos.library for vector-port based filesystems, and dospacket calls with paths longer than 255 bytes. This function handles all legal path permutations as well as convolutions like; ":devs/printers///libs/charsets" INPUTS filesystem_port -- Filesystem handler message port for the path. input_path_string -- DOS device and/or path string to resolve. input_path_rel_lock -- The relative base lock for the path string. output_object_buffer -- Buffer for the final object name, (or NULL). output_object_buffer_size -- Size of object buffer, Use 256, (or 0). output_object_dir_ptr -- Pointer to a BPTR sized area for storing the output object relative directory lock, this pointer must never be NULL. You are required to unlock the returned lock. softlink_count_ptr -- Pointer to a uint32 sized area to hold the softlink resolution count, this pointer may be NULL if this information is not needed. RESULT success -- Boolean; Success / Failure indicator, FALSE on error. On error, call IoErr() to find out why it failed. NOTES This function is primarily used by dos.library in conjunction with the IDOS->GetDeviceProc() function, to resolve DOS paths for API functions that require a string input descriptor. The 'filesystem_port', identifies the filesystem handler for the volume and the 'input_path_rel_lock' identifies the relative directory part for the specified 'input_path_string', both of these should be obtained from the struct DevProc returned from IDOS->GetDeviceProc() or the IDOS->GetDeviceProcFlags() function to correctly handle resolution of any assignments, or virtual DOS device references such as PROGDIR: or CURRDIR: or future features. The 'input_path_rel_lock' may also be zero for root relative paths strings. The 'input_path_string' supplied to this function should be the same string as supplied to the IDOS->GetDeviceProc[Flags]() function. If a colon ':' is specified within the 'input_path_string', all of the bytes up to and including the colon will be skipped over by this function, only GetDeviceProc[Flags]() uses that part of the string to identify the handler or to resolve assignments, etc... The 'output_object_directory_ptr' is a pointer to a BPTR sized storage area for holding the objects relative directory lock, this pointer must never be NULL otherwise this function will fail. This function can never return success if this lock is not valid. You must also unlock this lock after you are finished with it. Note that it is possible for this to be ZERO for the root directory. The 'softlink_count_ptr' is a pointer to a 32 bit variable to hold the softlink resolution count within a given path, the pointer may be NULL if the value is not required. If it is used, you are also required to initialise the initial value to 0, as each softlink found within the path will only increment the current value. The 'output_object_buffer' and size should be a size of 256 bytes, because 255 bytes + 0 terminator is currently the maximum size of the name of any individual filesystem object. From V54.24+, this pointer and size may be zero, if this information is not required, valid parameters are required before that version. This function is NOT task callable. ============== EXAMPLE This basic example resolves 'thepath' to a lock on the path part, with the object named 'multiview' in the object buffer. CONST TEXT thepath[] = "sys:utilities/multiview"; TEXT object[256]; BPTR object_dir =0; uint32 softlinks =0; struct DevProc *dp; if(( dp = IDOS->GetDeviceProc(thepath, NULL) )) { int32 success = IDOS->ResolvePath(dp->dvp_Port, thepath, dp->dvp_Lock, object, sizeof(object), &object_dir, &softlinks); if( success ) { TEXT dirname[1024]; if( object_dir ) /* can be zero for root dir */ { IDOS->NameFromLock(object_dir, dirname, sizeof(dirname)); IDOS->UnLock(object_dir); } else /* root dir spec, just get volume name: */ { IDOS->NameFromPort(dp->dvp_Port, dirname, sizeof(dirname),1); } IDOS->Printf("Object is '%s' in Dir '%s'\nSoftlinks = %lu\n\n", object, dirname, softlinks); } else { IDOS->Printf("Unable to resolve path, error code %n; [%m]\n",0); } IDOS->FreeDeviceProc(dp); } ============== SEE ALSO FreeDeviceProc(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), Lock(), UnLock(). dos.library/RunCommand dos.library/RunCommand NAME RunCommand -- Runs a program using the current process. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 rc = RunCommand(BPTR seglist, uint32 stacksize, CONST_STRPTR argptr, uint32 arglen); FUNCTION Runs a command syncronously on your current process. INPUTS seglist - (BPTR) Seglist of command to run. From V50 this must be a C language program seglist, BCPL programs are no longer supported and will end up in the internal_BCPL_DeadEnd() function if you try to run one. stacksize - (uint32) The absolute minimum stacksize in bytes you wish to allocate for the program being started.(0 for default). argptr - (STRPTR) Pointer to argument command string. A null-terminated string, it can be a nul-string (ie; an empty string ""), but it must never be NULL here. arglen - (int32) The length of 'argptr' string. V50+: use -1 for normal nul-terminated C strings. Do not use this feature for software that needs to also run on earlier DOS versions, instead use; strlen(argptr). RESULT rc - (int32) Return code from the program that was run. Normally, this would be:- (see dos.h) RETURN_OK /* 0 = No problems, success. */ RETURN_WARN /* 5 = A warning only. */ RETURN_ERROR /* 10 = Something wrong. */ RETURN_FAIL /* 20 = Severe failure */ Or, -1 to indicate an error from RunCommand() itself. Returns -1 if the stack couldn't be allocated, or if a zero seglist is supplied, or if this function is called from a task, or other future, yet undefined error conditions occur. Consult IoErr() for details. RunCommand() sets up the value returned by GetArgStr() to your supplied 'argptr' while the command is running, it then restores it on exit. RunCommand also takes care of setting up the current input filehandle in such a way that ReadArgs() etc.. can be used in the program you are starting, it restores the state of the Input() stream before returning. NOTE: the setting of the argument string in the input filehandle was added in V37. V50+ NOTES If an Input() stream of zero is supplied, the argument string in the input filehandle feature will not be available to the command. Also, for ReadArgs() and other parsers to work properly, the argument string needs to have a newline character ('\n') on the end. So, to make sure this always occurs now, the 'argptr' string is copied to a buffer managed by RunCommand and a newline is appended if one is not already present. This private buffer is for the input streams use only, for compatibility reasons, your original 'argptr' string is passed on to the program that is being run, without any changes to it whatsoever, hence GetArgStr() will still return the original 'argptr' string. You may also use -1 for the 'arglen' parameter now, providing you pass in a normal nul-terminated argument c-string, this will cause RunCommand to automatically do; strlen(argptr) for you. For software that must run on earlier dos.library versions, do not use the -1 feature, use; strlen(argptr) instead. The stacksize for the code to be run is determined by the largest of any of the following factors; 1) The 'stacksize' parameter value supplied to this function. 2) An embedded segment stack size cookie "$STACK;" 3) The current process' pr_StackSize value upon entry. 4) The current process' (optional) CLI struct; cli_DefaultStack. 5) The DOS Prefs minimum process stack size value. The largest of any of the above factors will be used to create the final stack size for the code being run. This final value will be inserted into the pr_StackSize field and the (optional) cli structure field; cli_DefaultStack, also, this stack size will also be reflected by the task structure fields; tc_SPUpper - tc_SPLower and also the process structure field; pr_StackSize. See also; FindSegmentStackSize() (called by this function internally). The process structure fields that are modified by this function are always restored upon exit from the command code, with the exception of the (optional) cli_DefaultStack value, that may be modified by the command intensionally, EG; the "stack" shell command. If the cli_DefaultStack was changed from the entry value, restoration is not performed on this optional field. Additionally, the following fields are always restored as per entry; pr_WindowPtr, pr_Arguments, pr_Task->tc_Node.ln_Name. pr_FinalData, pr_FinalCode. (V51.77) The field; pr_CurrentSeg will be the same as the RunCommand() 'seglist' argument only for the duration that the code is running, upon exit, pr_CurrentSeg will be restored to its previous state for this process. See also; GetProcSegList() for access to the various DOS seglists. Programs started via RunCommand(), which also implies CreateNewProc(), CreateProc(), Execute() and System() will be started through the common code for this function with the following parameters supplied to the command, depending on the executable type. (See; dos/startup.h) 1) Emulated 68K programs will have their entry() point called as; int32 returncode= entry(STRPTR args, int32 length, APTR execbase); D0 A0 D0 A6 2) Native PPC programs will have their _start() function called as; int32 returncode= _start(STRPTR args,int32 length, APTR execbase); The parameters are: arguments -- (STRPTR) Pointer to a NUL-terminated string which may be NULL depending on how the process was started, for example; NP_Arguments was not specified in a call to CreateNewProc(). See also; GetArgStr() length -- (int32) Length of the argument string, or 0 if no arguments are provided. execbase -- (struct ExecBase *) Pointer to exec.library base. V50 NOTES For V50, the structure of starting programs has been considerably reworked, in that Internal_RunCommand() is now the unified function for launching all DOS processes. One reason for this is that the obsolete BCPL environment dictated multiple ways of starting different styles of DOS processes, resulting in different default register values and inconsistent initialisations between the various methods. From V50, all code starts via the Internal_RunCommand() to consolidate compatibility and provide support for all new executable formats. The DOS function calling order is as follows for all V50+ processes; RunCommand()---------------------------------> Internal_RunCommand() CreateProc()--------> CreateNewProc()--------> Internal_RunCommand() System()------------> CreateNewProc()--------> Internal_RunCommand() Execute()-----------> CreateNewProc()--------> Internal_RunCommand() Shell programs also start via two of these entry points, (a) For syncronous processes, RunCommand() is used directly. (b) For asyncronous processes, (ie: "RUN") System() is used. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. It imposes no upper limit to the the length of 'argptr'. It explicitly clears IoErr() before running command. A seglist of zero is safe in V50+. All commands started through this function generate a process list change signal. See; dos/NotifyProcListChange() - V51.81+ WARNING From V50 onwards, user commands are intensionally prevented from returning -1, this value is now for the exclusive use of RunCommand() to indicate an internal failure to run the application for some reason, this value is not for user code to return as a returncode. This quirk was exploited right up to V40 for library modules and fonts,datatypes,etc.. that may have been run as an executable. Now, if a command returns -1, the value will be changed by RunCommand() to the value RETURN_FAIL with IoErr() set to ERROR_NOT_EXECUTABLE (providing IoErr() is not already set to a non-zero value). SEE ALSO CreateNewProc(), SystemTagList(), Execute(), GetArgStr(), SetProgramName(), ReadArgs(), SelectInput(), SelectOutput(), AllocSegList(), LoadSeg(), UnLoadSeg(). dos.library/SameDevice dos.library/SameDevice NAME SameDevice -- Are two locks on partitions of the same device? (V37) SYNOPSIS int32 same = SameDevice(BPTR lock1, BPTR lock2); FUNCTION SameDevice() returns whether two locks refer to partitions that are on the same physical device (if it can figure it out). This may be useful in writing copy routines to take advantage of asynchronous multi-device copies. Entry existed in V36 and always returned 0. INPUTS lock1,lock2 -- (BPTR) filesystem locks. RESULT same -- (int32) Success/Failure indicator; FALSE means "no match". NOTES This function may temporarily lock the DosList. BUGS Until V51.28 passing a NULL lock for either parameter would cause an illegal memory access, it would also leave the DosList locked in (LDF_READ|LDF_ALL). SEE ALSO LockDosList() dos.library/SameFH dos.library/SameFH NAME SameFH -- Returns whether two filehandles are on the same file.(V53.71) SYNOPSIS int32 value = SameFH(BPTR fh1, BPTR fh2); FUNCTION Compares two open filehandles. Returns FH_SAME if they are on the same file, Returns FH_SAME_VOLUME if on different objects but on the same volume, Returns FH_DIFFERENT if they are on different volumes. INPUTS fh1 -- (BPTR) 1st filehandle for comparison fh2 -- (BPTR) 2nd filehandle for comparison RESULT value -- (int32) FH_SAME, FH_SAME_VOLUME, or FH_DIFFERENT NOTES Check for ZERO filehandles before calling this function because the DOS.Library checks the parameters before calling the filesystem and if one of the arguments is ZERO, FH_DIFFERENT will always be returned. Comparing two "NIL:" streams will return FH_SAME_VOLUME. SEE ALSO dos.library/SameLock dos.library/SameLock NAME SameLock -- Returns whether two locks are on the same object. