TABLE OF CONTENTS elf.library/--hooks-- elf.library/AddressToSection elf.library/CloseElf elf.library/CopyDataSegment elf.library/DLClose elf.library/DLOpen elf.library/DLSym elf.library/ElfLoadSeg elf.library/FreeDataSegmentCopy elf.library/GetElfAttrs elf.library/GetElfString elf.library/GetSection elf.library/GetSectionHeader elf.library/InitSHLibs elf.library/OpenElf elf.library/RelocateSection elf.library/ScanSymbolTable elf.library/SetElfAttrs elf.library/SymbolQuery elf.library/UnloadSection elf.library/--hooks-- elf.library/--hooks-- NAME DOSHook, MEMHook - Hooks invoked for loading ELF files SYNOPSIS ULONG HookFunc(struct Hook *hook, Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, struct ElfHookMsg *msg); FUNCTION elf.library uses a pair of hooks to communicate with the user program when special handling of I/O (for example, loading from a network) or memory is required. The DOS hook is invoked whenever a read or seek is to be executed. Likewise the memory hook is invoked for allocating and freeing memory. Hooks get called with the Elf32_Handle as the object, and an ElfHookMsg as message. The first word of the message specifies the desired operation. Depending on the operation, one to three arguments may be defined. The following commands are sent to the DOS hook: ELFCMD_DOS_READ: Read from the ELF stream. The first argument is an APTR to the buffer to read into. The second argument is an ULONG specifying the number of bytes to read from the stream. This operation is supposed to advance the current position in the file. The function is supposed to return the actual number of bytes read, or -1 if an error occurred. ELFCMD_DOS_SEEK: Seek to a specified position within the "file". The only argument is the absolute new position of the file pointer, i.e. this operation always executes a Seek with OFFSET_CURRENT set. The function is supposed to return the previous position in the file. Seeks outside the file's defined area should be ignored, and should return -1. ELFCMD_DOS_CLOSE: Close the "file", i.e. free all resources associated with it. The operation has no arguments and no return value. The following commands are sent to the Memory hook: ELFCMD_MEM_ALLOC Allocate a number of bytes and return the address of the allocation. The first argument is an ULONG indicating the number of bytes to reserve. Argument 2 is an STRPTR representing the section name for which this allocation is done (in order to handle special sections). Finally argument 3 is an ULONG representing the section's flags from the ELF file (Alloc, Executable, Read, Write). The function should return an APTR to the allocated memory region, or NULL if no memory was available. ELFCMD_MEM_FREE Free a pointer previously allocated by ELFCMD_MEM_ALLOC. Argument one is an APTR to the allocated block, as returned by ELFCMD_MEM_ALLOC. Argument 2 and 3 are the same as for the Alloc command. This function has no return value. elf.library/AddressToSection elf.library/AddressToSection NAME AddressToSection -- Map an address to a loaded section SYNOPSIS uint32 AddressToSection(ElfHandle handle, APTR Address); FUNCTION This function takes an address in memory as an input and tries to determine which section it belongs to. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle of the ELF file Address - the address to search for RESULT If the address was part of the Elf file's memory image, this function returns the section index of the section where this address belongs to (which might or might not be part of the process image). Otherwise, it returns the error code ELF32_NO_SECTION. You must not make any assumption about this error code (simply comparing against < 0 is not supported). NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/CloseElf elf.library/CloseElf NAME CloseElf -- Close an elf handle after use (V50) CloseElfTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS VOID CloseElf(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, struct TagItem *taglist); VOID CloseElfTags(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, ULONG tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function closes an Elf handle or the associated input stream, or both. The tag items passed in determine which part of the handle is closed. In the case of the input stream, the elf handle might still be used as long as no disk/stream operations need to be carried out. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle previously opened by OpenElf. taglist - a list of tag item. Valid tag items are CET_CloseInput If TRUE, the Close function of the DOS hook is invoked on the input stream, essentially freezing the handle. Further DOS operations are not permitted, and their result might be undefined. Defaults to TRUE. CET_UnloadSeg Unload the process image of the ELF handle and close the handle. Defaults to FALSE. CET_FreeUnneeded Free all sections that are not needed for the process image. Defaults to TRUE. CET_CloseAll If TRUE, closes the input handle, frees all sections, and frees the handle. This tag must be given exactly once and will free all storage associated with the handle. RESULT This function does not return a result. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/OpenElf elf.library/CopyDataSegment elf.library/CopyDataSegment NAME CopyDataSegment -- Copy the data segment and relocate it (V51) SYNOPSIS void *CopyDataSegment(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, uint32 *baseOffset); FUNCTION This function's purpose is to assist baserel programs to create a copy of their data segment and relocating it. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle of the program who's data section should be copied. baseOffset - Pointer to an uint32 variable that will hold the base offset. For -mbaserel-compiled binaries, it is necessary to set r2 to the base of the .data section. The .data section might not be the first one, so this offset has to be added to the base of the copied data segment to get the correct value. RESULT The base address of the copied data segment. This must be passed to FreeDataSegmentCopy to free it again. SEE ALSO FreeDataSegmentCopy elf.library/DLClose elf.library/DLClose NAME DLClose -- Close a shared object SYNOPSIS Elf32_Error DLClose(Elf32_Handle RootHandle, APTR Handle); FUNCTION This function closes the given shared object handle and unloads the shared object as well as all shared objects that where loaded due to this. INPUTS RootHandle - The ELF handle of the program using this function. The user program is responsible for passing this, which MUST be a valid elf handle and MUST be this program's elf handle, plus it must have been re-opened. The handle may be re-closed after this call, but must be open anytime a DL#? function is called. Handle - A handle to the shared object as obtained by DLOpen() RESULT The result or this function is an ELF32_Error code. ELF32_NO_ERROR means that the object has been sucessfully unloaded. NOTES This function is available in elf.library 52.2 or later SEE ALSO DLOpen(), DLSym() elf.library/DLOpen elf.library/DLOpen NAME DLOpen -- Open a shared object SYNOPSIS APTR DLOpen(Elf32_Handle RootHandle, CONST_STRPTR Name, uint32 Flags); FUNCTION This function opens the specified external shared object and makes it part of the current process memory image. The shared object's unresolved symbols are resolved using the main program and all loaded shared objects, and all referenced shared objects in the loaded SO's _DYNAMIC array (with DT_NEEDED tag) are recursively loaded as well, re-using any already in-memory versions. The name can either be a fully-qualified path name or a relative path. If the name is absolute, only the file referenced (if it exists) is considered. Otherwise, shared objects are looked for in the following order: - Current directory - PROGDIR: - PROGDIR:sobjs/ - SOBJS: assign An DT_RPATH in the main program (or any shared object) is currently ignored. This function accepts a flags word as the second parameter. The flags modify the behavior of DLSym with respect to this object file. INPUTS RootHandle - The ELF handle of the program using this function. The user program is responsible for passing this, which MUST be a valid elf handle and MUST be this program's elf handle, plus it must have been re-opened. The handle may be re-closed after this call, but must be open anytime a DL#? function is called. Name - Name of the shared object to load. If the name is NULL, then the return value is a handle for the main program which can be passed to DLSym to find symbols within the main program. Flags - Flags that may modify the operation. Currently there are two flags defined: ELF32_RTLD_GLOBAL - if this flag is used, all symbols in the shared object become globally available, that is, if a special handle like ELF32_RTLD_DEFAULT is used in DLSym(), this shared object's symbols are searched as well. ELF32_RTLD_LOCAL - if this flag is used, symbols in this shared object are not found by special handles. If neither of these flags is specified, RLF32_RTLD_GLOBAL is assumed. RESULT The result of this function is an abstract "library handle" that cannot be interpreted in any form by the user. The handle can be passed only to DLSym or DLClose. A NULL pointer is returned if the object or one of the objects referenced in DT_NEEDED cannot be loaded. This function is available in elf.library 52.2 or later BUGS DT_RPATH is currently ignored. SEE ALSO DLSym(), DLClose() elf.library/DLSym elf.library/DLSym NAME DLSym -- Look up a symbol in a shared object SYNOPSIS APTR DLSym(Elf32_Handle RootHandle, APTR Handle, CONST_STRPTR SymbolName, APTR* Result); FUNCTION This function looks for a dynamic symbol in a shared object or objects. The handle specifies where to search for the specified symbol name. There is a special handle ELF32_RTLD_DEFAULT that can be used for a global symbol lookup. That is, if this handle is used, the main program, all link-time DT_NEEDED shared objects and all objects that are loaded with the ELF32_RTLD_GLOBAL flag in DLOpen() are searched for the specified symbol. If the handle is the handle of a shared object file, only that object file and all link-time objects loaded via DT_NEEDED are searched