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AmigaOS Manual: Built-in Constants

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The following constants exist in the built-in namespace:

Constant Description
False The false value of the bool type.
True The true value of the bool type.
None The sole value of the type NoneType.
NotImplemented Special value which should be returned by the binary special methods to indicate that the operation is not implemented. Its truth value is true.
Ellipsis Special value used mostly in conjunction with extended slicing syntax for user-defined container data types. Same as "...".
__debug__ This constant is true if Python was not started with an -O option.
quit([<code>]) Object. Contains the quit help text. When called, quits the Python interpreter and returns <code> to the caller, if supplied. [1]
exit([<code>]) Object containg the exit help text. When called, exits the Python interpreter and returns <code> to the caller, if supplied. [1]
copyright Object containing the copyright text. [1]
credits Object containing the credits text. [1]
license Object containing the license text. [1]

[1] Constant added by the site module. If Python is executed without the option -s, site module is imported automatically.