TABLE OF CONTENTS application.library/-IMPORTANT application.library/-preface- application.library/application/-messages- application.library/application/-registration- application.library/application/FindApplication application.library/application/FreeApplicationList application.library/application/GetAppLibAttrsA application.library/application/GetApplicationAttrsA application.library/application/GetApplicationList application.library/application/LockApplicationIcon application.library/application/NotifyA application.library/application/RegisterApplicationA application.library/application/SendApplicationMsg application.library/application/SetAppLibAttrsA application.library/application/SetApplicationAttrsA application.library/application/UnlockApplicationIcon application.library/application/UnregisterApplicationA application.library/prefsobjects/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/BeginDeserialization application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetBoolForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetIntegerForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetObjectForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetOptionForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetStringForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictSetObjectForKey application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsArrayA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsBaseObjectA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsBinaryA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsDateA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsDictionaryA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsNumberA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsStringA application.library/prefsobjects/ReadPrefsA application.library/prefsobjects/WritePrefsA application.library/-IMPORTANT application.library/-IMPORTANT NEW INTERFACE VERSIONS Starting with application.library v53.11 a new version 2 of both interfaces "application" and "prefsobjects" were introduced which MUST be used from now on! This was necessary because the tag definitions in the application.h header file and the tag parsing code were broken and had to be fixed to allow TAG_IGNORE, TAG_SKIP and TAG_MORE to work correctly. Thus from now on you MUST open version 2 of the interfaces, e.g.: IApplication = (struct ApplicationIFace *) GetInterface(appBase, "application", 2L, NULL); !! VERSION 1 INTERFACES WILL *NOT* WORK WITH THE NEW HEADER !! If you mix the interface versions with the wrong header, the functions will show a requester informing you about the problem and fail. Where appropriate your error variable is set to ALPOEF_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER. Using a v2 interface with an old header might lead to very unexpected results, including crashes! You have been warned! application.library/-preface- application.library/-preface- INTRODUCTION What is an application? How can I send common actions to an application? How do applications store their preferences? How could a system like a application task bar be implemented? How can applications show programmatically a icon or docky within a dock utility like AmiDock? How can a application tell other applications that it does not want to be disturbed at the moment? How can screen blanker utilities be controlled? How could a list of last used documents and last used applications be done? Those are examples for the main questions which cried for a solution for several years now. Up to now it was impossible for AmigaOS to differenciate between background tasks like drivers, spoolers, etc. and the real "big" and "visible" user applications like for example a Web Browser or a DTP program. application.library solves these problems by introducing several new functions: - Registration / Unregistration of applications - Application message system for common actions - Easy to use XML-based preferences system - Functions for controlling the displayable state of applications within a dock utility like AmiDock - Methods for controlling and accessing lists of last used documents/applications, screen savers, ... application.library/application/-messages- application.library/application/-messages- INTRODUCTION application.library allows to send messages to applications to inform about some special actions. Examples for such actions would be to tell an application that it should quit, open a document, create a new blank document, come to front, etc. APPLICATION MESSAGES // ********** App-Notifications All applications which have the AppNotifications flag set will receive the following messages: APPLIBMT_AppRegister An application registered itself in the system. Toolbar-like applications can now show the icon of the new application in its toolbar. APPLIBMT_AppUnregister An application unregistered itself from the system. APPLIBMT_AppWantsChangeIconType If you receive this message and if you locked a application icon of the corresponding application, you have to unlock it as you lock the icon type change until all applications unlocked the icon. APPLIBMT_AppDidChangeIconType An application changed its icon type. APPLIBMT_AppDidChangeHidden An application changed its hidden state. APPLIBMT_LastAppDocChange The last used applications/documents list has been modified. // ********** Messages usually sent to single applications APPLIBMT_Quit The application shall quit. If necessary, it may also ask for "Document XY is not saved. Save it now?". APPLIBMT_ForceQuit Same as before but this time the application shall quit immediately; without asking for saving documents etc. APPLIBMT_Hide The application shall hide itself (iconfiy). APPLIBMT_Unhide The application shall unhide itself (uniconofy). APPLIBMT_ToFront The application shall come to front. This means that the application shall do a ScreenToFront() and WindowToFront(), ActivateWindow() for its main (document-) window so that the user can immediately begin with his/her input. APPLIBMT_Unique If the application registered itself as wanting to be unique, the application.library sends a APPLIBMT_Unique to the application when someone tries to start it a second time. APPLIBMT_OpenPrefs The application shall open its preferences window. APPLIBMT_NewBlankDoc The application shall open a new blank document. APPLIBMT_OpenDoc The application shall try to open the provided document. APPLIBMT_PrintDoc The application shall try to print the provided document. When receiving this message, the application shall immediately start printing without asking the user anything. If there are special settings needed for printing, these settings should be made configurable in the application's preferences interface. // ********** Blanker Notifications All applications which have the BlankerNotifications flag set will receive the following messages. These messages are only interesting for screen blanker tools. APPLIBMT_BlankerAllow After receiving this message, the screen blanker is allowed to become active. APPLIBMT_BlankerDisallow After receiving this message, the screen blanker is not allowed to become active again. If the blanker is already blanking, it has to immediately stop doing do. Don't forget to react to APPLIBMT_GameModeEntered, too!!! APPLIBMT_BlankerBlank If a screen blanker