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Line 206: Line 206:
APTR apointer, anotherptr, yap;
APTR apointer = IExec->AllocVecTags(100, TAG_END);
apointer = IExec->AllocVecTags(100, TAG_END);
if (apointer == NULL)
if (apointer == NULL)
Line 223: Line 221:
anotherptr = IExec->AllocVecTags(1000,
APTR anotherptr = IExec->AllocVecTags(1000,
AVT_ClearWithValue, 0,
AVT_ClearWithValue, 0,
Line 235: Line 233:
yap = IExec->AllocVec(500, MEMF_CHIP);
APTR yap = IExec->AllocVec(500, MEMF_CHIP);
if (yap == NULL)
if (yap == NULL)

Revision as of 23:04, 5 June 2012

Warning.png This page is not yet fully updated to AmigaOS 4.x some of the information contained here may not be applicable in part or totally.

Exec Memory Allocation

Exec manages all of the free memory currently available in the system. Using a slab allocation system, Exec keeps track of memory and provides the functions to allocate and access it.

When an application needs some memory, it can either declare the memory statically within the program or it can ask Exec for some memory. When Exec receives a request for memory, it searches its free memory regions to find a suitably sized block that matches the size and attributes requested.

Prior to AmigaOS 4.0, the OS did not make use of the CPU's memory management unit and used memory "as-is". That is, if you have different memory expansions plugged into your system, the memory will be seen as chunks located somewhere in the 4 gigabyte address space. Since version 4.0, the MMU will be used to "map" memory pages from their physical location to a virtual address. There are multiple reasons why this is better than using the verbatim physical addresses - among other things it reduces the effect of "memory fragmentation" and simplifies the possibility to swap currently unused memory pages to persistent storage such as a hard disk.

The "downside" is that the virtual address of a memory block is almost never identical to the physical address. This isn't much of a downside, since an application will never really need to care about it. If an application allocates a block of memory of n bytes, it will get a pointer back that points to at least n continuous addresses as expected. The pages that "fill" this memory block may come from different physical locations scattered throughout the physical memory but a program will never noticed that. For all intent and purpose, the application sees a single continuous block of memory.

Slab allocation


The AmigaOS memory architecture is based on the "slab allocator" system or "object cache". In essence, the slab allocator only allocates objects of a single size, allocating these in larger batches ("slabs") from the low-level page allocator. These slabs are then divided up into buffers of the required size, and kept within a list in the slab allocator.

Allocating an object with the slab allocator becomes a process of simple node removal: the first node in the first slab containing free nodes is removed and returned for use. Since the slab allocator keeps free slabs or partially free slabs in a separate list from the full slabs, this operation can be carried out in constant time. Freeing memory is accomplished by returning the buffer to its cache, and adding it to its original slab's free list. Slabs that are completely free can be returned to the system's page pool (this operation is actually driven by demand, and timestamps are used to avoid unnecessary loading of data, or "thrashing"). External fragmentation is minimal, and internal fragmentation is controlled and guaranteed not to exceed a certain amount.

Object caching

The slab allocator can also be used to cache objects. In the real world a lot of memory allocation operations will be used to allocate the same object. The system has a number of data structures which are allocated frequently (semaphores, message ports and the like). Every time such structures are allocated, they must be initialised, and when they are deleted again, they must be cleaned up. It's likely, however, that such a structure will be needed again in the future, so that it can be kept in its initialised state and re-used later. This further reduces the load on the allocator routines, and thus improves system performance.

The object caches work on memory that has already been mapped into the virtual memory space.

More Advantages

Another advantage is the possibility to improve CPU cache usage. Usually, most objects have "hot spots", i.e. they have a few fields that are used often. Since most of the time a little memory is left unused in a slab (the object size might not be a multiple of the slab size), this additional memory can be used to "shift" the hot spots by a few bytes to optimise the memory structure, leading to better cache usage.

Finally, the system can be expanded to multiple CPUs with next to no overhead. On multi-CPU system, these expanded slab allocators scale almost linearly with the number of CPUs employed, making it the ideal choice for such systems.

The combination of object caching and keeping caches for different memory blocks (for AllocVec/FreeVec emulation) makes the memory management more efficient, faster, and generally more future-proof than the old free list approach used in AmigaOS 3.x and earlier.

See Wikipedia for more information on slab allocator systems.