for the symbol. If the handle is the handle of the main program, the main program and all link-time shared object specified in the DT_NEEDED section are searched, but no objects that have been loaded at a later time. INPUTS RootHandle - The ELF handle of the program using this function. The user program is responsible for passing this, which MUST be a valid elf handle and MUST be this program's elf handle, plus it must have been re-opened. The handle may be re-closed after this call, but must be open anytime a DL#? function is called. Handle - A handle returned by DLOpen() or a special handle. Currently, the only special handle is ELF32_RTLD_DEFAULT which looks for the symbol in the global symbol space that includes all objects loaded with a DLOpen flag of SymbolName - The name of the symbol to look up. This is the plain symbol name without any underscore or similar characters prepended Result - A pointer to a storage space where the result of the lookup will be stored. Since a symbol might be NULL, a NULL result might not indicate an error. RESULT The result of this function is an Elf32_Error code. If the symbol was found, an ELF32_NO_ERROR is returned. Otherwise the function returns ELF32_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND, and the Result pointer is not modified. NOTES This function is available in elf.library 52.2 or later SEE ALSO DLOpen(), DLClose() elf.library/ElfLoadSeg elf.library/ElfLoadSeg NAME ElfLoadSeg -- Make a runnable image from an ELF file ElfLoadSegTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS Elf32_Error ElfLoadSeg(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, struct TagItem *tags); Elf32_Error ElfLoadSegTags(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, ...); FUNCTION This function generates an executable image from an Elf file. It loads all ALLOC sections from the input stream and relocates them to their final address, and tries to resolve all unresolved symbols in the file. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle of the file to load. taglist - A list of tag items to pass additional parameters. The currently valid tag items are ELS_Offset Specify an offset to add to any relocation done. This can be used to relocate an image to a different address than where it was loaded. Default is 0. ELS_FreeUnneeded If set to TRUE, the function frees all unneeded sections from the memory, that is, it frees all sections that dont have the ALLOC bit set and hence don't belong to the process image. Default is FALSE. ELS_ProgramEntry If present, this tag's ti_Data should point to a memory location where the Elf loader will store the "_start" symbol's address. Calling the "_start" symbol will "run" the program. Default is NULL. RESULT This function returns an error code. If the error is ELF32_NO_ERROR, the image is ready to run and this call is to be considered successful. Otherwise, the error code indicates the reason for failure. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/FreeDataSegmentCopy elf.library/FreeDataSegmentCopy NAME FreeDataSegmentCopy -- Release memory of a copyied data segment (V51) SYNOPSIS void FreeDataSegmentCopy(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, void *Base); FUNCTION This function frees a copy of a data segment previously allocated with CopyDataSegment. INPUTS ElfHandle - Elf handle. This must be the same as the one supplied with CopyDataSegment. Base - The base address of the data segment. This is the value returned by CopyDataSegment. SEE ALSO CopyDataSegment elf.library/GetElfAttrs elf.library/GetElfAttrs NAME GetElfAttrs -- Get Attributes from an ELF handle GetElfAttrsTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS ULONG GetElfAttrs(Elf32_Handle handle, struct TagItem *taglist); ULONG GetElfAttrsTags(Elf32_Handle handle, ULONG tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function queries an ELF handle for attributes. The attributes are passed in in the form of a taglist where the ti_Data field points to a memory location to store the result in. If the queried item can be found, the result is stored in the memory location pointed to be ti_Data; otherwise the memory is left unchanged. INPUTS handle - An Elf handle previously opened by OpenElf. taglist - a list of tagitems. Possible tagitems are: EAT_NumSections Returns the number of sections in this file. EAT_ElfHeader Retuns a pointer to the ELF header... EAT_SectionStringTable Returns the section index of the section string table EAT_FileName Returns the name of the ELF file, if any. RESULT This function returns an ULONG value, representing the number of queries that could be satisfied. Unknown queries are silently ignored. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/SetElfAttrs elf.library/GetElfString elf.library/GetElfString NAME GetElfString -- Read a string from a string table section SYNOPSIS const STRPTR GetElfString(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, UWORD SectionIndex, UWORD StringIndex); FUNCTION Retrieves a string pointer from the specified string table. The table is loaded from the handle if it isn't already present in memory. This only returns a reference of the string, and the memory must not be modified. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle of the ELF file SectionIndex - the index of the string section StringIndex - the index of the string itself RESULT A pointer to the string, or NULL if either of the indices was out of range NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/GetSection elf.library/GetSection NAME GetSection -- Get/Load a section from an ELF handle GetSectionTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS APTR GetSection(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, struct TagItem *taglist); APTR GetSectionTags(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, ULONG tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function searches for a section in the elf file, possibly loading it from the input stream, and returns a pointer to the start of the section. An in-memory copy of the section will be preferred. If the section hasn't been loaded yet, and the GST_Load tag is TRUE, the section is loaded from the input stream, otherwise this function returns NULL. INPUTS ElfHandle - an ELF handle previously opened by OpenElf. taglist - a list of tag items specifying the loading operation. Currently the following items are valid: GST_SectionIndex Specifies the index of the section to load, starting at 0. If the section index is higher than the number of sections in the file, this call fails. GST_SectionName Specifies the name of the section to load. If a section by that name is not found, the call fails. GST_SearchAddress Find the section where the specified address belongs to. This assumes that the section must already be loaded, and hence implies GST_Load to be FALSE. GST_Load A boolean flag indicating that the section should be loaded from the input stream if it hasn't been loaded yet. The default is TRUE, meaning to perform the load. If set to FALSE, the section is not loaded, and this call fails if the section isn't found in memory. RESULT An APTR pointing to the beginning of the section in memory, or NULL on failure. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/OpenElf, elf.library/GetSectionHeader elf.library/GetSectionHeader elf.library/GetSectionHeader NAME GetSectionHeader -- Get a section header from an ELF handle GetSectionHeaderTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS Elf32_Shdr * GetSectionHeader(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, struct TagItem *taglist); Elf32_Shdr * GetSectionHeaderTags(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, ULONG tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function searches the elf file for a section header and returns a pointer to the sectiion header. The specification of the section in question is carried out via the taglist. INPUTS ElfHandle A pointer to an Elf32_Handle previously opened by OpenELF. taglist A list of tag items. Currently the following tag items are valid: GST_SectionIndex Search for the section header with the given section index. Section indices start at 0, but section 0 usually is the NULL section. GST_SectionName Search for the section header whose name matches the given string. Sections are usually named ".text", ".data" and so on, with a matching ".rela.text" or "" section which contains relocation information. RESULT This function returns a pointer to the ELF section header, or NULL if the section could not be found. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/OpenElf elf.library/InitSHLibs elf.library/InitSHLibs NAME InitSHLibs -- Initialize the shared object system (V52) SYNOPSIS void InitSHLibs(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, BOOL DoInit); FUNCTION This function goes through all loaded libraries of a binary, executing some actions on each of them depending on circumstances: - If DoInit == TRUE and a function __shlib_call_constructors exists in the shared object, that function is called - If DoInit == TRUE and the shared object has a DT_INIT function, that function is called - If DoInit == FALSE and a function __shlib_call_destructors exists in the shared object, that function is called - If DoInit == FALSE and the shared object has a DT_FINI function, that function is called ELF library internally keeps track of the shared objects that have been initialized this way; calling this function multiple times has no harmful effects and is indeed called internally after DLOpen has been called from this handle. INPUTS ElfHandle - An ELF root handle. The handle must be of type ET_EXEC, or this function does nothing. DoInit - A boolean to select whether init or exit functions are called. See above RESULT This function does not return a result NOTES Program startup code should call this function. Usually there is no need to call this yourself, the startup code should take care of it. On a program with no shared objects attached, this function does nothing. This function is available in elf.library 52.2 or later. Special note: This function may be called on an elf handle that is already closed, without reopening it. BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/OpenElf elf.library/OpenElf NAME OpenElf -- Open an ELF file (V50) OpenElfTags -- Vararg version SYNOPSIS Elf32_Handle OpenElf(struct TagItem *taglist); Elf32_Handle OpenElfTags(ULONG tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function opens an ELF image and returns an abstract handle to the image, or NULL on failure. INPUTS taglist - a taglist, consisting of any number of there currently defined tags: OET_Filename - (STRPTR) try to open a disk file with the given name. The call will fail if the file does not exist or is not an ELF file. OET_FileHandle - (BPTR) try to use an existing file handle. The ELF image must start at the current offset or opening will fail. Opening will also fail if no ELF image is found in the file. OET_MemoryAddr - (APTR) try to use an existing ELF image in memory. OET_ElfHandle - (Elf32_Handle) try to re-open an existing ELF handle. This can be used for example when a different program crashed and a debugger wants to examine the crashed program (for example to find the crash address in a .stabs section). All of the above tags are mutually exclusive. A maximum of one of these may be defined, or the call will fail. In addition the following tags can be used to modify the standard behaviour of the elf library: OET_DOSHook - (struct Hook *) A hook to be invoked when more data is needed from the ELF image. By default, this (and OET_MEMHook) is set up according to the major open type specified with one of the four above tags. If you want to make your own handler for that, specify a struct Hook here, and read the documentation in elf.library/--hooks--. OET_MEMHook - (struct Hook *) A hook to be invoked when memory should be allocated or freed. By default, this maps to AllocMem and FreeMem with ELF section flags mapped to their correct MEMF_ flags. For special purposes you can override these functions by providing a hook. Read the documentation in elf.library/--hooks--. OET_Executable - (BOOL) A bool indicating wether X flagged sections should be put into Executable memory (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The default is to put them into Executable memory. OET_ReadOnlyCopy - (BOOL) A bool indicating whether the handle should be a read-only copy or not. This flag is only valid with OET_ElfHandle. The handle returned is a read-only handle that is a copy (not the original handle), and the user MUST NOT modify anything in this handle, i.e. there must not be any DOS activity on this handle (the file is not reopened) and there must not be any sort of modifications to the handle. OET_NoDOS - (BOOL) Only valid with OET_ElfHandle. If specified, the file handle will NOT be re-opened, meaning that any attempt to load a section from disk that hasn't been opened before will fail. This is useful for dynamic object files which are loaded with all relevant information in SWF_ALLOC sections. RESULT An initialized Elf32_Handle is returned when the function succeeded, or NULL to indicate failure. BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/CloseELF elf.library/RelocateSection elf.library/RelocateSection NAME RelocateSection -- Relocate a section RelocateSectionTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS BOOL RelocateSection(Elf32_Handle handle, struct TagItem *tags); BOOL RelocateSectionTags(Elf32_Handle handle, ...); FUNCTION This function relocates a loaded section to its new place in memory by applying any matching reloc section. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle of the file to load. taglist - A list of tag items to pass additional parameters. The currently valid tag items are GST_SectionIndex Relocate the section specified by this index. Mutually exclusive with GST_SectionName. GST_SectionName Relocate the section specified by this name. Mutually exclusive with GST_SectionIndex. GST_Load If set to TRUE, try to load any section that is not yet in memory from the input stream. If FALSE, then all sections must be in memory or the relocation may fail. RESULT Returns a value of TRUE when the operation was a success, otherwise FALSE is returned. NOTES Note: If the section was absolute, or no reloc could be found for the section, nothing happens and this function will return TRUE. The reason for this is that really the intention was to have a usable, relocated section. It's not my fault if there was nothing to do... BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/ScanSymbolTable elf.library/ScanSymbolTable NAME ScanSymbolTable -- Scan the symbol table. ScanSymbolTableTags -- vararg stub SYNOPSIS void ScanSymbolTable(ElfHandle ElfHandle, struct Hook *Hook, struct TagItem *tagList); void ScanSymbolTableTags(ElfHandle ElfHandle, struct Hook *hook, ...); FUNCTION This function scans through the file's symbol table(s) and invokes a hook on every symbol encountered. The hook uses a messages structure that looks like this: struct SymbolMsg { Elf32_Sym *Sym; uint32 AbsValue; STRPTR Name; }; The fields have the following meaning: Sym A pointer to the symbol's entry in the symbol table. AbsValue The value