receives this message, it should immediately start with blanking. APPLIBMT_BlankerMonitorOff If a blanker supporting DPMS energy saving modes receives this message, it should immediately switch off the monitor. APPLIBMT_BlankerUnBlank If a blanker receives this message, it should immediately stop blanking. This doesn't mean disabling any further blanking. The behaviour should be the same as if the user moved the mouse a short moment. // ********** Messages always sent to all applications The following messages are sent *always* to all applications: APPLIBMT_GameModeEntered After receiving this message, all applications should behave "honest". That means, the applications shall not pop up windows, come to front, play alert sounds, etc. If the game mode was entered you always should think of "Let the user play his/her game - DO NOT DISTURB!!!". Entering the game mode is also meant for multimedia applications. If for example a presentation program starts its presentation, there never should happen any interruption from other applications! APPLIBMT_GameModeLeft After receiving this message, the applications can continue with disturbing the user as (s)he obviously stopped doing important stuff. EXAMPLE ... struct ApplicationMsg *msg; BOOL running=TRUE; while (running) { WaitPort(appPort); while (msg=(struct ApplicationMsg *) GetMsg(appPort)) { switch (msg->type) { case APPLIBMT_Quit: running=FALSE; break; ... } ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg); } } ... application.library/application/-registration- application.library/application/-registration- APPLICATION REGISTRATION PROCESS Applications need to intruduce theirselves to the operating system to give AmigaOS an idea about what is an application and where/how it can be reached. For this reason, two functions, RegisterApplication() and UnregisterApplication() are available: RegisterApplication() Does what its name says... it registers a application... ;-) But there is a bit more to know about how this is done: - After a application is registered, it is accessible over a unique applicatin ID (appID). - When registering, the developer can specify if the application shall open its preferences over the PrefsObjects system. If this is done, the developer needs not to write even one line of code to read even very complex preferences scenarios. UnregisterApplication() This function removes the registration of an application. It is very important to call this function as it does care about much more: - If the application icon (or docky) is used by dock utilities, it tells those tools to release the icon/docky as it soon is no longer available. - If REGAPP_SavePrefs was set to TRUE at registration time or during runtime, the application preferences file is automatically written back while unregistering. - If the application entered game mode or forbid screen savers to blank but forgot to undo this action, UnregisterApplication() does this automatically. IDENTIFIERS Applications are identified by a unique identifier which is a combination of the application name, an optional counter and an optional URLIdentifier: [_counter][.URLIdentifier] Example: The name of the application is "TestApp" and the domain is called "". For the first started instance of TestApp this results in a application identifier "", for the second in "", etc. You do not need to worry about the application identifiers, they're created automatically and ususally of no interest for the developer. However, this naming scheme is used as base name for the preferences files of applications. application.library/application/FindApplication application.library/application/FindApplication NAME FindApplicationA -- Find an application. FindApplication -- Varargs stub for FindApplicationA(). SYNOPSIS appID = FindApplicationA(tags); uint32 FindApplicationA(struct TagItem *tags); appID = FindApplication(Tag1, ...); uint32 FindApplication(...); FUNCTION This function allows to search for a previously registered application. INPUT tags - a taglist of options; see descriptions below. FINDAPP_Name Searched for the given application name (e.g. "TestApp"). FINDAPP_FileName Searches for the given application filename (e.g. "Work:TestApp/TestApp"). If this tag is specified, FINDAPP_FileName is ignored. FINDAPP_AppIdentifier Searches for the given application identifier (e.g. ""). If this tag is specified, FINDAPP_FileName and FINDAPP_Name is ignored. RESULTS appID - application ID of the found application or NULL (not found). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/application/FreeApplicationList application.library/application/FreeApplicationList NAME FreeApplicationList -- Frees a list of applications which was generated by GetApplicationList(). SYNOPSIS FreeApplicationList(list); void FreeApplicationList(struct MinList *list); FUNCTION Frees and destroys a list generated with GetApplicationList(). INPUTS list - a list generated with GetApplicationList(). RESULTS None. SEE ALSO GetApplicationList() application.library/application/GetAppLibAttrsA application.library/application/GetAppLibAttrsA NAME GetAppLibAttrsA -- Get global application.library attributes. GetAppLibAttrs -- Varargs stub for GetAppLibAttrsA(). SYNOPSIS success = GetAppLibAttrsA(tags); BOOL GetAppLibAttrsA(struct TagItem *tags); success = GetAppLibAttrs(Tag1, ...); BOOL GetAppLibAttrs(...); FUNCTION INPUTS tags - a taglist of options; see descriptions below. APPLIBATTR_LastUsedAppsArray - (PrefsObject *) Retrieving this option will return a PrefsObjects array containing the last used applications. The returned array is a copy the real array, that means that you can alter it without causing an effect to the real array. Note: You have to ALPO_Release the returned array object yourself after finishing usage! APPLIBATTR_LastUsedAppsMaxCount - (uint32) This integer value is the number of max. stored entries in the global last used applications list. APPLIBATTR_LastUsedDocsArray - (PrefsObject *) Retrieving this option will return a PrefsObjects array containing the last used documents. The returned array is a copy the real array, that means that you can alter it without causing an effect to the real array. Note: You have to ALPO_Release the returned array object yourself after finishing usage! APPLIBATTR_LastUsedDocsMaxCount - (uint32) This integer value is the number of max. stored entries in the global last used documents list. APPLIBATTR_BlankerIsAllowed - (BOOL) If the value returned is set to TRUE, a screenblanker is allowed to become active. APPLIBATTR_GameModeIsActive - (BOOL) If the value returned is set to TRUE, the system is meant to be in "Game Mode" - that means, that no background sounds shall be played, no popup requesters shall open, no order in screens shall be done, etc. RESULTS success - TRUE, if all get-operations were successful, FALSE otherwise. EXAMPLE PrefsObject *array; if (GetAppLibAttrs(0, APPLIBATTR_LastUsedAppsArray, &array, TAG_DONE)) { struct ALPOObjIndex ai; int32 count; PrefsArray(array, NULL, ALPOARR_GetCount, &count, TAG_DONE); printf("List of last used applications:\n"); for(ai.index=0; ai.indexmlh_Head; node->mln_Succ; node = node->mln_Succ) { ApplicationNode *an=(ApplicationNode *)node; printf(" id: %ld name: %s\n", an->appID, an->name); } FreeApplicationList(appList); } ... BUGS SEE ALSO