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TREE IFF Tree Data Structure

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Storage of arbitrary data structures as trees (or nested lists).

Date Submitted:	23-JUN-92
Submitted by:	Stefan Reisner
		Aachener Straße 399
		5000 Köln 41
		Phone 0221 / 40 59 16


This IFF FORM format was defined as the basic filing and clipping
format for QED and its successors.

QED is mainly a symbolic math (formula) editor, but can be thought
of (and be configured) more generally as an editor that can process
ANY formally defined data structure representable as a tree (or
equivalently as nested lists) of symbols (such as letters, words,
numbers etc.).

The "representation as nested lists" issue is obvious
(at least to those who are familiar with Lisp).

This approach to data abstraction tries to represent any object with
a particular data structure by an instance of one same class, the
class of trees (or nested lists).

It should work as long as the object in question can be decomposed
into irreducible (atomic) pieces of information that are small enough
to be represented by textual symbols.


Consider a C-style structure:

		some_type field_1;
		some_type field_n;

or a vector

	some_type vector[n];

Both are basically just lists of their components. The components
are possibly structures or vectors themselves, and so on. Finally,
"atomic" components (scalar types char, word, long, float, double)
will appear.

The tree structure can even represent data structures that are not
as rigid as C-style structures or vectors. This can be achieved by
placing a field identifier symbol in front of each field,
eliminating the need of a fixed order of fields.

Further examples: see the Lisp language.


The only new chunk to be defined here is FORM TREE.

There are two possible shapes a FORM TREE can have: the terminal (leaf)
shape and the non-terminal shape.

Terminal (leaf) shape of a FORM TREE:

The terminal shape of a FORM TREE consists of exactly one TEXT chunk
(unformatted ASCII text), containing the terminal symbol.

Non-terminal shape of a FORM TREE:

The non-terminal shape of a FORM TREE consists of exactly one LIST TREE
chunk containing itself any number (including zero) of FORM TREEs.

Thus we have the following syntax:

tree         ::= "FORM" #{ "TREE" ( terminal | non-terminal ) }
terminal     ::= "TEXT" #{ symbol string }
non-terminal ::= "LIST" #{ "TREE" tree* }

The absence of PROP chunks is intentional, because they are unnecessary:
Any such information can and should be stored as part of the actual data