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AmigaOS Manual: Workbench Using

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This chapter describes the Amiga Workbench, an icon-based environment that allows you to give instructions by manipulating graphic symbols with a mouse rather than by typing in commands at a keyboard. Included in this chapter are descriptions of the following:

  • The Workbench Screen
  • The Workbench Window
  • The Workbench Menus
  • Workbench Programs


Workbench Screen

The Workbench screen, illustrated in Figure 4-1, is the primary visual component of your system. Icons and other windows appear on it.

The Workbench screen is identified by the Amiga Workbench title bar located along the top border of the display. The Workbench screen's title bar also displays the number of bytes of graphics (Chip) memory and other (Fast) memory currently available when any window, except a Shell window is selected.

The Amiga provides Preferences editors (described in Chapter 5) that allow you to customize the Workbench screen. You can define an extra-large virtual Workbench screen that is larger than the viewable area with more space for windows.

Workbench Window

When you boot you Amiga, the Workbench window fills the Workbench screen. This window contains icons for any floppy disks inserted into floppy drives, the Ram Disk, and any other icons determined by your system's configuration.

Although the Workbench window appears and functions like an application window, it is an essential part of the Workbench screen.

Workbench Screen

Workbench Menus

The workbench has the following four menus:

Workbench Contains options for working with Workbench and windows opened on the Workbench screen.
Windows Contains options for working within the currently selected window.
Icons Contains options for working with the currently selected icon or group of icons.
Tools Is available for applications to use or for user-created menu items.

Workbench Menu

The Workbench menu contains general Workbench options and options for windows opened on the Workbench screen. You can, for example, use the Workbench menu to update the screen display or see which version of the system software is in use.

On the Workbench menu you can select the following options:

Update software


The Backdrop menu item creates more room on the Workbench screen for displaying windows and icons. Backdrop switches between a normal window for your Workbench and a special borderless window that is always behind other windows opened on the Workbench.

Choosing Backdrop removes the Workbench window borders so that the disk icons appear to be on the Workbench screen without being enclosed in a window. To return to the normal Workbench window, choose Backdrop again. Backdrop is reset to off if you power off or reboot your computer. To save your Backdrop selection choose the Snapshot item in the Windows menu while the Workbench window is selected.

Execute Command

This menu item is provided for users familiar with AmigaDOS.

The Execute Command executes (starts) an AmigaDOS command without opening a Shell window. Figure 4-2 illustrates an Execute Command requester.

Execute Command Window

Enter the command and all of its arguments in the requester.

A Workbench Output Window is automatically opened when a command results in output and it remains there until you select its close gadget. The current directory for an Execute Command operation is RAM:.

Open volume

Redraw All

Redraw All redraws all open Workbench windows in the Workbench screen and can be used in the event of a disturbance to the Workbench. If Redraw All does not restore the windows to their proper appearance, reboot the computer.

Update All

Update All reopens each open Workbench window, updating its appearance to show its current state.

If you have several windows open and have been using the Shell or an application to change to the contents of a disk, the changes may not be reflected in its windows until you close the windows and reopen them or choose Update All.

Last Message

Last Message retrieves the last information or error message that appeared on the title bar.


About opens a requester showing the internal version number of the Workbench and Kickstart software, as well as copyright information. Select the OK gadget to close the requester.


Quit closes all Workbench operations, making additional RAM available if needed. The Workbench does not close if there are any programs running, including programs that do not open a window and programs that are in your WBStartup drawer.

The only windows that can remain open while using Quit are the disk, drawer, and Shell windows. Once you OK the Quit requester, a Shell window is your only link to the Amiga. You can use the Shell icon in the System drawer to open a Shell window before quitting the Workbench.

Return to the Workbench by typing LOADWB (load Workbench) at the Shell prompt and pressing Return. If there is no Shell window open, you must reboot to return to the Workbench.

The close gadget on the Workbench window is the same as choosing Quit.

Window Menu

The Window menu is only available when a Workbench window is selected. The Window menu allows you to create new drawers, select the contents of the window, rearrange the contents, change how the contents are displayed, and close the window. The available window options are:

New Drawer

To create a new drawer:

  1. Select the window in which you want to create the drawer.
  2. Choose New Drawer from the Window menu. The drawer is created and named "Unnamed1".
  3. A Rename requester prompts you to change the name of the drawer.
  4. Delete the existing name using the DEL key, enter a new name, and press Return or select OK. Selecting Cancel leaves the default name on the new drawer.

Open Parent

A window's parent is the window that contains its icon. With the exception of the Workbench window, every Workbench disk window has a parent window.

Open Parent opens the selected window's parent or brings it to the front of the display if it is already open.


Close closes and removes the selected window from the screen.

Mouse shortcut: For many windows, you can select the close gadget in the upper left corner of the window.


Update redraws the selected window, including any changes made to the contents through the Shell or the Execute Command menu item. Such changes are not reflected until the window is updated or reopened.

Select Contents

Select Contents selects all of the icons in the current window.

Clean Up

Clean Up automatically arranges all the icons in the selected window so that they do not overlap. This arrangement is not saved until you use the Snapshot menu item described below.


Snapshot saves the arrangement and position of icons in a window. It is commonly used following Clean Up. Snapshot has a submenu containing two items: Window and All.

Snapshot Window saves the position and size of the selected window, as well as the Show and View By settings described below. However, it does not save the position of the icons in the window.

Snapshot All saves the position and other settings of all the icons in the selected window, as well as the position and size of the window.


Show controls the types of icons that are displayed on a window. Show has two submenu items: Only Icons and All Files.

Show Only Icons is the default Show mode, displaying only those files and drawers that have icons (.info files).

Show All Files provides a pseudo-icon for each file or drawer in the selected window that does not have a real icon. Pseudo-icons can be treated like any other icon, including manipulating them with the menu items in the Icon menu.

You may have to scroll in the window to see the new pseudo-icons.

View By

View By changes how the information in the window is displayed. View By has four submenu items: Icons, Name, Date, and Size.

View By Icons is the window's default mode.

Choosing View By Name, View By Date, or View By Size displays a window's contents in text form, including the size of the file, its attributes (whether it can be read, deleted, executed, or written to), and its timestamp.

File and drawer names can be selected, opened, dragged, and manipulated just like icons.

View By Name sorts the file list in alphabetical order.

View By Date sorts the list in chronological order, with the most recently created file listed first.

View By Size sorts the list by size, listing the smallest file first.

Icons Menu

The Icons menu allows you to work with the icons on the screen. An icon must be selected before the menu options illustrated in Figure 4-3 become available.

Icons Menu


Opening an icon makes a program or window available.

When you open a disk or drawer icon, a window displays the icons contained on that disk or in that drawer. When an individual project or tool is opened, the corresponding program starts.

Open an icon by selecting it an choosing Open.

Mouse Shortcut: Point to the icon and double-click the selection button.


Copy allows you to duplicate disks, drawers, programs, or files within a window. To copy material to another window, use the drag-copy method described in Chapter 3. Drag-copying is the easiest method of copying a disk on a two-floppy-system.

Use Copy for making backup copies of your disks.

To copy a drawer, project, or icon:

  1. Select the icon.
  2. Choose Copy from the Icons menu.

Copying disks on single-floppy disk drive systems entails a process known as swapping. Source and destination disks are swapped in the single drive as the system first reads information from the source disk and the writes it to the destination disk. The destination disk must be write-enabled, but need not be formatted since Copy formats the disk as it writes to it. Be sure to copy to disks of the same density as the original disks.