Physical page allocation

Every memory location in a computer system has its own, unique address. That is, there is a byte location at address x where you can store and retrieve a single byte. This address is fixed; there is no way to change it without physically changing the hardware. Therefore, this address is called the “physical” address.

The physical address of a memory page is most often completely irrelevant to the application. The CPU will typically only see the virtual address. AmigaOS will take care of assigning virtual addresses to memory paging. This is often called “mapping” a page. Only in very special cases will the physical address be relevant. For example, device drivers that want to pass memory to a hardware device via DMA. Since the MMU is part of the CPU, any external hardware like an IDE controller will not see the virtual but only physical addresses.

A common operation in memory allocation is the assignment of virtual addresses to physical memory locations. Allocation of physical memory is usually done differently from virtual allocations, since it's necessary to free up only part of the allocation (when for example the pager kicks in).

The de-facto standard in allocation of physical pages is a method invented by Knuth, called the "buddy system". Basically every modern operating system uses it and AmigaOS is no exception.

Buddy systems are in essence size-segregated free lists. To allocate, the system searches for a free block of at least the size of the allocation. Then, if the block is too large, it's split into two even-sized blocks. These blocks are called "buddies". One block is returned to it's appropriate free list, and the other is considered further, maybe splitting it further until it's size matches that of the allocation.

In a buddy system, it's easy to determine whether the "buddy" is free or not, because it's address can simply be decided based on the address of the block to be freed.

Virtual address space allocation

Most CPUs come with a special unit that is called a "memory management unit" or "MMU" for short. The MMU's primary job is to rearrange the physical memory within the 4 gigabytes of address space in a way that is convenient for the operating system and/or applications. To do that effectively, it divides the memory into blocks (called "pages"). For every page the MMU has an entry in a table that specifies where the CPU should "see" this page, and what special attributes the page has. The address where the CPU "sees" this page is a 32 bit address as well, but since the memory is not really located there, we call that a "virtual" address.

AmigaOS uses a resource map allocator for allocating virtual address space. Basically this is a means of managing a set of resources (not necessarily memory). For performance reason, it uses several optimization techniques.

For one, all free resource blocks are held in space-segregated lists, i.e. there is a list for each power-of-two resource group. This makes allocations a lot faster by providing an upper and lower bound for a search. For example, if you want to allocate a block of 2^10 bytes, you can basically skip searching any block below 2^10 bytes in size simply because it won't fit. Similarly, you don't need to search for blocks that are larger than, say, twice the size of the block, since there might still be blocks of a size near to what we need. Size-segregated free lists help narrow down the search, making the search itself faster and the result better in terms of fragmentation.

In addition, the resource maps use object caches for accelerating "small" allocations. Most allocations are below a certain size. For example, the virtual addresses are always allocated in chunks of at least one "page" in memory (4096 bytes). So it's common to allocate blocks of one, two, four, or eight pages. The object caches provide an easy method for keeping these common sizes, making every allocation of these sizes an exact fit, further reducing fragmentation.

Page cache

A lot of the time spent in allocating memory was spent looking for the appropriate pages in memory. A 256 MB memory system has 65536 4KB pages. These pages have to be searched for from time to time. Originally, hash tables were used but it turned out that distributing 65536 page entries over a few hash buckets still produced lists of several thousand pages that had to be traversed to find a page. The hash table was replaced with a radix tree. These trees are rather broad, but shallow, making traversal very fast. In usual circumstances, the tree does not grow more than 4 to 5 levels in depth, making searching of a page a matter of maximum 4 to 5 compare operations.


AmigaOS has the possibility to swap out parts of memory to disk in order to free up more memory for other applications. This feature allows applications to use more memory than is actually physically installed in the system.

The system can be tuned to different strategies, either page out only on demand (for highly interactive tasks), or based on other needs (lots of free memory in core for disk caches etc.).

The optimized data structures allow the memory system to operate at a very high speed.

The time for a memory allocation is now in the order of a few microseconds. This is especially true for small allocation (below 8096 bytes). During system testing it was observed that by the time the system has booted up to Workbench, there have already been 40,000 allocations to the global memory pool below 2096 bytes.

Memory Functions

Normally, an application uses the AllocMem() function to ask for memory:

APTR AllocMem(ULONG byteSize, ULONG attributes);

The byteSize argument is the amount of memory the application needs and attributes is a bit field which specifies any special memory characteristics (described later). If AllocMem() is successful, it returns a pointer to a block of memory. The memory allocation will fail if the system cannot find a big enough block with the requested attributes. If AllocMem() fails, it returns NULL.

