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DEEP IFF Chunky Pixel Image

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Chunky pixel image files (Used in TV Paint)


Form/Chunk ID:	FORM  DEEP	(DEEP pixels)
		Chunk DGBL	(Deep GloBaL information)
		Chunk DPEL	(Deep Pixel ELements)
		Chunk DLOC	(Deep display LOCation)
		Chunk DBOD	(Deep data BODy)
		Chunk DCHG	(Deep CHanGe buffer)

Date Submitted:	10-Sep-91
Submitted by:	Amiga Centre Scotland



FORM Purpose:

To allow faster loading and saving of images when pixels are
stored in consecutive memory locations and provide support for
common extensions implemented on advanced graphics cards.

FORM Description:

This form is designed to provide support for a variety of deep
pixels, including 24 bits images.  A deep pixel is one in which
the pixel value is used to directly produce the output colour
without the use of a colour look-up table and also where the
pixel is stored in consecutive memory locations.  The format
allows additional bits to be stored along with the colour bits
to provide support for additional features such as masks,
Z-buffers, linear keys, etc.

The format is designed to allow different colour formats to be
stored such as RGB, RGBA, YCM and YCMB with varying depths
supported.  Bit ordering will be most significant bit first.


Chunk ID:	DGBL	(Deep GloBaL information)

Chunk Purpose:

Provide global information of relevance to all the data contained
in the file.  DGBL will always be the first chunk in the file.

Chunk Description:

Used to provide information that is constant for all contents of
the file.  One chunk is mandatory at the start of the file.  When
the file is used to store a group of images it may, in
exceptional circumstances, be necessary to add additional DGBL
chunks.  The contents of a DGBL chunk remain valid until another
DGBL chunk is encountered.

Chunk ID:	DPEL	(Deep Pixel Elements)

Chunk Purpose:

Defines the contents of each pixel.  Enables the data content to
be identified and handled.  Data that is unknown or not required
can be discarded.

Chunk Description:

This chunk is best described by an example:

	Original data = RGBA 8:8:8:4

		4	(number of elements)
			RED	(first element)
			8	(bits in element)
			GREEN	(second element)
			8	(bits in second element)
			BLUE	(third element)
			8	(bits in third element)
			ALPHA	(fourth element)
			4	(bits in fourth element)

	Stored data (binary) = rrrrrrrr gggggggg bbbbbbbb aaaa0000

  Note:  The pixel has been padded to the next byte boundary.

The elements must be defined in the order in which they are
stored, with the most significant bit first.

Chunk ID:	DLOC	(Deep display LOCation)

Chunk Purpose:

Provides information specific to the following DBOD section.
Enables image sections to be located within the screen area
individually & allows images with a size different to
DisplayWidth & DisplayHeight to be stored.

Chunk Description:

Specifies the width, height and where to place the following Deep
data BODy.  If no DLOC is encountered before a DBOD, the
DisplayWidth & DisplayHeight parameters will be used as the DBOD
image data dimensions.  The contents of a DLOC chunk remain valid
until another DLOC chunk is encountered.

Chunk ID:	DBOD	(Deep BODy)

Chunk Purpose:

Contains the image data.

Chunk Description:

Contains image data compressed by the method defined in DGBL.
The image size and the location where it is to be displayed is
provided by a DLOC chunk.  If no DLOC chunk has been read the
data will be displayed in the upper left corner and will be
DisplayWidth wide and DisplayHeight high.

Chunk ID:	DCHG	(Deep CHanGe buffer)

Chunk Purpose:

Informs the IFF reader that a complete frame has been read.  Only
required when multiple images are stored for cell animation.

Chunk Description:

When a DCHG chunk is encounter the IFF reader knows that a
complete frame has been read.  The chunk gives the time *from the
last frame change* before the frame should be changed again.  If
the time has already elapsed the frame should be changed
immediately.  A FrameRate of 0 will cause the frame changes to
occur as fast as possible.  A FrameRate of -1 is used to indicate
the end of the data for one frame and the start of the next in
cases where multiple frames are stored but are not intended for
animation.  A DCHG chunk is not required when only a single frame
is stored.

//  Chunk DGBL
//  ----------
    struct DGBL = {
// Size of source display
      UWORD  DisplayWidth,DisplayHeight;
// Type of compression
      UWORD  Compression;
// Pixel aspect, a ration w:h
      UBYTE  xAspect,yAspect;

//   Chunk DPEL
//   ----------
    struct DPEL = {
// Number of pixel components
    ULONG nElements;
// The TypeDepth structure is repeated nElement times to identify
// the content of every pixel.  Pixels will always be padded to
// byte boundaries.  The DBOD chunk will be padded to an even
// longword boundary.
    struct TypeDepth = {
// Type of data
      UWORD cType;
// Bit depth of this type
      UWORD cBitDepth;
      } typedepth[Nelements];

//  Chunk DLOC
//  ----------
    struct DLOC = {
// Body width & height in pixels
      UWORD	w,h
// Pixel position for this image
      WORD	x,y

//  Chunk DBOD
//  ----------
    pixel[0], pixel[2], pixel[3], ...., pixel[w-1]
    pixel[((h-1)*w)], ...,pixel[h*w-1]

//  Chunk DCHG
//  ----------
    struct DCHG = {
// Animation control (When multiple images are stored)
// FrameRate - milli-seconds between frames changes
      LONG  FrameRate;

Compressions currently defined:

JPEG		=	4

Ctype currently defined:

RED		=	1
GREEN		=	2
BLUE		=	3
ALPHA		=	4	(no precise definition of use)
CYAN		=	6
BLACK		=	8
MASK		=	9



The following information is an extension to the DEEP format
proposed by TecSoft and used in their 24 bit paint application,
TVPaint.  The extension provides an additional compression method
and its associated chunk.

Additional compression type:

TVDC		=	5

Chunk ID:	TVDC	(TVPaint Deep Compression)

Chunk Purpose:

Provides the table of values required to enable decompression of
the image data.

Chunk Description:

TVDC is a modified version of Delta compression, using a 16 word
lookup table of delta values and also incorporates Run Length
Limiting compression for short runs.

Note that the compression is made line by line for each element
of the chunk DPEL.  For RGBA for example we have a Red line, a
Green line, and so on.

UBYTE	*source;
UBYTE	*dest;
WORD	*table;
int	size;
int	i;
int	d;
int	pos=0;
UBYTE	v=0;

		if(pos++&1) d&=0xf;
		else d>>=4;
			if(pos++&1) d&=0xf;
			else d>>=4;
			while(d--) dest[++i]=v;