To copy a disk on a single-floppy disk drive system:

  1. Insert the source disk into the Amiga's internal disk drive.
  2. Select the source disk's icon.
  3. Choose Copy from the Icons menu. Insert the Workbench disk, if necessary.
  4. If the disk copy requires at least five swaps, a requester tells you how many swaps are needed. Closing any unnecessary windows or stopping any unwanted programs helps reduce the number of swaps.
  5. Select the Continue gadget in the swap requester. During the disk copy, the icon for the disk being copied is unavailable and is labeled "BUSY".
  6. Insert the source disk into the drive when prompted and select Continue. A horizontal bar gauge shows the percentage of the disk copy completed.
  7. Insert the destination disk into the drive when prompted and select Continue to copy the information read in from the source disk. Swap the disks as often as requested. When the copy is finished, a Disk Copy Finished message appears.
  8. Remove the destination disk from the drive and label it. The destination disk's icon is labeled with a copy_of_prefix (for example, copy_of_DataDisk).


Rename changes the name of an icon. It is used to remove the copy_of_prefix from something you copied, as well as for changing the names of drawers, disks, and files.

To rename an icon:

  1. Select the icon.
  2. Choose Rename from the Icons menu. A requester containing a text gadget displays the current name of the icon.
  3. Delete the old name using Backspace or right Amiga+X and enter the new name. Do not use spaces before or after the new name. Because embedded spaces are not visible, they can cause confusion if you have to type in the icon name again.
  4. Press Return. The new name appears under the icon.


Information displays status information about the selected icon's file. Certain data can also be modified in the Information window. Figure 4-4 illustrates the Information window.

Icon Information Window

Although the contents of the window varies with the icon, the following information is always displayed:

title bar The window title bar indicates the path to the icon.
name The icon name and its type in parentheses (Volume, Drawer, Tool, Project, or Trashcan).
image A picture of the icon.
size The number of blocks and bytes that the disk, project, or tool fills.
stack The amount of memory reserved as temporary storage for a specific tool.
last changed date The date on which the icon was created or the last time it was changed (its timestamp).

For a disk icon, the window also shows whether a disk is write-enabled (Read/Write) or write-protected (Read Only).

For a drawer, trashcan, project, or tool, the following attributes can be set or cleared by clicking on the attribute's check box.

Script If set, the file is a script (a text file of AmigaDOS commands) and can be run without using the EXECUTE command.
Archived This attribute is set by backup programs to indicate that a file or directory has been archived (backed up). It is cleared whenever the file is saved.
Readable If set, information in the file can be read. If this attribute is clear, a tool will not run and a project cannot be loaded by its Default Tool.
Writable If set, information can be written into the file. Unless Writable is set, you cannot make changes to the file.
Executable If set, the file is a tool that can be run from Workbench or the Shell. If this attribute is clear, the tool cannot be run from the Shell.
Deletable If set, the drawer, project, or tool can be erased from the disk. If clear, the object is protected from deletion.

If the icon represents a project, there is a Default Tool gadget. This specifies the path to the tool that created the project. When the project icon is opened, the default toll is also opened to work on the project.

If there is a Comments box, you can add a note of up to 79 characters by selecting the text gadget next to Comments, entering the text, and pressing Return.

The Tool Types box specifies different startup options for some programs or files. Icon Tool Types are described in Chapter 3.

To save any changes made to the Information window, select the Save gadget in the lower left corner.


Snapshot saves the positions of all the currently selected icons. The next time you open the window, the icons that you selected appear in their saved positions. You can save the positions of several icons at one time by using drag selection or extended selection.

To save the position of an icon:

  1. Select the icon.
  2. Choose Snapshot.


UnSnapshot cancels the snapshot position of an icon. The next time you open the window, the icons are rearranged.

To release the snapshot position of an icon:

  1. Select the icon.
  2. Choose UnSnapshot.

Leave Out

Leave Out moves an often-used icon out of its original window and into the Workbench window for faster access. The file represented by the icon remains in its original drawer on the disk; only the icon is moved. The icon remains in the Workbench window, even if the machine is rebooted. This menu item cannot be used with disks or the Trashcan.

To use Leave Out:

  1. Select the icon.
  2. Choose Leave Out.

The icon moves into the Workbench window.

Put Away

Put Away returns an icon that was left out to its original drawer.

To use Put Away:

  1. Select the icon.
  2. Choose Put Away.


Delete erases files and their icons from your disks.

Use Delete with caution; you cannot retrieve something that was deleted.

To delete a file or drawer:

  1. Select its icon. Use drag selection or extended selection to choose more than one icon to be deleted. Disks and the Trashcan cannot be removed with Delete.
  2. Choose Delete from the Icons menu. A warning requester appears, listing the number of files and drawers currently selected. Verify that you want to erase permanently the items listed. Remember that if you delete a drawer, everything contained in it is also deleted.
  3. Select the OK gadget. The icon and the files associated with it are erased from your disk. If you do not want to delete everything currently selected, select the Cancel gadget.

Format Disk

Formatting a disk prepares it for storing information. Format disks that are new and unformatted, disks that develop errors, or disks on which you wish to use different file system options.

Formatting erases all information on a disk. Be careful not to format disks that hold information that you do not want to lose, particularly your original system and software applications disks.

Select the icon of the disk to be formatted and choose Format Disk from the Icons menu. The Format window, illustrated in Figure 4-5, displays the current information about the disk. If the disk is already formatted, its volume name and the percentage of the disk currently in use are displayed. A text gadget allows you to enter a new Volume name for the disk.

Format Window

Four items can be selected (checked) in the Format window:

Put Trashcan Allows you to put a Trashcan on the disk.
Fast File System Allows the Amiga to fit more information on a disk. It is faster than the standard file system. Fast File System disks are incompatible with Workbench software releases prior to Release 2.
International Mode Fully supports international characters in file names. We recommend that you set this option on.
International Mode is incompatible with Workbench software releases prior to Release 2.
Directory Cache Speeds up the opening of drawers, file requesters, and listings. This option is off by default. Disks using Directory Cache are incompatible with Workbench software releases prior to Release 3.

Fast File System, International Mode, and Directory Cache can only be specified for AmigaDOS disks. Selecting the Directory Cache option automatically selects International Mode. Disks created with the Directory Cache option can only be read by Amigas running Workbench Release 3.0 and above.

Quick format is for reformatting a disk that was previously formatted. You cannot format a new blank disk with Quick Format. Choosing the Quick Format option is faster than formatting the entire disk; however, it does not detect any read/write errors on the disk that could be eliminated by a full format.

When the disk is formatted, if you did not change he name in the Format window, it is labeled Empty. This name can be changed using the Rename item in the Icons menu.

Formatting Hard Disks

You must format your hard disk under the following conditions if:

  • It is a new unformatted disk.
  • You have a serious unrecoverable disk error.
  • You have repartitioned the disk.
  • You wish to use a different file system option on the disk, such as the Directory Cache option.

Before reformatting your hard disk, be sure to back up all important information from the disk.

The Ram Disk cannot be formatted. If you accidentally select the Ram Disk for formatting, a requester reports that there is a format failure and requires you to select Cancel.

If you have more than one disk icon selected, more than one Format window opens when the Format Disk item is selected from the Icons menu. The format windows open one on top of another so that only one Format window is initially visible. Drag the windows until all are visible. Be sure to check the Current Information field in the Format window for the intended Device and Volume names before allowing the format to continue.

Check the device and volume names carefully. If you accidentally reformat your hard disk instead of a floppy, you will eras all of your files.

Formatting Floppy Disks

The Amiga does not recognize floppy disks that are not formatted; therefore, blank disks must be formatted before anything can be written on them. Disks can be formatted at any time, including while running one or more applications. Disks usually have to be formatted only once.

To determine if a floppy disk is formatted, insert it into a floppy drive and check the disk icon on the Workbench screen. If the Amiga cannot recognize the disk, four question marks (????) follow the drive designation in the icon's label.