Because the system only keeps track of how much free memory is available and not how much is in use, it has no idea what memory has been allocated by any task. This means an application has to explicitly return, or deallocate, any memory it has allocated so the system can return that memory to the free memory list. If an application does not return a block of memory to the system, the system will not be able to reallocate that memory to some other task. That block of memory will be lost until the Amiga is reset. If you are using AllocMem() to allocate memory, a call to FreeMem() will return that memory to the system:

VOID FreeMem(APTR mymemblock, ULONG byteSize);

Here mymemblock is a pointer to the memory block the application is returning to the system and byteSize is the same size that was passed when the memory was allocated with AllocMem().

Unlike some compiler memory allocation functions, the Amiga system memory allocation functions return memory blocks that are at least longword aligned. This means that the allocated memory will always start on an address which is at least evenly divisible by four. This alignment makes the memory suitable for any system structures or buffers which require word or longword alignment, and also provides optimal alignment for stacks and memory copying.

Memory Attributes

When asking the system for memory, an application can ask for memory with certain attributes. The currently supported flags are listed below.

Attribute Flag Meaning
MEMF_ANY This indicates that there is no requirement for the memory. Exec will always try to allocate faster memory before slower memory (if available). This is the default and should be used as often as possible. A typical implementation of malloc() would use MEMF_ANY as the memory flag.
MEMF_CHIP Deprecated. This indicates the application wants a block of chip memory, meaning it wants memory addressable by the classic Amiga custom chips. Chip memory is required for any data that will be accessed by custom chip DMA. This includes screen memory, images that will be blitted, sprite data, copper lists and audio data. Only useful on classic machines and should be avoided.
MEMF_FAST Deprecated. This indicates a memory block outside of the range that the classic Amiga special purpose chips can access. "FAST" means that the special-purpose chips do not have access to the memory and thus cannot cause processor bus contention, therefore processor access will likely be faster. Since the flag specifies memory that the custom chips cannot access, this flag is mutually exclusive with the MEMF_CHIP flag. Only useful on classic machines, and should be avoided
MEMF_VIRTUAL Use virtual memory in any case. This will fail if only public memory is available. Usually, you should not use this flag but use MEMF_ANY instead.
MEMF_EXECUTABLE Allocate memory that can hold executable code. Executable code must be placed in a specifically marked segment in memory to prevent buffer overflow exploits and for the automatic code type determination (PowerPC native vs. emulated 68k) to work. Failure to do so will result in an ISI exception.
MEMF_PUBLIC Deprecated. This indicates that the memory should be accessible to other tasks. Deprecated. See the discussion below why you should avoid it.
MEMF_SHARED Memory of this type is sharable between tasks. See the discussion below for details.
MEMF_PRIVATE Memory allocated with this flag is private for this task only. No other task can access it and any attempt to do so will result in a DSI exception.

Several flags are available that modifies or augments the memory allocation in a specific way. They can usually be used together with other flags listed above.

Modifier Flag Meaning
MEMF_CLEAR This indicates that the memory should be initialized with zeros.
MEMF_LOCAL Deprecated. This indicates memory which is located on the motherboard which is not initialized on reset.
MEMF_24BITDMA Deprecated. This indicates that the memory should be allocated within the 24 bit address space, so that the memory can be used in Zorro-II expansion device DMA transactions. This bit is for use by Zorro-II DMA devices only. It is not for general use by applications.
MEMF_REVERSE Deprecated. Indicates that the memory list should be searched backwards for the highest address memory chunk which can be used for the memory allocation.
MEMF_NO_EXPUNGE Prevents expunging from happening if set. Expunge is the process of freeing unused system resources.
MEMF_HWALIGNED Causes memory to be aligned to the hardware's physical page size. This flag is useful if you want to use the MMU to, for example, write protect memory.
MEMF_DELAYED Delay actual allocation of physical pages until they are accessed. See the discussion below for details.

If an application does not specify any attributes when allocating memory, the system tries to satisfy the request with the fastest memory available on the system memory lists.

Make Sure You Have Memory. Always check the result of any memory allocation to be sure the type and amount of memory requested is available. Failure to do so will lead to trying to use an non-valid pointer.


