TABLE OF CONTENTS misc.resource/AllocMiscResource misc.resource/FreeMiscResource misc.resource/AllocMiscResource misc.resource/AllocMiscResource NAME AllocMiscResource - allocate one of the miscelaneous resources SYNOPSIS CurrentUser = AllocMiscResource( unitNum, name ) CONST_STRPTR AllocMiscResource(ULONG, STRPTR); FUNCTION This routine attempts to allocate one of the miscellaneous resources If the resource had already been allocated, an error is returned. If you do get it, your name is associated with the resource (so a user can see who has it allocated). This function may not be called from interrupt code DESCRIPTION There are certain parts of the hardware that a multitasking- friendly program may need to take over. The serial port is a good example. By grabbing the misc.resource for the serial port, the caller would "own" the hardware registers associated with that function. Nobody else, including the system serial driver, is allowed to interfere. Resources are called in exactly the same manner as libraries. From assembly language, A6 must equal the resource base. The offsets for the function are listed in the resources/misc.i include file (MR_ALLOCMISCRESOURCE for this function). INPUTS unitNum - the number of the resource you want to allocate (eg. MR_SERIALBITS). name - a mnenonic name that will help the user figure out what piece of software is hogging a resource. RESULTS CurrentUser - if the resource is busy, then the name of the current user is returned. If the resource is free, then null is returned. BUGS Passing a NULL name or invalid unitnumber crashes the system. This has been fixed in v50. SEE ALSO resources/misc.i, FreeMiscResource() misc.resource/FreeMiscResource misc.resource/FreeMiscResource NAME FreeMiscResource - make a resource available for reallocation SYNOPSIS FreeMiscResource( unitNum ) void FreeMiscResource(ULONG); FUNCTION This routine frees one of the resources allocated by AllocMiscResource. The resource is made available for reuse. FreeMiscResource must be called from the same task that called AllocMiscResource. This function may not be called from interrupt code. INPUTS unitNum - the number of the miscellaneous resource to be freed. RESULTS Frees the appropriate resource. BUGS SEE ALSO resources/misc.i, AllocMiscResource()