To format a blank disk:

  1. Write-enable the disk and insert it into a floppy drive.
  2. Select its disk icon when it appears on the Workbench screen.
  3. Holding down the menu button, point to the Icons menu, move the pointer to the Format Disk item, and release the button.
  4. If you have a hard drive on your Amiga, skip to Step 7. If you do not have a hard drive on your Amiga, at the requester insert the workbench disk into any drive.
  5. When the Format program has been loaded from the Workbench disk remove the disk from the drive.
  6. At the requester, insert the blank disk and select the Continue gadget.
  7. In the Format window, change the volume name of the disk from the default Empty; choose whether to put the Trashcan on the disk an other options. Then select Format to continue.
  8. A requester warning that all data will be lost if you continue the format appears on the screen. Select either Format or Cancel.
  9. During the format a window is displayed that shows the percentage of disk that has been formatted. This window also has a Stop gadget that allows you to cancel the format at any time.

A disk that is partially formatted is not usable.

To format a disk as an MS-DOS disk through CrossDOS, you must have a CrossDos DOSdriver activated. If the PC0 DOSdriver is active, select the disk icon labeled PC0:???? for formatting.

Empty Trash

Empty Trash deletes the contents of the Trashcan. To use the Trashcan, drag an icon over the Trashcan icon and release the selection button. The icon is then stored in the Trashcan drawer until you decide to permanently throw it away with Empty Trash.

To delete an icon with Empty Trash:

  1. Drag the icon over the Trashcan and release the selection button. If you open the Trashcan, the icon appears in the Trashcan window.
  2. Make sure the Trashcan icon is selected (the lid is displayed open) and choose Empty Trash from the Icons menu. The Trashcan contents are deleted.

An icon can be retrieved from the Trashcan as long as Empty Trash is not chosen. Retrieve an icon by opening the Trashcan window and dragging the icon into any window. You may wish to open the Trashcan window in Show All Files mode and verify its contents before choosing Empty Trash.

The following rules apply to the Trashcan:

  • Icons can only be moved to a Trashcan on the same volume.
  • Disks cannot be deleted using the Trashcan.
  • The Trashcan cannot be moved into a drawer.
  • The Trashcan cannot be left out.
  • The Trashcan cannot be deleted with the Delete menu item.

Tools Menu

The Tools Menu initially contains only ResetWB for resetting the Workbench. Other Amiga applications and utilities can add items to the Tools menu. Consult the documentation that came with your applications software for information on adding items to the Tools menu.

Workbench Programs

The Workbench disk window contains a number of drawers that contain system and utility files.

These drawers are:

  • System
  • Utilities
  • Devs
  • Storage
  • WBStartup
  • Expansion

System Drawer

The System drawer contains programs that control system functions. Some offer access to Amiga accessory programs, such as AmigaDOS or ARexx.


Find allows you to search files by name or by contents.


FixFonts should be used after fonts are added to or deleted from your Fonts drawer.

For more information on fonts and FixFonts, see Chapter 8.


Format a disk by opening the Format icon. Double-clicking on the Format icon opens a requester asking you to select a device to format. Click on the device you wish to format. Click on the Continue button to display the Format window. The rest of the procedure follows the same steps as used with t he Icon menu's Format Disk item, described on page 4-17.


FormatCDRW allows you to format a rewriteable optical disk.


GrimReaper is a system tool for handling software failures. It is launched automatically when software failure occurs.

Tool Types

GrimReaper supports the following Tool Types:

LOGDIR=<directory> Name of the directory to write crash reports to. Default directory is "RAM:".
DISLINES=<number of lines> Number of lines to disassemble when creating a crash report. Default is 5.
DEBUGSHELL=<shell command> Specifies the shell command used when attaching a debugger. Default command is "CON:50/50/800/480/GDB/CLOSE/WAIT".
DEBUGCOMMAND=<debugger> Specifies the name of the debugger to launch. Default is "SDK:C/gdb".

Shell Usage

GRIMREAPER <task address>
TASKADDRESS Crashed task's memory address in hexadecimal form. Prefix "0x" is required.

ARexx Interface

GrimReaper has no ARexx interface.


Help allows you to read Shell command documentation and system component release notes.

All commands or system components for which documentation is available are shown in the left hand list on the Help window.

The cycle gadget above the list controls the list content. You can list Shell commands by selecting "Shell Commands" or you can list system components by selecting "Release Notes."

Selecting an item from the list displays the related documentation or release notes on the right.

Help Menus

Help has three menus: the Project menu, Edit menu, and the Navigation menu.

In the Project menu:

Print Prints the currently viewed command documentation.
About Displays information on Help.
Quit Exits Help program.

In the Edit menu:

Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Mark All Selects the currently viewed text.

In the Navigation menu:

Find Make a text search on currently viewed documentation.
Find Next Find the next text match.

Shell Usage

HELP [<command>]
COMMAND Name of a AmigaDOS command which documentation you wish to read.

ARexx Interface

Help has no ARexx interface.


Intellifont manages the installation of Intellifont® outline fonts onto your Amiga. Intellifont and fonts are described in Chapter 8.

Media Toolbox

Disk partition tool.


Mounter is an interactive partition mount tool. It operates on devices that support the RDB (Rigid Disk Block) organization data structures which define which and which size partitions are assigned to a storage medium.

Mounter can be started both from Shell and from the Workbench. In both cases the same parameters can be used. The only difference between them is that for the Workbench, you would need to specify the parameters as tool types.

Supported parameters

Example :
DEVICE=2ndscsi.device Default: DEVICE=scsi.device
This specifies the device driver to query for partition information. Not all device drivers are supported. Commonly, you would use this tool only on hard disk drives.
UNIT=0 Default: - (No unit specified)
If the UNIT parameter is omitted, Mounter will open a window and query unit numbers 0-6 for attached devices, prompting you to choose a device to examine for partition data. However, if you specify a unit number, it indicates that you want all the partitions on that device to be mounted.
PARTITIONS=HD0:|HD1:|HD2: (Workbench only) PARTITIONS HD0: HD1: HD2: (Shell only) Default: - (No partitions specified)
This parameter works in conjunction with the UNIT parameter. Instead of mounting all partitions on the specified unit, you choose which partitions exactly should be mounted.
NOUNMOUNT Default: - (Partitions with the same name will be unmounted)
If the Mounter tool detects that there is already a partition by the name of a new partition to be mounted, its default action will be to umount the existing partition. This can be undesirable, which is why the NOUNMOUNT parameter can be used to tell Mounter to add the new partition under a new name. The new partition name is created by adding a number to its name. For example, if the partition HD0: would already exist, the new partition would be mounted under the name of HD0.1:. If HD0.1: already exists, HD0.2: would be used, and so on.
NOREMOUNT Default: - (Always mount a partition, even if there already is a partition mounted by the same name)
This option tells Mounter not to attempt to mount partitions again if they have already been mounted. For example, if you want Mounter to mount the partition DH0:" if, and only if, it has not already been mounted, you would start the program with the options NOUNMOUNT and NOREMOUNT. This will tell Mounter not to unmount an already existing partition (NOUNMOUNT) and not to attempt to mount the partition if its name is already in use (NOREMOUNT).
QUIET Default: - (Mounter will show a progress report of its actions)
When Mounter mounts or unmounts partitions, it will show briefly what it is currently doing. The reports (except for error messages) can be be disabled with the QUIET parameter.
MASK=0x7FFFFFFC Default: - (No special transfer mask)
This parameter corresponds to the MASK option associated with a mount list. By default, Mounter will use whatever transfer mask value is associated with the partition data it finds on the disk. If you provide a mask parameter, that parameter will be used instead of the partition`s transfer mask value when the partition is mounted.
QUERY (NOTE: Shell only parameter) Default: - (Do not print the queried information)
This parameter will print the same information that would be shown in the graphical user interface in the Shell window.
PUBSCREEN=Workbench Default: - (Use the default public screen)
This parameter tells Mounter to opens its graphical user interface on the named public screen. If the named public screen cannot be found, the user interface will fall back to open on the default public screen.
CX_POPKEY=Alt Shift F10
These are the standard Commodities tool control variables which determine Mounter`s hot key and whether the program should open its display upon startup.

