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AmigaOS Manual: Python

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Revision as of 22:00, 20 July 2018 by Janne Peräaho (talk | contribs) (Edited introduction and added chapter summaries)
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Python is a high-level, object-oriented general purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum. It includes a large standard library containing standardized solutions for the common programming problems and tools for accessing the system resources. On Amiga, Python can replace ARexx as a scripting language.

This manual introduces you to Python, tells you how to create Python programs and provides a reference section of Python commands.

Chapter 1. Introducing Python This chapter gives an overview of Python, how it works on the Amiga, and the basic features of the programming language.

Chapter 2. Getting Started

Chapter 3. Elements of Python

Chapter 4. Functions This chapter describes the use of functions and provides an alphabetical listing of the built-in Python functions.

Chapter 5. Modules and Packages

Chapter 6. Classes and Objects This chapter explains how to use Python's object-oriented features.

Chapter 7. Debugging

Chapter 8. Parsing This chapter explains how to break up strings and files into more easily processed components.

Chapter 9. Graphical User Interfaces This chapter explains how to create graphical user interfaces with Python.

Appendix: A. Standard Exceptions This appendix lists the standard Python exceptions.

Glossary The glossary contains common Python terms.

Document Conventions

The following conventions are used in this manual: ...

Sources of Additional Information

Further information on learning and using Python can be found in: ...