MEMF_PUBLIC is about one of the most misused features of AmigaOS. MEMF_PUBLIC was more or less described as "memory that cannot be swapped out, moved, or otherwise made unavailable." Unfortunately, this more or less applied to any memory in the classic AmigaOS. Therefore, many people just added the MEMF_PUBLIC flag to just about any allocation.

Starting with AmigaOS 4.0 a new MEMF_SHARED flag was introduced. Part of the problem of MEMF_PUBLIC is that classic AmigaOS device drivers assume that the physical and virtual addresses of a block of memory are the same. This assumption was carried over into AmigaOS 4.x. However, the cost of this is that less virtualized memory is available. Public memory is therefore limited in AmigaOS 4.x and only a fixed amount of it is made available during system startup. MEMF_PUBLIC is almost always completely unnecessary and can be replaced by MEMF_SHARED.

What does MEMF_PUBLIC mean?

MEMF_PUBLIC assumes that a memory block is allocated that cannot be physically moved around, is contiguous and will not be swapped. If you look at it this way, these requirements are almost always unnecessary. A normal application does not need to care about the physical address of a memory block nor will it have to think about the block not being contiguous as long as the virtual addresses are. The only requirement an application may have is to pin a block of memory, preventing it from being swapped out, for performance reasons. Swapped out memory might take a much longer time to be made available which can be an issue depending on the application.

MEMF_PUBLIC, due to its design, implies that the block of memory is available to all tasks and entities in the system. This is important for sending messages, for example. At the moment, there is nothing in the system that actually prevents access to another task's memory but semantics dictate that messages should be globally shared and a future memory system will enforce these semantics.

In summary, MEMF_PUBLIC means:

  • cannot be swapped
  • cannot be moved
  • accessible to all tasks
  • physical address equals virtual address
  • memory is contiguous
What does MEMF_SHARED mean?

A memory block that was allocated with MEMF_SHARED is accessible to all tasks and entities on the system. It is not protected and thus can be written to and read from by any task. Usually, its attributes can be changed as well. Other than that, no restriction is placed on the memory, which means it can be swapped (if not locked) and it can move in physical address space (not in virtual address space) and it might be not physically contiguous.

In summary, MEMF_SHARED means

  • can be swapped
  • can be moved
  • accessible to all tasks
  • physical and virtual address likely will be different
  • memory might not be physically contiguous (but not virtually)


Simplified, when a program allocates a block of memory the system first allocates a range of addresses in the virtual address space and then "fills" it with physical pages. Regardless of how much memory the application really needs, this will occupy as many pages as the allocation asked for.

Sometimes a program needs to allocate memory but cannot tell for sure whether it will really need that much. Suppose for example that a program wants to compress an image with a lossy codec where you cannot predict the size of the compressed image. It is known that the compressed image will take at most as much space as the original image otherwise compression would be pointless. Typically, the application would therefore allocate two buffers of the same size: one for the original image and one for the compressed image. If the image size is really large this might lead to problems.

The MEMF_DELAYED flag will prevents the allocation of physical pages for a memory block. It will only allocate the virtual address space and nothing else which essentially creates a "hole" in memory. A real physical page is mapped if and only if this hole is accessed and even then it is only mapped in such a way that the memory address that has been accessed is "backed up" by physical memory.

In our image compressor example, this would gradually "back up" the output buffer with pages up to the point where the compression is finished. Any excess buffer space is not mapped with pages and thus does not waste any memory other than the virtual address space which is usually much bigger than the physical memory.

There is a catch, though. Since the system cannot verify how much memory is actually going to be used there might be a situation where the memory runs out and the system cannot map a new page. If the pager is active, this will simply swap out a used page and re-use it to satisfy the request. If the pager is inactive, it will result in a DSI exception. The program may ward itself against such a case by installing its own task-local DSI handler.

Allocating System Memory

The following examples show how to allocate memory.

APTR apointer = IExec->AllocVecTags(100, TAG_END);
if (apointer == NULL)
    {  /* COULDN'T GET MEMORY, EXIT */ }

AllocVecTags() returns the address of the first byte of a memory block that is at least 100 bytes in size or NULL if there is not that much free memory. Because there are no tags specified, private memory is assumed so this memory cannot be shared with any other tasks.

In addition to allocating a block of memory, this function keeps track of the size of the memory block, so your application doesn't have to remember it when it deallocates that memory block. The AllocVecTags() function allocates a little more memory to store the size of the memory allocation request.

