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Understanding the alert error numbers

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Format of the alert error number

The 32 bit long error number consists of 4 segments. Amiga displays the number in hexadecimal and in a general format it looks like this:


The letters have the following meaning:

Letters in Code Description Bits Length
D Alert type: DeadEnd (bit 31 is set) or RecoveryAlert (bit 31 is not set) 31 1 bit
I ROM subsystem number 30...24 7 bits
GG General error: roughly indicates what the error was 23...16 1 Byte
SSSS Specific error: indicates more detail 15...0 1 Word

Hardware and CPU specific alerts

Alert Type Description
0x00000002 Recoverable Hardware bus fault or access error
0x00000003 Recoverable Illegal address access i.e. odd address
0x00000004 Recoverable Illegal instruction
0x00000005 Recoverable Divide by zero
0x00000006 Recoverable Check instruction error
0x00000007 Recoverable TrapV instruction error
0x00000008 Recoverable Privilege violation error
0x00000009 Recoverable Trace error
0x0000000A Recoverable Line 1010 Emulator error
0x0000000B Recoverable Line 1111 Emulator error
0x0000000E Recoverable Stack frame format error
0x00000018 Recoverable Spurious interrupt error
0x00000019 Recoverable AutoVector Level 1 interrupt error
0x0000001A Recoverable AutoVector Level 2 interrupt error
0x0000001B Recoverable AutoVector Level 3 interrupt error
0x0000001C Recoverable AutoVector Level 4 interrupt error
0x0000001D Recoverable AutoVector Level 5 interrupt error
0x0000001E Recoverable AutoVector Level 6 interrupt error
0x0000001F Recoverable AutoVector Level 7 interrupt error
0x80000002 Dead end Hardware bus fault or access error
0x80000003 Dead end Illegal address access i.e. odd address
0x80000004 Dead end Illegal instruction
0x80000005 Dead end Divide by zero
0x80000006 Dead end Check instruction error
0x80000007 Dead end TrapV instruction error
0x80000008 Dead end Privilege violation error
0x80000009 Dead end Trace error
0x8000000A Dead end Line 1010 Emulator error
0x8000000B Dead end Line 1111 Emulator error
0x8000000E Dead end Stack frame format error
0x80000018 Dead end Spurious interrupt error
0x80000019 Dead end AutoVector Level 1 interrupt error
0x8000001A Dead end AutoVector Level 2 interrupt error
0x8000001B Dead end AutoVector Level 3 interrupt error
0x8000001C Dead end AutoVector Level 4 interrupt error
0x8000001D Dead end AutoVector Level 5 interrupt error
0x8000001E Dead end AutoVector Level 6 interrupt error
0x8000001F Dead end AutoVector Level 7 interrupt error

General alerts

Alert Type Description
0x00010000 Recoverable No memory
0x00020000 Recoverable Make library error
0x00030000 Recoverable Open library error
0x00040000 Recoverable Open device error
0x00050000 Recoverable Open resource error
0x00060000 Recoverable IO error
0x00070000 Recoverable No signal
0x00080000 Recoverable Bad parameter
0x00090000 Recoverable Too many library closes
0x000A0000 Recoverable Too many device closes
0x000B0000 Recoverable Process creation failed
0x000C0000 Recoverable Obsolete feature used
0x00008001 Recoverable Exec library error
0x00008002 Recoverable Graphics library error
0x00008003 Recoverable Layers library error
0x00008004 Recoverable Intuition library error
0x00008005 Recoverable Math library error
0x00008007 Recoverable DOS library error
0x00008008 Recoverable RAMLib library error
0x00008009 Recoverable Icon library error
0x0000800A Recoverable Expansion library error
0x0000800B Recoverable Diskfont library error
0x0000800C Recoverable Utility library error
0x0000800D Recoverable KeyMap library error
0x0000800E Recoverable Newlib library error
0x00008010 Recoverable Audio device error
0x00008011 Recoverable Console device error
0x00008012 Recoverable GamePort device error
0x00008013 Recoverable Keyboard device error
0x00008014 Recoverable TrackDisk device error
0x00008015 Recoverable Timer device error
0x00008020 Recoverable CIA resource error
0x00008021 Recoverable Disk resource error
0x00008022 Recoverable Misc resource error
0x00008030 Recoverable BootStrap error
0x00008031 Recoverable Workbench error
0x00008032 Recoverable DiskCopy error
0x00008033 Recoverable GadTools error
0x00008035 Recoverable Unknown error

Specific alerts

Exec library

Alert Type Description
0x01000000 Recoverable Exec library error
0x01000001 Recoverable 68000 exception vector checksum OBSOLETE
0x01000002 Recoverable Execbase checksum error OBSOLETE
0x01000003 Recoverable Library checksum failure
0x01000004 Recoverable Interface checksum failure
0x81000005 Dead end Corrupt memory list detected in FreeMem
0x81000006 Dead end No memory for interrupt servers
0x01000007 Recoverable InitStruct() of an APTR source OBSOLETE
0x01000008 Recoverable A semaphore is in an illegal state at ReleaseSemaphore()
0x01000009 Recoverable Freeing memory already freed
0x8100000A Dead end Illegal 68k exception taken OBSOLETE
0x0100000B Recoverable Attempt to reuse active IORequest
0x0100000C Recoverable Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)
0x0100000D Recoverable IO attempted on closed IORequest
0x0100000E Recoverable Stack appears to extend out of range
0x0100000F Recoverable Memory header not allocated. Usually an invalid address passed to FreeMem()
0x01000010 Recoverable An attempt was made to use the old message semaphores
0x01000011 Recoverable A bad memory request was made - Realloc on non-allocated memory
0x01000012 Recoverable An uninitialized hook was called