The graphical user interface

Mounter will display a list of devices attached to the driver you specified.

If no device responds to the query, you will see the text <No device present>" following the unit number. Otherwise, you will see a list of device parameters:

Vendor Name of the device manufacturer
Product Name of the device
Rev Revision of the device
Size Size of the storage media, if available.
Type Type of the device, such as Disk drive" or CD-ROM drive".
Media Type of storage media, if available.
Status This indicates whether the device can be accessed and used. For devices with removable media, you will see not ready" if there is currently no media inserted.

Below this list there are three buttons: "Mount...", "Update" and "Hide". To close the window, either click on the window close gadget or hit the Hide" button. To reread the list of devices corresponding to the device driver you chose, hit the "Update" button. To examine a device for partition tables, first select it from the list, then hit the "Mount..." button (a double-click on the list entry will have the same effect).

After hitting the "Mount..." button, Mounter will check the partitions on the given device. If a partition table is found, it will be presented to you in a new list, like this:

Partition name Size File system type
WB_2.X 20M DOS\1
HD0 500M DOS\3
HD1 500M DOS\3

In this list, partitions which are not currently mounted will be highlighted. To change the highlighting, hold down any [Shift] key and click on an entry. To mount all highlighted partitions, hit the Mount" button located in the lower left corner of the window.


Some very old programs may not run properly when memory other than graphics (chip) memory is present in the Amiga system. In this case, double-clicking on the NoFastMem icon forces the Amiga to use only the available graphics memory. The other mem display in the Workbench title bar drops to 0 (zero). The icon works like a toggle switch. To restore expansion (Fast) memory to the system, double-click on the NoFastMem icon again. NoFastMem does not open a window.

Python Drawer

This drawer contains the Amiga Python programming language.

Python is a powerful and easy to learn programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. It is an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development.

Python Interpreter

Python programs are stored in source code form and they are executed with Python interpreter Python.

Running Python Programs

The Python command is used to run a Python program. For example, to run a program called "" enter the following command in Shell:


If the "" file has execute and script file protection flags set, you can just type

and Shell will execute the program using the Python interpreter.

Using Python Interactively

You can use Python interactively, too. Just double-click the Python tool icon in the Python drawer and an Amiga Python console window will open.

You can type any Python command in the console and it will be executed once you press Enter. To leave the interactive command mode, type exit() and press Enter.

Lib Drawer

This drawer contains the Python standard library.

The library contains built-in modules that provide access to system functionality such as the file I/O that would otherwise be inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming.


RexxMast is the interpreter for the optional ARexx programming language. If the RexxMast icon is not present, you do not have ARexx on your system. To use RexxMast, double-click on its icon. To run RexxMast each time you boot, drag the icon into WBStartup.


RinghioServer is a desktop notification system. It allows applications to display notifications without interrupting the user. Ringhio displays a notification on the screen in a box. Depending on the notification priority, the notification box stays on the screen until it is clicked or, if it is a low priority notification, it disappears after a while.

See Chapter 5. Preferences on how to customize the notification system.

ARexx Interface

RinghioServer has an ARexx port which allows applications and scripts to display notifications through Ringhio. Ringhio's ARexx port name is RINGHIO.

Ringhio supports the following ARexx commands:

REGISTERAPP APP/K,AREXXPORT/K,ICON/K,TEXT/F Ringhio displays notifications from registered applications and scripts only. To register an application or script, use the REGISTERAPP command. The command accepts the following parameters:

APP=<application name>

Name of the application/script you are registering. This parameter is required.

AREXXPORT=<port name>

Name of the ARexx port where the return message should be send. This parameter is optional.

ICON=<path to icon file>

Full path to your application's or script's icon file, excluding the ".info" extension. The icon image will be displayed in the Notifications Preferences editor. This parameter is optional.


A short description of your application/script for the Notifications Preferences editor. This parameter is optional.

RINGHIO APP/K,UPDATE/S,CLOSEONDC/S,PRI/K,SCREEN/K,IMG/K,IMGVALIGN/K/N,LOGONLY/S,TITLE/K,BACKRXMSG/K,TEXT/F Command RINGHIO displays a notification. It accepts the following parameters:

APP=<application name>

Name of the application/script requesting notification display. The name must match the name of the registered application/script. This parameter is required.


When supplied, the new notification will replace all currently visible notifications of the named application/script. This parameter is optional.


Enables notification box's closing. The user can close the box by double-clicking it. This parameter is optional.


Notification priority: 0-10. Priority 9 notification flashes the screen and plays the "beep" sound. Priority 10 notifications are sticky. They flash the screen, play the "beep" sound, and stay on the screen until the user closes the notification box. This parameter is required.

SCREEN=<public screen>

Name of the public screen where the notification box should appear. If omitted, the notification will be displayed on the Workbench screen. The screen name FRONT has a special meaning: it makes Ringhio to display the notification on the frontmost screen. This parameter is optional.

IMG=<image file path>

Full path to image, which will be displayed in the notification box. The maximum image size is 32 x 32 px. This parameter is optional.


Vertical alignment of the image to be displayed in the notification box: 0 = align top, 1 = align middle, 2 = align bottom. This parameter is optional.


Prevents Ringhio from displaying the notification. However, the notification will be logged. This parameter is optional.


Notification title. The maximum title length is 64 characters. Titles longer than that will be truncated. This parameter is optional.

BACKRXMSG=<return message>

Defines a message to be send to the ARexx port named with the REGISTERAPP's AREXXPORT parameter when user double-clicks the notification box. The BACKRXMSG parameter can also be used for opening an URL in the default web browser by using a prefix "URL:". For example, argument BACKRXMSG="URL:" opens the web site in the default browser when the user double-clicks the notification box.


Text to be displayed in the notification box. The maximum text length is 160 characters. If the supplied text is longer, it will be truncated.

Once you send the REGISTERAPP command, the RinghioServer will return one of the following messages in the ARexx RESULT variable:

OK, APP REGISTERED Application has been successfully registered.
ERROR: APP ALREADY REGISTERED Failed to register the application because it has already been registered.
ERROR: NO APP NAME Application's name is missing (APP parameter).
ERROR: OUT OF MEMORY There is not enough memory to register the application.
ERROR: UNDEFINED ERROR Failed to register because of an error.

Once you send the RINGHIO command, the RinghioServer will return one of the following messages in the ARexx RESULT variable:

OK, MSG QUEUED Notification received and added in the display queue.
ERROR: TOO MANY MESSAGES QUEUED Notification cannot be displayed because display queue is overflowed.
ERROR: APP NOT ALLOWED The requesting application is blocked in the Notifications Preferences editor.
ERROR: APP NOT REGISTERED The requesting application is not registered.
ERROR: NO APP NAME Application's name is missing (APP parameter).
ERROR: OUT OF MEMORY There is not enough memory to display the notification.
ERROR: UNDEFINED ERROR Failed to display the notification because of an error.

The following ARexx program shows how to display a short notification with Ringhio.

/* Ringhio notification test */
/* Name of this application */
application = 'NOTIFICATIONTEST'
options results
/*--- Register application ---*/
command = 'REGISTERAPP APP=' || application || ' ICON="ENV:Sys/def_arexx" Notification test script.'
address RINGHIO command
/* Failed to register */
if left( RESULT, 2 ) ~= 'OK' then do
	/* Exit script if the error is other than 'already registered' */	
	if right( RESULT, 22 ) ~= 'APP ALREADY REGISTERED' then do
/*--- Display notification ---*/
command = 'RINGHIO APP=' || application || ' SCREEN="FRONT" PRI=1 IMG="SYS:Prefs/Presets/Ringhio/impronta_32.png" TITLE="Ringhio Test" IMGVALIGN=1 This is a test message.'
address RINGHIO command
/* Failed to display notification */
if left( RESULT, 2 ) ~= 'OK' then do


Shell opens an Amiga Shell window, which gives you complete access to the AmigaDOS command line environment.