FreeApplicationList() application.library/application/LockApplicationIcon application.library/application/LockApplicationIcon NAME LockApplicationIcon -- Attempts to lock a application icon. SYNOPSIS success = LockApplicationIcon(appID); BOOL LockApplicationIcon(uint32 appID); FUNCTION If a tool wants to access a icon of a registered application, it has to look it before it can use it. If a icon is locked, the application which owns the icon is not allowed to change its icon until the lock is removed. Locking an icon is the only way to get access to an application icon or application docky. This ensures that the icon structure (or docky) is valid during the whole locking-time. The application which owns the icon even is disallowed to unregister until all locks are removed to prevent accesses to invalid memory/data structures. * Use with care! * As long as you lock an application icon, the application which owns the icon is not allowed to quit! LockApplicationIcon nests; that means, the number of locks has to be be equal to the number of unlocks. INPUTS appID - the application ID of the application. RESULTS success - TRUE if the icon was successfully locked, FALSE if the locking failed. EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO UnlockApplicationIcon() application.library/application/NotifyA application.library/application/NotifyA NAME NotifyA -- show a pop-up message on a given screen. (V53.2) Notify -- Varargs stub for NotifyA(). SYNOPSIS result = NotifyA(uint32 appID, tags); uint32 NotifyA(uint32 appID, struct TagItem *tags); result = Notify(uint32 appID, Tag1, ...) uint32 Notify(uint32 appID, ...); FUNCTION This routine is used to display a pop-up message on a given screen and/or to log a message. The message will be passed to a server (Ringhio) which will handle pop-up windows (fading-in, fading-out, screen positioning, themes). It's possible to modify at run time the graphical aspect of the pop-up messages as well other parameters via the Notifications preference editor. There are several options available for this function, please refer to the INPUTS section below for more information. INPUTS appID - application ID obtained with RegisterApplicationA(). tags - a taglist of options; see descriptions below. APPNOTIFY_Title - (CONST_STRPTR) If specified, will show a title on the pop-up message. TO BE NOTED: max 64 chars. APPNOTIFY_Update - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE If specified, allow the application to close all its own pop-up messages on the screen or in queue, and display a new one. Useful to display updated information. APPNOTIFY_Pri - (uint32) Defaults to 0 Pop-up message priority. Not currently implemented. APPNOTIFY_PubScreenName - (CONST_STRPTR) Name of the public screen where to display the pop-up. Use "FRONT" to show on the most front active screen. Will use "Workbench" as default. APPNOTIFY_ImageFile - (CONST_STRPTR) Full path to an image file to be displayed in the pop-up message. Any image format supported by datatypes could be used (alpha channel is supported) TO BE NOTED: max 32x32 pixels. APPNOTIFY_BackMsg - (CONST_STRPTR) A message to be sent back to your application when a user double-clicks on a pop-up message. The message will be sent via SendApplicationMsg() and you'll receive an APPLIBMT_CustomMsg type message. An alternative, it's possible to open an URL into a browser, just use a similar string: "URL:". Requires launch-handler or OpenUrl to be installed. APPNOTIFY_CloseOnDC - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE If specified, will close the pop-up message on double-click Useful in conjuction with APPNOTIFY_BackMsg. APPNOTIFY_Text - (CONST_STRPTR) If specified, will show a text on the pop-up message. TO BE NOTED: max 128 chars. APPNOTIFY_ImageVertAlign - (uint32) Defaults to 0 (V53.12) Vertical alignment for the image to be displayed within the pop-up message, the allowed values are: 0=TOP, 1=MIDDLE, 2=BOTTOM APPNOTIFY_LogOnly - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE (V53.12) Starting with application.library 53.12 and RinghioServer 53.17 a log facility has been introduced, each notification is recorded into a circular buffer, and saved every 10 seconds into T: With this tag is possible to log a message in the buffer without the need to display a notification pop-up message as well. RESULTS See libraries/application.h for a list of return codes. EXAMPLE uint32 appID = IApplication->RegisterApplication("MYAPPLICATION", REGAPP_URLIdentifier, "", REGAPP_Description, "This is a very useful application", REGAPP_UniqueApplication, TRUE, REGAPP_AppNotifications, FALSE, TAG_DONE); if (appID != 0) { uint32 result = IApplication->Notify(appID, APPNOTIFY_Title, "This is a title", APPNOTIFY_Update, FALSE, APPNOTIFY_Pri, 0, APPNOTIFY_PubScreenName, "FRONT", APPNOTIFY_ImageFile, "PROGDIR:images/test.png", APPNOTIFY_BackMsg, "Send me back this message", APPNOTIFY_CloseOnDC, TRUE, APPNOTIFY_Text, "Some text to display !!!", TAG_DONE); } BUGS Beta versions of this function did not have TAG_USER set in the tags and some of the tags were renamed. NOTES Always pay attention to the return code. If NotifyA() fails and your application really needs to show a message to the user, use some another method (e.g. Requesters). Ringhio server provide an ARexx interface to display pop-up messages as well. It's useful for integrating old and no longer developed applications or could be used with ARexx scripts. Please check Documentation/Ringhio/Ringhio_Arexx_interface.txt for further details. SEE ALSO RegisterApplicationA(), SendApplicationMsg() application.library/application/RegisterApplicationA application.library/application/RegisterApplicationA NAME RegisterApplicationA -- Register a application within the system. RegisterApplication -- Varargs stub for RegisterApplicationA(). SYNOPSIS appID = RegisterApplicationA(appName, tags); uint32 RegisterApplicationA(CONST_STRPTR appName,struct TagItem *tags); appID = RegisterApplication(appName, Tag1, ...) uint32 RegisterApplication(CONST_STRPTR appName, ...); FUNCTION This routine is used to register a task as application to the system. The registered application will automatically become a publically reachable message port which will allow the application to receive common application messages. If the flag REGAPP_UsesPrefs was set to TRUE, application.library will also try to load the preferences for this application identified by its urlIdentifier. There are several other options available for this function, please refer to the INPUTS section below for more information. INPUTS appName - pointer to a C-string containing the name of the application. You always should provide a REGAPP_URLIdentifier tag aswell, as it helps to avoid name conflicts. See RegisterApplication() for more information about the URL identifier. tags - a taglist of options; see descriptions below. REGAPP_UniqueApplication - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, this application will be unique within the system. That means, that it is impossible to register the same program a second time. In such an attempt, the first registered application will receive an APPLIBMT_Unique message. If set to FALSE, application.library will append a counter (e.g. ".1", ".2", ...) to the urlIdentifier until a unique name is found. REGAPP_URLIdentifier - (STRPTR) If specified, the to-be-registered application identifier will be concatenated with the provided string to create a more unique application identifier. REGAPP_Hidden - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. Set this option to TRUE, if your application starts up in iconified (hidden) mode. REGAPP_LoadPrefs - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. Set this option to TRUE if application.library shall load the application preferences identified by urlIdentifier. REGAPP_SavePrefs - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. Set this option to TRUE if application.library shall save the application preferences identified by urlIdentifier when calling UnregisterApplication(). REGAPP_CustomPrefsFileName - (STRPTR) By specifiying this option, a custom preferences file name for the application preferences is used. This automatically sets REGAPP_UsesPrefs to TRUE and lets application.library use this file name instead of the preferences file identified by urlIdentifier. REGAPP_CustomPrefsBaseName - (STRPTR) This option allows an application to have a base name for the prefs file different to it's app name. As example, an application could register as "TestApp" and set this option to "MyConfig". The application.library then would use the following prefs file name: ENV(ARC):(ENVDir/)MyConfig.xml REGAPP_ENVDir - (STRPTR) If this option is specified, a subdirectory in the ENV-Path is used for storing the application preferences file. Example: appName: "TestApp" urlIdentifier: "" REGAPP_ENVDir: "test/blah" will result in the filename "ENV:test/blah/" (ENV:) and "ENVARC:test/blah/" (ENVARC:) REGAPP_WBStartup - (struct WBStartup *) If specified, application.library will be able to get the application name and path from the WBStartup structure. REGAPP_FileLock - (BPTR) If specified, application.library will try to obtain the application name and path from the given file lock. REGAPP_FileName - (STRPTR) This tag allows to directly specify the application path. REGAPP_Name - (STRPTR) This tag allows to directly specify the application name. Mostly used if the application name shall be fixed and not depending on the file name (as with: REGAPP_WBStartup, REGAPP_FileLock, REGAPP_FileName) REGAPP_NoIcon - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, a application task bar (like AmiDock) shall not display the current application along with the other application. The application then is running "invisible" in the background. REGAPP_AppIconInfo - (struct ApplicationIconInfo *) Defaults to APPLIBIT_ProgramIcon. This option specifies the icon type which shall be displayed in a application task bar (e.g. AmiDock). Possible values are: - APPLIBIT_None -- no icon ("invisible" application) - APPLIBIT_ProgramIcon -- the application's .info is used - APPLIBIT_CustomIcon -- custom icon is used - APPLIBIT_Docky -- active application docky REGAPP_AppNotifications - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, the application will receive application registration/unregistration notifications, icon type changes, hidden change notifications and LastAppDoc-list changes. This option is mostly only useful for application task bars like AmiDock. REGAPP_BlankerNotifications - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, the application will receive blanker notifications. This option should only be used by screen blankers. REGAPP_AllowsBlanker - (BOOL) Defaults to TRUE. By setting this option to FALSE, the application tells the system that it does not want to be disturbed by screenblankers comming to front. This option is also changeable during runtime using SetApplicationAttrs(). The support for this mechanism has to be added to a screenblanker to be functional. See SetApplicationAttrs(), too. REGAPP_NeedsGameMode - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, the application indicates that it doesn't want to be disturbed by other applications. This means, that no other applications shall come to front, pop up windows, play sounds or do performance critical stuff. This option has to be implemented by third-party applications. Note that setting this option to TRUE does *notguarantee that applications will not disturb your application. See SetApplicationAttrs(), too. REGAPP_Description - (STRPTR) (V53.2) A string with a short description of your application purpose. Used by the Ringhio server (chech NotifyA()) RESULTS appID - 0 if application registration failed, otherwise an application ID (== handle) is returned. An application ID is always unique and is guaranteed to be *notreused after an application unregistered itself. EXAMPLE void wbmain(struct WBStartup *wb) { ... if (appID = IApplication->RegisterApplication("TestApp", REGAPP_URLIdentifier, "", REGAPP_LoadPrefs, TRUE, REGAPP_WBStartup, wb, TAG_DONE)) { ... BUGS SEE ALSO UnregisterApplication(), NotifyA() application.library/application/SendApplicationMsg application.library/application/SendApplicationMsg NAME SendApplicationMsg -- Sends a message to one or many applications. SYNOPSIS success = SendApplicationMsg(senderAppID, receiverAppID, msg, msgType); BOOL SendApplicationMsg(uint32 senderAppID, uint32 receiverAppID, struct AppLibMsg *msg, uint32 msgType); FUNCTION This funztion is used to send application.library messages between applications. INPUTS senderAppID - sending application ID receiverAppID - receiving application ID (usually the value returned by FindApplication) use 0 to broadcast to all apps msg - NULL or one of the following types: struct AppLibMsg struct AppLibOpenPrintDocMsg struct ApplicationCustomMsg msgType - one of the following msg types: // ------- APPLIBAIF_APPNOTIFY // these messages are always broadcast APPLIBMT_AppRegister APPLIBMT_AppUnregister APPLIBMT_AppWantsChangeIconType APPLIBMT_AppDidChangeIconType APPLIBMT_AppDidChangeHidden APPLIBMT_LastAppDocChange // ------- sent to single applications APPLIBMT_Quit APPLIBMT_ForceQuit APPLIBMT_Hide APPLIBMT_Unhide APPLIBMT_ToFront APPLIBMT_Unique APPLIBMT_OpenPrefs APPLIBMT_ReloadPrefs APPLIBMT_NewBlankDoc APPLIBMT_OpenDoc APPLIBMT_PrintDoc APPLIBMT_CustomMsg (V53.2) // ------- APPLIBAIF_BLANKERNOTIFY // these messages are always broadcast APPLIBMT_BlankerAllow APPLIBMT_BlankerDisallow APPLIBMT_BlankerBlank APPLIBMT_BlankerMonitorOff APPLIBMT_BlankerUnBlank // ------- sent to all applications APPLIBMT_GameModeEntered APPLIBMT_GameModeLeft RESULTS success - TRUE, if the message was sent successfully, FALSE otherwise. EXAMPLE struct ApplicationCustomMsg cmsg = { 0 }; uint32 recvID = IApplication->FindApplication(FINDAPP_Name,"ACME",TAG_DONE); if (recvID) { cmsg.almsg.senderAppID = myappID; cmsg.almsg.type = APPLIBMT_CustomMsg; cmsg.customMsg = "This is an example of custom message"; success = IApplication->SendApplicationMsg(ringhio.regID, recvID, (struct ApplicationMsg *)&cmsg, APPLIBMT_CustomMsg); } BUGS SEE ALSO RegisterApplicationA() FindApplication() application.library/application/SetAppLibAttrsA application.library/application/SetAppLibAttrsA NAME SetAppLibAttrsA -- Set/Change global application.library attributes. SetAppLibAttrs -- Varargs stub for SetAppLibAttrsA(). SYNOPSIS success = SetAppLibAttrsA(dummy, tags); BOOL SetAppLibAttrsA(uint32 dummy, struct TagItem *tags); success = SetAppLibAttrs(dummy, ...); BOOL