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AmiWest 2015 DevCon

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At AmiWest 2015 we are returning to a more formal approach to helping all the eager Amiga developers out there. The plan is to make the Amiga DevCon 2015 similar to the DevCon's of old with fresh articles explaining how to use all those neat new features in AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.

It all starts with downloading and installing the AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SDK. See AmiWest Setup for complete details on how to get ready.


We are aiming to cover the following topics:

  • AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SDK overview and changes
Plenty has changed and we will review those changes in detail
Review Release Notes
  • RTG graphics and the unified graphics.library API
Gone are the days of Picasso 96 versus CyberGraphX
Breaking the memory barrier
  • Extended raw key maps and UTF-8
Japanese anyone?
Shell, con-handler and console.device explained
ProcTree now with menus!
Examples on how to work with this new feature.

Most of these topics do not yet have articles written about them and/or need improved articles. There are also other topics which may have been forgotten or need to be covered which are not listed yet. Keep checking back here for the latest updates.