TABLE OF CONTENTS commodities.library/ActivateCxObj commodities.library/AddIEvents commodities.library/AttachCxObj commodities.library/BrokerCommand commodities.library/ClearCxObjError commodities.library/CopyBrokerList commodities.library/CreateCxObj commodities.library/CxBroker commodities.library/CxMsgData commodities.library/CxMsgID commodities.library/CxMsgType commodities.library/CxObjError commodities.library/CxObjType commodities.library/DeleteCxObj commodities.library/DeleteCxObjAll commodities.library/DisposeCxMsg commodities.library/DivertCxMsg commodities.library/EnqueueCxObj commodities.library/FreeBrokerList commodities.library/InsertCxObj commodities.library/InvertKeyMap commodities.library/MatchIX commodities.library/ParseIX commodities.library/RemoveCxObj commodities.library/RouteCxMsg commodities.library/SetCxObjPri commodities.library/SetFilter commodities.library/SetFilterIX commodities.library/SetTranslate commodities.library/ActivateCxObj commodities.library/ActivateCxObj NAME ActivateCxObj -- change the activation state of a commodity object. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 previous = ActivateCxObj(CxObj *co, int32 true); FUNCTION Commodity objects of all types maintain an activation state. If an object is "active", then it performs its particular action whenever a commodity message arrives. If the object is "inactive" no action is taken, and the message goes on to its next destination. All objects are created in the "active" state except brokers which are created "inactive". Thus, after you create your broker and hang a tree of objects off of it, you must remember to use this function to activate it. This causes it to divert all messages to your tree of objects. This function activates 'co' if 'true' is different than 0. and deactivates it otherwise. The previous activation state is returned. INPUTS co - the commodity object to affect (may be NULL) true - 0 to deactivate the object, anything else to activate it RESULTS previous - the previous activation state: 0 if the object was inactive or if 'co' was NULL, anything else if the object was active SEE ALSO CxBroker() commodities.library/AddIEvents commodities.library/AddIEvents NAME AddIEvents -- add input events to commodities' input stream. (V36) SYNOPSIS AddIEvents(events) VOID AddIEvents(struct InputEvent *); FUNCTION This function adds a null-terminated linked list of input events to the input stream processed by commodities. It is a touch easier than using the input device directly. The contents of the input events are copied into commodity messages, so they may be disposed of as soon as this call returns. The messages are initially routed to the first broker in commodities' object list. INPUTS events - the list of input events to add (may be NULL) WARNING The cx_lib/InvertString() function creates lists of input events that are in reverse order. Thus, passing the result of InvertString() to this function will insert a series of input events that will generate a string that's a mirror image of the string passed to InvertString() originally. The solution to the above is to either flip the string before passing it to InvertString(), or flip the resulting list of input events. BUGS Prior to V40, this function did not copy the data pointed to by ie_EventAddress for any events of type IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS. SEE ALSO cx_lib/FreeIEvents() commodities.library/AttachCxObj commodities.library/AttachCxObj NAME AttachCxObj -- attach a commodity object to the end of an existing list of objects. (V36) SYNOPSIS AttachCxObj(headObj,co); VOID AttachCxObj(CxObj *,CxObj *); FUNCTION Adds 'co' to the list of objects pointed to by 'headObj'. The new object is added at the end of the list. INPUTS headObj - pointer to a list of objects. If this value is NULL, then the entire tree of objects pointed to by 'co' is deleted and becomes invalid. co - the object to add to the list (may be NULL) RESULTS If 'co' is NULL, this function will record that fact in the internal accumulated error of 'headObj'. This error record can be retrieved using CxObjError() and cleared using ClearCxObjError(). BUGS Until V38, passing a NULL 'headObj' parameter would cause low-memory access and unpredictable results. SEE ALSO