SetAppLibAttrs(uint32 dummy, ...); FUNCTION This function allows to change global application.library attributes. application.library stores and loads its settings from "ENV(ARC):Sys/com.amiga.application_library.xml". A write access (set) to global application.library attributes causes an immediate write of these prefs. INPUTS dummy - set this to 0. tags - a taglist of options; see descriptions below. APPLIBATTR_LastUsedAppsMaxCount - (uint32) This integer attribute changes the number of applications which shall be held in the global last used applications list. The possible value ranges from 0 to 25. APPLIBATTR_ClearLastUsedApps - (BOOL) If set to TRUE, the last used applications list will be cleared. APPLIBATTR_LastUsedDocsMaxCount - (uint32) This integer attribute changes the number of documents which shall be held in the global last used documents list. The possible value ranges from 0 to 25. APPLIBATTR_ClearLastUsedDocs - (BOOL) If set to TRUE, the last used documents list will be cleared. RESULTS success - TRUE, if all get-operations were successful, FALSE otherwise. EXAMPLE // Clear the last used applications and last used documents lists SetAppLibAttrs(0, APPLIBATTR_ClearLastUsedApps, TRUE, APPLIBATTR_ClearLastUsedDocs, TRUE, TAG_DONE); BUGS SEE ALSO GetAppLibAttrsA() application.library/application/SetApplicationAttrsA application.library/application/SetApplicationAttrsA NAME SetApplicationAttrsA -- Set/Change application attributes. SetApplicationAttrs -- Varargs stub for SetApplicationAttrsA(). SYNOPSIS success = SetApplicationAttrsA(appID, tags); BOOL SetApplicationAttrsA(uint32 appID, struct TagItem *tags); success = SetApplicationAttrs(appID, ...); BOOL SetApplicationAttrs(uint32 appID, ...); FUNCTION This function allows to change settings of a registered application. Normally, most application options are specified when calling RegisterApplication(). Some options need to be changeable after registering, though. Please have a look at the section RegisterApplication() for more information for more information about the undescribed tags. INPUTS appID - the application ID of the application. tags - a taglist of options; see descriptions below. APPATTR_Hidden - (BOOL) Update this option each time you did (un)iconfied your application as task bar applications may use this information for displaying the hidden state visually. APPATTR_IconType - (struct ApplicationIconInfo *) You can change the applications icon type by calling SetApplicationAttrs() with this tag. The available icon types are described with the enum enAppIconTypes in the application.library header file. Please note that changing the application icon type may not necessarily succeed. The reason for this is that the icon type of an application could be locked by another application (like a toolbar [e.g. AmiDock]). If SetApplicationAttrs() failed changing the icon type, you have to wait and retry later - application.library automatically sends a APPLIBMT_AppWantsChangeIconType when trying to change a locked icon type. Therefore, after a short time-delay it is very likely that the next APPATTR_IconType will succeed. APPATTR_SavePrefs - (BOOL) Identical to REGAPP_SavePrefs of RegisterApplication(). APPATTR_AppNotifications - (BOOL) Identical to REGAPP_AppNotifications of RegisterApplication(). APPATTR_BlankerNotifications - (BOOL) Identical to REGAPP_BlankerNotifications of RegisterApplication(). APPATTR_MainPrefsDict - (PrefsObject *) The MainPrefsDict is the preferences dictionary of an application. If there is the need to use another dictionary al application dictionary, then you can use this tag. Please note, that the former dictionary is ALPO_Release'ed and the given one from this moment on is owned by the application. APPATTR_AllowsBlanker - (BOOL) See RegisterApplication(), too. If for example a game shows a configuration dialog on the workbench prior it starts in full screen mode, it is a good idea to register the application with NeedsGameMode set to FALSE. Right before entering full screen mode, set APPATTR_NeedsGameMode to TRUE. You should set APPATTR_NeedsGameMode to FALSE after leaving full screen mode; this is done when calling UnregisterApplication() anyway, though. APPATTR_NeedsGameMode - (BOOL) See RegisterApplication(), too. If for example a game shows a configuration dialog on the workbench prior it starts in full screen mode, it is a good idea to register the application with NeedsGameMode set to FALSE. Right before entering full screen mode, set APPATTR_NeedsGameMode to TRUE. You should set APPATTR_NeedsGameMode to FALSE after leaving full screen mode; this is done when calling UnregisterApplication() anyway, though. APPATTR_FlushPrefs - (NULL) By setting this flag, the preferences dictionary of the application is immediately written back and not only after calling UnregisterApplication(). This option only has an effect if REGAPP_SavePrefs (or APPATTR_SavePrefs) was set to TRUE. APPATTR_AppOpenedDocument - (STRPTR) Everytime you did open a document, you should provide its file name with this tag. The reason for this is, that application.library needs to know what documents were opened to update its last used documents list correctly. RESULTS success - TRUE if changing the application attributes was successfully, FALSE otherwise. EXAMPLE ... struct ApplicationIconInfo aii; aii.iconType=APPICONT_ProgramIcon; success = SetApplicationAttrs(appID, APPATTR_IconType, (uint32)&aii, TAG_DONE); ... The above example tries to change the application icon type to APPICONT_ProgramIcon. "success" is TRUE if the operation was succcessfully. BUGS SEE ALSO GetApplicationAttrsA(), RegisterApplicationA() application.library/application/UnlockApplicationIcon application.library/application/UnlockApplicationIcon NAME UnlockApplicationIcon -- Unlock a previously locked application icon. SYNOPSIS UnlockApplicationIcon(appID); void UnlockApplicationIcon(uint32 appID); FUNCTION Unlocks a previously locked application icon. The number of unlocks has to be equal to the number of locks. INPUTS appID - the application ID of the application. RESULTS None. EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO LockApplicationIcon() application.library/application/UnregisterApplicationA application.library/application/UnregisterApplicationA NAME UnregisterApplication -- Unregister a application. SYNOPSIS success = UnregisterApplicationA(appID, tags); BOOL UnregisterApplicationA(uint32 appID, struct TagItem *tags); success = UnregisterApplication(appID, Tag1, ...) BOOL UnregisterApplication(uint32 appID, ...); FUNCTION By calling this function, the application specified with appID will be unregistered from the application.library system. If REGAPP_SavePrefs was set to TRUE, application.library will also save the preferences of this application before unregistering it. INPUTS appID - the application ID of the application which shall be unregistered. tags - NULL or a taglist of options; see descriptions below. UNREGAPP_WaitForUnlock - (BOOL) Defaults to TRUE. If set to TRUE, UnregisterApplication() waits until the application's icon/docky is released and registration was possible because of this. This is necessary because oif a application provided a custom icon or a application docky, the memory assigned for this would no longer be available after unregistering and