TABLE OF CONTENTS modelclass/--datasheet-- modelclass/OM_ADDMEMBER modelclass/OM_DISPOSE modelclass/OM_NOTIFY modelclass/OM_REMMEMBER modelclass/OM_UPDATE modelclass/--datasheet-- modelclass/--datasheet-- NAME modelclass -- base model class SUPERCLASS icclass REQUIRES None DESCRIPTION A class of OM_UPDATE forwarding objects that have multiple targets. In addition to the features the modelclass object inherits from icclass, when a modelclass object gets an OM_UPDATE message, it forwards that OM_UPDATE message to all of the objects in its broadcast list. METHODS OM_NEW -- Create the modelclass object. Passed to superclass. OM_DISPOSE -- Destroys object and all member objects and then passed to superclass. OM_UPDATE -- Updates all members of attribute change. OM_NOTIFY -- Notifies all members of attribute change. OM_ADDMEMBER -- Add object to broadcast list. OM_REMMEMBER -- Remove object from broadcast list. All other methods are passed to the superclass. modelclass/OM_ADDMEMBER modelclass/OM_ADDMEMBER NAME OM_ADDMEMBER -- Add an object to member list. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, struct opMember * msg); FUNCTION This method tells a model to add an object to its broadcast list. When the object disposes of itself it will also dispose of any objects remaining on its broadcast list. INPUTS obj - modelclass object pointer msg - pointer to fully initialized struct opMember (see ) RESULT The return value is not explicitly defined. SEE ALSO OM_REMMEMBER, rootclass/OM_REMMEMBER modelclass/OM_DISPOSE modelclass/OM_DISPOSE NAME OM_DISPOSE -- Destroy the object and all members. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, Msg msg); FUNCTION This method tells a model to dispose of itself plus the objects remaining on its broadcast list. INPUTS obj - modelclass object pointer msg - Msg with MethodID = OM_DISPOSE (see ) RESULT The return value is not explicitly defined. SEE ALSO intuition.library/DisposeObject() modelclass/OM_NOTIFY modelclass/OM_NOTIFY NAME OM_NOTIFY -- Broadcast update to all modelclass members. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, struct opUpdate * msg); FUNCTION This method tells a modelclass object to forward the message in the form of an OM_UPDATE message to all the objects in its broadcast list. The modelclass does not map the attributes in these OM_UPDATE messages. Because modelclass inherits behavior from icclass, if the model has an ICA_TARGET and ICA_MAP, it will also send a mapped OM_UPDATE message to its ICA_TARGET. INPUTS obj - modelclass object pointer msg - pointer to fully initialized struct opUpdate (see ) RESULT The return value is not explicitly defined. SEE ALSO OM_UPDATE, rootclass/OM_NOTIFY, icclass/OM_NOTIFY modelclass/OM_REMMEMBER modelclass/OM_REMMEMBER NAME OM_REMMEMBER -- Remove an object from member list. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, struct opMember * msg); FUNCTION This method tells a model to remove an object from its broadcast list. INPUTS obj - modelclass object pointer msg - pointer to fully initialized struct opMember (see ) RESULT The return value is not explicitly defined. SEE ALSO OM_ADDMEMBER, rootclass/OM_REMMEMBER modelclass/OM_UPDATE modelclass/OM_UPDATE NAME OM_UPDATE -- Update all modelclass members. SYNOPSIS uint32 result = IDoMethodA(APTR obj, struct opUpdate * msg); FUNCTION This method forwards the OM_UPDATE message to all the objects in the modeclass object's broadcast list. The modelclass does not map the attributes in these OM_UPDATE messages. Because modelclass inherits behavior from icclass, if the model has an ICA_TARGET and ICA_MAP, it will also send a mapped OM_UPDATE message to its ICA_TARGET. INPUTS obj - modelclass object pointer msg - pointer to fully initialized struct opUpdate (see ) RESULT The return value is not explicitly defined. SEE ALSO OM_NOTIFY, rootclass/OM_UPDATE, icclass/OM_UPDATE