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 value = SameLock(BPTR lock1, BPTR lock2); FUNCTION Compares two locks. Returns LOCK_SAME if they are on the same object, Returns LOCK_SAME_VOLUME if on different objects but on the same volume, Returns LOCK_DIFFERENT if they are on different volumes. INPUTS lock1 -- (BPTR) 1st lock for comparison lock2 -- (BPTR) 2nd lock for comparison RESULT value -- (int32) LOCK_SAME, LOCK_SAME_VOLUME, or LOCK_DIFFERENT NOTES Check for ZERO locks before calling this function because the DOS.Library checks the locks before calling the filesystem and if one of the locks is NULL, LOCK_DIFFERENT will always be returned. In V36, it would return LOCK_SAME_VOLUME for different volumes on the same handler. Also, LOCK_SAME_VOLUME was LOCK_SAME_HANDLER (now an obsolete define, see ). SEE ALSO dos.library/ScanVars dos.library/ScanVars NAME ScanVars -- Scan through global and/or local Vars. (V50.64) SYNOPSIS int32 found = ScanVars(const struct Hook *hook, uint32 flags, CONST_APTR extradata); FUNCTION This function can scan through the entire ENV: tree or walk the local process variables list, (or both), depending on the 'flags'. Each variable encountered that conforms to the 'flags' specification, the hook function will be invoked. INPUTS extradata -- This parameter is passed to the hook function untouched. It is also used as a STRPTR for an additional control string when the V53 flag GVF_SCAN_STARTDIR is specified. flags -- Same as used by GetVar(), LV_xxx / GVF_xxx (see dos/var.h) (for both var types, local vars will be scanned first) Not specifying GVF_BINARY_VAR will cause the sv_Var to be treated as text and will be terminated at the first '\n' or '\r' character. New flags that are specific to ScanVars(): GVF_SCAN_ENVARC will cause scanning of ENVARC: instead of ENV: when specified. (v50) GVF_SCAN_LEVEL prevents scanner from recursing into sub-directories, therefore returning a scan of only the one level of variables. (v53) GVF_SCAN_STARTDIR causes only the directory name which is specified with a c-string in 'extradata' to be the beginning of the virtual directory scan. An error will occur if the directory does not exist. Any path specified here will always be taken to be ENV: or ENVARC: root directory relative. This may be used in conjunction with the other flags for control of recursion and root device location. All characters before a ":" will be ignored here. EG: "this_is_ignored:THIS/IS/USED" This flags was introduced in v53.61 hook -- Pointer to a hook, which will be invoked for every var. You are only required to initialise only the hook struct h_Entry field to point to the function you wish called. The other fields of the Hook struct are not use here. The hook function will be invoked as follows: result = hook_function(hook,extradata,message) D0 A0 A2 A1 The message will look like this; note that its contents are read-only, while inside the hook function: struct ScanVarsMsg { uint32 sv_SVMSize; uint32 sv_Flags; STRPTR sv_GDir; STRPTR sv_Name; STRPTR sv_Var; uint32 sv_VarLen; APTR sv_DosPrivate; }; The message structure members serve the following functions: sv_SVMSize The size of this data structure; it may grow in the future, so make sure that you always find the structure members you expect, especially if accessing anything past the sv_VarLen member as this was the last public member of the very first version of this structure. sv_Flags The flags parameter specified in the call to ScanVars(). sv_GDir The read-only directory path for this Global variable, this will currently begin with either "ENV:" or "ENVARC:". For Local vars, this will point to a nul-string; "\0". sv_Name A read only pointer to the name of the variable. sv_Var A read only pointer to the contents of the variable. A GLOBAL var may be truncated if you did not specify GVF_BINARY_VAR in your flags, because this flags stops the data being terminated at the first \n or \r character. sv_VarLen The size of this variable, in bytes. If a GLOBAL var, this is the actual bytes read. sv_DosPrivate This is for private use by dos.library. If your hook function returns a 0, the search will continue. If your hook function returns a non-zero value, this indicates that the search should be aborted (e.g. when the object in question has been found). This return value will be passed on and returned as the result of the ScanVars() function. RESULT found -- boolean; (zero or non-zero), A value of 0 indicates that the object/s in question could not be found or some other sort of error occured. On error, use IoErr() to find out what type of error occurred. -- All other values indicate success and will actually be the value that you returned from your hook function. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO GetVar(), SetVar(), DeleteVar(), FindVar(), dos.library/SearchCmdPathList dos.library/SearchCmdPathList NAME SearchCmdPathList -- Locate an object along a shell search path. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 found = SearchCmdPathList(struct PathNode * path, struct Hook *hook, CONST_STRPTR name, const struct TagItem *tags); int32 found = SearchCmdPathListTags(struct PathNode * path, struct Hook *hook, CONST_STRPTR name, ...); FUNCTION This function will perform a search like the shell or the Workbench does when either is trying to find an executable program. The search will begin in the current directory, proceed along the shell search path list and finally end in the "C:" directory (which can be a multi-volume assignment). A hook will be invoked for each directory which must decide whether the search should be ended. The processes current directory is temporarily set to splm_Lock each time the hook function is invoked, it is restored on exit. INPUTS path -- Pointer to the first node of a search path linked list, as created by AllocateCmdPathList(). A CommandLineInterface structure stores this in the form of a BCPL address in the cli->cli_PathList member. This can also be NULL, in which case the search will cover only the current directory and the "C:" directory. hook -- Pointer to a hook, which will be invoked for each part of the search. The hook will be invoked as follows: found = hook_function(hook,reserved,message) D0 A0 A2 A1 The 'reserved' parameter will be NULL. The message will look like this; note that its contents are read-only: struct SearchCmdPathListMsg { int32 splm_Size; BPTR splm_Lock; STRPTR splm_Name; }; The message structure members serve the following functions: splm_Size The size of this data structure; it may grow in the future, so make sure that you always find the structure members you expect. splm_Lock A lock on the directory to be searched. This is identical to the process' current directory at the time it is being searched. splm_Name A pointer to the name to locate; this is identical to the 'name' parameter with which the SearchCmdPathList() function was invoked. Your hook function must return a non-zero value if the search should be aborted (e.g. when the object in question has been found). This return value will be returned as the result of the SearchCmdPathList() function. If your hook function returns a value of 0, the search will continue. name -- The name of the object to be located. It will be passed through to your hook function as message->splm_Name and can be NULL if you passed NULL as 'name' to SearchCmdPathList(). tags -- TagItem list for future extension. (initialize to TAG_END) RESULT found -- A value of 0 indicates that the object in question could not be found. Other values may indicate success. What you will find is the return value of the hook function which was invoked for each directory to be searched. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function uses internal Semaphore read locking to arbitrate access to the shell search path list. SEE ALSO SetCurrentCmdPathList, AllocateCmdPathList, FreeCmdPathList, RemoveCmdPathNode, AddCmdPathNode dos.library/SecondsToDateStamp dos.library/SecondsToDateStamp NAME SecondsToDateStamp -- Convert "Amiga Time" to a DateStamp. (V50) SYNOPSIS struct DateStamp *ds = SecondsToDateStamp( uint32 seconds, struct DateStamp *ds ); FUNCTION SecondsToDateStamp() takes "Amiga Time" (seconds since 1-Jan-1978), and formats the supplied DateStamp to the closest possible time. If a NULL datestamp pointer is supplied, this function will do nothing, but return NULL. INPUTS seconds - Amiga Time, (seconds since 01-01-1978). ds - pointer to a struct DateStamp to be filled out. RESULT ds - The same datestamp pointer you supplied as an argument. NOTES This function is callable from a task. The granularity of seconds, determines that the DateStamp will only be accurate to within 50 Ticks. (one second). SEE ALSO DateStamp(), FixDateStamp(), AddDates, SubtractDates(), DateStampToSeconds() dos.library/SelectErrorOutput dos.library/SelectErrorOutput NAME SelectErrorOutput -- Select a filehandle as the default error output stream. (V50) SYNOPSIS BPTR old_fh = SelectErrorOutput(BPTR fh); FUNCTION Set the current fh as the default error output stream for the process. This changes the value returned by ErrorOutput(). old_fh should be saved or closed as needed. INPUTS fh - Newly desired error output file handle. RESULT old_fh - Previous current error output file handle. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. Normally all processes are started with a default set of file handles for the Input(), Output() and ErrorOutput() streams. However, it may be required that some of these be exchanged from within the application or elsewhere to alternate file handles. To do this, call SelectErrorOutput(), SelectInput() or SelectOutput() to change the appropriate stream, while preserving the 'old_fh' value for restoration before the application terminates, so that DOS can access its originally provided stream/s when ending the process. SEE ALSO Input(), Output(), ErrorOutput(), SelectInput(), SelectOutput() dos.library/SelectInput dos.library/SelectInput NAME SelectInput -- Select a filehandle as the default input stream. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR old_fh = SelectInput(BPTR fh); FUNCTION Set the current input as the default input for the process. This changes the value returned by Input(). old_fh should be closed or saved as needed. INPUTS fh - Newly default input handle RESULT old_fh - Previous default input filehandle NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. Normally all processes are started with a default set of file handles for the Input(), Output() and ErrorOutput() streams. However, it may be required that some of these be exchanged from within the application or elsewhere to alternate file handles. To do this, call SelectErrorOutput(), SelectInput() or SelectOutput() to change the appropriate stream, while preserving the 'old_fh' value for restoration before the application terminates, so that DOS can access its originally provided stream/s when ending the process. SEE ALSO Input(), Output(), SelectOutput(), ErrorOutput(), SelectErrorOutput() dos.library/SelectOutput dos.library/SelectOutput NAME SelectOutput -- Select a filehandle as the default output stream. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR old_fh = SelectOutput(BPTR fh); FUNCTION Set the current output as the default output for the process. This changes the value returned by Output(). old_fh should be closed or saved as needed. INPUTS fh - Newly desired output handle RESULT old_fh - Previous current output handle NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. Normally all processes are started with a default set of file handles for the Input(), Output() and ErrorOutput() streams. However, it may be required that some of these be exchanged from within the application or elsewhere to alternate file handles. To do this, call SelectErrorOutput(), SelectInput() or SelectOutput() to change the appropriate stream, while preserving the 'old_fh' value for restoration before the application terminates, so that DOS can access its originally provided stream/s when ending the process. SEE ALSO Input(), Output(), ErrorOutput(), SelectInput(), SelectErrorOutput() dos.library/SendPkt dos.library/SendPkt NAME SendPkt -- Low level function to send a dospacket to a handler. (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID SendPkt(struct DosPacket *packet, struct MsgPort *sendport, struct MsgPort *replyport); FUNCTION Sends a dospacket to a handler and does not wait. All fields in the dospacket must be initialized before calling this routine. This function effectively performs the following actions; message = packet->dp_Link; /* Get message pointer */ message->mn_ReplyPort = replyport; /* Init the msg replyport */ packet->dp_Port = replyport; /* Init the pkt replyport */ IExec->PutMsg(sendport, message); /* Send the packet. */ If you wish to use this function in conjunction with WaitPkt() via a PROCESS, you should use a pointer to your pr_MsgPort for the replyport. ( See; GetProcMsgPort() ) From a (V50+) TASK, you will need to supply your own replyport to both this function as well as WaitPkt(). INPUTS packet - DosPacket to send, must be initialized and have a message. sendport - MsgPort of handler process to send to. replyport - MsgPort for the dospacket to come back to. WARNING For upward compatibility, you must NOT send dospackets with the exec function PutMsg() yourself, use this function instead, this allows for future upward compatibility measures to be implemented. Applications are required to use the dos.library API functions from V53+ NOTES (V50) This function is now callable from a task. Also note that none of the arguments are checked for validity. SEE ALSO DoPkt(), WaitPkt(), AllocDosObject(), FreeDosObject(), GetProcMsgPort() dos.library/Serialize dos.library/Serialize NAME Serialize -- Serializes the current filesystem volume. (V53.60) SYNOPSIS int32 success = Serialize(CONST_STRPTR filesystem); FUNCTION This function is not normally accessed by application software. This function will tell a file system to serialize the current volume. This is typically done by updating the creation date in the disk data and by also updating the current datestamp for the DOS volume node. DOS uses the volume node datestamp as a second tier check against volume name collisions in the doslist. INPUTS filesystem - Name of DEVICE to Serialize (with ':') RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES This function will fail if the name supplied is not the device name of the filesystem, volume and assign names will be rejected. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO SerializePort(), Inhibit(), Format(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromPort(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/SerializePort dos.library/SerializePort NAME SerializePort -- Serializes the current filesystem volume. (V53.88) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SerializePort(struct MsgPort *filesystem_port); FUNCTION This function is not normally accessed by application software. This function will tell a file system to serialize the current volume. This is typically done by updating the creation date in the disk data and by also updating the current datestamp for the volume node. DOS uses the volume node datestamp as a second tier check against volume name collisions in the doslist. INPUTS filesystem_port - Message port of filesystem to serialize. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success indicator. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function provides no locking for the 'port' of the handler. SEE ALSO Serialize(), InhibitPort(), FormatPort(), DevNameFromLock(), DevNameFromFH(), DevNameFromPort(). dos.library/SetArgStr dos.library/SetArgStr NAME SetArgStr -- Sets the argument string for the current process. (V36) SYNOPSIS STRPTR oldptr = SetArgStr(CONST_STRPTR ptr); FUNCTION Sets the argument string for the current process. INPUTS ptr - pointer to new argument string. RESULT oldptr - the previous argument string. (or NULL) NOTES From V50, the buffer that holds a copy of the original argument string is now allocated by DOS and added to the task memory list and is freed automatically on process termination. This process structure pointer is no longer used to free resources. This function simply places the 'ptr' value supplied into the current process structre field; pr_Arguments, therefore any new string supplied must remain persistent for the life of the current process. This function is NOT callable from a task. BUGS Before V50, this ptr MUST be reset to its original value before the program exits, as pr_Arguments was passed to FreeVec() by the DOS process cleanup code. SEE ALSO GetArgStr(), RunCommand() dos.library/SetBlockingMode dos.library/SetBlockingMode NAME SetBlockingMode -- Choose whether a file system or handler should immediately respond to a read/write request or delay its processing until it can be satisfied. (V50). SYNOPSIS int32 old_mode = SetBlockingMode(BPTR stream, int32 new_mode); FUNCTION Interactive streams (console) or pipes may buffer input or output until a certain condition arrives (e.g. the user hitting the 'Return' key or the pipe reader consuming more data). A pending read/write access may be delayed until that condition has arrived, blocking the application which is trying to perform it. The purpose of the SetBlockingMode() function is to control how the handler is to respond to a read/write access: either accept it and delay its processing if necessary (blocking mode) or return it immediately if it cannot be processed immediately (non-blocking mode). INPUTS stream -- BCPL pointer to a file handle as obtained via Open(). new_mode -- Selects the new blocking (SBM_BLOCKING) or non-blocking (SBM_NON_BLOCKING) mode the stream should operate in. RESULT old_mode -- This is either the old blocking mode in effect before you selected the new mode, or 0 or -1 (see notes). If it is 0, then the new mode could not be selected, possibly because the handler does not support the SetBlockingMode() function. EXAMPLE /* Change the stream to non-blocking operation. */ int32 old_mode; old_mode = IDOS->SetBlockingMode(stream, SBM_NON_BLOCKING); if (SBM_NON_BLOCKING == old_mode) { IDOS->PutStr("stream used to be in non-blocking mode\n"); } else if (SBM_BLOCKING == old_mode) { IDOS->PutStr("stream used to be in blocking mode\n"); } else { IDOS->PutStr("stream does not support SetBlockingMode()\n"); } NOTES Not all file systems and handlers will support this functionality. Always check the return code of this function and IoErr(). If a stream is operating in non-blocking mode and the requested Read() or Write() action cannot be performed immediately, it will return with result == -1 and IoErr() == ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK. The blocking/non-blocking mode managed through this function is not the same as the 'single character mode' managed by the SetMode() function! dos.library/SetCliCurrentDirName dos.library/SetCliCurrentDirName NAME SetCliCurrentDirName -- Sets the directory name in the attached CLI structure of this process. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetCliCurrentDirName(CONST_STRPTR name); FUNCTION Sets the name for the current dir in the cli structure. If the name is too long to fit, FALSE is returned, and the old value is left intact. It is advised that you inform the user of this condition. This routine is safe to call even if there is no CLI structure, however, it will do nothing at all but return FALSE. V50 Note: If the supplied name is longer than the buffer, all path components will be stripped off and only the directory name will be copied to the cli structure if it fits, otherwise FALSE is returned. INPUTS name - Name of directory to be set. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero). NOTES This function is NOT task callable. BUGS From v50, the value set here is not entirely usefull, due to the length limits of the CLI structure field cli_CurrentDirName. This function cannot be fixed (yet) due to software dependencies, this may change in a later DOS version. This function has had a name change in V53, include dos/obsolete.h for the compatibility macros when compiling older source code. SEE ALSO GetCliCurrentDirName(). dos.library/SetCliProgramName dos.library/SetCliProgramName NAME SetCliProgramName -- Sets the name of the CLI program being run, in the attached CLI structure. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetCliProgramName(CONST_STRPTR name); FUNCTION Sets the name for the program in the cli structure. If the name is too long to fit, FALSE is returned, and the old value is left intact. It is advised that you inform the user of this condition. This routine is safe to call even if there is no CLI structure, however, it will do nothing but return FALSE. INPUTS name - Name of program to use. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero value) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function has had a name change in V53, include dos/obsolete.h for the compatibility macros when compiling older source code. BUGS Prior to V50 this function would truncate the name to fit the available buffer, however, this would render the contents useless. Now, if the buffer is insufficient, any path will be stripped off. Failure will only be returned if the file part is still too-long. SEE ALSO GetCliProgramName() dos.library/SetCliPrompt dos.library/SetCliPrompt NAME SetCliPrompt -- Sets the prompt string in the CLI structure. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetCliPrompt(CONST_STRPTR name); FUNCTION Sets the text for the prompt in the cli structure cli->cli_Prompt. If the name is too long to fit, FALSE is returned, and the old value is left intact. It is advised that you inform the user of this condition. This routine is safe to call even if there is no CLI structure, however, it will do nothing but return FALSE. INPUTS name - Name of prompt to be set. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) NOTES This function is NOT task callable. This function has had a name change in V53, include dos/obsolete.h for the compatibility macros when compiling older source code. SEE ALSO GetCliPrompt() dos.library/SetComment dos.library/SetComment NAME SetComment -- Changes a comment string on a filesystem object. SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetComment( CONST_STRPTR name, CONST_STRPTR comment ); FUNCTION SetComment() sets a comment on a filesystem object. The comment is a pointer to a null-terminated string. Note that not all filesystems will support comments (for example, NFS usually will not), or the size of comment supported may vary, but it can not exceed 255 bytes. INPUTS name - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated name string. comment - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated comment string. RESULT success - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, with a secondary error code available by calling IoErr(). NOTES Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. SEE ALSO ExamineObject(), ExamineDir(), SetProtection(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/SetConsolePort dos.library/SetConsolePort NAME SetConsolePort -- Sets the default console for the process. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct MsgPort *oldport = SetConsolePort(struct MsgPort *port); FUNCTION Sets the default console tasks port (pr_ConsolePort) for the current process. The value set here determins the handler used for Open("CONSOLE:",..) INPUTS port - The pr_MsgPort of the default console handler for the process. RESULT oldport - The previous ConsoleTask value. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. This function used to be called SetConsoleTask. SEE ALSO GetConsolePort(), Open() dos.library/SetCurrentCmdPathList dos.library/SetCurrentCmdPathList NAME SetCurrentCmdPathList -- Changes the shell search path. (V50) SYNOPSIS struct PathNode *old_path = SetCurrentCmdPathList( struct PathNode *new_path); FUNCTION If the current process has a CLI attached, this function will set the search path list and return the list in effect before the change was made. If no CLI is attached to the current process, NULL will be returned. INPUTS new_path -- Pointer to the first node of a shell search path node, as created by AllocateCmdPathList(). RESULT old_path -- Pointer to the first node of the old path list that was attached to the cli_PathList. NOTES Note that if no CLI is attached to the current process, this function will always return NULL. This function uses internal Semaphore locking to arbitrate access to the shell search path list. This function is NOT task callable. SEE ALSO AllocateCmdPathList, FreeCmdPathList, RemoveCmdPathNode, AddCmdPathNode, SearchCmdPathList dos.library/SetCurrentDir dos.library/SetCurrentDir NAME SetCurrentDir -- Make a directory lock the current directory. SYNOPSIS BPTR oldLock = SetCurrentDir( BPTR lock ); FUNCTION SetCurrentDir() causes a directory associated with a lock to be made the current directory. The old current directory lock is returned. This function simply sets the value of thisprocess->pr_CurrentDir and returns the previous value before the new value is written. Any call that has to Open() or Lock() files (etc) requires that the current directory be a valid lock, or zero for the 'default' volume. Note well that using a value of zero here will generally represent the root directory of the filesystem that you booted from, which may very likely not be the same volume you actually want. You should explicitly set up the default volume handler if you intend to also use zero locks, SetFileSysPort() sets up the default root volume for zero locks. This lock is the same one that will be used by referencing paths relative to "CURRDIR:". INPUTS lock - BCPL pointer to a lock. RESULT oldLock - BCPL pointer to a lock. NOTES You should be very, very carefull to preserve the current directory your program was started with and to restore it before it exits. Do not return with a different 'current directory' set, and do not return with a different lock referring to the same directory as the one you were started with. Always exit with exactly the same lock on the current directory your program was started with. This function is NOT callable from a task. This function used to be called CurrentDir() before 53.151 SEE ALSO GetCurrentDir(), Lock(), UnLock(), Open(), DupLock() dos.library/SetDate dos.library/SetDate NAME SetDate -- Sets the modification date for a file or directory. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetDate(CONST_STRPTR name, const struct DateStamp *date); FUNCTION Sets the file date for a file or directory. INPUTS name - (CONST_STRPTR) Name of object. date - (const struct DateStamp *) New modification date. RESULT success - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). NOTES Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. This function used to be called SetFileDate() even though it worked on directories as well, it was renamed for consistency. SEE ALSO DateStamp(), ExamineObject(), ExamineDir(), GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/SetFileHandleAttr dos.library/SetFileHandleAttr NAME SetFileHandleAttr -- Change attributes of a buffered FileHandle. (V51.49) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetFileHandleAttr( BPTR fh, const struct TagItem *taglist); int32 success = SetFileHandleAttrTags( BPTR fh, ... ); FUNCTION This function will allow you to change various attributes within a buffered filehandle, such as replacing the buffer, the buffer size, buffering modes or semaphore locking modes introduced in V51.45, etc.. This function replaces the deprecated V39 SetVBuf() function due to excessive convolution and lack of expandability. NOTE: You MUST generally call this function, only before any I/O has begun for the supplied filehandle. ie, Immediately after opening. Any exceptions to this rule will be documented below. INPUTS fh - a BCPL pointer to an open FileHandle. (ZERO is safe) taglist - a pointer to a TagItem array. (see; dos/dostags.h) TAGS FH_BufferSize (uint32) -- New size of the buffer for the FileHandle. The allocation and freeing is done automatically unless you also wish to supply your own FH_UserBuffer buffer. Specifying a size >0 but less than the default minimum will be bumped up to the default minimum size. FH_UserBuffer (uint8 *) -- Pointer to a longword aligned user buffer that will be used instead of an internally allocated one, Any user buffer specified with this tag will not be freed by either further calls to this function, nor will it be freed on Close(). NOTE: You MUST also state the size of your user buffer with the above FH_BufferSize tag, not doing so will fail. Additionally, if you supply a NULL pointer or a buffer that is not longword aligned, it will also fail. FH_BufferMode (int32) -- BUF_LINE,BUF_FULL or BUF_NONE (dos/stdio.h) BUF_LINE -- Flush the buffer when a newline/cr character is written to it or when the buffer is full. (This is the interactive default) BUF_FULL -- Flush only when the buffer has been filled. BUF_NONE -- Perform no buffering at all. FH_Locking (int32; Boolean) -- DOSTRUE or DOSFALSE. DOSTRUE -- Enable automatic task semaphore locked I/O. This allows multiple tasks to safely access the same filehandle concurrently. (From V51.45+ this is the default setting.) FALSE -- Disable task semaphore locking for all buffered I/O with this filehandle. WARNING: Disabling semaphore locking for a filehandle that can be accessed by more than just one process concurrently, will probably crash the machine or cause an unprecedented level of disaster that is usually system fatal. However, as long as you understand the ramifications and take precautions against sharing the filehandle with other processes, this option can positively influence single character I/O speed with FGetC()/FPutC(). It will have little effect on anything else. FH_EndStream (int32; Boolean) -- DOSTRUE or FALSE. DOSTRUE -- Make this buffered stream to report EOF(-1) to all callers attempting to do any more I/O. This causes anyone to think that end of file has been reached, which usually aborts any further operations. This is how "EndCli" works on shell streams. [ This option may be invoked at any time. ] FALSE -- Restore the default behaviour of the stream, the stream will have had its buffer flushed and seek position restored to the beginning. [ This option may be invoked at any time. ] RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), 0 on failure of any option. NOTES On error, and if multiple options tags are supplied, further operations past the point of error will be skipped, however, operations that were successfull up to that point will have been successfully performed. Passing a zero 'fh' or NULL 'taglist' is safe, it will simply return FALSE with IoErr() set to; ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING. SEE ALSO FOpen(), FClose(), FRead(), FWrite(), FOpenFromLock() dos.library/SetFileSysPort dos.library/SetFileSysPort NAME SetFileSysPort -- Sets the current filesystem for the process. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct MsgPort *oldport = SetFileSysPort(const struct MsgPort *port); FUNCTION Sets the current filesystem message port (pr_FileSystemPort) for the current process. This is the filesystem for ZERO locks and operations concerning the current volume when there is no current directory lock. By default, this is initially set to the file system you booted from. INPUTS port - The pr_MsgPort of the current filesystem for the process. RESULT oldport - The previous value. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. This function used to be called SetFileSysTask. SEE ALSO GetFileSysPort(), SetCurrentDir(), Open(), Lock(), ParentDir() dos.library/SetIoErr dos.library/SetIoErr NAME SetIoErr -- Sets the value returned by IoErr(). (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 oldcode = SetIoErr(int32 code); FUNCTION This routine sets up the secondary result (pr_Result2) return code that is returned by the IoErr() function. Most DOS functions call this to set the secondary error code value, these may also be invoked by other operating system functions, therefore do not expect this value to persist across any OS calls. INPUTS code - Code value to be returned by a call to IoErr(). RESULT oldcode - The previous error code that IoErr() would have returned. NOTES This function will do nothing but return 0, if called from a task. SEE ALSO IoErr(), Fault(), PrintFault() dos.library/SetMode dos.library/SetMode NAME SetMode - Set the current behavior of a handler. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetMode(BPTR filehandle, int32 char_mode); FUNCTION SetMode() sends an ACTION_SINGLE_CHARACTER_MODE packet to the handler in question, normally for changing a CON: handler to raw mode or vice-versa. For CON:, use TRUE to go to RAW: mode, FALSE for CON: mode. What this function does is change the console's mode of operation between single character (char_mode == TRUE) and line buffered (char_mode == FALSE). INPUTS filehandle - filehandle char_mode - The new mode required. (TRUE=char or FALSE=line). RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), zero means failure. NOTES SetMode(0,...) is now safe, it just returns FALSE, with IoErr() set to ERROR_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT_MISSING. Previous versions of dos.lirary did NOT check for fh==0 and would cause an illegal memory access, if attempted. dos.library/SetOwnerInfo dos.library/SetOwnerInfo NAME SetOwnerInfo -- Set owner / group information for an object. (V52.18) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetOwnerInfo( const struct TagItem *tags ); int32 success = SetOwnerInfoTags( uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function replaces the deprecated V39 SetOwner() function. It allows the caller to set the owner information for the file or directory on a filesystem, as well as provide a method of setting the two process structure owner fields; pr_UID and pr_GID. A filesystem takes no interest in the values other than storing (and returning) them, for the respective filesystem objects, these are primarily for use by networking software (clients and hosts), in conjunction with the ExamineData EXDF_OTR_xxx and EXDF_GRP_xxx protection bits. INPUTS tags - a pointer to a TagItem array. TAGS SOURCE TAGS: (Mutually Exclusive) OI_StringNameInput (STRPTR) -- Pointer to a string name identifying a filesystem object to set the UID and/or GID values via the OI_OwnerXXX tags described below. This tag is mutually exclusive with OI_ProcessInput. OI_ProcessInput (struct Process *) -- Pointer to a process structure, (or NULL for this process), to set the process structure fields pr_UID and/or pr_GID to the UID / GID values via the OI_OwnerXXX tags described below. This tag is mutually exclusive with OI_StringNameInput. OTHER TAGS: OI_OwnerUID (uint32) -- Owner UID value. Set the value for the objects UID field. By not specifying this tag, the UID field will remain unchanged. OI_OwnerGID (uint32) -- Group GID value. Set the value for the objects GID field. By not specifying this tag, the GID field will remain unchanged. There are no default values for these tags, you must specify at least one of the source tags when calling this function (mutually exclusive), and at least one of OI_OwnerUID or OI_OwnerGID tags, or it will fail. The dos.library will check for this before calling the filesystem for filesystem object calls, as well as testing for a NULL 'tags' arg. RESULT success - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero, zero on failure) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). This function also provides automatic fallback code using SetOwner() (ACTION_SET_OWNER) if the respective filesystem does not support this new packet or vector, fallback function semantics will apply. NOTES Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for a filesystem path/name. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. BUGS Until DOS version 54.20, this function would leave a lock on an objects parent directory, if setting both OI_OwnerUID and OI_OwnerGID in the same function call. As a workaround, use two calls instead. SEE ALSO GetOwnerInfo(), SetProtection(), ExamineObject(), ExamineDir(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), dos.library/SetProcWindow dos.library/SetProcWindow NAME SetProcWindow - Set the current process' DOS window pointer. (V50) SYNOPSIS APTR oldvalue = SetProcWindow( CONST_APTR newvalue ); FUNCTION SetProcWindow() changes the current process' pr_WindowPtr to the value specified by "newvalue". This is the V50 supported method of setting up pr_WindowPtr in your process structure, specifically to control where (and if) DOS error requester windows appear. A new process created by CreateNewProc() can set this value with the tag: NP_WindowPtr. There are three supported modes you can use here:- (a) A value of NULL will cause all DOS error requester windows for this process to appear on the Workbench or default public screen. (b) A value of (APTR)-1L will prevent all DOS error requester windows from displaying. This mode will require you to handle any unexpected errors yourself. ( see IoErr() ). (c) A pointer to the open intuition window you wish requester windows to be rendered upon. You will need to cast this as an APTR. For semantical reasons, you should restore its original value before the nominated window is closed. Do not use random values here, use only the specified values to ensure future compatibility. INPUTS newvalue - NULL, (APTR)-1L, (APTR)windowpointer. RESULT oldvalue - The value previously set. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. Before V50, you must always restore the previous value before your process exits, as this could leave a hanging window pointer that may be accessed after your program returned to DOS. From V50, pr_WindowPtr will always be restored to the pre-launch value by the InternalRunCommand() function when your program exits. The system may not always obey your wishes to suppress or redirect the requester windows. In some rare cases (catastrophic failure, etc.) requester windows may still open on the Workbench or default public screen. SEE ALSO Lock(), Open(), NameFromLock() dos.library/SetProgramDir dos.library/SetProgramDir NAME SetProgramDir -- Sets the directory returned by GetProgramDir. (V36) SYNOPSIS BPTR oldlock = SetProgramDir(BPTR lock); FUNCTION Sets a shared lock on the directory the program was loaded from. This can be used for a program to find data files, etc, that are stored with the program, or to find the program file itself. This lock can be accessed from GetProgramDir() or by using paths relative to "PROGDIR:". ZERO is also a valid input, but will cause accesses to "PROGDIR:" to fail with no fallback. INPUTS lock - A lock on the directory the current program was loaded from. RESULT oldlock - The previous Program Dir. NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task. You must NOT UnLock() this directory lock. You should be very, very carefull to preserve the program directory your program was started with and to restore it before it exits. Do not return with a different 'program directory' set, and do not return with a different lock referring to the same directory as the one you were started with. Always exit with exactly the same lock on the program directory your program was started with. SEE ALSO GetProgramDir(), Open() dos.library/SetProtection dos.library/SetProtection NAME SetProtection -- Set protection for a file or directory SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetProtection( CONST_STRPTR name, uint32 mask ); FUNCTION SetProtection() sets the protection attributes for a file or directory. See for a listing of protection bits. The (A)rchive bit will be cleared by the filesystem whenever the file is changed, this should include at least the immediate parent directory for the modified object. Backup utilities will generally set this bit after backing up each object. For files, the (R)ead, (W)rite and (D)elete bits control filesystem functionality for their respective operations. For directories, the (D)elete bit is the ONLY bit that is defined to control the functionality of a filesystems, all other bits should not affect filesystem operations in any way. The Shell will look at the (E)xecutable, (P)ure and (H)old bits, if the (E)xecutable bit is set, it will prevent a file being executed. The (P)ure bit indicates this executable file is reentrant, which means it is built in such a way so that one copy of a loaded executable may be run by multiple proceses concurrently, this mainly requires that the executable be built with no writable global data section. The (H)old bit indicates to the shell that this executable should not be unloaded after the initial loading, but instead held in the shells DosResident executable list for later use, this feature requires that the executable is also of a 'pure' construction. Other bits will be defined in the include files. Rather than referring to bits by number you should use the definitions in . The following is the currently defined behaviour with the bit set: Bit 7, EXDF_HOLD /* Hold a program in the DosResident list. */ Bit 6, EXDF_SCRIPT /* File is a script (execute) batch file. */ Bit 5, EXDF_PURE /* Program is reentrant and re-executable. */ Bit 4, EXDF_ARCHIVE /* File has not been modified. */ Bit 3, EXDF_NO_READ /* File is NOT readable, (Ignored by old FS) */ Bit 2, EXDF_NO_WRITE /* File is NOT writable, (Ignored by old FS) */ Bit 1, EXDF_NO_EXECUTE /* File is NOT executable, (Used by shell) */ Bit 0, EXDF_NO_DELETE /* Object is NOT deleteable. */ Note that when bits 0,1,2,3 are set, this represent a negated function, the names of these definitions reflect this. The rest of the bits are set for the desired feature to be active. This means that: IDOS->SetProtection(name, 0) sets the object as being; (R)eadable, (W)ritable, (E)xecutable and (D)eleteable only. INPUTS name - (CONST_STRPTR) pointer to a null-terminated string. mask - (uint32) the protection mask required. RESULT success - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero) If this function fails for any reason, the value returned will be zero, and a secondary error code will be available by calling IoErr(). NOTES Before V50 there was a limit of 255 chars for the 'name' parameter. This no longer applies, so ensure your buffer is large enough to handle the longest possible paths and do check for overflows. (1K minimum recommended) This function is NOT callable from tasks. SEE ALSO SetComment(), Examine(), ExNext(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), dos.library/SetVar dos.library/SetVar NAME SetVar -- Sets a local or global environment variable. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SetVar( CONST_STRPTR name, CONST_STRPTR buffer, int32 size, uint32 control ); FUNCTION Sets a local or environment variable. It is advised to only use text strings inside global variables, but this is not mandatory. Variable names follow filesystem syntax and semantics. Any and all directory paths in a variable name will be created automatically if they do not already exist. All variable names are always relative to the root of the device. The current directory has no effect on this function. If any "DEVICE:" part is specified in the variable name, only the portion after the colon ':' will actually be used. INPUTS name - Pointer to a variables name. This may also include a directory path specification. buffer - A user allocated area which contains the data that is to be associated with this variable, may also be an empty string. size - Length of the data contained in buffer to store (in bytes). A size of zero is permitted to create an empty var. Use -1 if buffer points to a null-terminated c-string, this will internally perform a; size = strlen(buffer). control - Type descriptor byte with semantic flags in the upper bits. The low 8 bits describes the type of local var, while the upper bits form a bitmask to control the behavior of this routine. For local vars, specify the type of local var to set with either LV_VAR or LV_ALIAS. ( LV_VAR is the default if not specified. ) Then, 'OR' that with any required GVF_xxx flags. Currently the following bitmask flags include: GVF_LOCAL_ONLY - Set a local (to your process) variable. GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY - Set a global environment variable. The default is to set a local environment variable if neither of these are specified. (Mutually exclusive) GVF_SAVE_VAR - Save a copy of a global variable to ENVARC: GVF_BINARY_VAR - Treat global variable as a binary variable. Local vars/alias' are always text, this flag has no effect on them even if specified. ( Try to avoid using binary vars whenever possible. ) See also: dos/var.h RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), If non-zero, the variable was sucessfully set, FALSE indicates failure. BUGS Until V51.23, passing 'size=-1' failed to guarantee a nul-terminated string var. As a workaround, use; 1+strlen(buffer) for 'size'. In version 53.48 it was not possible to create an empty local variable, it is possible again and is now documented to be legal to do so. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. If LV_VAR is not specified, global vars cannot be created. SEE ALSO GetVar(), DeleteVar(), FindVar(), dos.library/SplitName dos.library/SplitName NAME SplitName -- Splits out a component of a pathname into a buffer. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 newpos = SplitName(CONST_STRPTR name, int32 separator, STRPTR buf, int32 oldpos, int32 bufsize); FUNCTION This routine splits out the next piece of a name from a given file name. Each piece is copied into the buffer, truncating at bufsize-1 characters. The new position is then returned so that it may be passed in to the next call to splitname. If the separator is not found within 'bufsize' characters, then bufsize-1 characters plus a null byte will be put into the buffer, and the position of the next separator will be returned. If a separator cannot be found, -1 is returned (but the characters from the old position to the end of the string are copied into the buffer, up to a maximum of bufsize-1 characters). Both strings are null-terminated. This function is mainly intended to support handlers and traversing path specifications for directory relative accessing. INPUTS name - Name / path being parsed. separator - Single separator character byte (0-255) to split by. buf - Buffer to hold separated name. oldpos - Starting position in the path. bufsize - Size of buf in bytes (including null termination). RESULT newpos - New position for next call to splitname. -1 for last one. NOTES From V50, this function is task callable. A return value of -1 will also occur if 'bufsize' argument is <1, or for an 'oldpos' of <0, or a NULL 'buf' is supplied. 'buf' is guaranteed to be cleared initially if the above fail condition does not cause a premature exit. BUGS In V36 and V37, path portions greater than or equal to 'bufsize' caused the last character of the portion to be lost when followed by a separator. Fixed for V39 dos. For V36 and V37, the suggested work-around is to call SplitName() with a buffer one byte larger than normal. (for example, 32 bytes), and then set buf[bufsize-2] to '0' (for example, buf[30] = '\0';). SEE ALSO FilePart(), PathPart(), AddPart() dos.library/StartNotify dos.library/StartNotify NAME StartNotify -- Starts notification on a file or directory. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = StartNotify(struct NotifyRequest *notifystructure); FUNCTION Posts a notification request. Do not modify the notify structure while it is active. You will be notified when the file or directory changes. For files, you will be notified after the file is closed. Not all filesystems will support this: applications should NOT require it. In particular, most network filesystems won't support it. However, from dos.library 52.33 local file and directory notification is available via an internal dos.library handler, by default this handler is only used for your notify request, if the underlying filesystem does not support notifications, or the filesystem rejected your request for some reason, or if you specify the control flag NRF_DOS_NOTIFY_ONLY, (via the AllocDosObject tag; ADO_DOSMethodOnly), which forces dos.library to use the built-in file/dir notification function, regardless of whether the underlying filesystem supports it or not. WARNING From V50+, DO NOT use this for ENV: / ENVARC: global environmental variables, this may cease to function in the future, the environmental variables have their own dedicated notification function; NotifyVar(). Also, do not expect global variables to remain filesystem objects in later dos.library releases, they are scheduled to be changed to private memory lists, just as local variables are now. INPUTS notifystructure - A filled-in NotifyRequest structure allocated by AllocDosObject() using DOS_NOTIFYREQUEST flag, (from V51 onwards). If you allocated the NotifyRequest structure all by yourself, see below for a description of how to fill it in properly. RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero), Failure/Success of request. NOTES Three notification methods are supported: 1) A signal is sent to a task/process 2) A message is sent to a message port 3) A hook function is called The three are mutually exclusive and you should be careful not to enable more than one by mistake. It is recommended that you use AllocDosObject() to allocate a properly initialized NotifyRequest, but if you need to fill one in manually, here is what counts: NotifyRequest->nr_Name Must point to the name of the file or directory to be monitored, and for which changes should produce notifications. This name is evaluated exactly once when you submit the NotifyRequest. The name is interpreted relative to the current directory of the caller at the time StartNotify() is invoked. NB: It is recommended that the name string be persistent until EndNotify() is called on the NotifyRequest. NotifyRequest->nr_UserData This is free for your own use, very much like the Task->tc_UserData field or Hook->h_Data. NotifyRequest->nr_Flags A combination of several flags which control how the notification should be processed. The following flags select the notification method and are mutually exclusive: NRF_SEND_MESSAGE Send a message to the MsgPort pointed to by NotifyRequest->nr_stuff.nr_Msg.nr_Port; NRF_SEND_SIGNAL Send a signal to the Task pointed to by NotifyRequest->nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_Task; the signal itself comes from the bit number NotifyRequest->nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_SignalNum, which must be in the range 0..31. This will be translated into a function call like this: IExec->Signal(nr->nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_Task, (1UL<nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_SignalNum); NRF_CALL_HOOK Invoke the Hook pointed to by NotifyRequest->nr_stuff.nr_CallHook.nr_Hook; Note that this feature may not be supported by all file systems (V50). This notification method was intended to be used with directories and may not work with files when serviced by some filesystems, however, both are supported only if dos.library V52.28+ is used to handle the notification. NB: Your hook structure MUST remain persistent for the life of the notify request. The Hook function is invoked with the following parameters: result = func(hook,reserved,msg); D0 A0 A2 A1 int32 func(struct Hook *hook,APTR reserved, struct NotifyHookMsg *msg); The 'reserved' parameter is currently used for special features within the operating system when employing dos.library handled notifications, otherwise set to 0. Your hook function should return 0 if successful. The NotifyHookMsg looks like this: struct NotifyHookMsg { int32 nhm_Size; int32 nhm_Action; STRPTR nhm_Name; }; The individual fields have the following meanings: nhm_Size The size of this data structure (in bytes); this must be >= 12; more fields may be added in the future and by looking at nhm_Size you can tell if the fields you are expecting are actually present. nhm_Name The name of the object. nhm_Action This can be one of the following values: NHM_ACTION_INITIAL This is the initial notification produced, as requested by setting the NRF_NOTIFY_INITIAL flag in NotifyRequest->nr_Flags (see below). NHM_ACTION_ADD An entry by the name given in the nhm_Name field was added to the directory being monitored. NHM_ACTION_CHANGE The directory entry, whose name is given in the nhm_Name field, has changed. For example, its size or modification time may have changed. NHM_ACTION_DELETE An entry by the name given in the nhm_Name field was removed from the directory being monitoried. Note that further actions may be supported in the future. As a rule, if your hook cannot support or 'understand' the action given, then it should ignore it. Only three different actions represent changes to directory entries. For example, creating a new file will produce a message of type NHM_ACTION_ADD. Deleting a file will produce a message of type NHM_ACTION_DELETE. Changes to entries involving modification time, comments, size, protection bits and owner info will trigger NHM_ACTION_CHANGE messages. You will need to find out for yourself what exactly has changed. Note that if you select none of these methods, or pick a method which the file system does not support, you will never receive any notification at all even though the file system may not rejected your request at the time you posted it with StartNotify(). From V52 this is being revised throughout various components, as well as when allocating requests through AllocDosObject(), so that unsupported methods or incorrect parameters will be evaluated where possible and should now cause failure. The following flags control how and when the notification should be sent: NRF_WAIT_REPLY This flag has meaning only for the NRF_SEND_MESSAGE notification method. If in effect, no further notification messages will be sent for a NotifyRequest unless the last NotifyMessage has been replied first. NRF_NOTIFY_INITIAL Regardless of whether anything has changed, this flag causes a notification to be sent directly after the StartNotify() call succeeded. NRF_DOS_NOTIFY_ONLY From V52.33+ DOS, specifying this flag prevents the use of filesystem supported notification even if it is available, it forces usage of the dos.libraries own notification handler instead. This flag can be specified if you wish to use a method that is unsupported by the respective filesystem, but which does not actually cause failure from the filesystem, this would normally prevent the DOS notification function taking over automatically. Or, you may use this flag if you simply wish to have consistent behaviour regardless of what filesystem a user has installed on their system, the dos.library notification function supports all three methods with both file and directory monitoring. From 53.72 this flags bit will also be set by the dos notify handler if the request falls under the control of the dos notify handler. All other fields of the NotifyRequest should be set to 0 before StartNotify() is called. Once a change is made to the file system contents which correspond to a file or directory being monitored according to your NotifyRequest, the file system will send a notification as explained above. Some filesystems do not support some options, such as NRF_CALL_HOOK on files, however, the V52.33+ dos.library does support all methods on filesystem directories and files if the respective filesystem rejects your request, or you force dos.library to handle your request by specifying NRF_DOS_NOTIFY_ONLY in your request type flags. If requested that messages should be sent, via the NRF_SEND_MESSAGE method, the MsgPort pointed to by the nreq->nr_stuff.nr_Msg.nr_Port field will receive a NotifyMessage. The following message fields are of interest: NotifyMessage->nm_Class This is set to the value NOTIFY_CLASS. NotifyMessage->nm_Code This is set to the value NOTIFY_CODE. NotifyMessage->nm_NReq This points back to the NotifyRequest which caused the NotifyMessage to be sent. Note that you must return this message when you no longer need it. Specifically, all NotifyMessages must be returned by using IExec->ReplyMsg() before you can safely end the notification process by calling EndNotify(). BUGS The V36 floppy/HD filesystem doesn't actually send notifications. The V36 ram handler ("RAM:") does. This has been fixed for V37. Care must be taken when sending notification requests to file systems mounted on removable media. It is unsafe to remove the medium for which the file notification was requested and to re-insert it, possibly into a different drive. Some file systems, notably the V50 FastFileSystem, handle this issue gracefully. Others may not... DOS supported notify requests handle this situation correctly. Read-only file system, such as for CD-ROM media, typically do not support file notification. With the exception of Envoy 2 and beyond, no networked file system supports file notification. This function is NOT callable from a task. SEE ALSO NotifyVar(), GetDeviceProcFlags(), EndNotify(), AllocDosObject(), , dos.library/StrToDate dos.library/StrToDate NAME StrToDate -- Converts a string to a DateStamp. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = StrToDate( struct DateTime * datetime ); FUNCTION Converts a human readable text string into an AmigaDOS DateStamp. INPUTS DateTime - a pointer to an initialized DateTime structure. The DateTime structure should be initialized as follows: dat_Stamp - ignored on input, may legally contain anything. dat_Format - a format byte which specifies the format of the dat_StrDat. This can be any of the following; FORMAT_DOS: AmigaDOS format (dd-mmm-yy). FORMAT_INT: International format (yy-mmm-dd). FORMAT_USA: American format (mm-dd-yy). FORMAT_CDN: Canadian format (dd-mm-yy). FORMAT_DEF: Default format for locale. FORMAT_ISO: ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Requires locale.library V48+ or dos V50.36+ if locale not available. If the value used is something other than those above, the default of FORMAT_DOS is used. dat_Flags - a flags byte. The only flags which affect this function are: DTF_SUBST: Ignored by this function. DTF_FUTURE: If set, indicates that strings such as (stored in dat_StrDate) "Monday" refer to "next" monday. Otherwise, if clear, strings like "Monday" refer to "last" monday. dat_StrDay - ignored by this function. dat_StrDate- pointer to valid nul-terminated string representing the date. If locale library v48+ is available, this may also be a DTF_SUBST style string such as "Today" "Tomorrow" "Monday" Otherwise, this is normally a string as specified by the dat_Format byte. This string will be converted to the ds_Days portion of the DateStamp. If this pointer is NULL, DateStamp->ds_Days will not be affected. dat_StrTime- Pointer to a buffer which contains a valid nul-terminated time string in the ASCII format hh:mm:ss. This will be converted to the ds_Minute and ds_Tick portions of the DateStamp. If this pointer is NULL, ds_Minute and ds_Tick will be left unchanged. RESULT success - (Boolean) a zero return indicates that a conversion could not be performed. A non-zero return indicates that the DateTime.dat_Stamp variable contains the converted values. NOTES Please note that this function is always redirected to locale.library after it has been initially opened by at least one caller. Prior to the availablility of locale.library, the DOS version of this function is not Locale aware and only understands the English formats. FORMAT_DEF callers will be interpreted as the FORMAT_DOS layout and the dat_Flags will also be ignored at this time. BUGS Prior to V50 StrToDate() would not set the IoErr() code when it returned failure. It now tries to set the error code to a meaningful value. SEE ALSO DateStamp(), DateToStr(), dos.library/StrToLong dos.library/StrToLong NAME StrToLong -- Converts an ASCII decimal string to an int32 value. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 bytes = StrToLong(CONST_STRPTR string, int32 *value); FUNCTION Converts signed ascii decimal string into an int32 value. Returns number of bytes converted. Skips over leading spaces and tabs or an optional '+' sign. (included in byte count if present). If no decimal digits are found (after skipping leading bytes), or if an overflow occurs, or a 'string' of NULL is supplied, StrToLong returns -1 for bytes converted, and puts 0 into value. (providing 'value' is a non-NULL pointer.) Conversion is terminated by the first non-digit byte that is encountered after the conversion process has begun. INPUTS string - Input string. (NULL will do nothing but return -1) value - Pointer to long value. Always puts 0 into 'value' even if no digits are converted, or if a conversion overflow occurs. (providing 'value' is a non-NULL pointer) RESULT result - Number of bytes converted or -1 on error. NOTES From V50, this function is task callable and now skips leading '+'. This function does not currently affect IoErr(). This function is task callable. BUGS Before V39, if there were no convertible bytes it returned the number of leading white-space bytes (space and tab in this case) Before V50, the value returned from an overflow would be erroneous. SEE ALSO HexToLong(). dos.library/SubtractDates dos.library/SubtractDates NAME SubtractDates -- Subtract one DateStamp from another. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = SubtractDates(struct DateStamp *to, CONST struct DateStamp *from); FUNCTION Equivalent to the related SubTime() function in timer.device, the SubtractDates() function will subtract one time value from another, yielding the difference between both. INPUTS to -- The DateStamp the 'from' parameter is to be subtracted from. from -- The DateStamp to subtract from the 'to' parameter. RESULT success -- FALSE if any of the DateStamps are invalid, that is, any of their structure members are negative, or if the difference between both DateStamps produced a numeric underflow. If FALSE is returned, the 'to' parameter will remain unmodified. Non-zero is returned for success. NOTES This functions is callable from a task. SEE ALSO DateStamp(), AddDates(), CompareDates(), timer.device/SubTime() dos.library/SystemTagList dos.library/SystemTagList NAME SystemTagList -- Have a shell execute a command line. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 error = System(CONST_STRPTR command, const struct TagItem *tags); int32 error = SystemTagList(CONST_STRPTR command, const struct TagItem *tags); int32 error = SystemTags(CONST_STRPTR command, uint32 Tag1, ...); FUNCTION Spawns a distinct Shell process to execute the command or stream, returns the return code the command produced, or -1 if the command could not be run for any reason. The input and output filehandles will not be closed by System for syncronous running, you must close them (if needed) after System returns, if you specified them via SYS_Input or SYS_Output. By default the new synchronous shell process will use your current Input(), Output() and ErrorOutput() filehandles. Normal Shell command-line parsing will be done including redirection on 'command'. A copy of the current directory and path will be inherited from your syncronous process by default. Your path will be used to find the command if no path is specified). DANGER You MUST NEVER pass the same filehandle for both SYS_Input and SYS_Output and/or SYS_Error. If you want input and output to both be to the same CON: window, pass a filehandle for a CON: window to SYS_Input and then pass a SYS_Output of ZERO. The shell will automatically set the default Output() stream to the window you passed via SYS_Input. Also, by passing a SYS_Error of ZERO, the SYS_Output stream will be used for both purposes by past convention. WARNING If used in SYS_Asynch mode, it WILL by default, close both its input and output filehandles and release other resources after running the command, even if these were the caller process' Input() and Output() streams, (or other resources), so be warned !! If the ASYNC System() call fails to launch the new process, the error return code will be -1 and any filehandles, or other parameters supplied through tags by the caller will NOT be released, the caller must always clean up these resources if this happens. The (V50) ErrorOutput stream will never be closed (if specified), as this is the default behaviour for CreateNewProc from V50+ due to backward compatibility issues. This function normally uses the boot shell, but other shells can be specified via SYS_UserShell and SYS_CustomShell. Normally, you should send things written by the user to the UserShell. The UserShell defaults to the same shell as the boot shell. The NP_xxx tags are passed through to the internal CreateNewProc() call which starts up the new shell process, this allows for setting things like the new shell process priority, name, stacksize, etc... Any NP_xxx tags that conflict with SystemTagList() will be filtered out. The NP_xxx tags that are currently filtered out are: NP_Seglist NP_FreeSeglist NP_Entry NP_Input NP_Output NP_Error NP_CloseInput NP_CloseOutput NP_ProgramDir NP_Cli INPUTS command - (STRPTR) Program name and arguments to start as from a shell. tags - [See below]. Note that both SystemTagList()-specific tags and tags from CreateNewProc() may be passed together. TAGS SYS_Input (BPTR) -- Input stream; defaults to the parent. Passing a ZERO value with this tag will now cause this function to open a "NIL:" stream. (@ V53.65) SYS_Output (BPTR) -- Output stream; defaults to the parent. Specify ZERO for a copy of the SYS_Input stream. SYS_Error (BPTR) -- Error Output stream; default is dependant on mode, For SYS_ASynch,FALSE - defaults to the parent. For SYS_ASynch,TRUE - defaults to ZERO. This stream is never closed by default, refer to NP_CloseError below. (V50). NP_CloseError (int32; boolean) -- Due to backward compatibility issues DOS is unable to allow the SYS_Error stream to be closed by default. You will have to specify this tag as TRUE to have it automatically close SYS_Error upon exit. SYS_Asynch (int32; boolean) -- If TRUE, this function will return as soon as the child process has been started, and once the child has returned, its input/output streams WILL be closed (even if these are the same as the parent's). If FALSE, any supplied streams or inherited parent streams will not be closed when the command ends, streams supplied by you will need to be closed when the command returns. Defaults to FALSE. SYS_UserShell (int32; boolean) -- Make the user "Shell" execute the program instead of the "BootShell" or custom shell. This tag will override SYS_CustomShell. Defaults to FALSE. SYS_CustomShell (STRPTR) -- Make the specified shell execute the program instead of the default. The parameter must be the name of the shell to use, as found on the dos resident seg list. The function IDOS->FindSegment() is used internally for this, to obtain the seglist to the specified shell. This tag is ignored if the tag 'SYS_UserShell,TRUE' was specified. Defaults to "BootShell". SYS_ExecuteInputStream (int32; boolean) -- When TRUE, the 'command' string parameter will be ignored, (set it to "") and then the input file handle will be used to read shell commands from, this is supplied via the SYS_Input tag. SYS_Asynch tag will currently be forced to FALSE when this tag is specified, but do not depend on this behaviour for the future. The input file handle may also be a console descriptor to spawn a new syncronous interactive shell process. (V53.45+) NP_CurrentDir (BPTR) -- Current directory of the child process. Defaults to a (DupLock) copy of the parent's current directory. NP_StackSize (int32) -- The stack size the child process should use. Defaults to the DOS prefs minimum value. NP_Name (STRPTR) -- Name of the child process. Defaults to "Background CLI" if no tag is specified. From V50, there is no maximum length limit imposed on this string. The child process' task structure; task->tc_Node.ln_Name will point to the DOS allocated buffer to where this string is copied. The exec function FindTask() searches on this string. NP_Path (BPTR) -- BCPL pointer to a 'struct PathNode' which should be used for the child process. Note: the path is used as is and not duplicated. It will be freed automatically when the process exits and must be freed manually if the process could not be created. NP_Priority (int32; -128 .. 127) -- Task priority of the child process. Defaults to the same as the parent. NP_ConsolePort (struct MsgPort *) -- Address of the console handler port the child process should use. Defaults to the same as the parent. NP_WindowPtr (APTR) -- Indicate where dos.library requesters should be displayed for the child process (on the Workbench screen, a custom screen or not at all). Defaults to the same value as the parent process only if it is a value of 0 or -1, and if the parent is a process, otherwise 0. EG; A value of 0, indicates requesters should be displayed on the default public screen. (Usually WorkBench) A value of -1 indicates that no requesters shall be shown. Otherwise, a pointer to an open intuition window that all requesters should be opened on. NP_CopyVars (int32; boolean) -- Indicate whether the local variables associated with the parent should be copied for the child process. Defaults to TRUE. Other NP_xxxxxx tags that are not excludes above, please refer to the CreateNewProc() documentation for usage of these other specialty tags that can also be of use with this function. RESULT error -- 0 for success. Depending on the mode used, the value returned can mean different things. SYS_Asynch,TRUE: -1 = indicates System() failure. 0 = indicates System() success, SYS_Asynch,FALSE: -1 = indicates System() failure. n = non-zero program error. 0 = indicates program success. Note that *ONLY* with a -1 error code, the caller is responsible for filehandles, paths or other things passed in via tags. -1 error codes will be returned if DOS could not find the shell, or was otherwise unable to start the new shell process. Consult IoErr() to find out what actually happened. NOTES From V37+, if an input filehandle is passed, and it's either interactive or a "NIL:" filehandle, the pr_ConsolePort of the new process will be set to that filehandle's process. Before 53.65 launching asynch commands from a workbench started process that use clib/newlib wrappers would initialise their own pr_ConsolePort and close it when that process ends, if an ASYNCH child shell process was started with the SYS_Input tag set to ZERO, it would copy the parents pr_ConsolePort which would leave the new ASYNCH child process using a dead pr_ConsolePort when the parent process exits. So now, specifying a ZERO input stream automatically opens "NIL:" no matter what mode is used. This function will also send an ACTION_CHANGE_SIGNAL packet to the input stream handler upon startup, and again upon returning, restoring the sigtask to the parent process. (the same applies to Execute()). From 51.77 If an ASYNCH command was started ok, (returncode 0) the new process identifier (PID), from the process structure field process->pr_ProcessID, may be obtained by calling IoErr() immediately after this function returns. Note that PID numbers can never be zero. SEE ALSO CreateNewProc(), , Input(), Output(), ErrorOutput(), ProcessScan(), NotifyProcListChange(). dos.library/TimedDosRequester dos.library/TimedDosRequester NAME TimedDosRequester -- EasyRequest() style function via DOS. (V51.12) SYNOPSIS int32 num = TimedDosRequester( const struct TagItem *taglist ); int32 num = TimedDosRequesterTags( uint32 Tag1, ... ); FUNCTION This function provides all calls from DOS library and any applications that wish to use it, access to intuitions EasyRequest() functionality and the ability to have reaction style looking requesters with an added timeout feature, that was not previously available directly. The requester is constructed from parameters supplied from the taglist. The handling of the timeout is provided by the timer device. Refer to intuition/EasyRequest() for more information on how to correctly initialise the EasyStruct structure, if you wish to do this yourself and not use the internally built one. NB: This function is usually redirected to use Reaction requesters when IPrefs is started, to provide ongoing style consistency for dos.library and others that wish to call it. When TimedDosRequester() is redirected to use reaction style requesters, it may also cause disk I/O to load images or fonts, therefore you should not use it with filesystems and handlers without specifying; (TDR_NonBlocking,TRUE) to avoid cases where possible deadlocks may occur. (The TDR_NonBlocking tag was added in V52.16) INPUTS taglist -- Pointer to a TagItem array; (see below). TAGS TDR_IDCMP_Ptr (uint32 *) -- OPTIONAL pointer to a longword initialised with the IDCMP flags to terminate the requester on. (Default; NULL) TDR_Timeout (int32) -- OPTIONAL value in seconds to wait before requester will close without intervention. A timeout will only occur with values > 0. It is recommended that timouts less than 10 seconds be avoided whenever possible, to be user-friendly. (Default; 0) TDR_Window (struct Window *) -- OPTIONAL pointer to an (over-riding) reference window. Normally, you would not need to specify this tag. However, if you are calling this function from a task, the default process window value will not be available and you would normally finish up having the requester rendered on the default public screen instead, (usually workbench) therefore you can use this tag to force it to use your own specified window, this will work from both a task or a process. (Default; process->pr_WindowPtr, or NULL from a task) TDR_NonBlocking (int32; Boolean) (tag added V52.16) -- OPTIONAL switch to prevent this function from attempting any disk based I/O whatsoever for filesystems and handlers. This makes the function safe to call at any time from handlers and filesystems and in some cases even performing dospacket I/O from a task context. This tag will effectively bypass the use of any reaction components that may cause blocking issues and re-apply the original dos.library code that only calls the EasyRequest() function, as if it were never patched by "Iprefs". (Default; FALSE) TDR_EasyStruct (struct EasyStruct *) -- OPTIONAL pointer to your own initialised private struct EasyStruct that you wish to use instead of the default one. If you do not specify this tag, DOS will allocate one and also initialise the EasyStruct.es_StructSize field for you. (Default; internally allocated) TDR_FormatString (STRPTR) -- The format string using RawDoFmt style specifiers that match the number of arguments you will supply. If this tag is present, it will override a formatstring that may have already been supplied with your own TDR_EasyStruct. TDR_TitleString (STRPTR) -- The window title string for the requester. If this tag is present, it will override a title string that may have already been supplied with your own TDR_EasyStruct. TDR_GadgetString (STRPTR) -- The string specifier for the gadgets/text for the requester. The format for this is the same as for an EasyRequest, the individual buttons being prepresented by separating the button text as follows: "ONE|TWO|THREE|ZERO". If this tag is present, it will override a Gadget string that may have been supplied with your own TDR_EasyStruct. Note; The underscore '_' character may preceed any of the button texts to enable shortcut keys. TDR_ArgArray (APTR) -- OPTIONAL pointer to your own properly initialised argument array structure with the full number of entries that correspond to the RawDoFmt() format specifiers in the format string. -> DO NOT <- use this tag if you wish to specify up to the first ten (32-bit wide) arguments individually by using the following TDR_Arg# tags. TDR_Arg1 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the first argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg2 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the second argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg3 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the third argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg4 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the fourth argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg5 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the fifth argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg6 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the sixth argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg7 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the seventh argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg8 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the eighth argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg9 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the ninth argument in the formatstring. TDR_Arg10 (APTR) -- Corresponding to the tenth argument in the formatstring. TDR_ImageType (uint32) -- The visual style of this request. This argument currently has no effect before IPrefs is running, but should always be specified to indicate the style of request this is directed for. (Default; TDRIMAGE_DEFAULT) The values for this tag are found in the include file; include/dos/dostags.h and are specified as: TDRIMAGE_DEFAULT /* general purpose */ TDRIMAGE_INFO /* informative style '!' */ TDRIMAGE_WARNING /* warning style */ TDRIMAGE_ERROR /* error style 'X' */ TDRIMAGE_QUESTION /* question '?' */ TDRIMAGE_INSERTDISK /* request for a volume insert */ TDR_Inactive (int32; Boolean) -- OPTIONAL Boolean value to specify the requester window should not be activated to avoid it stealing the users input focus. You should set this to TRUE when the gadgets of your requester contain keyboard shortcuts as it's possible that the user is currently typing text in another application (otherwise the user could answer the requester by accident). (Default; FALSE) TDR_CharSet (uint32) -- OPTIONAL Character set for the requester's text and gadgets. Defaults to 0, meaning the charset of the screen font which will be the current system default charset in most cases. This argument has currently no effect before IPrefs has run. The value is based on the IANA MIBenum value for charsets. See the autodoc for diskfont.library/ObtainCharsetInfo(). TDR_CharSet should be set by localized applications that want to display localized requesters, they tell locale.library in OpenCatalog() that it shall not convert the catalog charset to current system default charset and use the value of Catalog->cat_CodeSet for the TDR_CharSet. (Default; 0) RESULT 1,2,n,0 = Successive GadgetID values for the gadgets