a dock utility like AmiDock would crash if it would try to access this data. If set to FALSE, you have to check the return code of this function and poll yourself until UnregisterApplication() was successful. RESULTS success - TRUE if unregistration was successfully, FALSE if the application with appID was not found or its icon is still locked. EXAMPLE UnregisterApplication(appID, NULL); BUGS SEE ALSO RegisterApplicationA() application.library/prefsobjects/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/-prefsobjects- INTRODUCTION The need for a standardized and easy way to store and retrieve application preferences was a long outstanding issue of AmigaOS. Up to now, every programmer did implement his own preferences system in either plain text or as proprietary IFF or binary files. Neither of these systems were optimal as it did cost the application developer time to implement and verify his/her own system. Additionally, users were mostly unable to see whats going on and if something went wrong, there was no chance to "help" the applications in any way with a probably defective preferences file. application.library uses XML encoding for the preferences system. The reason for this decision were: human-readability, very good platform-interoperability, unicode-support [foreign charsets] and finally: XML is world-wide highly accepted standard for storing structured data. The preferences system of application.library is very simple to use for programmers. There is no need to know even anything about XML or stuff like that. The whole accesses to preferences are done using a new object-oriented system called "PrefsObjects". The PrefsObjects-System is a set of functions which represent different objects, each of them with a different set of methods. There are objects for - arrays - dictionaries - numbers - strings - binary data - date informations Example: ~~~~~~~~ ... PrefsObject *dict, *array; dict=PrefsDictionary(NULL, NULL, ALPO_Alloc, 0, TAG_DONE); array=PrefsArray(NULL, NULL, ALPO_Alloc, 0, ALPOARR_AddObj, (uint32)PrefsNumber(NULL, NULL, ALPONUM_AllocSetLong, 1, TAG_DONE), ALPOARR_AddObj, (uint32)PrefsNumber(NULL, NULL, ALPONUM_AllocSetLong, 2, TAG_DONE), ALPOARR_AddObj, (uint32)PrefsNumber(NULL, NULL, ALPONUM_AllocSetLong, 3, TAG_DONE), TAG_DONE); DictSetObjectForKey(dict, array, "this is an array"); ... The above code stores an array of three numbers to a dictionary with the access key of "this is an array". Later or after loading the object hierarchy from disk, for example the array can be retrieved using array = DictGetObjectForKey(dict, "this is an array"); If you are interested how the corresponding XML-part looks like for this example: this is an array 1 2 3 Please refer to the PrefsObjectsExample demo about more examples on how to use the PrefsObjects system. (DE)ALLOCATION As in other object oriented systems, PrefsObjects need to be allocated before they can be used and need to be deallocated to release the memory for it after they are not longer needed. Allocation is done using the ALPO_Alloc method as shown in the above example. Similarily, the ALPO_Release method is used to deallocate the object. Here is the code for the above example: PrefsDictionary(dict, NULL, ALPO_Release, 0, TAG_DONE); RETAIN COUNTING Objects know about how often they are used. For this reason, a reference counting system is used in all PrefsObjects objects. The need for this mechanism can be found in the array and dictionary objects. These objects usually *own* all added objects. That means in our example that after calling ALPO_Release of the dictionary releases also the array and its contents. Sometimes, this is behaviour not wanted. An example would be a move of the above array to a new dictionary. In such a case, the remove of the array from our dictionary shall not destroy the array. To prevent this, it is possible to call the ALPO_Retain-method of the array prior to removing it from the dictionary. The mechanism behind the retain counting is simple: ALPO_Alloc sets the retain counter to 1 (counter == 1) ALPO_Retain increases this counter by 1 (counter == 2) ALPO_Release decrements the counter by 1 (counter == 1) If the decrementing of ALPO_Release caused the counter to be 0, the object is destroyed. In the above mentioned example with dictionary and array, the array previously owned by the dictionary is now "free" and can be used otherwise. For more information about retain counting, please refer to the PrefsObjectsExample demonstration. (DE)SERIALIZATION Serialization is a mechanism of converting an object into a stream of bytes which can be later deserialized again to recreate the object. The (de)serialization mechanism of objects normally is done invisible in the background and the programmer doesn't need to care about it. In some cases - for example to visualize how the XML structure of PrefsObjects - it is possible to do (de)serialization of objects directly by using the ALPO_Serialize and ALPO_Deserialize methods. Please have a look at the PrefsObjectsExample for an example. COMMON METHODS PrefsObjects share some common methods which are identical for all object types. Below you find a list of all common methods: ALPO_Alloc - (NO PARAM) Allocate an object. ALPO_Copy - (NO PARAM) Copy an object (needs input PrefsObject * set). ALPO_Release - (NO PARAM) Release an object (if retain count is 0). ALPO_Retain - (NO PARAM) Increment the reatain counter of an object. ALPO_Identify - (uint32 *) Retrieve the type of an object (one of enum enALPOType). ALPO_Serialize - (struct ALPOPutProcInfo *) Serialize an object using the given PutProc function. ALPO_Deserialize - (struct ALPOGetProcInfo *) Deserialize an object using the given GetProc function. ALPO_GetRetainCount - (int32 *) Retrieves the reatin counter. Normally not necessary. (NO PARAM) means that no specific param is necessary. As all parameters are provided as TagList, it is necessary to provide 0 as value here. application.library/prefsobjects/BeginDeserialization application.library/prefsobjects/BeginDeserialization NAME BeginDeserialization -- Begins the deserialization of a prefs objects XML data stream. SYNOPSIS type = BeginDeserialization(info); uint32 BeginDeserialization(struct ALPOGetProcInfo *info); FUNCTION This function is needed for the rare cases where you want to deserialize a prefs objects XML data stream yourself. Normally, you will use ReadPrefs() as it already covers most of the needed deserialization stuff. However, if you decide to do the deserialization "on your own", you will need this function to correctly begin the deserialization of an unknown prefs objects XML data stream. All prefs objects provide the methods ALPO_Serialize and ALPO_Deserialize. As it is not known to you in case of an alian data stream which prefs objects object type is the first within the stream, there needs to be a common way to read and determin the first prefs objects open tag. This is the job of this function. It reads the first open tag, compares it with the available prefs objects type and returnes the found object type as result (or ALPOT_None if it was no known prefs objects type). INPUTS info - struct ALPOGetProcInfo where all needed attributes have been correctly initialized. It is important to allocate TAGBUFFER_SIZE bytes of memory for the key_otag