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FANT IFF Movie Format

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/*                                                                   **
** - FantForm.h                                                      **
**                                                                   **
**     This is the IFF movie format for Amiga Fantavision.           **
**                                                                   **
**     (c) Copyright 1988 Broderbund Software                        **
**                                                                   **
**     - FORMAT FROZED May 5, 1988 -                                 **
**                                                                   **
**     Implemented by Steve Hales                                    **
**                                                                   **
** Overvue -                                                         **
**     This is a description of the format used for Amiga            **
**     Fantavision.  It assumes you have intimate knowledge of how   **
**     IFF-FORMs are constructed, layed out, and read.  This file    **
**     can be used as a header file.  This is fairly complete, but   **
**     I'm sure there are a few things missing.                      **
**                                                                   **
**     I can be reached in the following ways:                       **
**       UseNet:  OR                  **
**                 sun!!Steve_A_Hales                  **
**                                                                   **
**       US Mail:  882 Hagemann Drive                                **
**                 Livermore, CA, 94550-2420                         **
**                                                                   **
**       Phone:    (415) 449-5297                                    **
**                                                                   **
**     NOTE:  I cannot, by contract, give out any code to load or    **
**            play Fantavision movies.  If that is want you want     **
**            then you will need to contact Broderbund Software      **
**            directly.  Their number is (415) 492-3200.             **
**                                                                   **
** Enjoy!  Aloha.                                                    **
**                                                                   */

/* Misc Fantavision structures
typedef struct Rect
   int left, top, right, bottom;
typedef struct Point
   int h, v;

/* Frame opcodes */
#define opNEXT     0       /* go on to next frame */
#define opREPEAT   1       /* repeat sequence starting from frame Parm rep1 times */
#define opGOTO     2       /* goto frame Parm */

/* Frame modes */
#define fNORMAL    0x0000  /* redraw every frame */
#define fTRACE     0x0001  /* draw into both paged screens */
#define fLIGHTNING 0x0020  /* don't erase background */

/* Fantavision FORM defines
#define ID_FANT    'FANT'          /* FORM type */
#define ID_FHDR    'FHDR'          /* Movie Header */
#define ID_FRAM    'FRAM'          /* Format info for a Frame */
#define ID_POLY    'POLY'          /* Format info for a Polygon */
#define ID_CSTR    'CSTR'          /* \0 terminated string */

/* Polygon modes */
#define pTYPEMASK  0x00FF      /* type mask to get just type of poly */
#define pSELECT    0x8000      /* is object selected? */
#define pOUTLINE   0x4000      /* outlined polygon using DotModeSide to
                               ** determine when to not connect a line.
                               ** ex. 0 draws on all sides, 1 will draw on
                               ** everyother side, 2 will leave every second
                               ** side blank, 3 will every third side
                               ** blank, etc. */
#define pBACKDROP  0x2000      /* polygon will be dropped into the background
                               ** during animation. */
#define pMSKBITMAP 0x1000      /* bitmap has a mask */

/* Polygon types */
#define pDELETE    0x7000      /* object is a filler (its deleted from display) */
#define pFILLED    0           /* filled polygon */
#define pLINE      1           /* not-connected line polygon */
#define pLINED     2           /* connected line polygon */
#define pTEXTBLOCK 3           /* text block to draw */
#define pCIRCLEDOT 4           /* draw circle dots at vertex's using
                               ** dotSize at size. */
#define pRECTDOT   5           /* draw square dots at vertex's using
                               ** dotSize at size. */
#define pBITMAPDOT 6           /* draw dots using a bitmap at vertex's using
                               ** BitMap. */
#define pBITMAP    7           /* draw just bitmap image */

/* These are used for the pTEXTBLOCK polygon type
/* Text justification
#define tLEFT      0
#define tCENTER    1
#define tRIGHT     2
/* Text style
#define tNORMAL    (int)(FS_NORMAL)
#define tBOLD      (int)(FSF_BOLD)
#define tITALIC    (int)(FSF_ITALIC)
#define tEXTENDED  (int)(FSF_EXTENDED)