Make no assumptions. It is not legal to peek the longword in front of the returned memory pointer to find out how big the block is. This has always been illegal regardless of what any other documentation may have stated to the contrary. Your application has access to the memory returned by AllocVec() and the only guarantee made is that the returned block has n bytes of continuous address space starting at the returned address. Anything outside this area is not to be touched.
APTR anotherptr = IExec->AllocVecTags(1000,
  AVT_ClearWithValue, 0,
if (anotherptr == NULL)
    {  /* COULDN'T GET MEMORY, EXIT */ }

The example above allocates shared memory which is accessible by any task in the system and clears the memory contents to zero. If the system free memory list does not contain enough contiguous memory bytes in an area matching your requirements, AllocVecTags() returns a zero. You must check for this condition.

APTR yap = IExec->AllocVec(500, MEMF_CHIP);
if (yap == NULL)
    {  /* COULDN'T GET MEMORY, EXIT */ }

The deprecated AllocVec() function is used in the example above because it is the only way to allocate MEMF_CHIP memory on a classic Amiga system.

Freeing System Memory

The following examples free the memory chunks shown in the previous calls to AllocMem().

FreeMem(apointer, 100);
FreeMem(anotherptr, 1000);

A memory block allocated with AllocVec() must be returned to the system pool with the FreeVec(). This function uses the stored size in the allocation to free the memory block, so there is no need to specify the size of the memory block to free.


FreeMem() and FreeVec() return no status. However, if you attempt to free a memory block in the middle of a chunk that the system believes is already free, you will cause a system crash. Applications must free the same size memory blocks that they allocated. An allocated block may not be deallocated as smaller pieces. Due to the internal way the system rounds up and aligns allocations. Partial deallocations can corrupt the system memory list.

Leave Memory Allocations Out Of Interrupt Code. Do not allocate or deallocate system memory from within interrupt code. The Exec Interrupts section explains that an interrupt may occur at any time, even during a memory allocation process. As a result, system data structures may not be internally consistent at this time.

Memory Information Functions

The memory information routines AvailMem() and TypeOfMem() can provide the amount of memory available in the system, and the attributes of a particular block of memory.

Memory Requirements

The same attribute flags used in memory allocation routines are valid for the memory information routines. There is also an additional flag, MEMF_LARGEST, which can be used in the AvailMem() routine to find out what the largest available memory block of a particular type is. Specifying the MEMF_TOTAL flag will return the total amount of memory currently available.

Calling Memory Information Functions

The following example shows how to find out how much memory of a particular type is available.

ULONG size;


AvailMem() returns the size of the largest chunk of available chip memory.

AvailMem() May Not Be Totally Accurate. Because of multitasking, the return value from AvailMem() may be inaccurate by the time you receive it.

The following example shows how to determine the type of memory of a specified memory address.

ULONG memtype;

memtype = TypeOfMem((APTR)0x090000);
if ((memtype & MEMF_CHIP) == MEMF_CHIP) {  /*  ... It's chip memory ...  */   }

TypeOfMem() returns the attributes of the memory at a specific address. If it is passed an invalid memory address, TypeOfMem() returns NULL. This routine is normally used to determine if a particular chunk of memory is in chip memory.

Using Memory Copy Functions

For memory block copies, the CopyMem() and CopyMemQuick() functions can be used.

Copying System Memory

The following samples show how to use the copying routines.

APTR source, target;

source = AllocMem(1000, MEMF_CLEAR);
target = AllocMem(1000, MEMF_CHIP);
CopyMem(source, target, 1000);

CopyMem() copies the specified number of bytes from the source data region to the target data region. The pointers to the regions can be aligned on arbitrary address boundaries. CopyMem() will attempt to copy the memory as efficiently as it can according to the alignment of the memory blocks, and the amount of data that it has to transfer. These functions are optimized for copying large blocks of memory which can result in unnecessary overhead if used to transfer very small blocks of memory.

CopyMemQuick(source, target, 1000);

CopyMemQuick() performs an optimized copy of the specified number of bytes from the source data region to the target data region. The source and target pointers must be longword aligned and the size (in bytes) must be divisible by four.

Not All Copies Are Supported. Neither CopyMem() nor CopyMemQuick() supports copying between regions that overlap.