TypeManager allows you to install and manage fonts on your Amiga. It can handle the following font formats:

Name Comment Filename Extension
OpenType Scalable font, extended from TrueType and PostScript fonts .otf, .ttf, .tcc
TrueType Outline font .ttf, .tte, .dfont
PostScript Type 1 Outline font .pfb, .pfm, .afm, .inf, .pfa, .ofm
PostScript Type 42 A PostScript wrapper around a TrueType font .pfb, .pfm, .afm, .inf, .pfa, .ofm
TrueDoc (PFR) Outline font .pfr
Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) Bitmap font .bdf
Portable Compiled Format (PCF) Bitmap font .pcf
Windows FNT Bitmap font .fnt
Windows FON Bitmap font .fon

TypeManager Menus

TypeManager has two menus: the Project menu and the Settings menu.

In the Project menu:

About Displays information on TypeManager.
Quit Exits TypeManager program.

In the Settings menu:

Show help? Controls the gadget help. When Show help? is chosen, leaving the mouse pointer on top of a gadget opens the gadget's help.
Preferred hinter This submenu allows you to select which font display enhancement method TypeManager should use.
Save settings on exit In this submenu you can select if settings should be saved on exit or not, or should TypeManager confirm saving.
Save Saves TypeManager settings.

How to Install or Remove Fonts?

TypeManager's window is split into two: on the left are listed the fonts you can install on the system, and on the right is the list of currently installed fonts.

To install new fonts, click the Source directory gadget and select the directory which contains the fonts you would like to install. When you have selected the directory, TypeManager will list the fonts on the left.

Select the fonts you would like to install from the list using your mouse. Shift-click list items to pick fonts to be installed. If you would like to install all the listed fonts, click the Select All button.

Next select the location where the fonts will be installed. To install in the default system location, select "#1" location from the cycle gadget on the right (the gadget below the Destination directory gadget). Then click the Install button.

You can remove any installed font just by selecting the font to be removed from the list on the right and then clicking the Remove button.

How to Modify Fonts?

You can change the installed font properties by selecting a font from the list on the right and clicking the Modify button.

At the bottom of the font modify window there are buttons for closing the window without saving (Cancel button) and two buttons for saving: Save saves the current font settings and Save as bitmap font saves a bitmap font settings. The latter is available only when you are modifying bitmap fonts.

Above the saving buttons are the font preview buttons. Repertoire displays all available font glyphs in a separate window, while Sample text displays a sample text using the selected font.

The editable font properties are on five pages at the upper part of the window. The pages are: Sizes, Attributes, Files, Metrics, and Encoding.

Page: Sizes

On this page you can edit which font sizes are available in the system font requester. To add a new font size, enter the size in the Size field and click the Add size button. The new size will appear in the font size list. To remove a font size, select a size from the list and click the Delete size button.

You can also create bitmap versions of the selected outline font sizes. The advantage of having the bitmapped versions is that they load faster and older programs can utilize the font as well.

To create bitmap versions, select the font sizes from the list of which you would like to create a bitmap font conterpart. Then select character set for the bitmap fonts using the Charset cycle gadget. The character set will determine which glyphs will be included in the bitmap fonts. And finally click the Add bitmap button.

The second column, Charset, of the font size list tells if a bitmap font of that size exists. If the Charset column contains character set name, a bitmap font for that size exist.

To remove bitmap fonts from a specified font size, select the size from the font size list and click the Delete bitmap button. Deleting bitmap fonts from a font size does not delete the size nor the outline font.

Page: Attributes
Page: Files
Page: Metrics
Page: Encoding

How to Create and Manage your own Font Library?

TypeManager makes it easy to create and manage your own font library. The operating system and applications can use the fonts which are installed along the FONTS assignment. The current assingments can be seen in the cycle gadget above the right side font list.

You can create a new font library which can be made available for the operating system and applications when needed.

To create a new font library, click the Destination directory directory selection gadget. A directory selection requester appears. Use the requester and browse to the directory where you would like to create a new font library. If you need to create a subdirectory, select Create new drawer... from the requester's Control menu. Then click OK.

You can now install fonts in your font library by selecting the installable fonts from the list on the left and clicking the Install button.

When you want that the operating system and applications can use the fonts in your library, the library path must be attached to the FONTS assignment. The attachment can be made with the Assign command.

If your font library is in the Work:MyFonts/ directory, the assignment command is as follows:

Assign FONTS: "Work:MyFonts/" ADD

You can enter the command in Shell or use Workbench's Execute Command... function, which can be found from Workbench's Workbench menu.

To detach your library from the FONTS assignment, reboot Amiga or give the following command:

Assign FONTS: "Work:MyFonts/" REMOVE

Tool Types

TypeManager supports the following Tool Types:

PUBSCREEN=<public screen> Names the public screen on which TypeManager should open its window.

Shell Usage

TypeManager [PUBSCREEN <public screen name>]

ARexx Interface

TypeManager has no ARexx interface.

Utilities Drawer

The Utilities drawer contains programs that are helpful, but not necessary for working with your Amiga.


AmiGS is a viewing and printing utility for postscript, EPS, and PDF documents.

Tool Types

AmiGS supports the following Tool Types:

WINDOWBOX=<left>/<top>/<width>/<height> This tool type allows you to define AmiGS window position and dimensions.
PUBSCREEN=<public screen> Name of the public screen. AmiGS will open its window on the public screen which name has been supplied with this tool type.

Shell Usage

AMIGS [FILE <file name>] [PAGE <page number>] [PAGENAME <page name>] [ZOOM <zoom factor>] [PUBSCREEN <public screen name>] [FULLSCREEN]

ARexx Interface

AmiGS has an ARexx interface which allows other programs to control AmiGS while it is running. AmiGS's ARexx port name is AMIGS.<slot #>, where <slot #> is the ARexx port slot. When you have one AmiGS running, its ARexx port is AMIGS.1. The other instance of AmiGS has a port named AMIGS.2, the third instance AMIGS.3 and so on.

AmiGS upports the following ARexx commands:

GETDEFAULTID Returns the default document ID in the ARexx variable RESULT.

AmiGS creates a unique ID number for each opened document. The first opened document will get this ID number. AmiGS generates a new document ID by adding 1 to the last used ID number. Thus the second document's ID number will be 2, third's 3, and so on. When you close a document, its ID number won't be reused.

QUIT Quits the application.
OPEN [<file name>] Opens the named file in a new window or if the file name is not supplied, displays a file requester for selecting a file.
CLOSE <document id> Closes an open document using the AmiGS's internal document ID number.
FIRSTPAGE <document id> Displays the first page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
LASTPAGE <document id> Displays the last page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
PREVPAGE <document id> Displays the previous page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
NEXTPAGE <document id> Displays the next page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
GOTOPAGE <document id> <page number> Displays the requested page of the document which ID number is <document id>.


AmiPDF is a PDF document viewer. It can also be used for converting PDF documents to text files and PostScript files.

Tool Types

AmiPDF supports the following Tool Types:

WINDOWBOX=<left>/<top>/<width>/<height> This tool type allows you to define AmiPDF window position and dimensions.
PUBSCREEN=<public screen> Name of the public screen. AmiPDF will open its window on the public screen which name has been supplied with this tool type.

Shell Usage

AMIPDF [FILE <filename>] [PAGE <page number>] [PAGENAME <page name>] [OWNERPASS <password>] [USERPASS <password>] [ZOOM <zoom factor>] [PUBSCREEN <public screen name>] [FULLSCREEN] [PAPERSIZE <paper size>] [PAPERWIDTH <paper width>] [PAPERHEIGHT <paper height>] [PSLEVEL1] [TEXTENCODING <encoding> ] [QUIET]
FILE Name of the PDF file to open.
PAGE Page number. Open the PDF document from the specified page.
PAGENAME Like PAGE except you can use page names instead of page numbers.
OWNERPASS Document's owner password. Providing this will bypass all security restrictions.
USERPASS Document's user password. As a minimum this will unlock the read protection.
ZOOM Initial zoom factor. Percentage value.
PUBSCREEN Name of the public screen. AmiPDF will open its window on the public screen which name has been supplied with this argument.
FULLSCREEN Display the PDF document using the full-screen mode.
PAPERSIZE Paper size: LETTER, LEGAL, A4, or A3.
PAPERWIDTH Set the paper width in points.
PAPERHEIGHT Set the paper height in points.
PSLEVEL1 Generates Level 1 PostScript. The resulting PostScript file will be significantly larger (if it contains images), but will print on Level 1 printers. This also converts all images to black and white.

