TABLE OF CONTENTS page.gadget/--datasheet-- page.gadget/PAGE_GetClass page.gadget/RefreshPageGadget page.gadget/SetPageGadgetAttrsA page.gadget/--datasheet-- page.gadget/--datasheet-- NAME page.gadget -- Gadget for easy creation of GUI pages. SUPERCLASS gadgetclass DESCRIPTION Page gadget takes a list of BOOPSI objects and treats each as a single page of a multi-page GUI group. Used together with clicktab.gadget and layout.gadget, it allows complex GUI layouts with hidden objects with virtually no work for the developer. This gadget class is contained within the layout.gadget binary. Thus, you will need to OpenClass() layout.gadget but not page.gadget. METHODS OM_NEW -- Passed to superclass, defaults set then OM_SET. OM_DISPOSE -- Memory freed then passed to superclass. OM_SET -- Custom tags set then passed to superclass. OM_GET -- Custom tag returned or passed to superclass. OM_UPDATE -- Custom tags set then passed to superclass. OM_NOTIFY -- Tag set then passed to superclass. GM_RENDER -- Passed to superclass then rendered. GM_DOMAIN -- Returns the specified dimensions. GM_LAYOUT -- Calculates the relative gadget coordinates. GM_EXTENT -- Reports gadget rendering extent. GM_CLIPRECT -- Installs ClipRect for virtual group support. DTM_PROCLAYOUT -- Like GM_LAYOUT but passes DTM_PROCLAYOUT forward. Useful if the layout group contains only datatype objects. All other methods are passed to the currently visible object. ATTRIBUTES PAGE_Add (Object *) A BOOPSI gadget (probably a layout.gadget) to add to the end of the page list. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET) PAGE_Remove (Object *) Pointer to a gadget to remove from the page list. page.gadget will automatically dispose all attached objects when disposed of. Applicability is (OM_SET) PAGE_Current (uint32) Sets/gets the currently visible page. Note that OM_SET will not trigger a rerender, call RethinkLayout() afterwards. OM_UPDATE will rerender automatically. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) PAGE_FixedVert (BOOL) PAGE_FixedHoriz (BOOL) Like the respective tags of layout.gadget, these will, if set to FALSE, force the group's dimensions to the smallest possible in the respective direction. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) PAGE_NoDispose (BOOL) v53.22 Set the to True if you do not want the Objects to be Disposed. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE) SEE ALSO layout.gadget, intuition.library/OpenClass() page.gadget/PAGE_GetClass page.gadget/PAGE_GetClass NAME PAGE_GetClass -- Gets pointer to the page class. SYNOPSIS Class * class = PAGE_GetClass(); FUNCTION This function is deprecated as of V52. Use the "page.gadget" public class ID instead. NOTES PAGE_GetClass() is contained in layout.gadget. There is no PageBase, just LayoutBase. RESULT class - Pointer to the page class. page.gadget/RefreshPageGadget page.gadget/RefreshPageGadget NAME RefreshPageGadget -- Refresh gadget in a paged layout. SYNOPSIS void RefreshPageGadget(struct Gadget *gad, Object *page, struct Window *win, struct Requester *req); FUNCTION Performs a RefreshGList( gad, win, req, 1 ) if the gadget is on the currently visible page. page.gadget/SetPageGadgetAttrsA page.gadget/SetPageGadgetAttrsA NAME SetPageGadgetAttrsA -- Set gadget attributes in a paged layout. SYNOPSIS uint32 SetPageGadgetAttrsA(struct Gadget *gad, Object *page, struct Window *win, struct Requester *req, struct TagItem *tags); uint32 SetPageGadgetAttrs(struct Gadget *gad, Object *page, struct Window *win, struct Requester *req, Tag tag, ...); FUNCTION Like SetGadgetAttrs() but passes a NULL window and requester pointer if the gadget is not on the currently visible page.