TABLE OF CONTENTS mathtrans.library/SPAcos mathtrans.library/SPAsin mathtrans.library/SPAtan mathtrans.library/SPCos mathtrans.library/SPCosh mathtrans.library/SPExp mathtrans.library/SPFieee mathtrans.library/SPLog mathtrans.library/SPLog10 mathtrans.library/SPPow mathtrans.library/SPSin mathtrans.library/SPSincos mathtrans.library/SPSinh mathtrans.library/SPSqrt mathtrans.library/SPTan mathtrans.library/SPTanh mathtrans.library/SPTieee mathtrans.library/SPAcos mathtrans.library/SPAcos NAME SPAcos - obtain the arccosine of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPAcos(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing the cosine of an angle and returns the value of said angle in radians INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPSin() mathtrans.library/SPAsin mathtrans.library/SPAsin NAME SPAsin - obtain the arcsine of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPAsin(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing the sine of an angle and returns the value of said angle in radians INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPCos() mathtrans.library/SPAtan mathtrans.library/SPAtan NAME SPAtan - obtain the arctangent of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPAtan(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing the tangent of an angle and returns the value of said angle in radians INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPTan() mathtrans.library/SPCos mathtrans.library/SPCos NAME SPCos - obtain the cosine of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPCos(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing an angle in radians and returns the cosine of said angle. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPAcos() mathtrans.library/SPCosh mathtrans.library/SPCosh NAME SPCosh - obtain the hyperbolic cosine of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPCosh(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing an angle in radians and returns the hyperbolic cosine of said angle. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPSinh() mathtrans.library/SPExp mathtrans.library/SPExp NAME SPExp - obtain the exponential (e**X) of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPExp(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number and returns the value of e raised to the fnum1 power INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPLog() mathtrans.library/SPFieee mathtrans.library/SPFieee NAME SPFieee - convert single precision ieee to FFP number SYNOPSIS fnum = SPFieee(ieeenum); d0.l float fnum; float ieeenum; FUNCTION Accepts a standard single precision format returns the same number, converted to Motorola fast floating point number INPUTS ieeenum - IEEE Single Precision Floating Point RESULT fnum - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPTieee() mathtrans.library/SPLog mathtrans.library/SPLog NAME SPLog - obtain the natural logarithm of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPLog(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number and returns the natural logarithem (base e) of said number INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPExp() mathtrans.library/SPLog10 mathtrans.library/SPLog10 NAME SPLog10 - obtain the naperian logarithm(base 10) of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPLog10(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number and returns the naperian logarithm (base 10) of said number INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPExp(), SpLog() mathtrans.library/SPPow mathtrans.library/SPPow NAME SPPow - raise a number to a power SYNOPSIS result = SPPow(fnum1, fnum2); d1.l d0.l float fnum1, fnum2; float result; FUNCTION Accepts two floating point numbers and returns the result of fnum2 raised to the fnum1 power INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT result - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPExp(), SPLog() mathtrans.library/SPSin mathtrans.library/SPSin NAME SPSin - obtain the sine of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPSin(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing an angle in radians and returns the sine of said angle. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPAsin() mathtrans.library/SPSincos mathtrans.library/SPSincos NAME SPSincos - obtain the sine and cosine of a number SYNOPSIS fnum3 = SPSincos(pfnum2, fnum1); d1.l, d0.l float *pfnum2; float fnum1; float fnum3; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number (fnum1) representing an angle in radians and a pointer to another floating point number (pfnum2). It computes the cosine and places it in *pfnum2. It computes the sine and returns it as a result. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number pfnum2 - pointer to Motorola fast floating point number RESULT *pfnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number (cosine) fnum3 - Motorola fast floating point number (sine) BUGS None SEE ALSO SPSin(), SPCos() mathtrans.library/SPSinh mathtrans.library/SPSinh NAME SPSinh - obtain the hyperbolic sine of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPSinh(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing an angle in radians and returns the hyperbolic sine of said angle. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPCosh() mathtrans.library/SPSqrt mathtrans.library/SPSqrt NAME SPSqrt - obtain the square root of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPSqrt(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number and returns the square toot of said number INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPPow(), SPMul() mathtrans.library/SPTan mathtrans.library/SPTan NAME SPTan - obtain the tangent of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPTan(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing an angle in radians and returns the tangent of said angle. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPAtan() mathtrans.library/SPTanh mathtrans.library/SPTanh NAME SPTanh - obtain the hyperbolic tangent of the floating point number SYNOPSIS fnum2 = SPTanh(fnum1); d0.l float fnum2; float fnum1; FUNCTION Accepts a floating point number representing an angle in radians and returns the hyperbolic tangent of said angle. INPUTS fnum1 - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT fnum2 - Motorola fast floating point number BUGS None SEE ALSO SPSinh(), SPCosh() mathtrans.library/SPTieee mathtrans.library/SPTieee NAME SPTieee - convert FFP number to single precision ieee SYNOPSIS ieeenum = SPTieee(fnum); d0.l float ieeenum; float fnum; FUNCTION Accepts a Motorola fast floating point number and returns the same number, converted into IEEE standard single precision format INPUTS fnum - Motorola fast floating point number RESULT ieeenum - IEEE Single Precision Floating Point BUGS None SEE ALSO SPFieee()