By default AmiPDF generates Level 2 PostScript.

TEXTENCODING Sets the encoding to use for text output.
QUIET Don't print any messages or errors.

ARexx Interface

AmiPDF has an ARexx interface which allows other programs to control AmiPDF while it is running. AmiPDF's ARexx port name is AMIPDF.<slot #>, where <slot #> is the ARexx port slot. When you have one AmiPDF running, its ARexx port is AMIPDF.1. The other instance of AmiPDF has a port named AMIPDF.2, the third instance AMIPDF.3 and so on.

AmiPDF supports the following ARexx commands:

GETDEFAULTID Returns the default document ID in the ARexx variable RESULT.

AmiPDF creates a unique ID number for each opened document. The first opened PDF document will get this ID number. AmiPDF generates a new document ID by adding 1 to the last used ID number. Thus the second document's ID number will be 2, third's 3, and so on. When you close a document, its ID number won't be reused.

QUIT Quits the application.
OPEN [<pdf file>] Opens the named PDF file in a new window or if the file name is not supplied, displays a file requester for selecting a file.
CLOSE <document id> Closes an open PDF document using the AmiPDF's internal document ID number.
FIRSTPAGE <document id> Displays the first page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
LASTPAGE <document id> Displays the last page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
PREVPAGE <document id> Displays the previous page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
NEXTPAGE <document id> Displays the next page of the document which ID number is <document id>.
GOTOPAGE <document id> <page number> Displays the requested page of the document which ID number is <document id>.


The Calculator is a standard four-function calculator for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Opening the Calculator icon activates it.

The calculator works like any standard calculator. The buttons on the calculator are gadgets. The numbered gadgets represent the digits 0 through 9. The non-numerical gadgets represent:

CA Clear all previous entries. Resets the calculator to 0.
CE Clear the current entry.
X Multiply.
/ Divide.
+ Add.
- Subtract.
. Decimal point.
« Delete the last digit entered.
± Change the sign of the current entry. Positive numbers become negative; negative numbers become positive.
= Display the result of the operation.

To press a button, select the gadget with the mouse or press the corresponding key on the keyboard. You can use either the keyboard or numeric keypad keys. Return and the keypad Enter key are equivalent to the equals (=) button. The left arrow key is equivalent to the («) button.

The calculator displays a message for Overflow and Divide By Zero errors.

Select the close gadget to exit the Calculator.

Calculator menus

The calculator has three menus: the Project menu, the Edit menu, and the Windows menu.

On the Project menu:

Clear Entry Clears the current entry only.
Clear All Clears all entries and resets the display to zero.
Quit Closes off the calculator.

On the Edit menu:

Cut Copies and clears the current entry to the Clipboard.
Copy Copies the current entry to the Clipboard without clearing the area.
Paste Place the current Clipboard contents into the calculator.

Show Tape is the only Window menu option. It displays a window showing the calculator entries and results. Show Tape can also be copied, but since it does not have a menu, use drag-select and Amiga+C to copy its contents to the Clipboard.


Clock displays the time and date on your Workbench screen. It can also be used as an alarm clock to signal you at a specified time.

When you open the Clock icon, a window with a round (analog) clock face appears. If the time Shown is incorrect, use the Time editor in the Prefs drawer, described in Chapter 5, to set the correct time.

Clock has two menus for changing the display and settings: Project and Settings.

The Project menu contains the following items:

Analog Displays the round Clock face. Analog is the default; its window size can be changed.
Digital Displays a digital (numeric) clock the height of the title bar using your screen font.
Quit Closes the Clock.

The Settings menu contains the following items:

Date Displays the date beneath the analog clock. The date and time are alternately displayed on the digital clock. Date off is the default.
Seconds Displays the time with a sweep second hand on the analog clock. The default setting shows no seconds. The Display Seconds item is overridden by the Digital Format setting when using the digital clock.
Digital Format Displays the time in a 12 or 24 hour format, with or without seconds, for the digital clock only.
Alarm Allows you to turn the alarm on or off. A checkmark indicates that the alarm is on.
Set Alarm Allows you to set the time for the alarm to signal you. Because the signal is a short audible tone, you must have audio output on your Amiga to use this feature.
Save Settings Saves your Clock settings. Each time you run the Clock program it opens with these settings until you change them.

To set the alarm:

  1. Choose the Set Alarm menu item.
  2. Change the time setting by dragging the hour and minute sliders to the right to increase the value or the left to decrease the value until the correct time is displayed.
  3. When the requester displays the desired alarm time, select the Use gadget. This automatically turns the alarm on, as indicated by the checkmark next to the Alarm menu item. Select the Cancel gadget to restore the previous alarm setting and exit.

The alarm remains on and beeps at the same time each day until you deselect Alarm or close the Clock. The Clock must be running for the alarm to work. The next time you open the Clock, the alarm must be reset.

Tool Types

Tool Types in the Clock icon's Information window allow you to save the menu, size, and position settings on the Clock. The Clock's Tool Types are the same as its keywords in AmigaDOS.


More displays ASCII text filers on the Workbench screen. More does not have an icon, although it resides in the Utilities drawer. More has been superseded by the MultiView program (described on page 4-23), but is retained for compatibility with files that use More as their Default Tool.

The following key sequences can be used to move through the More display and to get help for using More:

Space bar or down arrow Displays the next page.
Backspace or up arrow Displays the previous page.
H Help (displays a list similar to this one).

When the last page of the display is reached, an End of File message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Press the space bar at this point or click the close gadget at any time to exit More.


GraphicDump prints (or dumps) entire screens, including menus and icons, just as they appear on your monitor. Your printer must be capable of printing graphic images. (Most printers can print GraphicDump output.)

Before using GraphicDump, make sure the settings in the Printer, PrinterPS, and PrinterGfx Preferences editors are appropriate for your printer. You can specify the dimensions of the printout with the Limits setting in the PrinterGfx editor. Otherwise, the printout is the full width allowed by the printer.

To use GraphicDump, double-click on its icon. After a ten second delay the front-most screen image is sent to the printer. The mouse pointer is not printed.

Tool Types

GraphicDump supports a SIZE Tool Type. The acceptable arguments for SIZE and the resulting size of the printout are:

SIZE=tiny 1/4 the total width allowed by the printer.
SIZE=small 1/2 the total width allowed by the printer.
SIZE=medium 3/4 the total width allowed by the printer.
SIZE=large Full width allowed by the printer (default).

The height of the printout maintains the perspective of the screen. The Limits Type gadget in the PrinterGfx editor must be set to Ignore for GraphicDump, or else the size of the printout is determined by the Limits setting.

To set specific dimensions in a Tool Type, use:


Substitute the width, in number of printer dots, for the <xdots> argument and the height for the <ydots> argument.



Installation Utility


The KeyShow program shows the current keyboard type layout on your Amiga. Opening the KeyShow icon displays the keyboard layout as selected in the Input Preferences editor. The default American keyboard layout is illustrated in Figure 10-3.

Default KeyShow Window

The initial display shows the characters that appear when a single key is pressed. For example, the Q key shows a lower case q. However, when you press a qualifier key with a character key, you can get different output. For KeyShow the acceptable qualifier keys are Ctrl, Shift and both Alt keys.