Memory pools

A construct carried over from the AmigaOS 3.x Exec is the memory pool. The code handling memory pools uses an algorithm based on boundary tags and size-segregated memory lists. The speed gain is tremendous: even for the "dumb" case of just allocating 100000 blocks and freeing them again, the speed is ten times faster than the previous implementation. Due to the size-segregated free lists and the easy coalescing due to the boundary tags, real-life performance gain is even higher and would be between 10 and 20 times.

This documentation needs to be written.

Summary of System Controlled Memory Handling Routines

AllocMem() and FreeMem()
These are system-wide memory allocation and deallocation routines. They use a memory free-list owned and managed by the system.
This routine returns the number of free bytes in a specified type of memory.
This routine returns the memory attributes of a specified memory address.
CopyMem() and CopyMemQuick()
CopyMem() is a general purpose memory copy routine. CopyMemQuick() is an optimized version of CopyMemQuick(), but has restrictions on the size and alignment of the arguments.

Allocating Multiple Memory Blocks

Exec provides the routines AllocEntry() and FreeEntry() to allocate multiple memory blocks in a single call.

AllocEntry() accepts a data structure called a MemList, which contains the information about the size of the memory blocks to be allocated and the requirements, if any, that you have regarding the allocation.

The MemList structure is found in the include file <exec/memory.h> and is defined as follows:

struct MemList
    struct Node     ml_Node;
    UWORD           ml_NumEntries;      /* number of MemEntrys */
    struct MemEntry ml_ME[1];           /* where the MemEntrys begin*/
allows you to link together multiple MemLists. However, the node is ignored by the routines AllocEntry() and FreeEntry().
tells the system how many MemEntry sets are contained in this MemList. Notice that a MemList is a variable-length structure and can contain as many sets of entries as you wish.

The MemEntry structure looks like this:

struct MemEntry
    union {
        ULONG   meu_Reqs;   /* the AllocMem requirements */
        APTR    meu_Addr;   /* address of your memory */
        } me_Un;
    ULONG   me_Length;      /* the size of this request */

Sample Code for Allocating Multiple Memory Blocks

Here's an example of showing how to use the AllocEntry() with multiple blocks of memory.

;/* allocentry.c - Execute me to compile me with SAS C 5.10
LC -b1 -cfistq -v -y -j73 allocentry.c
Blink FROM LIB:c.o,allocentry.o TO allocentry LIBRARY LIB:LC.lib,LIB:Amiga.lib
quit ;

allocentry.c - example of allocating several memory areas.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void)  { return(0); }  /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */
void chkabort(void) { return; }  /* really */

#define ALLOCERROR 0x80000000

struct MemList *memlist;             /* pointer to a MemList structure        */

struct MemBlocks /* define a new structure because C cannot initialize unions */
    struct MemList  mn_head;         /* one entry in the header               */
    struct MemEntry mn_body[3];      /* additional entries follow directly as */
} memblocks;                         /* part of the same data structure       */

    memblocks.mn_head.ml_NumEntries = 4; /* 4! Since the MemEntry starts at 1! */

    /* Describe the first piece of memory we want.  Because of our MemBlocks structure */
    /* setup, we reference the first MemEntry differently when initializing it.        */
    memblocks.mn_head.ml_ME[0].me_Reqs = MEMF_CLEAR;
    memblocks.mn_head.ml_ME[0].me_Length = 4000;

    memblocks.mn_body[0].me_Reqs   = MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR;   /* Describe the other pieces of    */
    memblocks.mn_body[0].me_Length = 100000;                   /* memory we want. Additional      */
    memblocks.mn_body[1].me_Reqs   = MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR; /* MemEntries are initialized this */
    memblocks.mn_body[1].me_Length = 200000;                   /* way. If we wanted even more en- */
    memblocks.mn_body[2].me_Reqs   = MEMF_PUBLIC;              /* tries, we would need to declare */
    memblocks.mn_body[2].me_Length = 25000;                    /* a larger MemEntry array in our  */
                                                               /* MemBlocks structure.            */

    memlist = (struct MemList *)AllocEntry((struct MemList *)&memblocks);

    if ((ULONG)memlist & ALLOCERROR)          /* 'error' bit 31 is set (see below). */
       printf("AllocEntry FAILED\n");
    /* We got all memory we wanted.  Use it and call FreeEntry() to free it */
    printf("AllocEntry succeeded - now freeing all allocated blocks\n");

AllocEntry() returns a pointer to a new MemList of the same size as the MemList that you passed to it. For example, ROM code can provide a MemList containing the requirements of a task and create a RAM-resident copy of the list containing the addresses of the allocated entries. The pointer to the MemList is used as the argument for FreeEntry() to free the memory blocks.