CxObjError(), ClearCxObjError() commodities.library/BrokerCommand commodities.library/BrokerCommand NAME BrokerCommand -- Issue a commodity broker command. (V53.4) SYNOPSIS int32 result = BrokerCommand(CONST_STRPTR name, int32 command); FUNCTION Issues a command to the specified commodity broker. All commands are delivered to the broker's port for processing asynchronously. INPUTS name - Name of the broker to issue a command to. If NULL, command is issued to all the brokers with the COF_BROADCAST flag set. The return value is either CMDE_OK or CMDE_NOMEM only. command - Command to issue to the broker. The list of valid commands are listed in and are prefixed by CXCMD. RESULTS result - The result of issuing the command to the broker. CMDE_OK Command issued without error. CMDE_NOBROKER Could not find the broker by name. CMDE_NOPORT Could not find the broker's port to issue the command to. CMDE_NOMEM Out of memory error. NOTES This function was not made public until version 53.4 of commodities.library. It is not backwards compatible. SEE ALSO CopyBrokerList(), FreeBrokerList() commodities.library/ClearCxObjError commodities.library/ClearCxObjError NAME ClearCxObjError -- clear the accumulated error value of a commodity object. (V36) SYNOPSIS ClearCxObjError(co); VOID ClearCxObjError(CxObj *); FUNCTION This function clears the accumulated error value of commodity object 'co'. It is unwise to do this to a filter if COERR_BADFILTER is set. This will fool commodities into thinking the filter is OK. Set another valid filter, or leave the error value alone. INPUTS co - the object to affect (may be NULL) SEE ALSO CxObjError() commodities.library/CopyBrokerList commodities.library/CopyBrokerList NAME CopyBrokerList -- Copy the current commodity broker list. (V53.4) SYNOPSIS int32 num_brokers = CopyBrokerList(struct List *blist); FUNCTION This function creates a copy of the current broker list. The caller is responsible for providing an empty list to populate. Each broker in the list has the following structure: struct CxBrokerCopy { struct Node Node; uint32 StructSize; struct Task *Owner; CONST_STRPTR Name; CONST_STRPTR Title; CONST_STRPTR Description; uint32 Flags; } Node Embedded struct Node used for linking in the provided List. The ln_Name field points to the Name of the broker which makes it possible to use the FindName() function. StructSize Size of this data structure in bytes. This may continue to grow in future releases as new members are added at the end of the structure. Owner The Task which created the broker via the CxBroker() function. Name This is the name of the broker. It is possible for name may be extended beyond the CBD_NAMELEN limit in a future release. Title, Description These are two strings describe the application the broker is representing. It is possible these strings will be extended beyond the CBD_TITLELEN and CBD_DESCRLEN limits in a future release. Flags This bit field toggles features defined by constants in . INPUTS blist - Pointer to an initialized List structure. The list is cleared with FreeBrokerList() prior to being populated. May be NULL in which case this function does nothing. RESULTS num_brokers - The number of brokers populated in the list or -1 on error. NOTES This function was not made public until version 53.4 of commodities.library. It is not backwards compatible. SEE ALSO FreeBrokerList(), BrokerCommand() commodities.library/CreateCxObj commodities.library/CreateCxObj NAME CreateCxObj -- create a new commodity object. (V36) SYNOPSIS CxObj *co = CreateCxObj(uint32 type, int32 arg1, int32 arg2); FUNCTION This function creates a commodity object of type 'type'. It is not proper to call this function directly. Each object creation routine except CxBroker() is defined as a macro in These are independently documented. All functions which operate on a commodity object are made with a reference to the thirty-two bit value returned by this function (or by CxBroker()). INPUTS type - the type of object to create as defined in arg1 - first argument, meaning depends on 'type' arg2 - second argument, meaning depends on 'type' RESULTS co - a pointer to the new object or NULL if it could not be created. A NULL return indicates typically a lack of system memory. Minor problems in creating an