Copyright (c) Hyperion Entertainment and contributors.
AmiWest 2018 DevCon
Getting Ready
Be sure to have the AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SDK installed and ready to go. See AmiWest Setup for complete details on how to get ready.
We are aiming to cover the following topics:
- AmigaOne X5000 and A1222 SATA driver deep dive. How to make your own AmigaOS disk device drivers. (Steven Solie)
- Introducing the infodata.gadget class. (Mark Ritter)
- Tower57 port optimizations explained. (Daniel Müßener)
- "Surprise" developer related software. (Jamie Krueger)
- Ethernet driver development explained including a new framework. (Jamie Krueger)
- Inside the A1222 laptop project. (Hans de Ruiter)
- Personal Projects. You are encouraged to bring your own personal projects to the DevCon where we, as a group, may be able to help you out.
The DevCon will also be tailored to the group. If something is not interesting we can skip it and move on to something that is interesting. Class participation and feedback during the DevCon is mandatory - repeat, mandatory.
Here is the schedule for the Dev Con.
October 10 (Wednesday)
Set up your AmigaOS systems and test them out. This is the time to troubleshoot any equipment or Internet access issues.
October 11 (Thursday)
We will start at 09:30 so please be there for 09:00. We'll have a lunch break around noon. We will stop when we run out of energy.
Video of the first hour, October 11
0:00:00 - 0:15:30 | Introductions and DevCon overview |
0:15:30 - 1:01:14 | Jamie Krueger of Bit by Bit Software begins his discussion AmigaOS drivers and API specifically related to development of an Ethernet driver within a new framework |
Video of the second hour, October 11
0:00:00 - 1:01:18 | Jamie Krueger of Bit by Bit Software concludes his discussion of AmigaOS drivers and API specifically related to development of an Ethernet driver within a new framework |
Video of the third hour, October 11
0:00:00 - 0:33:05 | Jamie Krueger answers audience questions |
0:33:05 - 1:01:02 | Steven Solie begins his discussion of the SATA drivers for the AmigaOne X5000 and A1222 and how to make your own AmigaOS disk device drivers |
Video of the fourth hour, October 11
0:00:00 - 1:02:26 | Steven Solie continues his discussion of SATA drivers along with audience questions and discussion |
Video of the fifth hour, October 11
00:00 - 10:40 | Steven Solie concludes his discussion of SATA drivers along with audience questions |
10:40 - 36:58 | Hans de Ruiter provides a status update on his DIY Mini-ITX laptop project |
October 12 (Friday)
We will start at 09:30 so please be there for 09:00. We'll have a lunch break around noon. We will stop when the Classic Clinic starts setting up which should be around 17:00 or so.
Video of the first hour, October 12
0:00:00 - 0:17:48 | Mark Ritter discusses his development of infodata.gadget.class and answers audience questions |
0:17:48 - 1:02:09 | Steven Solie outlines additional SATA driver details and answers audience questions |
Video of the second hour, October 12
0:00:00 - 0:22:58 | Steven Solie concludes answering audience questions from his SATA driver details discussion |
0:22:58 - 1:03:12 | Daniel Müßener discusses porting software to the A1222 and answers audience questions |
Video of the third hour, October 12
00:00 - 12:55 | Daniel Müßener concludes answering audience questions and a short audience question and answer session with Steven Solie |
12:55 - 57:49 | Jamie Krueger presents his AVD development suite |
Video of the fourth hour, October 12
00:00 - 40:53 | Jamie Krueger concludes his AVD development suite presentation and answers audience questions |