attribute. It is also important to specify the proper encoding type of the data stream. RESULTS type - one of enum enALPOType ALPOT_None is returned in case of an error or unknown type. EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetBoolForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetBoolForKey NAME DictGetBoolForKey -- Get a bool value for a key. SYNOPSIS value = DictGetBoolForKey(dict, key, defBool); BOOL DictGetBoolForKey(PrefsObject *dict, CONST_STRPTR key, BOOL defBool); FUNCTION This function is a convinience function to make it easy retrieving a boolean value from a dictionary. If either the dict-parameter is a NULL-pointer or if there is no boolean entry stored for the given key within the dictionary, the default value defBool is returned. INPUTS dict - pointer to a PrefsObjects-dictionary key - key to search the dictionary for the boolean value defBool - default boolean value to return if dict is NULL or if no entry was found for the given key RESULTS value - a boolean value EXAMPLE value = DictGetBoolForKey(dict, "MyBooleanValue", FALSE); BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetIntegerForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetIntegerForKey NAME DictGetIntegerForKey -- Get an integer value for a key. SYNOPSIS value = DictGetIntegerForKey(dict, key, defInt); int32 DictGetIntegerForKey(PrefsObject *dict, CONST_STRPTR key, int32 defInt); FUNCTION This function is a convinience function to make it easy retrieving an integer value from a dictionary. If either the dict-parameter is a NULL-pointer or if there is no integer entry stored for the given key within the dictionary, the default value defInt is returned. INPUTS dict - pointer to a PrefsObjects-dictionary key - key to search the dictionary for the boolean value defInt - default integer value to return if dict is NULL or if no entry was found for the given key RESULTS value - an integer value EXAMPLE value = DictGetIntegerForKey(dict, "MyIntegerValue", 42); BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetObjectForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetObjectForKey NAME DictGetObjectForKey -- Get an object value for a key. SYNOPSIS object = DictGetObjectForKey(dict, key); PrefsObject *DictGetObjectForKey(PrefsObject *dict, CONST_STRPTR key); FUNCTION This function is a convinience function to make it easy retrieving a prefs object from a dictionary. If either the dict-parameter is a NULL-pointer or if there is no object stored for the given key within the dictionary, NULL is returned. INPUTS dict - pointer to a PrefsObjects-dictionary key - key to search the dictionary for the object RESULTS object - pointer to the retrieved object or NULL if not found EXAMPLE object = DictGetObjectForKey(dict, "MyObject"); BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetOptionForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetOptionForKey NAME DictGetOptionForKey -- Get a option table number for a key. SYNOPSIS option = DictGetOptionForKey(dict, key, optionsTable, defaultOption); int32 DictGetOptionForKey(PrefsObject *dict, CONST_STRPTR key, CONST_STRPTR *optionsTable, int32 defaultOption); FUNCTION This function tries to retrieve an option string from a dictionary. The provided optionsTable is searched for the found option; if it was found, the index for the found option within the table is returned. If dict or the optionsTable is NULL or there was no option contained within the optionsTable was found, the gived defaultOption is returned. INPUTS dict - pointer to a PrefsObjects-dictionary key - key to search the dictionary for the object optionsTable - table containing the possible option strings. This table needs to be NULL-terminated. defaultOption - default option which is returned in case of no success RESULTS option - index (0 .. n-1) of the found option EXAMPLE STRPTR optionsTable[] = { "FirstOption", // index 0 "SecondOption", // index 1 "ThirdOption", // index 2 NULL // termination }; option = DictGetOptionForKey(dict, "MyOption", optionsTable, -1); // If the dictionary contained "SecondOption" for the key // "MyOption", the index returned will be 1. // If the dictionary contained nothing which could be found within // the list, the default value -1 will be returned. BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetStringForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictGetStringForKey NAME DictGetStringForKey -- Get a PrefsString for a key. SYNOPSIS string = DictGetIntegerForKey(dict, key, defStr); CONST_STRPTR DictGetStringForKey(PrefsObject *dict, CONST_STRPTR key, CONST_STRPTR defStr); FUNCTION This function is a convinience function to make it easy retrieving a string value from a dictionary. If either the dict-parameter is a NULL-pointer or if there is no string entry stored for the given key within the dictionary, the default value defInt is returned. INPUTS dict - pointer to a PrefsObjects-dictionary key - key to search the dictionary for the boolean value defInt - default string value to return if dict is NULL or if no entry was found for the given key RESULTS string - a string EXAMPLE string = DictGetStringForKey(dict, "MyString", "Default string"); BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/DictSetObjectForKey application.library/prefsobjects/DictSetObjectForKey NAME DictSetObjectForKey -- Set a PrefsObject for a key. SYNOPSIS success = DictSetObjectForKey(dict, obj, key); BOOL DictSetObjectForKey(PrefsObject *dict, PrefsObject *obj, STRPTR key); FUNCTION This function adds the given prefs object "obj" to the dictionary "dict" for the key "key". If there is already a object stored for the given key, the stored object is released and replaced by the given object. This function fails if either dict, obj or key is NULL. INPUTS dict - the dictionary which shall store the object obj - the object which shall be stored key - the key string for the dictionary RESULTS success - success of this operation (TRUE or FALSE) EXAMPLE success = DictSetObjectForKey(dict, PrefsString(NULL, NULL, ALPOSTR_AllocSetString, "this is a string", TAG_DONE), "my key"); if (!success) printf("Houston, we have a problem!\n"); BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsArrayA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsArrayA NAME PrefsArrayA -- PrefsObjects array object access function. PrefsArray -- Varargs stub for PrefsArrayA(). SYNOPSIS PrefsObject *PrefsArrayA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); PrefsObject *PrefsArray(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION ALPOARR_Clear - (NO PARAM) ALPOARR_GetCount - (int32 *) ALPOARR_AddObj - (PrefsObject *) ALPOARR_InsertObjAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjIndex *) ALPOARR_GetObjAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjIndex *) ALPOARR_RemoveObjAtIndex - (int32) ALPOARR_ReplaceObjAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjIndex *) ALPOARR_RemoveObj - (PrefsObject *) ALPOARR_GetIndexForObj - (struct ALPOObjIndex *) INPUTS obj - the string object which shall be accessed, NULL for Alloc- and Copy-methods. error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods; see descriptions below. RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsBaseObjectA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsBaseObjectA NAME