object, such as providing a bad filter description to cx_lib/CxFilter(), typically don't cause failure, but are recorded in an internal error field in the new object which can be accessed via CxObjError(). SEE ALSO CxObjError(), cx_lib/CxFilter(), cx_lib/CxSender(), cx_lib/CxSignal(), cx_lib/CxTranslate(), cx_lib/CxDebug(), cx_lib/CxCustom(), CxBroker() commodities.library/CxBroker commodities.library/CxBroker NAME CxBroker -- create a commodity broker. (V36) SYNOPSIS CxObj *broker = CxBroker(struct NewBroker *nb, int32 *error); FUNCTION This function creates a broker from the specification found in the NewBroker structure pointed to by 'nb'. The purpose and meaning of the fields of the NewBroker structure are described below. Also see for more info. struct NewBroker { int8 nb_Version; CONST_STRPTR nb_Name; CONST_STRPTR nb_Title; CONST_STRPTR nb_Descr; int16 nb_Unique; int16 nb_Flags; int8 nb_Pri; struct MsgPort *nb_Port; int16 nb_ReservedChannel; }; nb_Version This is the way that future versions of commodities can identify which version of the NewBroker structure you are using. This should be set to NB_VERSION as defined in nb_Name This is the name of the broker. This name is used to find the broker in commodities' object list and is the name shown in the listview gadget of the Exchange program. The name string is copied in the broker object upon creation so it can be discarded right after CxBroker() returns. The maximum length of the name string is defined by a constant in . nb_Title, nb_Descr These are two strings which appear to the user in the Exchange program and describe the application the broker is representing. Note that these strings are copied into the broker object so they can be discarded right after CxBroker() returns. The maximum length of these strings that will be recognized are defined by constants in . nb_Unique This field indicates what should happen if a broker of the same name (nb_Name) already exists in commodities' object list. Constants in allow the caller to specify whether another broker is to be created, and whether any existing broker of the same name should be notified that an attempt at creating a duplicate has been made. nb_Flags This bit field toggles certain features of Commodities Exchange based on their values defined by constants in . nb_Pri This specifies with what priority the new broker is to be inserted within commodities' object list. Higher priority nodes appear earlier in a list. It is strongly recommended that the ToolTypes environment of an application be used to allow the end-user to set the priority of the broker. INPUTS nb - an initialized NewBroker structure error - a pointer to an int32 where to store a failure code (may be NULL) RESULTS broker - a pointer to the broker object or NULL upon failure. If the 'error' pointer is not NULL, a further diagnostic code is placed at that address. Error codes are defined in and include: CBERR_OK No problems; broker created OK. CBERR_SYSERR System problems, not your fault, sign of low memory. CBERR_DUP The nb_Unique field specified that only one broker of 'nb_Name' should be allowed, and one already exists. CBERR_VERSION The version specified in 'nb_Version' is unknown to the library. SEE ALSO SetCxObjPri(), commodities.library/CxMsgData commodities.library/CxMsgData NAME CxMsgData -- obtain a pointer to a commodity message's data area. (V36) SYNOPSIS APTR data = CxMsgData(const CxMsg *cxm); FUNCTION Most commodity messages contain meaningful data such as an InputEvent structure. This function returns a pointer to this data. You may get a commodity message from a synchronous (custom object) or asynchronous (sender object) source. In the second case, 'data' is not valid after you have replied to the message. INPUTS cxm - the commodity message to get the data pointer from (may be NULL) RESULTS data - a pointer to the message's data, or NULL if 'cxm' is NULL. The meaning of the data varies depending on which kind of object is being inspected. BUGS Until V38, passing a NULL 'cxm' parameter would cause low-memory access and unpredictable results. Until V40, whenever the data pointer is a (struct InputEvent), the ie_EventAddress field of these structures was not reliable whenever the message was generated by a sender object. SEE ALSO cx_lib/CxSender(), cx_lib/CxCustom() commodities.library/CxMsgID commodities.library/CxMsgID NAME CxMsgID -- obtain the ID of a commodity message. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 id = CxMsgID(const CxMsg *cxm); FUNCTION This function returns the value associated with the cause or source of the commodity message 'cxm'. Values are provided by the application when a sender or custom object is created. INPUTS cxm - the commodity message to inquire about (must NOT be NULL) RESULTS id - if not specified by the application, the ID value of a commodity message will be 0. It is suggested that using non-zero values in your program as a rule may identify some possible errors. SEE ALSO cx_lib/CxSender(), cx_lib/CxCustom() commodities.library/CxMsgType commodities.library/CxMsgType NAME CxMsgType -- obtain the type of a commodity message. (V36) SYNOPSIS uint32 type = CxMsgType(const CxMsg *cxm); FUNCTION This function returns the type of a commodity message. Possible values of 'type' are defined in . Most commodity messages are of type CXM_IEVENT. INPUTS cxm - the commodity message to inquire about (must NOT be NULL) RESULTS type - the type of the commodity message, possible values are defined in commodities.library/CxObjError commodities.library/CxObjError NAME CxObjError -- obtain a commodity object's accumulated error. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 error = CxObjError(CxObj *co); FUNCTION When a function acting on an object fails, it records the failure in the object. This function returns the accumulated error value. The values are represented by flag bits defined in . Several errors may be recorded by multiple bits in 'error'. The currently defined errors are: COERR_ISNULL The value of parameter 'co' was in fact NULL. This error means "the problem with the object you inquire about is that it failed to be created." COERR_NULLATTACH Using the commodities' list manipulation functions, an attempt was made to add a NULL object to the list belonging to 'co'. This allows a line of code as follows to exist in an error-tolerant program: AttachCxObj(filter,CxSender(myport,MY_ID)); COERR_BADFILTER The most recent filter specification for a filter object was faulty. This happens if no sense can be made out of a description string, or if an input expression (IX) has an invalid format or version byte. When this bit is set in a filter's error field, the filter will match nothing, but this is not the proper way to "turn off" a filter, use ActivateCxObj(). COERR_BADTYPE A type specific operation, such as SetFilterIX(), was called for object 'co', but 'co' isn't of the proper type. INPUTS co - the commodity object to get the accumulated error from (may be NULL) RESULTS error - the accumulated error, or 0 if 'co' is NULL SEE ALSO SetFilter(), SetFilterIX(), AttachCxObj(), ActivateCxObj(), ClearCxObjError() commodities.library/CxObjType commodities.library/CxObjType NAME CxObjType -- obtain the type of a commodity object. (V36) SYNOPSIS uint32 type = CxObjType(CxObj *co); FUNCTION This function should not really be necessary. It returns the type of a commodity object, which you should already know, since you created it in the first place. INPUTS co - the commodity object to inquire about (may be NULL) RESULTS type - the type of the commodity object, possible values are defined in . Returns CX_INVALID if 'co' is NULL. SEE ALSO CreateCxObj() commodities.library/DeleteCxObj commodities.library/DeleteCxObj NAME DeleteCxObj -- delete a commmodity object. (V36) SYNOPSIS DeleteCxObj(co); VOID DeleteCxObj(CxObj *); FUNCTION Deletes a commodity object of any type. If the object is linked into a list, it is first removed. Note that the handle 'co' is invalid after this function is called. Also note that deleting an object which has other objects attached to it may be undesirable. Use the function DeleteCxObjAll() to delete an entire sub-tree of objects. INPUTS co - the commodity object to delete (may be NULL) SEE ALSO DeleteCxObjAll() commodities.library/DeleteCxObjAll commodities.library/DeleteCxObjAll NAME DeleteCxObjAll -- recursively delete a tree of commodity objects. (V36) SYNOPSIS DeleteCxObjAll(co); VOID DeleteCxObjAll(CxObj *); FUNCTION This function deletes the commodity object 'co', and