Copyright (c) Hyperion Entertainment and contributors.
What is a shell?
A shell is a text based console the user will use to send commands to the computer. Also it is an AmigaOS window created by Intuition.
Starting a shell
You can open a shell doing like this:
- Double click the Shell icon, that you can find in the System folder of the system partition.
TODO: insert icon image
- Use the Execute requester of the Workbench and issue one of the following commands "newshell", "newcli" or "cli".
Using a shell
A shell being a text only interface you will use it almost exclusively with the keyboard. There are a few graphic elements that will require the use of a mouse: menu items, window sliders, tabs...
TODO: insert shell image with tabs and menus
Using a shell menus.
Command line editing
Typing commands in a shell.