of the symbol. Other than the Sym->st_value entry, this specifies the absolute value for relative symbols that are defined relative to a section. Name A null-terminated character string representing the symbol's name. All fields in the structure and the memory pointed to are strictly read-only, and may not be valid outside the hook. If you need any of this information, you need to store it in your own memory area. Your hook should have the following prototype: BOOL hookFunc(struct Hook *hook, Elf32_Handle handle, struct SymbolMsg *msg); The function should return TRUE to continue scanning, and FALSE if scanning should be aborted. INPUTS ElfHandle - the handle of an ELF file opened by OpenElf hook - the hook to be invoked for every symbol RESULT No result is returned by this function NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/SetElfAttrs elf.library/SetElfAttrs NAME SetElfAttrs -- Set Attributes of an ELF handle SetElfAttrsTags -- Vararg stub SYNOPSIS ULONG SetElfAttrs(struct TagItem *taglist); ULONG SetElfAttrsTags(ULONG tag1, ...); FUNCTION This function can modify certain attributes within an ELF handle after the handle has been created. It scans the taglist for entries it knows, and returns the number of known and modified entires. If an entry is known but cannot be modified, or no entry was known, 0 is returned. INPUTS taglist - a list of tagitems. Possible tagitems are: EAT_DOSHook Replace the currently installed DOS hook by the one specified. EAT_MEMHook Replace the currently installed MEM hook by the one specified. RESULT This function returns an ULONG value, representing the number of successfully set attributes. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/SetElfAttrs elf.library/SymbolQuery elf.library/SymbolQuery NAME SymbolQuery -- Search for a set of symbols in an ELF file SYNOPSIS ULONG SymbolQuery(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, ULONG NumQueries, struct Elf32_SymbolQuery *Queries); FUNCTION This function searches the Elf file for a set of specified symbols, trying to match as many of them as possible. The functions works through an array of Elf32_SymbolQuery structures and fills in all fields from the information of the Elf file. The Elf32_SymbolQuery structure looks like this: struct Elf32_SymbolQuery { uint32 Flags; STRPTR Name; uint32 NameLength; uint32 Value; BOOL Found; uint16 pad1; Elf32_Sym Sym; }; There are two cases for symbol lookup: By name, or by value. The exact type of a query is determined by the Flags field, if the ELF32_SQ_BYNAME flag is set, then the symbol is searched by name, otherwise by value. Lookup by Name: The Name field must be filled in by the client program. It represents the name of the symbol to be searched. Note that the Elf32 PowerPC ABI does not generate an underscore at the start of each function name. All other values are filled in by the function. Value is the value of the symbol, the interpretation of it depends on the type of the symbol. The Found field is set to TRUE of the symbol was found and FALSE otherwise (testing Value for zero is not sufficient since the Symbols value might be zero). Finally, the Sym field is a copy of the symbol table entry in the Elf file. Nothing is filled in (except the Found field, which is set to FALSE) when the symbol is not found in the file. Lookup by Value: The Value field must be filled in by the client program, as well as the fields Name and NameLength. The Name field must be set to a buffer to hold the name of the symbol if found, and NameLength should be set to the length of this buffer. If the symbol is found, its name is copied to the Name field, but at most NameLength characters are filled in (including the trailing zero). Found is set to TRUE, and Sym will contain a copy of the symbols sybol table entry. If the symbol was not found, the Found field is set to FALSE and no other field is modified. INPUTS ElfHandle - an opened handle to an Elf file NumQueries - the number of queries to perform. Practically, it is the size of the array pointed to be the third parameter. Queries - a pointer to an Array of Elf32_SymbolQuery structures to be filled in by this function. RESULT The function returns an ULONG value representing the number of symbols successfully retrieved. NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO elf.library/UnloadSection elf.library/UnloadSection NAME UnloadSection -- Unload a memory-resident section UnloadSectionTags -- vararg stub SYNOPSIS void UnloadSection(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, struct TagItem *taglist); void UnloadSectionTags(Elf32_Handle ElfHandle, ...); FUNCTION This function unloads a loaded section from memory, invoking the memory hook to free the associated storage. INPUTS ElfHandle - an opened ElfHandle obtained from OpenElf taglist - a list of tag items. Valid tagitems are UTS_SectionIndex Unload the section with this index UTS_NonAlloc Unload all sections that don't have the ALLOC flag set, i.e. all sections that are not part of the ELF file's Process image. RESULT This function does not return a result NOTES BUGS SEE ALSO