recursively deletes all objects attached to it, and the objects attached to them, etc. If 'co' is linked into a list, it is first removed. Note that the handle 'co' is invalid after this function is called. This function is useful when an application exits: most applications can clean up completely by deleting the entire sub-tree of objects starting at their broker. INPUTS co - the first commodity object to delete (may be NULL) SEE ALSO DeleteCxObj() commodities.library/DisposeCxMsg commodities.library/DisposeCxMsg NAME DisposeCxMsg -- delete a commodity message. (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID DisposeCxMsg(CxMsg *cxm); FUNCTION This function eliminates the commodity message pointed to by 'cxm'. Can be used to 'swallow' input events by disposing of every commodity message of type CXM_IEVENT. This function can only be called from within a custom object running on the input handler's context. It cannot be called from code running on a commodities' context, such as when receiving a CXM_IEVENT message from a sender object. CxMsg sent to a commodity program from a sender object must be sent back using ReplyMsg(). INPUTS cxm - the commodity message to delete (must NOT be NULL) commodities.library/DivertCxMsg commodities.library/DivertCxMsg NAME DivertCxMsg -- send a commodity message down an object list. (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID DivertCxMsg(CxMsg *cxm, CxObj *headObj, CxObj *returnObj); FUNCTION This function sends the commodity message 'cxm' down the list of objects attached to 'headObj'. The pointer 'returnObj' is first pushed onto the routing stack of 'cxm' so that when the end of the list of 'headObj' is reached the SUCCESSOR of 'returnObj' is the next destination. For example, when a filter finds a match with a message, the message is diverted down the filter's list like this: DivertCxMsg(cxm,filter,filter); INPUTS cxm - the commodity message to divert (must NOT be NULL) headObj - the list of objects to divert the message to returnObj - the object to use as a place holder SEE ALSO RouteCxMsg() commodities.library/EnqueueCxObj commodities.library/EnqueueCxObj NAME EnqueueCxObj -- insert a commodity object within a list of objects based on object priority. (V36) SYNOPSIS EnqueueCxObj(headObj,co); VOID EnqueueCxObj(CxObj *,CxObj *); FUNCTION This function puts object 'co' into the list of object 'headObj'. The insertion point is determined by the object's priority. The objects are kept in the list from the highest priority to the lowest. New nodes are inserted in front of the first node with a lower priority. Hence a FIFO queue for nodes of equal priority. The priority of the commodity object can be set using SetCxObjPri(). INPUTS headObj - pointer to a list of objects. If this value is NULL, then the entire tree of objects pointed to by 'co' is deleted and becomes invalid. co - the object to add to the list (may be NULL) RESULTS If 'co' is NULL, this function will record that fact in the internal accumulated error of 'headObj'. This error record can be retrieved using CxObjError() and cleared using ClearCxObjError(). BUGS Until V38, passing a NULL 'headObj' parameter would cause low-memory access and unpredictable results. SEE ALSO SetCxObjPri(), CxObjError(), ClearCxObjError() commodities.library/FreeBrokerList commodities.library/FreeBrokerList NAME FreeBrokerList -- Frees the commodity broker list. (V53.4) SYNOPSIS VOID FreeBrokerList(struct List *blist); FUNCTION This function frees the broker list populated by the CopyBrokerList() function. INPUTS blist - Pointer to the List populated by CopyBrokerList(). May be NULL in which case this function does nothing. NOTES This function was not made public until version 53.4 of commodities.library. It is not backwards compatible. SEE ALSO CopyBrokerList(), BrokerCommand() commodities.library/InsertCxObj commodities.library/InsertCxObj NAME InsertCxObj -- insert a commodity object in a list after a given object. (V36) SYNOPSIS InsertCxObj(headObj,co,pred); VOID InsertCxObj(CxObj *,CxObj *,CxObj *); FUNCTION Adds 'co' to the list of objects pointed to by 'headObj' after object 'pred'. INPUTS headObj - pointer to a list of objects. If this value is NULL, then the entire tree of objects pointed to by 'co' is deleted and