TABLE OF CONTENTS integer.gadget/--datasheet-- integer.gadget/INTEGER_GetClass integer.gadget/--datasheet-- integer.gadget/--datasheet-- NAME integer.gadget -- Numeric entry gadget with arrows. SUPERCLASS gadgetclass REQUIRES frameiclass, bevel.image, string.gadget DESCRIPTION This gadget is a special form of a strggclass gadget for entering positive or negative 32-bit integers. The user can type in the number or use the arrows to adjust the number up or down. METHODS OM_NEW -- Create the integer gadget. Passed to superclass and internal string.gadget class. OM_SET -- Set object attributes. Passed to internal string.gadget class first. Passed to superclass last. OM_DISPOSE -- Disposes object and then passed to superclass. OM_UPDATE -- Update object attributes. Passed to internal string.gadget class first. Passed to superclass last. Any changes are rendered. OM_NOTIFY -- Sends out a notification message with all the OM_NOTIFY attributes present. Passed to superclass. OM_GET -- Obtain the value of an attribute. Passed to superclass. GM_RENDER -- Renders the gadget imagery. GM_GOACTIVE -- Handles activation. Overrides the superclass. GM_HANDLEINPUT -- Overrides superclass, all input processed. GM_GOINACTIVE -- Deactivates input and then passed to superclass. GM_DOMAIN -- Returns GDOMAIN_MINIMUM, GDOMAIN_NOMINAL and GDOMAIN_MAXIMUM dimensions. GM_LAYOUT -- Calculate relative gadget coordinates. GM_CLIPRECT -- Installs ClipRect for virtual group support. GM_EXTENT -- Reports gadget rendering extent. All other methods are passed to the superclass. ATTRIBUTES GA_Disabled (BOOL) This attribute is passed on to the string.gadget object and is then handled by the gadget. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) GA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) This attribute is passed on to the string.gadget object and is then handled by the gadget. Defaults to RPort->Font which is often the screen or window font. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) GA_BackFill (struct Hook *) This attribute is passed on to the string.gadget object and is then handled by the gadget. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) GA_HintInfo (CONST_STRPTR) Specify the text to use as the hint info for this gadget. You can change this attribute at any time, and it will over- ride any text specified in the windows HintInfo array. See window.class autodoc for more information. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET). INTEGER_Number (int32) The value for the integer gadget. The class will adjust this number to fit into the range you define. The current value for INTEGER_Number will be returned in IntuiMessage.Code on IDCMP_GADGETUP as a int16. Note that since the gadget handles values of size int32, the value returned in IntuiMessage.Code will only be valid if the ranges you are allowing fit into a int16 value. Otherwise you will have to use GetAttr(). Defaults to 0. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY) INTEGER_Minimum (int32) The minimum value the number can have. Defaults to -1073741824. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY) INTEGER_Maximum (int32) The minimum value the number can have. Defaults to 1073741823. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY) INTEGER_Arrows (BOOL) Should arrows be displayed for adjusting the number? The class is smart enough to not render arrows if the gadget becomes too small. The imagery for the arrows depends on the current GUI settings. Defaults to TRUE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) INTEGER_SkipVal (int16) The value to increase or decrease the number by each time one of the arrow buttons is pressed. (V45) Defaults to 1. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) INTEGER_MinVisible (int16) This attribute specifies the minimum number of numeric characters which should be visible at the gadget's minimum domain size. This tag affects the GM_DOMAIN result to tweak the display in a pleasing way. Defauts to 0. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET) INTEGER_MaxChars (int16) Maximum number of characters you are allowing the number to be. This is including an optional negative sign (-). Defaults to 10. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY) Note that all attributes will be passed on to the string.gadget with OM_NEW, OM_SET and OM_UPDATE. You may use any of the string.gadget's attribute except those which are overridden by the integer.gadget class (e.g. STRINGA_LongVal and STRINGA_MaxChars). See the string.gadget autodoc for more information about its attributes. integer.gadget/INTEGER_GetClass integer.gadget/INTEGER_GetClass NAME INTEGER_GetClass -- Gets pointer to the integer class. SYNOPSIS Class * class = INTEGER_GetClass(); FUNCTION This function is deprecated as of V52. Use the "integer.gadget" public class ID instead. RESULT class - Pointer to the integer class.