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AmigaOS Manual: Workbench

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This page is currently being updated to AmigaOS 4.x. Some of the information contained here may not yet be applicable in part or totally.


The Amiga line of personal computers offers a unique combination of versatility, computing power, and usability.

By working with the Amiga's easy-to-learn, easy-to-use Workbench interface, any level user - even a beginner - can quickly accomplish tasks or run programs. With Workbench there is no need to memorize long lists of commands. All you have to do is use your mouse to select icons (small pictures that represent tasks) or items from list-like menus to control your Amiga.

Workbench also offers you the freedom to design your own custom system configuration using the Preferences editors and Tools programs provided. You can, for example, create icons and menus for the tasks that you do most. You can fine-tune the system to take ultimate advantage of your Amiga's superior graphics capability.

Workbench lets you work in your own language and use the monetary and numeric symbols with which you are familiar. Through a simple easy-to-follow process, you can display the Workbench in the language of your choice.

Workbench is not only user-friendly and flexible, but it is also extremely powerful. The Workbench takes full advantage of the Amiga's ability to multitask, or run several independent programs simultaneously. By simply clicking on an icon, you can switch between programs when you need to. Not only can programs run at the same time on the Amiga, but they can also share information and computer resources, allowing you to do more work without requiring additional software and memory.

Your Amiga and the Workbench provide you with a powerful tool for work or pleasure. Enjoy it!

Using This Manual

This manual provides operational instructions and reference material for using your Amiga Workbench. If you have never used an Amiga before, read the entire manual to become familiar with the general operations of your Amiga and the Workbench system. Once you learn the basics, this document can serve as a reference tool. If you are already familiar with the Amiga, be sure to read through the manual for new information that you may not know.

Chapter 1. Before You Start This chapter provides instructions for things you need to do and information you need to know before you start using your Amiga, including language selection and installation procedures.

Chapter 2. Basic Operations This chapter describes starting your Amiga, creating and managing disks and files, and using your mouse and keyboard.

Chapter 3. Fundaments of Workbench This chapter describes the elements that comprise the Workbench environment, including screens, windows, menus, icons, gadgets, and requesters.

Chapter 4. Using Workbench This chapter provides an overview of the Amiga Workbench system and explains how to command Workbench through its ARexx interface.

Chapter 5. Preferences This chapter details the information needed to set your Amiga to work monitors, printers, and other peripherals and how to customize your individual Workbench environment.

Chapter 6. Classic Amiga Emulation This chapter provides information on how to run Classic Amiga programs.

Chapter 7. Internet This chapter explains the programs in the Internet drawer.

Chapter 8. System Tools This chapter explains the control programs in the System drawer.

Chapter 9. Utilities This chapter explains the programs in the Utilities drawer.

Chapter 10. Devices In this chapter you will learn how to install and uninstall data types, DOS drivers, key maps, monitors, net interfaces, and printers.

Chapter 11. Localization This chapter describes the localization options available on the Amiga Workbench including language, date, time, and numeric format.

Chapter 12. Monitors This chapter describes the monitors that you can use with your Amiga. It includes choosing a monitor and monitor settings for your system. Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA or AA)-specific information, and a list of the monitor display modes.

Chapter 13. Fonts This chapter explains how to install and use both bitmap and outline fonts on the Amiga.

Chapter 14. Printers This chapter describes printers and printer options for producing the output that best suits your needs and equipment.

Chapter 15. Other Amiga Programs This chapter explains the programs in the Utilities and Commodities drawers.

Chapter 16. CrossDOS This chapter describes CrossDOS, which allows you to read and write MS-DOS formatted disks on your Amiga.

Chapter 17. ED Editor This chapter explains how to use the ED text editor to create and edit text files.

Appendix A. Troubleshooting This appendix provides solutions to common problems that can occur.

Appendix B. Using Floppy-Only Systems: This appendix provides information for using floppy-only Amigas, including how to copy disks, how to set Preferences, and how to work faster. Obsolete

Appendix C. AmigaGuide This appendix describes AmigaGuide, a hypertext on-line help system available with some applications. Included in this chapter are instructions for using AmigaGuide and descriptions of its menus.

Appendix D. Special Early Startup Control Options This appendix provides information on special boot options that allow you to choose display options, diagnose expansion board failures, and to disable devices and processor caches for software compatibility.

Appendix E. Keyboard Shortcuts This appendix lists the AmigaOS keyboard shortcuts.

Appendix F. Workbench ARexx Port This appendix documents the Workbench ARexx port and supported ARexx commands.


Documentation Conventions

The following conventions are used in this manual:

KEYWORDS Keywords are displayed in all upper case letters, however, the arguments are not case-sensitive.
<n> Angle brackets enclose variable information that you must supply. In place of <n>, substitute the value, text, or option desired. Do not enter the angle brackets when entering the variable.
Courier Text appearing in the Courier font represents information displayed on your screen.
Key1 + Key2 Key combinations displayed with a + (plus) sign connecting them indicate pressing the keys simultaneously. For example, Ctrl + O means to hold down the Ctrl key and, while holding it down, press O.
Key1, Key2 Key combinations displayed with a comma separating them indicate pressing the keys in sequence. For example, Esc,O,P means to press the Esc key, followed by the O key, and then followed by the P key.
Amiga keys Two keys on the Amiga keyboard used for special functions. The left Amiga key is to the left of the space bar and is marked with a large solid A. The right Amiga key is to the right of the space bar and is an outlined A.