becomes invalid. co - the object to add to the list (may be NULL) pred - the object after which 'co' should be inserted. If this is NULL then 'co' is added to the head of the list. RESULTS If 'co' is NULL, this function will record that fact in the internal accumulated error of 'headObj'. This error record can be retrieved using CxObjError() and cleared using ClearCxObjError(). BUGS Until V38, passing a NULL 'headObj' parameter would cause low-memory access and unpredictable results. SEE ALSO CxObjError(), ClearCxObjError() commodities.library/InvertKeyMap commodities.library/InvertKeyMap NAME InvertKeyMap -- generate an input event from an ANSI code. (V36) SYNOPSIS BOOL success = InvertKeyMap(uint32 ansiCode, struct InputEvent *event, struct KeyMap *km); FUNCTION This function uses the system call MapANSI() to figure out what InputEvent translates to an ANSI character code 'ansiCode'. The InputEvent pointed to by 'event' is filled in with that information. The KeyMap 'km' is used for the translation, unless it is NULL, in which case the current system default keymap is used. INPUTS ansiCode - the ANSI code to convert to an input event event - the InputEvent to fill-in km - the keymap to use for the translation, or NULL to use the current system default keymap. RESULTS success - TRUE if the translation worked, FALSE otherwise. BUGS This function currently handles one-deep dead keys (such as o ). Prior to V40, this function was not initializing the ie_SubClass and ie_TimeStamp fields of the InputEvent structure. A simple work around to the problem is to clear these values to 0 before making a call to this function: struct InputEvent ie; ie.ie_SubClass = 0; ie.ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs = 0; ie.ie_TimeStamp.tv_micro = 0; if (InvertKeyMap(ansiCode,&ie,NULL)) ... NOTES Older versions of this documentation stated "It does not look up the high key map (keystrokes with scan codes greater than 0x40)." which was wrong. SEE ALSO cx_lib/InvertString() commodities.library/MatchIX commodities.library/MatchIX NAME MatchIX -- see if an input event matches an initialized input expression. (V38) SYNOPSIS match = MatchIX(event,ix); BOOL MatchIX(struct InputEvent *,IX *); FUNCTION This function determines whether an input event matches an initialized input expression. Applications generally do not need to call this function as filter objects will normally provide all the event filtering needed. Nevertheless, MatchIX() can come in handy as it is the same function used to match an event to the various filter objects when an event makes its way through the input network. INPUTS event - the input event to match against the input expression ix - the input expression for the comparison RESULTS match - TRUE if the input event matches the input expression, or FALSE if not SEE ALSO , ParseIX() commodities.library/ParseIX commodities.library/ParseIX NAME ParseIX -- initialize an input expression given a description string. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 failureCode = ParseIX(CONST_STRPTR description, IX *ix); FUNCTION Given an input description string and an allocated input expression, sets the fields of the input expression to correspond to the description string. INPUTS description - the string to parse ix - the input expression to hold the result of the parse RESULTS failureCode - 0 if all went well, -1 if tokens after end (code spec) -2 if 'description' was NULL -3 if mousecode/keycode is missing SEE ALSO , MatchIX() commodities.library/RemoveCxObj commodities.library/RemoveCxObj NAME RemoveCxObj -- remove a commodity object from a list. (V36) SYNOPSIS RemoveCxObj(co); VOID RemoveCxObj(CxObj *); FUNCTION This function removes 'co' from any list it may be a part of. Will not crash if 'co' is NULL, or if it has not been inserted in a list. INPUTS co - the object to remove (may be NULL) SEE ALSO AttachCxObj(), EnqueueCxObj(), InsertCxObj() commodities.library/RouteCxMsg commodities.library/RouteCxMsg NAME RouteCxMsg -- set the next destination of a commodity message. (V36) SYNOPSIS VOID RouteCxMsg(CxMsg *cxm, CxObj *co); FUNCTION Establishes the next destination of a commodity message to be 'co', which must be a valid commodity object, and must be linked in ultimately to commodities' object