Result of Allocating Multiple Memory Blocks

The MemList created by AllocEntry() contains MemEntry entries. MemEntrys are defined by a union statement, which allows one memory space to be defined in more than one way.

If AllocEntry() returns a value with bit 31 clear, then all of the meu_Addr positions in the returned MemList will contain valid memory addresses meeting the requirements you have provided. To use this memory area, you would use code similar to the following:

#define ALLOCERROR 0x80000000
struct  MemList *ml;
APTR    data, moredata;

if ( ! ((ULONG)ml & ALLOCERROR)))    /* After calling AllocEntry to allocate ml */
    data     = ml->ml_ME[0].me_Addr;
    moredata = ml->ml_ME[1].me_Addr;
else  exit(200);                     /* error during AllocEntry */

If AllocEntry() has problems while trying to allocate the memory you have requested, instead of the address of a new MemList, it will return the memory requirements value with which it had the problem. Bit 31 of the value returned will be set, and no memory will be allocated. Entries in the list that were already allocated will be freed. For example, a failed allocation of cleared Chip memory (MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_CHIP) could be indicated with 0x80010002, where bit 31 indicates failure, bit 16 is the MEMF_CLEAR flag and bit 1 is the MEMF_CHIP flag.

Multiple Memory Blocks and Tasks

If you want to take advantage of Exec's automatic cleanup, use the MemList and AllocEntry() facility to do your dynamic memory allocation.

In the Task control block structure, there is a list header named tc_MemEntry.

This is the list header that you initialize to include MemLists that your task has created by call(s) to AllocEntry(). Here is a short program segment that handles task memory list header initialization only. It assumes that you have already run AllocEntry() as shown in the simple AllocEntry() example above.

struct Task *tc;
struct MemList *ml;

/* First initialize the task pointer and AllocEntry() the memlist ml */

    NewList(tc->tc_MemEntry);  /* Initialize the task's memory    */
                               /* list header. Do this once only! */
AddTail(tc->tc_MemEntry, ml);

Assuming that you have only used the AllocEntry() method (or AllocMem() and built your own custom MemList), the system now knows where to find the blocks of memory that your task has dynamically allocated. The RemTask() function automatically frees all memory found on tc_MemEntry.

CreateTask() Sets Up A MemList. The CreateTask() function, and other system task and process creation functions use a MemList in tc_MemEntry so that the Task structure and stack will be automatically deallocated when the Task is removed.

Summary of Multiple Memory Blocks Allocation Routines

These are routines for allocating and freeing multiple memory blocks with a single call.

This routine initializes memory from data and offset values in a table. Typically only assembly language programs benefit from using this routine. See the SDK for more details.

Other Memory Functions

Allocate() and Deallocate() use a memory region header, called MemHeader, as part of the calling sequence. You can build your own local header to manage memory locally.

This structure takes the form:

struct MemHeader {
    struct Node       mh_Node;
    UWORD             mh_Attributes;  /* characteristics of this region */
    struct  MemChunk *mh_First;       /* first free region              */
    APTR              mh_Lower;       /* lower memory bound             */
    APTR              mh_Upper;       /* upper memory bound + 1         */
    ULONG             mh_Free;        /* total number of free bytes     */
is ignored by Allocate() and Deallocate().
is the pointer to the first MemChunk structure.
is the lowest address within the memory block. This must be a multiple of eight bytes.
is the highest address within the memory block + 1. The highest address will itself be a multiple of eight if the block was allocated to you by AllocMem().
is the total free space.

This structure is included in the include files <exec/memory.h> and <exec/memory.i>.

The following sample code fragment shows the correct initialization of a MemHeader structure. It assumes that you wish to allocate a block of memory from the global pool and thereafter manage it yourself using Allocate() and Deallocate().