you specify for the requester. NOTE: The numbering from left to right is: 1, 2, 3,..., n, 0. This is for compatibility with AutoRequest(), which has FALSE for the right-most gadget. -1 = Means that the user was unable to answer the requester. This may be because one of the caller-supplied IDCMP Flags occurred, the IDCMP message->im_Class flag is put into the longword pointed to by the supplied TDR_IDCMP_ptr tag, otherwise zero. (providing IDCMP ptr != NULL, ie: Default) Or the requester timed out, if the timeout value was >0. Or the requester was unable to post, either because the pr_WindowPtr or TDR_Window was set to -1 to intensionally suppress it, or some other error occured which prevented the requester from opening, like; insufficient memory. IDCMP_ptr = (See result -1). NOTES The TDR_Arg# tags always expect 32 bit wide parameters, your format string should reflect this. If you need to supply a different width, you will need to use your own argarray structure instead. At the time of publication, the only IDCMP flag recognised by the Reaction requester.class is IDCMP_DISKINSERTED. This function is callable from a task. dos.library/TrackAddressList dos.library/TrackAddressList NAME TrackAddressList -- Register a number of addresses to search for address ranges. (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = TrackAddressList( CONST_STRPTR name, BPTR seglist, CONST_APTR extra_info, int32 extra_info_size, const struct AddressAndSize * addresses, int32 num_addresses); FUNCTION To track the ownership of resources and to find the locations at which software defects occur, the executable code of a program and even data structures can be registered. The operating system will remember by which name the associated program was loaded into memory and also keep track of additional information you may provide. Later, the FindTrackedAddress() function can be used to obtain the exact segment number and the byte offset within that segment referring to an address located in the segment list. INPUTS name -- Name of the program associated with this address range. This parameter is mandatory. seglist -- BCPL pointer to a segment list, as returned by LoadSeg(). This parameter is optional and need not be present, however if it is not specified, untracking an entire seglist will be slightly slower as it will require unregistering each segments address. extra_info -- Pointer to a buffer of extra_info_size bytes which will be copied and associated with the tracking information. This will be ignored if NULL. This parameter is optional and need not be present. But if you choose to provide it, you must also provide for a valid extra_info_size parameter. extra_info_size -- Size of the buffer whose address is provided with the extra_info parameter. This will be ignored if 0. This parameter is optional and need not be present. But if you choose to provide it, you must also provide for a valid extra_info parameter. addresses -- Pointer to an array of 'struct AddressAndSize' entries each of which lists an address range by starting address and size (in bytes). The contents of this table will be copied. This parameter is mandatory. num_addresses -- Number of entries in the table passed as the addresses parameter. This must be > 0. This parameter is mandatory. RESULT success -- boolean; (zero or non-zero) FALSE if the tracking information could not be allocated. NOTES This function is protected by using semaphore list locking. This function cannot be called from interrupts. This function may also be called from tasks. SEE ALSO UnTrackSegmentList(), TrackSegmentList(), UnTrackAddress(), FindTrackedAddress() dos.library/TrackSegmentList dos.library/TrackSegmentList NAME TrackSegmentList -- Register a segment list to search for address ranges with IDOS->FindTrackedAddress(). (V50) SYNOPSIS int32 success = TrackSegmentList(CONST_STRPTR name, BPTR seglist, APTR extra_info, int32 extra_info_size ); FUNCTION To track the ownership of resources and to find the locations at which software defects occur, the executable code of a program can be registered. The operating system will remember by which name the associated program was loaded into memory and also keep track of additional information you may provide. Later, the FindTrackedAddress() function can be used to obtain the exact segment number and the byte offset within that segment referring to an address located in a segment list. INPUTS name -- The name of the program loaded into memory. This is typically identical to the name parameter of the LoadSeg() function. seglist -- BCPL pointer to a segment list, as returned by LoadSeg(). This can be ZERO in which case no tracking is performed. extra_info -- Pointer to a buffer of extra_info_size bytes which will be copied and associated with the tracking information. This will be ignored if NULL. This parameter is optional and need not be present. But if you choose to provide it, you must also provide for a valid extra_info_size parameter. extra_info_size -- Size of the buffer whose address is provided with the extra_info parameter. This will be ignored if 0. This parameter is optional and need not be present. But if you choose to provide it, you must also provide for a valid extra_info parameter. RESULT success -- boolean; (zero or non-zero) FALSE if the tracking information could not be allocated. NOTES Safe to call with segment==NULL. This function is protected by using semaphore locking. This function cannot be called from interrupts. This function may also be called from tasks. SEE ALSO UnTrackSegmentList(), LoadSeg(), FindTrackedAddress() dos.library/UnGetC dos.library/UnGetC NAME UnGetC -- Makes a char available for reading again. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 value = UnGetC(BPTR fh, int32 character); FUNCTION Pushes the character specified back into the input buffer. Every time you use a buffered read routine, you can always push back 1 character. You may be able to push back more, though it is not recommended, since there is no guarantee on how many can be pushed back at a given moment. Passing -1 for the character will cause the last character read to be pushed back. If the last character read was an EOF, the next character read will be an EOF. Note: UnGetC can be used to make sure that a filehandle is set up as a read filehandle. This is only of importance if you are writing a shell, and must manipulate the filehandle's buffer. INPUTS fh - filehandle to use for buffered I/O character - character to push back or -1 RESULT value - character pushed back, or FALSE if the character cannot be pushed back. NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. BUGS In V36, UnGetC(fh,-1) after an EOF would not cause the next character read to be an EOF. This was fixed for V37. SEE ALSO FGetC(), FPutC(), FFlush(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/UnLoadSeg dos.library/UnLoadSeg NAME UnLoadSeg -- Unloads a SegList or PseudoSegList. SYNOPSIS int32 success = UnLoadSeg( BPTR seglist ); FUNCTION Unload a seglist loaded by LoadSeg() or created by AllocSegList(). Overlay 68K, and Native seglists will have all needed cleanup done, including closing the file for a 68k overlay seglist. INPUTS seglist - BCPL pointer to a seglist (or NULL). RESULT success - non zero for success, returns zero on failure. Failure can occur if a seglist of ZERO was passed in, or if it failed to close an overlay 68k file, or if the seglist is tagged to prevent it being freed. NOTES Please note that LoadSeg() calls the TrackSegmentList() internally, of course conversely, UnLoadSeg() calls UnTrackSegmentList(). This function returned a random value before V36! Due to compatibility reasons this function is still callable from exec tasks for ONLY non-overlay 68K style seglists, or PseudoSeglists constructs. All other types of seglists will cause a notifiable failure if a task attempts to call this function. SEE ALSO LoadSeg(), GetSegListInfo(), AllocSegList(). dos.library/UnLock dos.library/UnLock NAME UnLock -- Unlock a directory or file. SYNOPSIS VOID UnLock( BPTR lock ); FUNCTION Unlocks a filing system lock, as obtained from Lock(), DupLock(), DupLockFromFH(), ParentOfFH(), ParentDir(), CreateDir() or the CreateDirTree() function. INPUTS lock - BCPL pointer to a lock. (or ZERO) NOTES This function is guaranteed not to change the state of IoErr(). Passing zero to UnLock() is harmless. This function can also be called from an exec task. SEE ALSO Lock(), DupLock(), ParentOfFH(), DupLockFromFH(), ParentDir(), CreateDir(), CreateDirTree(). dos.library/UnLockDosList dos.library/UnLockDosList NAME UnLockDosList -- Unlocks the Dos List (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID UnLockDosList(uint32 flags); FUNCTION Unlocks the access on the Dos Device List. You MUST pass the same flags you used to lock the list. INPUTS flags - MUST be the same flags passed to (Attempt)LockDosList() NOTES This function IS callable from exec tasks. SEE ALSO AttemptLockDosList(), LockDosList(), Permit() dos.library/UnLockRecord dos.library/UnLockRecord NAME UnLockRecord -- Unlock a locked record. SYNOPSIS int32 success = UnLockRecord(BPTR fh, int64 offset, int64 length); FUNCTION This releases the specified lock on a file. Note that you must use the same filehandle you used to lock the record, and offset and length must be the same values used to lock it. Every LockRecord() call must be balanced with an UnLockRecord() call. INPUTS fh - (BPTR) BCPL pointer to open filehandle of file. offset - (int64) Byte offset of record start position. length - (int64) Byte length of record. RESULT success - (int32) boolean; (zero or non-zero) Zero on falure. NOTES Re: Close(); Please be advised that due to dependancies and idiosyncrasies of the various filesystems that are available, the behavious of Close() with regard to freeing record locks is currently indeterminant. You are therefore advised to FreeRecord/s() of any records that may have been locked by the application, BEFORE calling Close(). SEE ALSO LockRecords(), LockRecord(), UnLockRecords() dos.library/UnLockRecords dos.library/UnLockRecords NAME UnLockRecords -- Unlock a list of records. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 success = UnLockRecords(struct RecordLock *record_array); FUNCTION This releases an array of record locks obtained using LockRecords. You should NOT modify the record_array while you have the records locked. Every LockRecords() call must be balanced with an UnLockRecords() call. INPUTS record_array - List of records to be unlocked RESULT success - boolean; (zero or non-zero) NOTES Re: Close(); Please be advised that due to dependancies and idiosyncrasies of the various filesystems that are available, the behaviour of Close() with regard to freeing record locking is currently indeterminant. You are therefore advised to FreeRecord/s() of any records that may have been locked by the application, BEFORE calling Close(). BUGS See LockRecord() SEE ALSO LockRecords(), LockRecord(), UnLockRecord() dos.library/UnTrackAddress dos.library/UnTrackAddress NAME UnTrackAddress -- Unregister a single address being tracked. (V50) SYNOPSIS VOID UnTrackAddress(APTR address); FUNCTION Before the data is invalidated which is associated with an address range being tracked, the tracked address must be unregistered. Partial unregistering of addresses is supported, but discouraged. INPUTS address -- The address to be unregistered; this must be exactly the same address previously passed to TrackAddressList() in an address/size parameter pair. NOTES This function is protected by using semaphore list locking internally. This function cannot be called from interrupts. This function may also be called from tasks. SEE ALSO TrackAddressList() dos.library/UnTrackSegmentList dos.library/UnTrackSegmentList NAME UnTrackSegmentList -- Unregister a segment list being tracked. (V50) SYNOPSIS VOID UnTrackSegmentList(BPTR seglist); FUNCTION Before a seglist is unloaded, all its segments must be unregistered so that future attempts to match segments against memory addresses will not refer to stale data, this function will therefore unregisters all segment addresses in this seglist. INPUTS seglist -- BCPL pointer to the segment list to unregister. NOTES Safe to call with seglist==NULL. Calling this function with an already unregistered seglist is harmless. This function is protected by using semaphore locking internally. This function cannot be called from interrupts. This function may also be called from tasks. BUGS This function never worked before dos.library 53.118 because the internal address comparison was comparing an address off by 4 bytes, luckily, the fresh data was always added to the head of the list so FindTrackedAddress() always found the fresh data first, which is also why it took so long to discover this bug. SEE ALSO TrackSegmentList(), FindTrackedAddress(), LoadSeg(), UnLoadSeg() dos.library/VFPrintf dos.library/VFPrintf NAME VFPrintf -- format and print a string to a file. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 count = VFPrintf(BPTR fh, CONST_STRPTR fmt, CONST_APTR argv); int32 count = FPrintf(BPTR fh, CONST_STRPTR fmt, ...); FUNCTION Writes the formatted string and values to the given file. This routine is assumed to handle all internal buffering so that the formatting string and resultant formatted values can be arbitrarily long. Any secondary error code is returned in IoErr(). This routine is buffered. See Notes for extended new V51 DOS format specifiers. INPUTS fh - Filehandle to write to, (or 0). fmt - RawDoFmt() style formatting string argv - Pointer to array of formatting values RESULT count - Number of bytes written or -1 (EOF) for an error. EXAMPLE (1) count = IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", 1,2,3); (2) int32 array[3] = { 1,2,3 }; count = IDOS->VFPrintf(fh,"%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", &array[0]); NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. From 51.59 all DOS (only) string formatting functions now accept two additional special DOS format specifiers; %m and %n. These will be replaced by the error message (%m) such as would be obtained by the Fault() function and the error number (%n) as returned from IoErr() that was valid at the time this function was called. In all other respects these functions work like they always did. EG: count = IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"error message = %m, error code = %n\n",...); This new functionality may need to allocate temporary memory before it can print the error message. However, if the error came about because of memory shortage then the message/value string insertion may not be performed at all. Internally, this function transforms the format string to include the respective error message/number strings; these must not contain format specifiers themselves or the underlying RawDoFmt() function will end up trying to fetch parameters off the argument list which are not available. To prevent this possibility, when the error message is being inserted, any '%..' format specifiers found in the actual error message will be removed entirely to prevent this happening. BUGS The prototype for FPrintf() currently forces you to cast the first varargs parameter to LONG due to a deficiency in the program that generates fds, prototypes, and amiga.lib stubs. From V50, it is now documented as safe to supply a 'fh' of zero, this function will and always did nothing but return -1. (EOF). There is currently a minor problem when using 64 bit stack args. The current compiler for OS4 enforces 64 bit alignment of 64 bit arguments, but Printf assumes 32 bit alignment (VARARGS68K). It is relatively easy to workaround by making sure 64 bit arguments are aligned appropriately. Carefull placement of parameters will be sufficient. eg; IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%lld %ld\n", 64bit_val, 32bit_val); /* works */ IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%ld %lld\n", 32bit_val, 64bit_val); /* fails */ IDOS->FPrintf(fh,"%ld %s%lld\n", 32bit_val, "", 64bit_val); /* works */ Therefore, always use carefull placement or pad 64 bit values with empty 32 bit string ("") arguments to attain 64 bit alignment when using 64 bit parameters with this function. SEE ALSO VPrintf(), RawDoFmt(), FPutC(), FOpen(), FClose(),SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/VPrintf dos.library/VPrintf NAME VPrintf -- format and print string. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 count = VPrintf(CONST_STRPTR fmt, CONST_APTR argv); int32 count = Printf(CONST_STRPTR fmt, ...); FUNCTION Writes the formatted string and values to Output(). This routine is assumed to handle all internal buffering so that the formatting string and resultant formatted values can be arbitrarily long. Any secondary error code is returned in IoErr(). This routine is buffered. See Notes for extended new V51 DOS format specifiers. Note: RawDoFmt assumes 16 bit ints, so you will usually need 'l's in your formats (ex: %ld versus %d). INPUTS fmt - exec.library RawDoFmt() style formatting string. argv - Pointer to array of formatting values. RESULT count - Number of bytes written or -1 (EOF) for an error. EXAMPLE (1) count = IDOS->Printf("%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", 1,2,3); (2) int32 array[3] = { 1,2,3 }; count = IDOS->VPrintf("%ld+%ld=%ld.\n", &array[0]); NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. From 51.59 all DOS (only) string formatting functions now accept two additional special DOS format specifiers; %m and %n. These will be replaced by the error message (%m) such as would be obtained by the Fault() function and the error number (%n) as returned from IoErr() that was valid at the time this function was called. In all other respects these functions work like they always did. EG: count = IDOS->Printf("error message = %m, error code = %n\n",0); This new functionality may need to allocate temporary memory before it can print the error message. However, if the error came about because of memory shortage then the message/value string insertion may not be performed at all. Internally, this function transforms the format string to include the respective error message/number strings; these must not contain format specifiers themselves or the underlying RawDoFmt() function will end up trying to fetch parameters off the argument list which are not available. To prevent this possibility, when the error message is being inserted, any '%..' format specifiers found in the actual error message will be removed entirely to prevent this happening. BUGS The prototype for Printf() currently forces you to cast the first varargs parameter to LONG due to a deficiency in the program that generates fds, prototypes, and amiga.lib stubs. There is currently a minor problem when using 64 bit stack args. The current compiler for OS4 enforces 64 bit alignment of 64 bit arguments, but Printf assumes 32 bit alignment (VARARGS68K). It is relatively easy to workaround by making sure 64 bit arguments are aligned appropriately. Carefull placement of parameters will be sufficient. eg; IDOS->Printf("%lld %ld\n", 64bit_val, 32bit_val); /* works */ IDOS->Printf("%ld %lld\n", 32bit_val, 64bit_val); /* fails */ IDOS->Printf("%ld %s%lld\n", 32bit_val, "", 64bit_val); /* works */ Therefore, always use carefull placement or pad 64 bit values with empty 32 bit string ("") arguments to attain 64 bit alignment when using 64 bit parameters with this function. SEE ALSO VFPrintf(), RawDoFmt(), FPutC(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr() dos.library/WaitForChar dos.library/WaitForChar NAME WaitForChar -- Determine if chars arrive within a time limit. SYNOPSIS int32 status = WaitForChar(BPTR file, int32 timeout ); FUNCTION If a character is available to be read from the handler that 'file' is bound to, within the time (in microseconds) indicated by 'timeout', WaitForChar() returns (TRUTH). If a character is available, you can use Read() to read it. Note that WaitForChar() is only valid if the I/O stream is connected to a virtual terminal device. If a character is not available within 'timeout', a (FALSE) is returned. INPUTS file - BCPL pointer to a file handle. timeout - integer (microseconds) RESULT status - boolean (zero or non-zero) NOTES This function is NOT callable by tasks. Only stream handlers support this functionality, filesystems do not. All NIL: streams will return FALSE. Always check the return code of this function and call IoErr() when FALSE is returned to determine why it failed. BUGS Due to a bug in the timer.device in V1.2/V1.3, specifying a timeout of zero for WaitForChar() could cause the unreliable timer & floppy disk operation. SEE ALSO Read(), FGetC(), IsFileSystemPort(). dos.library/WaitForData dos.library/WaitForData NAME WaitForData -- Wait until a stream has data ready to be read or is ready to accept more data to be written. (V50). SYNOPSIS int32 result = WaitForData(BPTR stream, int32 data_direction, int32 timeout); FUNCTION WaitForData() is a superset of the WaitForChar() function in that it can check if a stream is ready to supply or accept more data. This is typically used for pipes which may not be ready to deliver more data to the other end at all times. INPUTS stream -- A BCPL pointer to a file handle, as obtained through Open(). data_direction -- A combination of the flags WFDF_READ and WFDF_WRITE. If WFDF_READ is set, then the handler will check if data is ready to be read. If WFDF_WRITE is set, then the handler will check if it can accept further data to be written. If none of these flags is set, the WaitForData() will return immediately. timeout -- Number of milliseconds to wait until the conditions set by the data_direction parameter are satisfied. A value of 0 is a valid choice. (1000mS = 1 second) RESULT result -- A combination of the flags WFDF_READ and WFDF_WRITE or FALSE if the timeout has elapsed without any of the requested conditions being satisfied. If FALSE (0) is returned, check with IoErr() whether the handler actually implements this functionality, it may have set ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN. EXAMPLE /* Check if a stream is ready for reading; wait for up to 5 seconds. */ int32 ready; ready = IDOS->WaitForData(stream,WFDF_READ,5 * 1000); if(ready == WFDF_READ) { IDOS->PutStr("data is available for reading.\n"); } /* Test quickly if a stream can be read/written. */ ready = IDOS->WaitForData(stream,WFDF_READ|WFDF_WRITE,0); if((ready & WFDF_READ) != 0) { IDOS->PutStr("data is available for reading.\n"); } if((ready & WFDF_WRITE) != 0) { IDOS->PutStr("data can be written.\n"); } if(ready == 0) { if( ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN == IDOS->IoErr() ) { IDOS->PutStr("handler does not support WaitForData()\n"); } } NOTES Not all handlers will support this functionality. Filesystems do not. All NIL: streams can do anything, they return (WFDF_READ|WFDF_WRITE). Always check the return code of this function and call IoErr() when FALSE is returned to determine why it failed. This function is NOT callable by tasks. SEE ALSO WaitForChar(), IDOS->IsFileSystemPort() dos.library/WaitPkt dos.library/WaitPkt NAME WaitPkt -- Low level function to wait for a DosPacket to arrive. (V36) SYNOPSIS struct DosPacket *packet = WaitPkt(struct MsgPort *V50_task_replyport); FUNCTION From a process only, waits for a packet to arrive at your pr_MsgPort. If anyone has installed a packet wait function in pr_PktWait, it will be called instead of the default routine. (V50) From a task only, waits for a packet to arrive at the replyport specified by the argument 'V50_task_replyport'. The message will then be automatically GetMsg()ed so that it is no longer on the port. It assumes the message is a dos packet. It is NOT guaranteed to clear the signal for the port. INPUTS V50_task_replyport - A valid replyport ONLY for a TASK calling this; always ignored from a Process, therefore it should be set to NULL in this case. RESULT packet - the packet that arrived at the port. (from ln_Name of message) NOTES From V51.44, this function is now callable from a task, providing that the task calling this function supplies a valid replyport. For pre-V51 compatibility, this argument is ignored by any process. This function will no longer return until a DosPacket is received. BUGS Until V51.44 when called from a task, this function would Wait() for the wrong signal bit for the port and would never return. SEE ALSO SendPkt(), DoPkt() dos.library/Write dos.library/Write NAME Write -- Low level routine to write bytes of data to a file. (unbuffered) SYNOPSIS int32 returnedLength = Write(BPTR file,CONST_APTR buffer,int32 length); FUNCTION Write() writes bytes of data to the opened file 'file'. 'length' indicates the number of bytes to transfer from 'buffer'. The value returned is the length of information actually written. An error has occured when 'returnedLength' is not equal to 'length', in this situation, call IoErr() to find out what error occured. Note: this is an unbuffered routine, the request is passed directly to the underlying filesystem or handler. Buffered I/O is more efficient for small reads and writes, see; FPutC(), FWrite(), FPuts()... INPUTS file - (BPTR) BCPL pointer to an open file handle. buffer - (APTR) pointer to the buffer. length - (int32) number of bytes to write. RESULTS returnedLength - (int32) number of bytes written, or -1 on error. NOTES Always test if returnedLength != length and treat this as an error and call IoErr() to find out why the requested number of bytes were not actually written, do not compare the retrunedLength to -1, that is not enough, some earlier filesystems failed to return -1 on errors such as ERROR_DISK_FULL and simply returned the number of bytes it actually wrote before the disk was completely filled. The V54 autodocs now specify that handlers return -1 for all errors, but your software may still encounter older handlers, so be prepared. Some file systems may not support the creation or writing to files larger than 2 GBytes. Extending files beyond the 2 GByte mark or the 4 GByte mark may not be supported either, leading to unexpected file system behaviour. If your software can be expected to create or maintain files of such sizes you should implement safeguards against accidental data corruption due to overly long files. For example, some file systems may not be able to tell the difference between a file that is a three bytes in excess of 4 GBytes large and a file which is exactly three bytes in size. This function is NOT callable by tasks. SEE ALSO Read(), Open(), Close(). dos.library/WriteChars dos.library/WriteChars NAME WriteChars -- Writes bytes to the default output. (buffered) (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 count = WriteChars(CONST_STRPTR buffer, uint32 buflen); FUNCTION This routine writes a number of bytes to the default output. The length written is returned. This routine is buffered. INPUTS buffer - buffer of characters to write. buflen - number of characters to write. RESULT count - Number of bytes written. -1 (EOF) indicates an error NOTES From DOS 51.45 all buffered I/O functions now employ automatic task semaphore locking by default, therefore it is now safe to share a filehandle across multiple tasks which may also call a buffered DOS I/O function. This function is now a compatibility stub that calls FWrite() as; return IDOS->FWrite(IDOS->Output(), (APTR)buffer, 1, buflen); SEE ALSO FPuts(), FPutC(), FWrite(), PutStr(), FOpen(), FClose(), SetFileHandleAttr(). dos.library/WriteProtectVolume dos.library/WriteProtectVolume NAME WriteProtectVolume --Sets write protection status of a volume (V51.100) SYNOPSIS int32 success = WriteProtectVolume(CONST_STRPTR filesystem, int32 on_off, uint32 passkey, int32 reserved); FUNCTION Sends a write protect request to the indicated handler. Sets up whether the handler will prevent write access to the media. When un-write protecting, if a 'passkey' value other than zero was specified when the volume was write protected, the same passkey must be specified when un-write protecting before the handler will grant write access again. INPUTS filesystem - (STRPTR) Identifier for the device/volume to write protect. (See GetDeviceProcFlags() for more details about this.) on_off - (BOOLEAN) TRUE=Write protected, FALSE=Un-write protected. passkey - (uint32) Unsigned integer to secure the protection request. (A value of zero indicates no security.) reserved - (int32) Reserved for expansion, (MUST BE SET TO ZERO). RESULT success - (BOOLEAN) Zero for failure, non-zero for success. EXAMPLE /* Passkey may be derived from a hashed password string, like the * following example, or it can be any other arbitrary value you * wish to use to secure a write protection request. */ uint32 calculate_passkey(CONST_STRPTR password_string) { uint8 *p = (uint8 *)password_string; uint32 passkey = 0; while( *p ) { passkey = (10 * passkey) + (uint32)*p++; } return(passkey); } NOTES This function is NOT task callable. The effect of this function is not permanent, it will last only until the next reboot, disk change or handler restart. The 'on_off' parameter value may be adjusted for backward semantical compatibility by this function, before passing it to the filesystem. The 'reserved' parameter MUST be set to zero or failure will occur. SEE ALSO GetDeviceProcFlags(). dos.library/WriteProtectVolumePort dos.library/WriteProtectVolumePort NAME WriteProtectVolumePort -- Sets write protection status of a volume identified by its message port. (V53.149) SYNOPSIS int32 success = WriteProtectVolumePort(struct MsgPort *port, int32 on_off, uint32 passkey, int32 reserved); FUNCTION Sends a write protect request to the handler identified by the port. Sets up whether the handler will prevent write access to the media. When un-write protecting, if a 'passkey' value other than zero was specified when the volume was write protected, the same passkey must be specified when un-write protecting before the handler will grant write access again. INPUTS port - (struct MsgPort *) Filesystem message port to write protect. on_off - (BOOLEAN) TRUE=Write protected, FALSE=Un-write protected. passkey - (uint32) Unsigned integer to secure the protection request. (A value of zero indicates no security.) reserved - (int32) Reserved for expansion, (MUST BE SET TO ZERO). RESULT success - (BOOLEAN) Zero for failure, non-zero for success. NOTES This function is NOT task callable. See WriteProtectVolume() for example 'passkey' generation code. The effect of this function is not permanent, it will last only until the next reboot, disk change or handler restart. The 'on_off' parameter value may be adjusted for backward semantical compatibility by this function, before passing it to the filesystem. The 'reserved' parameter MUST be set to zero or failure will occur. SEE ALSO WriteProtectVolume().