PrefsBaseObjectA -- PrefsObjects base object access function. PrefsBaseObject -- Varargs stub for PrefsDateA(). SYNOPSIS PrefsObject *PrefsDateA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); PrefsObject *PrefsDate(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION INPUTS obj - the object which shall be accessed error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsBinaryA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsBinaryA NAME PrefsBinaryA -- PrefsObjects binary object access function. PrefsBinary -- Varargs stub for PrefsBinaryA(). SYNOPSIS PrefsObject *PrefsBinaryA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); PrefsObject *PrefsBinary(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION ALPOBIN_AllocWithSize - (int32) ALPOBIN_AllocWithData - (struct ALPOBinData *) ALPOBIN_ClearData - (NO PARAM) ALPOBIN_GetData - (uint8 **) ALPOBIN_GetSize - (int32 *) ALPOBIN_GetDataStruct - (struct ALPOBinData *) ALPOBIN_SetData - (struct ALPOBinData *) INPUTS obj - the string object which shall be accessed, NULL for Alloc- and Copy-methods. error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods; see descriptions below. RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsDateA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsDateA NAME PrefsDateA -- PrefsObjects date object access function. PrefsDate -- Varargs stub for PrefsDateA(). SYNOPSIS PrefsObject *PrefsDateA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); PrefsObject *PrefsDate(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION ALPODAT_AllocSetTimeVal - (struct timeval *) ALPODAT_AllocSetCTime - (c_time) ALPODAT_SetCurrentTime - (NO PARAM) ALPODAT_SetTimeVal - (struct timeval *) ALPODAT_GetTimeVal - (struct timeval *) ALPODAT_SetSecsSince1978 - (uint32) ALPODAT_GetSecsSince1978 - (uint32 *) INPUTS obj - the string object which shall be accessed, NULL for Alloc- and Copy- methods. error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods; see descriptions below. RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsDictionaryA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsDictionaryA NAME PrefsDictionaryA -- PrefsObjects dictionary object access function. PrefsDictionary -- Varargs stub for PrefsDictionaryA(). SYNOPSIS PrefsObject *PrefsDictionaryA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); PrefsObject *PrefsDictionary(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION ALPODICT_Clear - (NO PARAM) ALPODICT_GetCount - (int32 *) ALPODICT_SetObjForKey - (struct ALPOObjKey *) ALPODICT_GetObjForKey - (struct ALPOObjKey *) ALPODICT_RemoveObjForKey - (STRPTR) ALPODICT_ReplaceObjForKey - (struct ALPOObjKey *) ALPODICT_GetObjAndKeyAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjKeyIndex *) ALPODICT_InsertObjAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjKeyIndex *) ALPODICT_GetObjAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjIndex *) ALPODICT_RemoveObjAtIndex - (int32) ALPODICT_RelaceObjAtIndex - (struct ALPOObjIndex *) ALPODICT_RemoveObj - (PrefsObject *) ALPODICT_GetKeyAndIndexForObj - (struct ALPOObjKeyIndex *) INPUTS obj - the string object which shall be accessed, NULL for Alloc- and Copy-methods. error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods; see descriptions below. RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsNumberA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsNumberA NAME PrefsNumberA -- PrefsObjects number object access function. PrefsNumber -- Varargs stub for PrefsNumberA(). SYNOPSIS PrefsObject *PrefsNumberA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); PrefsObject *PrefsNumber(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION ALPONUMT_Long, ALPONUMT_Bool ALPONUM_AllocSetLong - (int32) ALPONUM_AllocSetBool - (BOOL) ALPONUM_AllocSetDouble - (double *) ALPONUM_GetType - (int32 *) ALPONUM_SetLong - (int32) ALPONUM_GetLong - (int32 *) ALPONUM_SetBool - (BOOL) ALPONUM_GetBool - (BOOL *) ALPONUM_SetDouble - (double *) ALPONUM_GetDouble - (double *) INPUTS obj - the string object which shall be accessed, NULL for Alloc- and Copy-methods. error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods; see descriptions below. RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsStringA application.library/prefsobjects/PrefsStringA NAME PrefsStringA -- PrefsObjects string object access function. PrefsString -- Varargs stub for PrefsStringA(). SYNOPSIS object = PrefsStringA(obj, error, tags); PrefsObject *PrefsStringA(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, struct TagItem *tags); object = PrefsString(obj, error, Tag1, ...); PrefsObject *PrefsString(PrefsObject *obj, uint32 *error, ...); FUNCTION ########## PrefsString object stores 8bit C-strings which ########## follow the PrefsObjects ########## rules (usage in Arrays and Dictionaries and support for ########## (de)serialization). INPUTS obj - the string object which shall be accessed, NULL for Alloc and Copy methods. error - NULL or a pointer to a uint32 where the success of the access is stored. tags - a taglist of methods; see descriptions below. ALPO_Alloc - (NULL) This method creates an empty string. ALPOSTR_AllocSetString - (STRPTR) This method creates a string which contains a COPY of the given string. ALPOSTR_GetLength - (int32 *) This method returns the length (characters) of the stored string. ALPOSTR_SetString - (STRPTR) This method free's the stored string and replaces it with a COPY of the given string. ALPOSTR_GetString - (STRPTR *) This method returns a pointer to the stored null-terminated string. ############################### ############################### RESULTS object - a pointer to the object (or a pointer to the newly created object). EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO application.library/-prefsobjects- application.library/prefsobjects/ReadPrefsA application.library/prefsobjects/ReadPrefsA NAME ReadPrefsA -- Read prefs (==a prefs dictionary) from a file. ReadPrefs -- Varargs stub for ReadPrefsA(). SYNOPSIS uint32 ReadPrefsA(PrefsObject *dict, struct TagItem *tags); uint32 ReadPrefs(PrefsObject *dict, ...); FUNCTION READPREFS_AppID - (uint32) READPREFS_FileName - (STRPTR) READPREFS_LastAppDocs - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. READPREFS_ReadENV - (BOOL) Defaults to TRUE. READPREFS_ReadENVARC - (BOOL) Defaults to TRUE. //done if ReadENV failed) INPUTS The dictionary is automatically cleared (ALPODICT_Clear) before it will be filled with data. RESULTS EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), WritePrefsA(), RegisterApplicationA() application.library/prefsobjects/WritePrefsA application.library/prefsobjects/WritePrefsA NAME WritePrefsA -- Write prefs (==a prefs dictionary) to a file. WritePrefs -- Varargs stub for WritePrefsA(). SYNOPSIS uint32 WritePrefsA(PrefsObject *dict, struct TagItem *tags); uint32 WritePrefs(PrefsObject *dict, ...); FUNCTION WRITEPREFS_AppID - (uint32) WRITEPREFS_FileName - (STRPTR) WRITEPREFS_LastAppDocs - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. // automatically broadcasts a APPLIBMT_LastAppDocChange message WRITEPREFS_WriteENV - (BOOL) Defaults to TRUE. WRITEPREFS_WriteENVARC - (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE. INPUTS RESULTS EXAMPLE BUGS SEE ALSO PrefsDictionaryA(), ReadPrefsA(), RegisterApplicationA()