;/* allocate.c - Execute me to compile me with SAS C 5.10
LC -b1 -cfistq -v -y -j73 allocate.c
Blink FROM LIB:c.o,allocate.o TO allocate LIBRARY LIB:LC.lib,LIB:Amiga.lib
quit ;
allocate.c - example of allocating and using a private memory pool.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void)  { return(0); }  /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */
void chkabort(void) { return; }  /* really */

#define BLOCKSIZE 4000     /* or whatever you need */

    struct MemHeader *mh;
    struct MemChunk  *mc;
    APTR   block1, block2;

    /* Get the MemHeader needed to keep track of our new block. */
    mh = (struct MemHeader *)AllocMem((LONG)sizeof(struct MemHeader), MEMF_CLEAR);
    if (!mh) exit(10);

    /* Get the actual block the above MemHeader will manage. */
    if ( !(mc = (struct MemChunk *)AllocMem(BLOCKSIZE, 0)) );
        FreeMem(mh, (LONG)sizeof(struct MemHeader));
    mh->mh_Node.ln_Type = NT_MEMORY;
    mh->mh_First        = mc;
    mh->mh_Lower        = (APTR)mc;
    mh->mh_Upper        = (APTR)(BLOCKSIZE + (ULONG)mc);
    mh->mh_Free         = BLOCKSIZE;

    mc->mc_Next  = NULL;                     /* Set up first chunk in the freelist */
    mc->mc_Bytes = BLOCKSIZE;

    block1 = (APTR)Allocate(mh,20);
    block2 = (APTR)Allocate(mh, 314);

    printf("Our MemHeader struct at $%lx. Our block of memory at $%lx\n", mh, mc);
    printf("Allocated from our pool: block1 at $%lx, block2 at $%lx\n", block1, block2);

    FreeMem(mh, (LONG)sizeof(struct MemHeader));
    FreeMem(mc, (LONG)BLOCKSIZE);
How Memory Is Tagged. Only free memory is “tagged” using a MemChunk linked list. Once memory is allocated, the system has no way of determining which task now has control of that memory.

If you allocate memory from the system, be sure to deallocate it when your task exits. You can accomplish this with matched deallocations, or by adding a MemList to your task's tc_MemEntry, or you can deallocate the memory in the finalPC routine (which can be specified if you perform AddTask() yourself).

Allocating Memory at an Absolute Address

For special advanced applications, AllocAbs() is provided. Using AllocAbs(), an application can allocate a memory block starting at a specified absolute memory address. If the memory is already allocated or if there is not enough memory available for the request, AllocAbs() returns a zero.

Be aware that an absolute memory address which happens to be available on one Amiga may not be available on a machine with a different configuration or different operating system revision, or even on the same machine at a different times. For example, a piece of memory that is available during expansion board configuration might not be available at earlier or later times. Here is an example call to AllocAbs():

APTR absoluteptr;

absoluteptr = (APTR)AllocAbs(10000, 0x2F0000);
if (!(absoluteptr))
    { /* Couldn't get memory, act accordingly. */  }

/* After we're done using it, we call FreeMem() to free the memory block. */
FreeMem(absoluteptr, 10000);

Adding Memory to the System Pool

When non-Autoconfig memory needs to be added to the system free pool, the AddMemList() function can be used. This function takes the size of the memoryblock, its type, the priority for the memory list, the base address and the name of the memory block. A MemHeader structure will be placed at the start of the memory block, the remainder of the memory block will be made available for allocation. For example:

AddMemList(0x200000, MEMF_FAST, 0, 0xF00000, "FZeroBoard");

will add a two megabyte memory block, starting at $F00000 to the system free pool as Fast memory. The memory list entry is identified with "FZeroBoard".

Function Reference

The following are brief descriptions of the Exec functions that handle memory management. See the SDK for details on each call.

Memory Function Description
AllocMem() Allocate memory with specified attributes. If an application needs to allocate some memory, it will usually use this function.
AddMemList() Add memory to the system free pool.
AllocAbs() Allocate memory at a specified location.
Allocate() Allocate memory from a private memory pool.
AllocEntry() Allocate multiple memory blocks.
AllocVec() Allocate memory with specified attributes and keep track of the size.
AvailMem() Return the amount of free memory, given certain conditions.
CopyMem() Copy memory block, which can be non-aligned and of arbitrary length.
CopyMemQuick() Copy aligned memory block.
Deallocate() Return memory block allocated, with Allocate() to the private memory pool.
FreeEntry() Free multiple memory blocks, allocated with AllocEntry().
FreeMem() Free a memory block of specified size, allocated with AllocMem().
FreeVec() Free a memory block allocated with AllocVec().
InitStruct() Initialize memory from a table.
TypeOfMem() Determine attributes of a specified memory address.