Graphics library

Alert Type Description
0x02000000 Recoverable Graphics library error
0x82010000 Dead end Graphics out of memory
0x82010001 Dead end MonitorSpec alloc, no memory
0x82010006 Dead end Long frame, no memory
0x82010007 Dead end Short frame, no memory
0x02010009 Recoverable Text, no memory for TmpRas
0x8201000A Dead end BltBitMap, no memory
0x8201000B Dead end Regions, memory not available
0x82010030 Dead end MakeVPort, no memory
0x0200000C Recoverable New error
0x0200000D Recoverable Free error
0x82011234 Dead end Emergency memory not available
0x02000401 Recoverable Unsupported font description used

Layers library

Alert Type Description
0x03000000 Recoverable Layers library error
0x83010000 Dead end Layers out of memory

Intuition library

Alert Type Description
0x04000000 Recoverable Intuition library error
0x84000001 Dead end Unknown gadget type
0x04000001 Recoverable Recovery form of AN_GadgetType
0x84010002 Dead end Create port, no memory
0x04010003 Recoverable Item plane alloc, no memory
0x04010004 Recoverable Sub alloc, no memory
0x84010005 Dead end Plane alloc, no memory
0x84000006 Dead end Item box top < RelZero
0x84010007 Dead end Open screen, no memory
0x84010008 Dead end Open screen, raster alloc, no memory
0x84000009 Dead end Open sys screen, unknown type
0x8401000A Dead end Add SW gadgets, no memory
0x8401000B Dead end Open window, no memory
0x8400000C Dead end Bad State Return entering Intuition
0x8400000D Dead end Bad Message received by IDCMP
0x8400000E Dead end Weird echo causing incomprehension
0x8400000F Dead end Couldn't open the Console Device
0x04000010 Recoverable Intuition skipped obtaining a sem
0x04000011 Recoverable Intuition obtained a sem in bad order

Math library

Alert Type Description
0x05000000 Recoverable Math library error

DOS library

Alert Type Description
0x07000000 Recoverable DOS library error
0x07010001 Recoverable No memory at startup
0x07000002 Recoverable EndTask didn't
0x07000003 Recoverable Qpkt failure
0x07000004 Recoverable Unexpected packet received
0x07000005 Recoverable Freevec failed
0x07000006 Recoverable Disk block sequence error
0x07000007 Recoverable Bitmap corrupt
0x07000008 Recoverable Key already free
0x07000009 Recoverable Invalid checksum
0x0700000A Recoverable Disk error
0x0700000B Recoverable Key out of range
0x0700000C Recoverable Bad overlay
0x0700000D Recoverable Invalid init packet for CLI/Shell
0x0700000E Recoverable A filehandle was closed more than once
0x0700000F Recoverable No bootnode found in eb_MountList

RAMLib library

Alert Type Description
0x08000000 Recoverable RAMLib library error
0x08000001 Recoverable No overlays in library seglists

Icon library

Alert Type Description
0x09000000 Recoverable Icon library error

Expansion library

Alert Type Description
0x0A000000 Recoverable Expansion library error
0x0A000001 Recoverable Freed free region

Diskfont library

Alert Type Description
0x0B000000 Recoverable Diskfont library error

NewLib library

Alert Type Description
0x0E000000 Recoverable NewLib library error

Audio device

Alert Type Description
0x10000000 Recoverable Audio device error

Console device

Alert Type Description
0x11000000 Recoverable Console device error
0x11000001 Recoverable Console can't open initial window

GamePort device

Alert Type Description
0x12000000 Recoverable GamePort device error

Keyboard device

Alert Type Description
0x13000000 Recoverable Keyboard device error

TrackDisk device

Alert Type Description
0x14000000 Recoverable TrackDisk device error
0x14000001 Recoverable Calibrate: seek error
0x14000002 Recoverable Delay: error on timer wait

Timer device

Alert Type Description
0x15000000 Recoverable Timer device error
0x15000001 Recoverable Bad request
0x15000002 Recoverable Power supply - no 50/60 Hz ticks

Cybppc device

Alert Type Description
0x16000000 Recoverable Cybppc device error
0x16000001 Recoverable No termination
0x16000002 Recoverable No wide termination

CIA resource

Alert Type Description
0x20000000 Recoverable CIA resource error

Disk resource

Alert Type Description
0x21000000 Recoverable Disk resource error
0x21000001 Recoverable Get unit: already has disk
0x21000002 Recoverable Interrupt: no active unit

Misc resource

Alert Type Description
0x22000000 Recoverable Misc resource error


Alert Type Description
0x30000000 Recoverable BootStrap error
0x30000001 Recoverable Boot code returned an error


Alert Type Description
0x31000000 Recoverable Workbench error
0xB1000001 Dead end No fonts
0x31000001 Recoverable Bad WB startup message 1
0x31000002 Recoverable Bad WB startup message 2
0x31000003 Recoverable Hacker code?
0xB1010009 Dead end GadTools broke?


Alert Type Description
0x32000000 Recoverable DiskCopy error

Toolkit for Intuition

Alert Type Description
0x33000000 Recoverable GadTools error

System utility library

Alert Type Description
0x34000000 Recoverable Utility library error

Third party software

For use by any application that needs it.

Alert Type Description
0x35000000 Recoverable Unknown error