/* Fantavision movie header -
**     This header defines how much RAM is needed, how many frames, and sounds
**     in the movie.
typedef struct FantHeader
   int PointsPerObj;       /* number of vertexs per object */
   int ObjsPerFrame;       /* number of objects per frame */
   int ScreenDepth;        /* 0 to 6, for number of bit planes */
   int ScreenWidth;        /* in pixels */
   int ScreenHeight;       /* in pixels */
   int BackColor;          /* background color palette number */
   long SizeOfMovie;       /* RAM Size of movie, expanded */
   int pad[30];            /* padding for expanding */
   int NumberOfFrames;
   int NumberOfSounds;
   int NumberOfBitMaps;
   int Background;         /* non-zero if first bitmap is a background */
   int SpeedOfMovie;       /* 100 is normal speed, 50 is half speed, etc */
   int pad[3];             /* expansion */

/* Fantavision frame info -
**     Each frame has this structure defined.
typedef struct FrameFormat
   int OpCode;                 /* Frame opcode */
   long Parm;                  /* contains frame number for opNEXT, opREPEAT */
   char Rep1, Rep2;            /* Rep1 is repeat counter, Rep2 is not used */
   int TweenRate;              /* number of tweens per frame */

   int ChannelIndex[2];        /* -3 stop sound is this channel
                               ** -2 modify current sound
                               ** -1 no sound for this channel
                               ** (all others) is an index into the sound
                               ** list.  Which sound to use.

   int NumberOfPolys;          /* number of polygons in this frame */
   int ColorPalette[32];       /* xRGB - format 4 bits per register */
   int Pan, Tilt;              /* 0 is centered, (+-) amounts are in pixels */
   int Modes;                  /* Frame modes */
   int pad;                    /* expansion */

/* Fantavision polygon info -
**     Each polygon has this structure defined.
typedef struct PolyFormat
   int NumberOfPoints;         /* how many vertexs for this polygon */
   int Type;                   /* polygon type */
   int Color;                  /* palette color number (see note 1) */
   Rect Bounds;                /* enclosing rectangle of polygon */
   int Depth;                  /* polygon view depth (see note 2) */
   char DotModeSize;           /* in pixels, not larger than 40 */
   char DotModeSide;           /* determines outlining features */
   int OutlineColor;           /* palette color number for outline */
   int BitMapIndex;            /* if not -1, then bitmap index into bitmap list */
   int BMRealWidth;            /* in pixels */
   int BMRealHeight;
   int TextLength;             /* length of text for pTEXTBLOCK */
   int TextJust;
   char TextSize;              /* size in pixels */
   char TextStyle;
   long pad;                   /* expansion */
   Point p[];                  /* array of points defining vertexs */

/* Fantavision high-level IFF format.

       - background -
       FORM ILBM   if Background is non-zero

       - bitmap list -
       NOTE:  If a bitmap has a mask, it will be compute during load time.

       FORM ILBM   times NumberOfBitMaps

       - sound list -
   {   FORM 8SVX   times NumberOfSounds
       SEFX    }   Default parameters for sound

       - frame list -
   {   FRAM        times NumberOfFrames
       SEFX        if sound for channel 1.
       SEFX        if sound for channel 2.
       POLY        times NumberOfPolys
     { CSTR        Text of poly if PolyType = pTEXTBLOCK
       CSTR  } }   Name of font

/******- NOTES -**********************************************************/
** 1 - The color palette is a number from 0 to 1120.  The first 32 numbers
**     are normal RGB colors, but the rest index into a pre-defined
**     set of patterns.
** 2 - The view depth of each polygon determines the display order.  The
**     higher the number the closer the polygon is to the viewer.  During
**     editing, each polygon is assigned numbers in multiplies of 100,
**     but to function, any number can work.