To see the characters that are output when a qualifier key is pressed simultaneously with a character key:

  1. Select any of the qualifier keys that appear in the KeyShow window. That qualifier key is highlighted.
  2. The KeyShow display changes to indicate the output that you get if you press the selected qualifier key along with a character key. You can select any combination of qualifiers and the display changes accordingly.
  3. Select the qualifier key again to return it to its unpressed state.

Keyboard shortcut: Instead of pointing to the qualifier key in the display, you can press the corresponding key on the keyboard. The following list is a guide to interpreting the KeyShow display:

  • Qualifier keys not currently pressed are shown in the Workbench background color (normally grey). For example, when you first open the KeyShow window, Ctrl, Shift, and Alt appear in grey. This is because KeyShow is not using those keys in the initial display.
  • Dead keys are shown in the Workbench highlight color (normally blue). A dead key is one that, in combination with an Alt key, modifies the output of the key pressed immediately afterward. For example, on the USA keyboard, the Alt+G combination is a dead key representing the grave accent. If you press Alt+G, then press E, you superimpose the accent symbol over the e (è).
  • Bold-italics indicate that a key can be used in conjunction with a dead key. In the previous example, E can be modified by a dead key. However, not all bold-italic keys are affected by all dead keys. For example, n responds only to the Alt+J dead key. The final character must exist in the Amiga character set to be available through a dead key.
  • $$ indicates that it takes more than one character to define the key.
  • If a character is preceded by a tilde (~) or a caret (^), it is a control character.
  • Blank keys are undefined for the currently selected qualifiers.



MultiView lets you view files, including picture files, text files, AmigaGuide help files, sound files, and animated graphics files. It can display any type of file for which there is a data type file in DEVS:DataTypes. For more information on the data types used by MultiView, see page 4-28.

MultiView uses a standard file requester for loading files. You can load files into MultiView using the file requester provided or, because the MultiView window is an AppWindow, you can drag icons onto MultiView to load them.

When you loaded a standard Amiga sampled sound file into MultiView, clicking on the file's icon plays the sampled sound if your Amiga or monitor has speakers.

When you load an animated file into MultiView, the window or screen on which the animation is displayed has a control panel for manipulating the display. The control panel gadgets allow you to start and stop the animation and move forward or backward through it. This screen is illustrated in Figure 4-6.

MultiView with Animation Control Panel

MultiView has four menus: Project, Edit, Windows, and Settings.

Project Menu

Open Brings up a file requester to allow you to choose another file to display.
Save As Saves object as ILBM or text files.
Print Prints selected blocks or files.
About Shows the MultiView release information and the type of document being viewed.
Quit Quits MultiView.

Edit Menu

Mark Turns on the block selection cursor and lets you select a block. (This is only available for picture files.)
Copy Copies selected block to the Clipboard and deselects the block. If no block is selected, copies the whole file.
Select All Selects the whole file.
Clear Selected Clears the selected block or file without copying or printing.

Windows Menu

Use Separate Screen Toggles between displaying the file on its own screen and in a window on the Workbench screen.
Minimize Make the window as small as it can be.
Normal Sizes the window to the contents size.
Maximize Makes the window the same size as the screen.

Settings Menu

Save As Defaults Saves the size, position, and location of the window for future use.

Tool Types

MultiView supports the following Tool Types:

CLIPBOARD View The Clipboard instead of the file.
CLIPUNIT=<number> Specify the Clipboard unit to use when using the CLIPBOARD keyword. The range is 0 to 255; the default is 0.
SCREEN Indicate that you want the object to appear on its own screen, using the environment specified by the object. For example, if an ILBM was Low Res, then the screen would match.
PUBSCREEN=<name> Indicate that you want the window to open on the named public screen.
FONTNAME=<name> Font to use when viewing text objects. Note that the .font extension must be left off.
FONTSIZE=<number> Font size to use when viewing text objects.
BOOKMARK Go to the object and position specified by the bookmark.
BACKDROP Indicate that the window should be a backdrop window.
WINDOW Open the MultiView window on the Workbench screen without an object so that items can be dragged into it.
PORTNAME=<ARexx port name> Allows you to specify an ARexx port name when you run MultiView. This name allows you to refer to a particular MultiView display from within an ARexx script. If no name is specified, each MultiView invocation is given a default name.

For more information on using MultiView with ARexx, see the AmigaDOS User's Guide.


Project Menu

Edit Menu

Navigation Menu

Settings Menu


Project Menu

Tools Menu


PlayCD acts as a user interface for the audio CD playback functionality offered by a CD-ROM drive. The CD-ROM drive in question must comply to the SCSI-2 standard and thus support at least a subset of the audio control commands defined for CD-ROM drives.

Starting the program

When the program is launched, it will attempt to configure itself. This involves figuring out which device driver and which device unit to use for audio playback. This information is usually stored in the program's icon, but it can also provided on the command line. The names of the command line options and the tool types are the same. The following options are supported:

If there already is a filing system mounted on the CD-ROM drive to use for audio playback, the easiest way to tell PlayCD which device it should use is to provide that filing system's name. PlayCD will try to figure out which device and unit that filing system is bound to and use the resulting information.
PlayCD CD0:
PlayCD dosdev CD2:
That this type of configuration may not work with all CD-ROM filing systems.
Use this option to provide the name of the device driver the CD-ROM drive to use for playback responds to.
PlayCD device=scsi.device
Default for this option is "scsi.device" .
This option works in conjunction with the "DEVICE" parameter. Both the device name and the unit number specified define the interface the PlayCD program should use to address the CD-ROM drive.
PlayCD unit=5
Default for this option is "2".
The PlayCD user interface sports a slider which controls and displays the current play index. Attached to this slider are two buttons which perform fast forward" and rewind" functionality. Pressign any of these two buttons will cause playback to skip a few seconds. The SKIP" option is for configuring the number of seconds to skip.
PlayCD skip=2
Default for this option is 1", i.e. clicking on the buttons will skip one second each.
PlayCD queries the CD-ROM drive in regular intervals to find out whether the CD was changed or how far playback has progressed. The length of these intervals is configured with the PEEKTIME" option. The peek time is specified in microseconds, i.e. one millionth part of a second.
PlayCD peektime=500000
Default for this option is 200000", i.e. one fifth of a second.
PlayCD can be made to open its display on a named public screen. If the named screen does not exist, it will fall back to opening its display on the default public screen, such as the Workbench screen.
PlayCD pubscreen=my.public.screen
There is no default for this option. Default behaviour for PlayCD is to open its display on the default public screen which in most cases will be the Workbench screen.
PlayCD depends upon the controller hardware the CD-ROM drive is attached to to deliver its commands properly. This may sometimes require that the command data structures are passed in a particular type of memory which the controller hardware has easy access to. In most cases you will not need to change this option, but if the CD-ROM drive is correctly configured, does support the SCSI-2 command set and still does not react to PlayCD`s commands, then it might be necessary to specify a different buffer memory type.
PlayCD bufmemtype=2
PlayCD bufmemtype=512
Default for this option is 0", which specifies no particular type of memory to use for interacting with the controller hardware.