list. Routing of an object is analogous to a 'goto' in a program. There is no effect on the message's routing stack. INPUTS cxm - the commodity message to route (must NOT be NULL) co - the commodity object to route the message to (must NOT be NULL) SEE ALSO DivertCxMsg() commodities.library/SetCxObjPri commodities.library/SetCxObjPri NAME SetCxObjPri -- set the priority of a commodity object. (V36) SYNOPSIS int32 oldPri = SetCxObjPri(CxObj *co, int32 pri); FUNCTION This function sets the priority of a commodity object for the purposes of EnqueueCxObj(). It is strongly recommended that the ToolTypes environment be utilized to provide end-user control over the priority of brokers, but application specific ordering of other objects within their lists is not dictated. INPUTS co - the commodity object to affect (may be NULL) pri - the object's new priority in the range -128 to +127. A value of 0 is normal. RESULTS oldPri - the previous priority of the object or 0 if 'co' was NULL. This value is only returned in V38 and beyond. BUGS This function will not reposition an object within its list when its priority changes. To attain the same effect, first remove the object from its list using RemoveCxObj(), set its priority using SetCxObjPri(), and reinsert it in the list using EnqueueCxObj(). SEE ALSO EnqueueCxObj() commodities.library/SetFilter commodities.library/SetFilter NAME SetFilter -- change the matching condition of a commodity filter. (V36) SYNOPSIS SetFilter(filter,text); VOID SetFilter(CxObj *,STRPTR); FUNCTION This function changes the matching condition of a commodity input filter to that described by the input description string 'text'. INPUTS filter - the filter object to affect (may be NULL) text - the new matching conditions for the filter RESULTS The internal error of 'filter' will have the COERR_BADFILTER bit set or cleared depending on the failure or success of this function. SEE ALSO SetFilterIX(), CxObjError() commodities.library/SetFilterIX commodities.library/SetFilterIX NAME SetFilterIX -- change the matching condition of a commodity filter. (V36) SYNOPSIS SetFilterIX(filter,ix); VOID SetFilterIX(CxObj *,IX *); FUNCTION This function changes the matching condition of a commodity input filter to that described by the binary input expression pointed by 'ix'. Input expressions are defined in . It is important to remember that the first field of the input expression structure must indicate which version of the input expression structure is being used. INPUTS filter - the filter object to affect (may be NULL) ix - the new matching conditions for the filter RESULTS The internal error of 'filter' will have the COERR_BADFILTER bit set or cleared depending on the failure or success of this function. SEE ALSO SetFilter(), CxObjError() commodities.library/SetTranslate commodities.library/SetTranslate NAME SetTranslate -- replace a translator object's translation list. (V36) SYNOPSIS SetTranslate(translator,events); VOID SetTranslate(CxObj *,struct InputEvent *); FUNCTION This function replaces the translation list of a commodity translator object with the linked list starting at 'events'. A NULL value for 'events' indicates that the object 'translator' should swallow all commodity messages that are sent its way. Note that the input events are not copied into commodities' private memory, but the value of 'events' is used -- asynchronously to the application program -- to find a chain of InputEvents in the application's data space. At the time of translation, each input event is copied into its own new commodity message. The above means that no other commodities' user, nor commodities.library itself will be modifying your list of InputEvents. On the other hand, your program must not corrupt the input event chain that has been presented to a translator. INPUTS translator - the translator object to affect (may be NULL) events - the new input event translation list BUGS The list of input events manipulated by a translator object is inserted in reverse order in the commodities network, and come out of the network in reverse order as well. The cx_lib/InvertString() function creates lists of input events that are in reverse order so they can be used directly with translator objects. SEE ALSO , cx_lib/CxTranslate()