Copyright (c) Hyperion Entertainment and contributors.
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Welcome to the AmigaOS Documentation Wiki
This is the AmigaOS Documentation Wiki. Here we collect all information for users and developers of AmigaOS version 4.0 and beyond.
For Users
The User Documentation Section is meant as a starting point for users. It begins by explaining the concepts of AmigaOS, AmigaDOS commands and the Workbench environment. It shows how to use Menus, the Keyboard Shortcuts available, and later how to configure the Workbench and AmigaOS from the look and feel of the desktop (e.g. changing the background image) to more comprehensive tasks such as setting up a network, configuring Sound Cards and similar information.
For Developers
Documentation is organized into multiple sections. The Developer Section contains documentation that is useful for developing applications, device drivers, games and other programming projects on AmigaOS. The Tutorial Section contains a couple of hands-on tutorials that are intended to allow beginning developers to get into programming with step-by-step examples. Finally, the Autodocs section contains the well-known autodocs, function-by-function documentation of libraries and devices in the AmigaOS system.
For Wiki Editors
The Editor Documentation Section is meant for editors to communicate with each other on the do's and don'ts of editing this wiki.
Thank you to our contributors that helped with the material found on this wiki.