The user interface

If properly configured, PlayCD will open a window which contains the following controls (left to right):

Track display Here you will find information about the current audio track and the playback status. The first line displays the track information, the second line indicates how much time has passed with regard to length of the current track and the entire CD.
Track position (below the track display) This slider displays the current track position. It can also be used to change the current track position. [Shift]+[Cursor left] and [Shift]+[Cursor right] keys
Track selection This is a set of 32 buttons, each one corresponding to one of the tracks of the audio CD. Click a button to make the corresponding audio track the current track. If playback is currently in progress, playback will proceed with the selected track. Any number entered, e.g. entering the two digits 1 and 2 in quick succession will pick track 12.
Volume This is a vertical slider whose current setting corresponds to the sound playback volume. At the top position, playback volume is loudest. + and - keys
Eject (below the Track position slider) Press this button to eject/load the CD in the drive. For technical reasons, you may need to press this button more than once to load a CD. [F1] and [Backspace] keys
Stop Press this button to stop playback. [F2] and [Cursor up] keys.
Pause Press this button to suspend/resume playback. [F3] and [Space] keys
Previous track Press this button to skip back to the beginning of the previous track. [F4] and [Cursor left] keys
Play Press this button to begin playback. [F5] and [Cursor down] keys
Next track Press this button to skip forward to the beginning of the next track. [F6] and [Cursor right] keys
Shuffle Press this button to set up a play list which contains all CD titles in random order. Playback will step through this list, playing each title once. To return to the regular play list which plays each title in the order the tracks were recorded in, press the Stop" button. [F7] key
Playback mode This button selects a playback mode; it can be one of the following:
Continue This is the default playback mode. If you pick a track to play, it will be played along with all tracks to follow it until the last track on the CD is played. Clicking one of the track buttons in the track selection table will make the respective track the current track".
Program In this mode every track number entered or clicked on will cause a new entry to be added to the play list. To play back the list, click the Play" button.
Track In this mode playback will be restricted to the currently selected track. This means, for example, that if a track has been played to the end, playback will stop instead of proceeding to the next track. [F8] key
Repeat This switch controls whether playback will stop when the end of the play list has been reached or whether playback will restart with the first list entry. [F9] key
Message list (below the Eject button) This is where helpful progress reports and error messages are displayed. For example, if you picked a track by entering its number, you will see a notice confirming your input.

Stopping the program

Once the PlayCD program is running, you can stop it by clicking on the window close gadget or by one of the keyboard equivalents [Esc] or [Ctrl]+\.


PrefsObjectsEditor Menu




ShowConfig, illustrated in Figure 10-5, displays system configuration information, including processor information, custom chips, software versions, RAM information, and any plug-in boards. Double-click on the ShowConfig icon to display the information for your system. use this information when requesting hardware/software technical support.

ShowConfig Window


Project Menu


Project Menu

Internet Drawer

Emulation Drawer

WBStartup Drawer

The WBStartup drawer is provided to hold icons for programs that you want opened at the time the Workbench is started. For example, you may want the Clock program running when you reboot or power on your Amiga. Drag the icon for each desired program into the WBStartup window. The WBStartup drawer is empty by default.

Tool Types

Programs in the WBStartup drawer can include the following Tool Types:

DONOTWAIT Normally the Workbench waits for one program to finish before it opens the next. DONOTWAIT overrides this, which can cause unwanted requesters after booting. DONOTWAIT does not take an argument.
WAIT=<seconds> Specifies how many seconds the Workbench should wait before opening the next icon in the WBStartup drawer.
STARTPRI=<priority> Assigns a priority to an icon so that it opens before or after other icons. By default, all icons have a priority of 0. The acceptable range is from -128 to +127; the higher the value, the higher the program's priority.

Expansion Drawer

The Expansion drawer is used to store software drivers for additional hardware devices that you install on your Amiga. If a hardware device uses the Expansion drawer, it is explained in the documentation packaged with that product. To activate the new device, drag the icon for the device's software driver into the Expansion drawer and then reboot your system to make the device available.

Devs Drawer/Storage Drawer

The Devs and Storage drawers both contain the following subdrawers:

  • DataTypes
  • DOSDrivers
  • Keymaps
  • Monitors
  • Printers
Floppy disk-only systems use either the Storage disk or Storage drawer found in the software floppy disk set.

The Devs drawer contains the device files for the devices that are currently active on the system. The Storage drawer or disk is for device driver files that are not currently in use. Storing unused files in the Storage drawer or disk can save disk space on your boot disk and reduces clutter in Preferences editor windows.

To activate a monitor or DOS driver:

  1. Double-click on the icon. The file is then active during the current session only.
  2. To have the icon active in all sessions, drag it from the Storage drawer into the corresponding Devs drawer and reboot your system.

To activate a keymap:

  1. Drag keymap files from the Storage drawer on the floppy disk into the Devs drawer.
  2. Select the appropriate Keyboard Type in the Input Preferences editor.

To activate a printer driver:

  1. Drag printer files from the Storage drawer on the floppy disk into the Devs drawer.
  2. Select the appropriate Printer Type in the Printer Preferences editor.

Data Types

Data types are software files used by tools, utilities, editors, and applications. They are used to describe file formats to the system, such as picture files, sound files, and text files. The following default data types are included with the system software:

8SVX IFF sound files
AmigaGuide Amiga Help files
FTXT IFF text files
ANIM ANIM-format animation files
CDXL CDXL-format animation files
ILBM Bitmap picture files

Adding data types from other applications into the Devs/DataTypes drawer makes them available for use by the Workbench, as well as the application. Add new data types by dragging them into the Devs/DataTypes drawer and double-clicking on them.


DOS drivers are software drivers that extend the capabilities of AmigaDOS. The following DOSDrivers are included with the system software:

PC0/PC1 CrossDOS drivers for DF0: and DF1:, respectively (see Chapter 11 for details)
CD0 CD-ROM driver (see below for details)
PIPE Pipe driver (see the AmigaDOS User's Guide for details)
AUX Auxiliary serial Shell driver (see the AmigaDOS User's Guide for details)
RAD Recoverable RAM disk driver (see Appendix B for details)

Using CD-ROM

CD-ROM drives allow you to read information from CD-ROM disks. When the CD0 device driver is activated, you can use the device name CD0: to refer to a connected CD-ROM. Refer to the documentation that came with your CD-ROM device for specific information about connecting and using the device with the Amiga.

To be sure that the CD-ROM drive works with your Amiga, you must determine the name of the device driver that provides the interface for the CF-ROM drive, typically scsi.device. You must also determine the unit number of the CD-ROM drive, which is included in the drive's documentation. The default device name is scsi.device and the default unit number is 2.

If your CD-ROM drive and interface device do not match the default, change the device name and the unit number to those appropriate for your CD-ROM drive as follows:

  1. Select the Execute Command item from the Workbench menu.
  2. Enter the following command and click on the OK button:
    ED SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers/CD0
  3. Replace the device name on the DEVICE = line with the appropriate device name for your drive.
  4. Replace the unit number on the UNIT= line with the appropriate unit number for your drive.
  5. Save your changes by selecting the Save item in the Project menu.
  6. Quit ED by selecting the Quit item in the Project menu.


Keymaps control how text characters are mapped into the Amiga keyboard. For any Keyboard Type other than the default American to be available in the Input Preferences editor, the keyboard's keymap must be in DEVS:Keymaps. A list of keyboards and their corresponding keymaps appears in the Input editor section of Chapter 5.


The Devs/Monitor drawer and the Storage/Monitors drawer contain icons for the available monitor types that you can use on your system. For any monitor type other than the default (NTSC or PAL, depending on your country) to be available in the ScreenMode Preferences editor, the corresponding monitor driver must be in DEVS:Monitors. See Chapter 7 for more details on using monitors.



The Devs/Printers drawer holds your printer drivers. Printer drivers that have not been loaded onto your system are located in the Storage/Printers drawer within the software floppy disk set. On a floppy disk system Devs/Printers initially holds only the Generic printer driver. On hard drive systems, the printer drivers specified during installation are installed there.

Activating a printer driver that is not already in DEVS:Printers is the same for floppy and hard disk systems. To load a printer driver and use a printer with your Amiga:

  1. Open the Devs drawer on your Workbench disk.
  2. Insert your Storage disk or disk containing the Storage drawer and open the Printers drawer.
  3. Drag your printer's icon onto the Devs/Printers drawer icon. (For singly floppy systems, follow the messages to change disks.)
  4. Open the Printer Preferences editor.
  5. Select the appropriate printer type from the Printer Type field in the Printer editor window.

On hard drive systems, you can store unused printer drivers in the Storage/Printers drawer.

See Chapter 9 for more details on using printers and activating printer drivers.